Out-of-Character Chat

I know, in my class, that teachers used to punish those who were forgetful enough to not bring a book. Not trying to be insensitive or anything, but maybe the teacher was, or might be, pissed off at the girl for being forgetful.

And not to mention that moving on crutches isn't that difficult...First hand experience.
It is when there are almost forty children in a very small classroom. Her whole leg below the knee is in a huge bulky cast. It's not even being forgetful. People at my school are dumbasses who steal shit all the time. I think she's one of the ones who got her stuff stolen.

@Lexielai And you're a cool Fox!
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Isanna used too.....don't know what happened to Tsukina xD

Maybe they're roaming around Hellkite's mission prompt.

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Hmm... might think about making a Fox key for Alyssa xD

If you choose to do so, I recommend Vulpecucla (Little Fox). It's in the middle of the Summer Triangle, which is comprised of Deneb (an actual Silver Key), Vega, and Altair.
Yeah but Nekoni's fox is not little xD

Imma look into it. I'll figure it out thanks tho :)
KETCHUP POODLE! Which is what Dusty calls good ole' Vulpy. x3

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Yeah but Nekoni's fox is not little xD

He's a little shit, though. <.< Very rude...
You know, I was pretty sure someone was going to make a 'Singer' archetype in this RP. The whole stage idol thing. I am sorely disappointed there isn't one.
Ah, I was wasn't aware that Vulpecucla was in use. That might have been before I joined the roleplay.

I think Canis Minor might still be an option.
I have a mission prompt in the works that is geared toward Celestial Mages. Although, the numbers appear to be pretty small.

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