Out-of-Character Chat

I used to be okay/pretty good at math. I now fight to hold a C because this man cannot teach. My soft spoken scaredy cat of a best friend has even told him off saying that when he explained things they didn't make sense.

I'm just tired and wishing I had more sleep >.>
Last year I actually paid attention and learned. This year I said screw it and mess around on my phone in his face and he doesn't give a shit
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]It was a lot of fun. Much more than high school was. Especially if you find a major you really like.

I'm still trying to find a career that I want to pursue. At the moment, I'm likely going to double major in Creative Writing and Forensic Science.
I am currently I college and I love everything about it... I don't even notice the workload because it's all stuff I really want to learn.
I agree with Hales, college is awesome. It's a fun time in your life where you get to make new friends and learn a lot about different topics and materials. It's especially fun when you get to dive into your classes for your major, those are the best classes of all!
I want to do a couple things...

Film and Photography, Creative Writing, Digital Art, Animation, Computer Programming, Game Design...And a bunch of others. ^^;;
@Infinities Lover Thank you! Really, Film and Photography is my main one I want to pursue, but then I also want to do Creative Writing, except I have a lot of skill in anything to do with computers...it's tough...
I am currently in college. I am majoring in Elementary Education, because my dream is to help teach children just how awesome school can be. I want to show them that they can use it as a place to meet new people, and really discover themselves. More importantly I want to teach my future students that school shouldn't be a place where you hate to go to, but rather, it should be a place where they can learn and grow in a positive environment.
sonicfreak101 said:
It's okay guys, I'm a psychology major so if you all crash and burn you can come to me for therapy xD
Great to know! I'll need your address tho

is totally not a stalker

Good luck Ref!
I really want to pursue writing, but it is a very difficult to career to obtain, so Criminal Justice became my second choice. I enjoy helping people, so I thought it was a good fit. A good portion of my has been involved in crime, so it's a bit like giving back to the community.
@Dogmatic99 Yes, that's awesome!!

This has been a very awesome conversation guys!!! For those of you who aren't in college yet, don't worry I'm sure that you'll have a blast. It's been some of the best years of my life!!! Just don't forget to enjoy your high school years, and no matter how hard that they can be (and trust me I've been there before) remember to have fun!!!

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