Out-of-Character Chat

*Snaps finger* sorry but my goddess will be angry if I don't. *A barrier forms around Arch and the alter and a human girl is on her back on the altar. Dark knights attack Celtic*
*Stares at the comments before turning towards my servant friends*

On second though, let's not go to Fairy Tail: New Beginning's OCC thread. 'Tis a silly place.
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Oh! I have a question for a few people!

@Black Masquerade

@White Masquerade




I was wondering if you five would mind if I showed a friend of mine your character's profiles so she could (possibly) use them in an art thingy. She's had no inspiration, so I told her I'd ask if you guys minded if she saw them and possibly use them in a storyline she comes up with. You can say no if you want, it was just an idea I came up with to try and help her out, she'll understand.

So, just let me know if you're okay with that :)
@Infinities Lover Yeah, I'm fine with it. :) I'm fine with your friend using my character's profiles and such if she needs inspiration for stuff.
Whelp, I'm done with the character sheet so I can post it at any time. I even backed it up to a notepad on my computer so, if RPNation doesn't remember it, I don't have to start over.

To Final Fantasy XIV! *Adam West Batman transition jingle*
@Refaulted Cool, but just double checking, you wouldn't mind if she used your character? Inspiration she might get, but I was wondering if she could use the characters. She'd also be giving me the artwork to post here if she does use them.

@Nekoni Thanks! ^.^

@Black Masquerade Thanks Overly!

@Unyielding I....I'm not....really sure what you want me to do......
*Powers up and throws away gun and starts ramming the door*

I dont know Kawaii moe but i will save you some how

*rams the door again*
*uses Fist of Havoc slam from Destiny*

Calm it people!

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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