Out-of-Character Chat

lol Talk of Lucy with Loke in the room x3

Wonder if I should make him react lol
Man @Thesmashbro

Im trying to figure out a way to interact with Klefa. I was hoping you would of said something... but Rei as to be the big girl and start the talk.

GRRR.... hmmm....

I cant have Rei go berserk because of the lack of motive (and i dont wanna start a fight with so many mages in the room)

Klefa seems to be too shy to do anything

I guess i have to go with Rei being mad and changing her eye color to red... but not fulling going berserk...
Unyielding said:
Man @Thesmashbro
Im trying to figure out a way to interact with Klefa. I was hoping you would of said something... but Rei as to be the big girl and start the talk.

GRRR.... hmmm....

I cant have Rei go berserk because of the lack of motive (and i dont wanna start a fight with so many mages in the room)

Klefa seems to be too shy to do anything

I guess i have to go with Rei being mad and changing her eye color to red... but not fulling going berserk...
Yeah, instead he steals Aedon's hat. That wasn't a good idea.
I feel like a lot of characters have a god-like opinion of themselves (including mine, although I'm not saying he IS god-like). It would be funny to see them all get in a huge quarrel over who was the best xD
Rei does not think she god like. She just really wants to make friend and will face her fear to do so... her fear of Pain, blood, and Ryos
Unyielding said:
Rei does not think she god like. She just really wants to make friend and will face her fear to do so... her fear of Pain, blood, and Ryos
She should strike up a conversation with Fermata then, because she's searching for the same thing.
Who is Fermata?

Second Rei does not know about this guild thing... all she knows is that some people have these cute pictures with cute colors on them.

third Rei does not just trust people... But she will take a bullet for you

Fourth How is Rei suppose to know your looking for the same thing.
Lol Alyssa doesn't think she's God. She just thinks that everyone is stupid and should go die in a hole. Except Lamia Scale (she actually likes them somehow), animals, and small children

The plot twist is that Rei And Klefa are really sisters >n<
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Wouldn't it be better if they were immortal sisters, they could be like Jesus... but girls... and there's two of them.

God was fed up with them, so he gave you both amnesia and separated you.
No... that would be horrible... Why would Rei want to be stuck as an immortal in the body of a 12 year old.... Like all the boys would be looked upon as Pedo and she could never get married, have a family, and do other adult stuff >.>
Unyielding said:
Who is Fermata?
Second Rei does not know about this guild thing... all she knows is that some people have these cute pictures with cute colors on them.

third Rei does not just trust people... But she will take a bullet for you

Fourth How is Rei suppose to know your looking for the same thing.
Fermata is the character played by @sonicfreak101 who is currently in a party with Aedon. She's the blind girl with sound magic.

She's also guileless, if that makes a difference.

I think the two characters would get along well together. That's just my opinion though, I might be completely wrong.
They are searching for the same thing... but its different @CelticHero37

Rei is 12 years old and just escape what one could call a contraction camp/ Evil laboratory which she had been held up in for her whole life. she does not understand anything about the world. She probably would not last a week in the real world by her self either... (could not figure out how to open a can good) and she is uneducated.

Fermata is 20 and has been bullied because of her connections. She at least knows who she is. Had a mentor to teach her stuff. Has experience happiness at some point in her life.

Over all thought the difference is that

Rei does not know what she wants in life. What i posted in the Bio was (true) but not a quote from rei... I guess you can say its foreshadowing because when she comes across the topics then she we obtain the desire to obtain them

Fermata knows what she wants and is an adult.

Plus you know... 12 year old hanging with a 20 year old....

Novus is acting like her guardian and since she gone... Rei is being babysitted by Overly toon.
Gotcha, just thought I'd let you know of other possibilities. Fermata could always take on the role of being a sort of mentor to you, but whatever you want to do is fine.
That is up to her. Rei does not even know what a mentor is... SO she just really going with the flow of things. Alot of stuff she is seeing for the first time, (like the dog was the first time she ever saw a doggie)
Alright, I'll tell my friend, and if the chance presents itself, she could start up something with your character. 
@Unyielding That post is wonderful xD My character's going to be reacting to Blake taking his hat, so that'll be something to watch for :P

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