Out-of-Character Chat

Bah, being single ain't too bad. I'm not really ready for such commitment, or atleast I tell myself that. I see it likely that I'll live on my own, I'm sort of anxious 24/7 x3.

Hmm, yes that would be very awkard. Similar thing happened to me when I was 6 with my mother... I was never the same after that night.
x3 Okay I'm just gonna go back to procrastinating on my History homework and read fanfiction
OverlyIntricateLove said:
Bah, being single ain't too bad. I'm not really ready for such commitment, or atleast I tell myself that. I see it likely that I'll live on my own, I'm sort of anxious 24/7 x3.
Hmm, yes that would be very awkard. Similar thing happened to me when I was 6 with my mother... I was never the same after that night.
Yeah, but you're only 15. Try being almost 21. I'm not saying it's necessary to be in a relationship. But the idea starts to grow on you.
My mother had me when she was 18 :P . So I feel it may be that time to atleast give it a shot.

21 isn't a bad age though. You got plenty of time, most people get married in their late twenties or early thirties. You can take your time. Establish your job and then maybe worry about a spouse.
OverlyIntricateLove said:
My mother had me when she was 18 :P . So I feel it may be that time to atleast give it a shot.
21 isn't a bad age though. You got plenty of time, most people get married in their late twenties or early thirties. You can take your time. Establish your job and then maybe worry about a spouse.
Establish my job? I'm going to be a film director. That's not very likely to happen. The statistics say I'm going to be a homeless man for most of my life. Also, it's hard to get married when you haven't really gotten anybody to go on a date with you.
Well the least you could do is try your hardest and have a bit of confidence in yourself.

Like I said, you have more than ten years (much more even) to meet someone. Perhaps your interests will guide you to someone. You just need to find that perfect someone, someone you can enjoy to spend your time with as they do with you. You just gotta be patient and have a bit of bravery when the time does indeed come.

That's my two cents. Take it as you will.
OverlyIntricateLove said:
Well the least you could do is try your hardest and have a bit of confidence in yourself.
Like I said, you have more than ten years (much more even) to meet someone. Perhaps your interests will guide you to someone. You just need to find that perfect someone, someone you can enjoy to spend your time with as they do with you. You just gotta be patient and have a bit of bravery when the time does indeed come.

That's my two cents. Take it as you will.
Yeah, that's how I try to think about it too. I'm just not the most patient of people when it comes to stuff like that.
Patience is rewarding, however not doing it in the end is even worse. It's all about timing and getting yourself to there, time won't do it by itself. Take the proper initiative and I can almost guarantee you'll turn out happy.

Maybe try joining clubs or something social?
OverlyIntricateLove said:
Patience is rewarding, however not doing it in the end is even worse. It's all about timing and getting yourself to there, time won't do it by itself. Take the proper initiative and I can almost guarantee you'll turn out happy.
Maybe try joining clubs or something social?
:/ Timing and confidence are too things I'm horrible at.
You know what is overtly dramatic music?

Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, organ or Stokowski orchestra version. Man, that always gets me.

Meeting people? I suppose how easy is it is a personality thing. I'm quite an extrovert with no fear to show who I am on the internet. Hell, feel free to add my Facebook possibly linked on my profile.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@kirito1337 Daichi never sent a clone to attack Shin from underneath. Would that mean that Shin didn't know that hammer was going to hit him since he was paying attention to the ground under him?

Also, did he shoot at the end of your post or is he just aiming?
No the original attacked Shin from behind while a clone was fighting him, what I was saying was Shin was observing the ground for when Dachi rose from it and when he did he pretended not to notice until Dachi tried to attack him. and yes Shin did fire but I made it so that it's up to you on what happens

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