Out-of-Character Chat

[QUOTE="John Doe]Yes.

That depends. Does your character have a reason to be at the Lamia Scale guild hall? That is where Russel and Serafina are and that is the collab shadowdude and I were talking about.

Alternatively, I do have two characters randomly walking the streets of Crocus at the moment as well.
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Inside the guild hall? No. Anywhere else in Crocus though? Yes. Nathan happens to be a resident street rat of the city so he could be around anywhere.
[QUOTE="John Doe]Inside the guild hall? No. Anywhere else in Crocus though? Yes. Nathan happens to be a resident street rat of the city so he could be around anywhere.

Then you would not be joining the collab shadowdude505 and I were talking about.

If you want, though, I can collab with you in a post with either Angel Litwick or Millie Thorrin. Those two are both wandering the city streets at this moment. Those are the only two characters I currently control who are
actually in Crocus though. Most characters, from what I understand, went back to their guild halls.
Either sounds good, which of your two characters do you think would be more likely to spawn some actual interaction with someone like Nathan?
Both would probably be effective. I imagine he and Angel would NOT get along and Millie would probably bombard him with questions about his tattoos because I don't imagine she's seen anyone with tattoos aside from guild tattoos before.

It depends on whether you want a positive interaction (Millie) or a potentially violent one (Angel).
Just stumbled onto this song, but it makes me think of Gurren looking at the aftermath of this Red Tide stuff, standing alongside his fellow wizards, giving a looking your way hand sign, and walking off in the sun set to return in the squeal as a different man (but not drastically different. I'm thinking of giving him some appearance changes, such as pointy orange sunglasses and a tattoo.)


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