Out Of Character Chat

Sunstone said:
Still waiting for ninja warrior and fazy
Fazy's answer is going to affect how Veril reacts to everything else from now on, he's going to switch into villainous mastermind mode after she answers...
Sunstone said:
It was 5:00, oak couldn't sleep. He didn't know what to do so he spent his time thinking on what happened today. It was a stressful day but for some reason he remembered one thing that stuck out. Kristens train Carriage number. Kristens train number... The same number that her room was! Probably, it would make sense. He snuck downstairs past the butler. The avox had been replaced with a butler in the new Capitol. He kept walking down the stairs until he came across a room labeled with the same number as her carriage was. He poked his head through and waved at Kristen, he again avoided the butler and walked into the "kitchen". "Kristen it's so good to see you again! Not in this circumstance though, it's discouraging, but let's enjoy each other while we can", oak said. He was completely oblivious to her noticing his feelings for her, he didn't care. As king as he got to be with her while they were both alive.
We are still on the train.
Sunstone said:
"I don't want you to get murdered, so I need you to watch this with us please."

MidnightStar said:
Sky decided to sneak out and find some of the others. She decides to go to the train car next door. It was labeled number six. She crosses over and with all her might opens the door. "Hello is anyone here?"

And, you're making a 'very weak' twelve year old being able to move out of one car and into another with ease on a moving train seem incredibly easy.

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