Out of Character Chat

I would love one! Selene in a frilly one piece, Angel in something she can surf in and a bikini for Serenity with a parasol!
Or, bear with me- I'm in love with this trend and think she'd be totally on top of it-
The two in the top right corner

Probably a sport suit with some fun colors

http://www.qipao-dubai.com/images/default/163.jpg But I think she likes to be cute from time to time too ;) (for some reason the img wasn't working, so I just posted the link)


Something kind of elegant, yet cute
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Oh, thanks ^^ i adore xxxholic, as well. Once got into a 1x1 roleplay of it, but me disappearing due to issues killed it. I miss that rp.
SpicyLickiTung said:
I'm doing awesome, thank you. How about you?
Doing alright, just waiting around on replies Totally didn't have Xerneas' intro typed up like three weeks ago
Idling around some, watching youtube, watching streams play Onlywatch. Messing around with games, modding games, modding games more, break games by modding and then spend a couple of hours fixing the game until all the mods work.
TenaciousTinkerer said:
modding games, modding games more, break games by modding and then spend a couple of hours fixing the game until all the mods work.
Sounds like my constant struggle with Skyrim
KageYuuki said:
Sounds like my constant struggle with Skyrim
I spent, far far faaaar too much time modding the game, than playing it, funnily enough I actually had more fun figuring out how to make all these mods work than actually playing the game.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Hullo dear! How are you doing?

Oh, ya know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. How about you?
SpicyLickiTung said:
Oh, ya know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. How about you?
Well, I started my first job this past week, so I've been adjusting to having most of my evenings shot clean through, but I've been hanging on pretty good.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Well, I started my first job this past week, so I've been adjusting to having most of my evenings shot clean through, but I've been hanging on pretty good.

Huh. Good on ya! You'll do great!
SpicyLickiTung said:
Huh. Good on ya! You'll do great!
I mean, waiting tables isn't too hard when you're this good looking.

((See, this is the part where we start to realize Ginette and Kali are the two main sides of my actual personality))
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]I mean, waiting tables isn't too hard when you're this good looking.
((See, this is the part where we start to realize Ginette and Kali are the two main sides of my actual personality))

-_- I can see some similarities.
[QUOTE="The Succubi Queen]Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhh but nah, it's still hard work. But cash money is nice. I'm still here though- although I think I was the last person to reply IC?

Nah. That was me. You could interact with Koi should you get bored, though.

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