Out of Character Chat

@Shotcake Ummm...I was wondering....Could I....uh...could I put something here for you guys to read through and tell me what you think? I know it's way off topic but I'm kind of desperate for advice and feedback.
SerenityAngel said:
@Shotcake Ummm...I was wondering....Could I....uh...could I put something here for you guys to read through and tell me what you think? I know it's way off topic but I'm kind of desperate for advice and feedback.
@Shortcake Also, Serenity, babe, if you want to PM is to me, I'd be happy to look it over, just speaking for myself.
SerenityAngel said:
@Shotcake Ummm...I was wondering....Could I....uh...could I put something here for you guys to read through and tell me what you think? I know it's way off topic but I'm kind of desperate for advice and feedback.
Id be more then happy to help
^_^ Thanks you guys. It's kind of a 3 post thing. They're all images just to warn yall...the sight only allows 10 uploads at a time.

Well this is the OOC tab for Pokémon Magic. OOC stands for Off-topic Of Course. Therefore I guess it should be fine if you want to show us whatever intriguing idea you may have for us. Yeah It's fine, I give you permission to do so. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd be okay with seeing whatever that interesting thing might be. I'm not specifically curious or anything to say in the least, I don't know why your asking me while I am. It's not like I want to see it or anything. But don't get the wrong idea I don't mind it's completely fine.
Shortcake said:

Well this is the OOC tab for Pokémon Magic. OOC stands for Off-topic Of Course. Therefore I guess it should be fine if you want to show us whatever intriguing idea you may have for us. Yeah It's fine, I give you permission to do so. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd be okay with seeing whatever that interesting thing might be. I'm not specifically curious or anything to say in the least, I don't know why your asking me while I am. It's not like I want to see it or anything. But don't get the wrong idea I don't mind it's completely fine.
Short cake goes full Tsundere mode
lol okay. Just so you know it has nothing to do with pokemon or anything like that. Yes there will be major spelling and grammar errors, I'm still working on them so please be gentile

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Figured it was because I'm still stuck on my phone. What started as just lunch turned into maintenance on the diesel tractor xD

Could just be that character everyone forgets isn't in the CBC but hangs around people who are in the CBC so they think he's in the CBC.

Or have @Shortcake 's Jirachi just impulsively say yea sure whatever without really putting much consideration towards it, sorta a impulse thing and now someone needs to watch him all the time so he doesn't snap his neck.

Oh, also fan of your character btw, I threw around the idea of magikarp at some point, though if I did a useless pokemon probs woulda done a male Combee, but now i'm here with Shuckle and Wailord, as well a Kyogre.

Anywho going to post fairly soon n' stuff now that I can stay awake.
Thanks for the suggestions! I don't really have a place to choose one, but my personal favorite is number 2.

And thanks for the positive feedback. I almost backed out of the roleplay because I thought the character sign-up was hard, but it's actually really easy!

Its something different and a different role for a character at least, now the question is can the charm of the character make up for the physical issues that may come up and so fourth.

Plus i'm sure you'll do fiiine.
Given his character so far in another Pokemon thread I'm in with @SpicyLickiTounge will prob be fine. If not make you bash your head against the desk. (How the hell Eddie is still alive...)
Shortcake said:

There are a few things I have to say:

-The magic item must be a held item from the actual games (link to a list of those, excluding mega stones)

-In order to have a Mega-Evolving character, you have to send a writing sample directly to me through pm, as well as a picture of your mega evolution in your character sheet

-Other than that looks good! I was really hoping to see a buneary or lopunny in this rp! She's not a stereotypical lopunny either which is great!​
I fixed both the problems but I have a question, what aspects do a stereotypical Lopunny have?

IIQueenestII said:
I fixed both the problems but I have a question, what aspects do a stereotypical Lopunny have?
Stereotypes for Lopunny are all laid back, and kind and caring, but also extremely... inappropriate to say in a thread with members of all ages.

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