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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"That's good. Being afraid of the weather would be a terrible burden, wouldn't it? I suppose you powers would negate the worst of it. Isn't that fortunate?" Lily finishes just as her stomach grumbles, "How long until lunch? Or snack? Whenever we're allowed to eat food."
Relieved to find not a shadow towering over her as she returns her collection of weird, slightly whacky items to her hoodie pockets, she allows a sigh to mist over her lips, hot breath forming a foggy cloud when met with the cool air. Allowing her finger tips to linger upon a small silver trinket, neatly looped into a short black string as she makes her way back up to her feet in a wobbly manner. In a few awkward motions she's upright and re-steadied. Clicking her fingers, Tora summons a small worn out book that she had left on the ground back to her pocket, a small wisp of a cloud snaking beneath it and dragging it back into its rightful place. Satisfied she had collected everything, she straightens out her hoodie with a free hand before returning it to its concealment to meet the other. With that, she's off again, at a slower and more careful pace.
"I'm not sure," Mai shrugged," I didn't check the time sheet." He sat there for a few minutes in silence before standing up with a sigh. "C'mon..since class isn't going anywhere I guess it wouldn't matter if we left as long as we came back. Plus, I need to check on someone."
"Yes!" Lily jumps with delight and seems to hang in the air for a second to long before falling to the ground, "Who do you need to find?" She asks as she drags Mai out the door. "And where's the cafeteria?"
Mai blinked as he was dragged out of the classroom and gently pulled himself away when they got out. The moment he left the room, the temperature rose back to what it was before; though he kept the air around himself cool. "I'm looking for my brother, and I'm not sure. I haven't been there yet."
Lily nods and continues to stride down the corridor with Mai in tow, "Is he the same as you? And where do you think he is? We'll go look for him first, of course. The more the merrier!"
"He's a lot like me power-wise I suppose... He embodies winter." Mai stated, before rubbing the back of his neck,"I don't know where he is, he was outside last I saw him."
"If he was still out there I think we'd be seeing snow instead of rain." Lily remarks and halts at an intersection, "So if he embodies winter does that mean you only embody one season as well? And what does he like to do. The best way to find someone is to find something they love!"
"No, He only has one season for past reasons that are best left unspoken. " Mai chuckled lightly at her questions," I doubt he's off doing something that he likes. We'd know."


Damon stopped looking at the ice that followed in his tracks and huffed. "
Sorry if that disturbed you." He looked over at the girl and stuffed his hands into his pockets again, before turning back around and sauntering off. The ice had stopped appearing around him, though it formed along his hidden fingers as he walked.
"Ominous." Lily laughs, "Well we have to start somewhere. If he's not in the classroom and he's probably not outside, although I don't know him or how your powers work so feel free to ignore everything I say, he's probably wandering the halls, in his dorm, or eating. Which do you think is most likely?"
"Probably wondering around. He doesn't like to sit still in a new environment." Or there's something wrong with him..Mai laughed in his throat and continued to walk," I've learned that the hard way."
(( Toda was quite the eventful day, but I am back now.)

Tsuki went to check the sign up sheet he'd posted earlier for his Astronomy/science class and made a little face. "Not as many as I would've thought but it's a start." He said and went to his class room to begin setup as well as formulate a curriculum and activity guide for his few but promising students. "I'll give them a field trip form to look over... yes I'll take them to the mountain top and show them the beauty of the stars." Tsuki smiled brightly in his abandoned classroom. "Tomorrow however," Tsuki scratched his head "I'll start by introducing myself as well as having them introduce themselves." Tsuki's voice was filled with cheer and impatience. "Being a teacher is going to be groovy." Tsuki said the last word as if it was not 20 years out of style.
Tora calmly rolls back down the hallway, keeping keen eyes upon any window she passes. Next thunder strike she shall be prepared for- Weather isn't going to get the best of her- Or so she'd like to think. Turning a corner she fishes out another lollipop from her pocket, unwrapping it with a swift upwards movement of her thumb and popping it into her mouth, pulling out the candy-less stick from before in the same movement and tossing it into a nearby trash can. She continues to explore, weaving in and out through the maze of hallways and rooms before continuing her search for where she was meant to go- slightly eager to meet her teacher, wanting to get introductions out of the way.
Tsuki came out of class and locked the door with the special key he'd be given upon accepting the job. "Maybe tomorrow I'll let them demonstrate their powers.. and if they ask me to demonstrate mine I'll ask em," Tsuki turned and his glasses caught a shimmer of moonlight, giving him that dramatic empowerment "which one, I've got three." Tsuki bounced through the halls happily.
Lowan had wondered back to his dorm a while ago, and remained in his bed. Unmoving, trying ti figure out what exactly had happened the day before. His brain was a pile of pink mush, and thinking had become a chore, what did @elissia gem mean? He wasn't sure, he knew he probably should have gone to class a while ago but he needed time to digest whatever had happened. Time to think and relax, to meditate. Although, ironically enough it was that that had gone Lowan into this predicament. Peace-of-mind? Hah, not when it caused these problems. Further sighing into his pillow, Lowan Brooded over the previous days events, for what had to be the ten thousandth time.
Tora easily avoids those in her way, simply steering around them without having to stop her movement completely or even slow down. Every now and then she unconsciously lifted her hand to slip thin fingers under her hood, scratching in the places where her horns were naturally meant to be situated- Keeping them concealed was rather uncomfortable along with the few other demonic features she currently had hidden.
((( okay, are we in full swing or school or is this night time ? )))

Tsuki moved into his classroom evaluating his seating arrangements and such. "I wonder if this is good enough. Do I need to move some things?"
(I'm unsure. But I believe it was day time and during class?)

Peeking in through the windows of each and every classroom she passes, she finds a door with a familiar class number. Blinking a few times, Tora slows her skating to a lighter rolling so she can study the inside, though upon looking through the glass she sees nothing but empty desks and a lone teacher. Deciding its best to move on quickly and avoid gaining attention in case she'd get into trouble or be asked to help she makes a few awkward push off motions with her legs, however, the skates don't help her and emit their usual blading tune.
((( I see, I see. )))

Tsuki turn towards the door and moves towards it swiftly. He opens the door and see's a young woman with rollerblades moving back awkwardly. "..." He said nothing but looked first at her hood, obviously hiding protrusions coming from her skull, and down to her skates. "Ms. Are you aware that hood and roller skates are prohibited while school is in session?" He asked, his glasses reflecting light so that his pupils weren't visible.
Tora flinches sharply, almost slipping up and falling backwards again though she manages to catch herself this time. Slowly, she allows her eyes- which currently were partially obscured by said hood- to wander up towards the man's face, the only features clear to see would be the lower half of her face. Her pale lips immediately parted as though she were going to back chat before pressing themselves closed rather quickly, she simply replies with a shrug and an awkwardly wobbly smile. "Whoops?" Was the only word that quietly slipped from her lips afterwards, she began to twiddle her thumbs together to create a fake sense of innocence, she knew the rules but that didn't mean she'd toss away her comfort to obey them, her sharp nails monotonously clicked together in a slightly irritatingly continuous pattern as she does so. The girl, despite being rather short and imposing no obvious threats did look a little shady in the dark, almost fully concealing clothing that clad her thin body, but that view on things didn't exactly come to her mind.
Tsuki's parted his lips but put them together once more. "What's your name, Rollerblades?" He smirked and turned to the classroom, leaving her a hint to come in so that he could further interrogate her. As he moved to his desk he flipped the light switch on, revealing all the hard work he'd put into the classroom. Orc diagrams with arrows pointing to identify parts of the Orc body, star constellations, and different yet inspiring quotes all over the walls. He'd dipped into the chair behind the desk that had the name plate "Mr.Reiko" on it and motioned her to take the seat in front of his desk by gently moving his head in the direction. "Sit, and have a discussion with me Rollerblades." The nickname he'd given the girl was now permanent, he liked how easily distinguishable it was. "Let's talk about your blatant disregard to the rules." He began
Tora's eyebrow immediately twitched in return to her new nickname, which didn't seem too cool at all, a hint of annoyance passing over her face though she didn't dare protest. Getting the hint she obediently rolls into the room, hanging her head in defeat as something thin and black snakes out from under her hoodie to close the door behind her before returning back to it's concealment in the material. A slight frown makes it's way onto her features as she sits down atop an opposite desk as instructed, eyes briefly darting to catch the details of the room before returning to him. She didn't even get here all too long ago and she was already about to be lectured, some first impressions she's putting upon people...Allowing a sigh to mist over her lips she then carefully replies, "My birth name would be Blythe Cheshire, But I prefer Tora." Her eyes then wander over his desk, reading the name plate over in her mind, nodding and mentally repeating it over a few times to assure that she remembers. The she-demon carelessly brings up her legs in a criss-cross position, showing little respect for the furniture without meaning to, it wasn't often she was let out of isolation, and therefore had little to no manners when it came to anything.
Tsuki took in every movement she made, carefully analyzing her in his mind. "Blythe Cheshire, who prefers Tora , can I ask why you're wearing a hood and rollerblades? I'm going to ignore whatever it was that closed the door because we'll have time to discuss that when you get in here 4th period." He said with an edge of excitement. "Now tell me..." He said inching forward until his stomach hit the desk. "How does my class look? Do you think it looks okay? I was up all night and most of the morning preparing it." He began to panic but settled into his chair once again. "Actualy that's not what I wanted to ask you Rollerblades." he said much calmer than his last outburst of statements. "My question is, would you rather serve detention and in return you can wear your rollerblades and hood for the remainder of the day, or would you mind taking off your hood and hand over the rollerblades?" He asked with his adult tone. "You know I was once your age." He said, pacing now. "I'm actually still very close to your age!" He exclaimed, wiggling his finger into the air as he did so.
Tora's frown deepens slightly, was this man trying to mess with her? Fidgeting slightly she parted her lips once again to answer "Because I want to?" She tilted her head slightly, accompanied by a slight shrug, to be honest they gave her a large sense of comfort, but she felt that would be a stupid answer to give, not that her smart ass reply was any better... Upon registering his next sentence she froze up a little, so this man was her teacher, piecing together the puzzle rather quickly she let a small groan slip, he was most definitely her teacher, and she's making a horrible first impression! Her only excuse was that making first impressions was a rather weak point in her few skills after not having to do so the majority of her life.

When the man began to lean forward, Tora instinctively leaned backwards, swishing her lollipop from side to side in her mouth and causing the plastic stick to wiggle about. She let a sigh of relief jet from her lips at his next question. "It looks okay, Am I getting marked on this quiz?" She replies with a small pout, though gives a strange look when he switches questions yet again, eyebrows furrowing in subtle annoyance. "You're not getting your hands on my 'Blades!" She barks protectively, though quickly covers her mouth and backs down, trying to soften her tone to a politer one, though she seemed to struggle in showing respect. "U-Uh. It depends on the detention...Wh-What's a detention?" Her eyes cautiously follow him as he paces about, making a strange face as though she were trying not to laugh, fighting off the urge to make a comment that would be funny to her but come off quite rude and gain her extra negative points. Though she remained in this cautious, slightly confused state she was rather amused by how this teacher acted.
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