Our Elements (RP)

Ferris tilted her head slightly, her sweet smile never fading. "Me? Come with you?" she said, almost laughing at the idea. "I do hope you're joking, or at least talking to someone else." The girl brushed her bangs away from her face, flecks of gold spotting in her brown eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't hang around those who can control fire. They tend to be too destructive for their own good. And you..." Ferris trailed off and dropped her hand to her side as she narrowed her eyes. "I can tell you aren't a special case."
Blaze growled, laughing "Hang out? Sorry to tell you this but i don't hang out with the likes of you. No, i meant use you as a... test subject." grinning, Blaze twitched her fiery ears, giggling insanely. She twirled around once more, the fire twisting. Bllaze raised a delicate eyebrow and smirked, waiting.
Ferris never flinched. Instead, she stayed perfectly still. "The likes of me? I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean." she said folding her arms behind her back. "Anyway, I don't intend to be your little 'test subject.' Especially not to entertain the likes of you..." Although it didn't seem like it, this whole time Ferris had been inspecting the girl's movements and gestures. If she ever attacked, she would know how to fight her. I just wish it won't come to that.​ she thought.
((*Rolls in* BAM!!! I have returned. Kind of.))

Sora sighed through her nose and grabbed a hold of Allen as Eran instructed her to. She held him gingerly and fell completely still, afraid that she would harm him if she moved a muscle. After a second of contemplation, she summoned a little gust of wind that swirled around her arms to help her lift Allen so that Eran could properly attend to his wounds. "Is this all right?" she asked, wanting to make sure her air bending wasn't interfering with his treatment, and to make sure the position Allen was in was adequate.

Shui hummed after Wale finished explaining Allen's situation. He was a little pissed, honestly, that no one had bothered to mention the condition to Sora. There was no way she would have fought someone with an unstable heart unless they would've been able to assure her that something like this wouldn't have happened. He hoped that the younger bender didn't blame herself for Allen's fall, though Shui imagined Sora would only give herself partial credit in causing the dilemma at hand.

Meanwhile, Ildri started humming, actively ignoring the techno that popped up and asked her and Shui who they were. Having never met a techno before, she concluded that Aster, who had appeared out of the blue with no warning or explanation, was just a figment of her imagination. Shui, on the other hand, had heard of techno's before, and was about to answer Aster's inquiry when he vanished once again. "How fickle," he murmured with a snort. With a sigh, he decided to sit against one of the trees beside Ildri as he waited for Sora to finish up with Allen. Looking around, he noted two people were missing. "Where are your new recruits?" he asked Ildri, leaning his back against the tree behind him.

Ildri responded with a shrug. "Dunno. I'm sure they're show up eventually. If not, we've already got an air and earth elementalist, so I'm sure we'll be fine. And, Gaiana is good with animals; she probably knows how to raise hydras," Ildri replied smoothly, not particularly perturbed by the absence of Molara and Evan.

"You're ridiculous," Shui remarked with a scoff.

Meanwhile, at the inn...

Gaiana finally rolled out of bed, literally, and on to the floor. She hit the wooden surface with a 'thunk' and continued rolling until she was at the door to the bathroom connected to her room. She got up so that she was on her knees and opened the bathroom door, shuffling inside and towards the sink which she used to help herself stand up. Glaring at the reflection in the mirror, she sighed and combed through her wavy hair so that it wasn't in such a tangled mess. She washed up a little so her obvious hangover was a little less evident and left the room, prompted to search for food as her stomach growled angrily.

As she descended the stairs into the lobby and tavern of the inn, she spotted a pair arguing by the entrance and huffed in annoyance. "Stupid kids. Do they have to be so loud so early?" she asked herself in muttered whispers as she passed them and headed to a table. A waitress quickly made her way over to her and took Gaiana's order. The earth bender let her head fall down onto her folded arms as she waited for her food.
(Yay! xD )

"Perfect..."Eran said as he began to wrap Allen's body with the bandages,he finished pretty fast ad then he placed his hands on his back and chest."I am sorry that I didn't inform you about this...We saw no sign of this happening again,it wasn't suppose to."He said as the bandages slowly faded away leaving just Allen,his wounds gone. He removed his hands once the bandages completely vanished and sighed,"We must get his medication soon so this won't get worse,we should be able to find it anywhere though. It's not that rare..."He smiled and he looked at Sora.

Wale and Frank stood there waiting,figuring it wouldn't be long now. Though Wale hoped they'd hurry up,they couldn't stay in one place this long and they really needed to get a move on.
I decided go to play in the rain

Then the rain started to freeze and freaked

My mom called me inside so I would catch a cold

My dad was sitting on the coach playing my video games and I just wouldn't let that happen

He immediately backed up and got off my system

I was satisfied with my work

My mom called me into the kitchen, she had made my favorite food

I ate it all before my dad could come in and have some, but when he came in he he was mad

So he thought the only way to get payback was to do the thing I hate most

Don't eat all the toast kids, you'll end up like this

Sora let out a relieved sigh after Eran finished tending to Allen's wounds. She slowly leaned the male airbender backwards so that he was leaning against the tree before she moved away and stood, stretching her back 'til it popped. "If you need to get back to the town quickly, I can fly us all back. I suppose that would make up for this," she said as she motioned to the destroyed trees that Allen had shot through. "We left someone back at the inn, too, so we need to head back and check in with her," she added, wondering if Gaiana had even waken up yet.

On the forest floor, Ildri grew impatient and tired of waiting, and so she formed a fireball about the size of a baseball and began passing it back and forth between her hands. "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up," she began to chant, the speed of the fireball increasing slightly with each repetition.
Eran nodded,"Alright..."He picked Allen up onto his back and then began hopping down from branch to branch."Come on..."He called as he kept heading down,until he made it to the ground. When he did Wale and Frank came right away to help him with Allen,since Allen was the tallest and heaviest of them all. Wale just sighed since he always thought Allen was so troublesome,though he was relieved that Allen would be okay. He held up Allen a bit off of Eran,swinging one of Allen's arm over his shoulders as Frank got the other."Guess we'll be heading back to that town then?"Wale asked as he smiled,Eran just saw this as annoying but shook it off and nodded."Yes...Seems we have to."

Frank huffed since he had hoped they would be moving on,but things didn't work out as he had planned.He didn't say anything against going back since he knew they had to go for Allen,and he knew he'd lose the argument with Eran if he started one.

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