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Fantasy Otherworld Academy

"And you don't know what I can." He leans back smiling at Alex. He then turns his attention back to Misha, not wanting to waste anymore of his time.

Maria Scarlette

(I'm back, baby~)

"Hey everyone, Julius Alam speaking! I'm your Demon Government Rep this year so... Don't let me catch you breaking any rules or... I'll kick your ass I guess?" Maria giggled. It was one of the few things, aside from her appearance, that remained childish - She was incredibly mature, at least when she was in public, but that usually faded when she was in small groups or by herself. "Oh! And I'm a Magi, Fourth Year. Nice to meet you all." Wonderful, Maria thought. That should mean I can teach him more intricate healing magic, so long as he's willing to work hard.

"Good to see you've kept your youthful appearance by the way Miss Scarlette." Maria couldn't help but smile at that. "Oh, healing magic is useful in many ways, you'll find," Maria explained. "While I haven't naturally aged very far - Physically, at least - Restorative spells have kept me looking my best," she continued. "In fact, I'll explain a few things, if no one else wants to introduce themselves." She slipped off her desk and onto the ground, landing as elegantly as one could from stepping off a desk, on her toes and gradually lowering her heels to the floor. She began to speak, padding gently across the room as she did so. "You see, this class will not be strictly about healing. That would mean the class would be over in a few days. As I stated, magic is very versatile, especially healing magic. It can do just about anything, from predictable things like restoring living beings to former states or fast-forwarding them to future states to even unpredictable things like reading another's outer thoughts - Thoughts one doesn't treat like secrets - To even projecting your own."

At that, Maria took a deep breath, pushed her lips together tightly and shut her eyes in a rather relaxed manner. Like so, she thought, and a locationless echo of Miss Scarlette's voice rung in the classroom, sounding almost melodic. In fact, she continued, opening her eyes and relaxing her lips, Numerous people like yourself - With demon or angel blood in their veins - Who have the inability to speak otherwise, have begun to use this ability. What she wasn't saying, however, was that the people that did this often used an enchanted memento of some kind to amplify magical ability, one that would allow them to project their voice mentally. "Now that I'm finished going off on a little tangent... Would anyone like to introduce themselves? Or should I leave you to your own devices for a short while?"

(At Healing 101 Students)

Emma Croshaw

"Hm. A werewolf and a vampire in the same class?" Emma remarked. "I'll try to keep you two apart, if you have any qualms with one another." She thought of the two Nephilim in her class, which she desperately hoped weren't like typical Nephilim - What with their overzealous attitude and selfrighteousness. Yes, Emma didn't particularly like most Nephilim, though she had never particularly disliked them. She just mostly saw negativity and smugness among those with angel blood, which she found distasteful.

Though she didn't like to give it much thought.

"Now, then," Emma started. She gripped her quarterstaff, which had been resting against her desk, and slammed one of the metal-tipped ends of the pole into the ground. It made a crack in the tile, which slightly irritated her - That was the negative point of asserting dominance, wasn't it? - But it was a small price to pay. "Anyone else? Or are we just about finished? This seems about fitting that we would be just about done now, especially since it's nearly time for your next classes." Then a name came to mind, one that she had spoken earlier today, that she had seen on her class roster but had not yet heard today.

"Consul Sterling, please stand and introduce yourself." A short, purple-haired girl visibly flinched as her name was mentioned.

Misha Sterling & Emma Croshaw

"Me?" Misha asked. She had planned to stand up, but the Headmistress had called upon her before she had the chance to introduce herself. Besides, enough people seemed interested in introducing themselves, and she didn't want to take anyone's place. "Well, I'm Misha Sterling - Returning Consul from last year," she started. "I'm 17, and I use swords, broadswords specifically-"

Misha blinked, and before she could even open her eyes, she felt the familiar burn of Caelestis metal. Misha felt as if her head had spun entirely around as the Headmistress' quarterstaff slapped her across the face, something she recalled vividly from the year before. History repeats itself, she thought grudgingly. Steam was coming off of Misha's cheek, though it was barely visible from a distance, and for Nephilim heavenly metals lacked the pain of an Angel's wrath. "Owwww" was all Misha could say as she looked up at the clearly angry Headmistress. "My, my, Consul. You never learn, do you?" She sighed. "You've heard the rule three times now, and you still haven't quite internalized it. Curious, aren't you?" Miss Croshaw returned to her desk and sat down in the chair behind it. "Now, then, I'll leave you to do whatever you wish for a short time. Unless-"

Both Miss Scarlette and Miss Croshaw's heads perked up as a bell's chime rung through the air, similar to the bell one might hear ringing above a church. Both teachers gave their farewells for the day and allowed their students to head to their next classes.

"Oh," Maria asked her class. "Is anyone heading to Magic Advanced now? I'll be your teacher there, and I wouldn't mind walking there with you if that's all right."

Amy looked up as she heard the bell and soon was out of her seat on the way to the door. Excited to get to her next class. "Good bye Miss Scarlette." She said waving good bye on her way out the door being friendly to her new teacher who seemed really nice and probably was. Amy began down the hallway slowly to her next class taking her time to look at things that were on the map but seeing them in real life was much better than some old map.
*Alex headed to his next class, hand gripping the handle of his sword tightly**I have to move a bit slower that usual, do to his limp* "I can't wait for the weekend, so that I could get as far away from this school as possible," He thought to himself. *He keeps limping until he is in his next class*
Aiden got up and looked at Emma one last time before he left the classroom and headed towards his next class, magic basics. He entered and took a seat in the back left corner of the room.

Will Reynolds

Will leaned against his desk, tapping his fingers rhythmically against the sides. He felt anxious, admittedly, though he didn't want to show that off to his students, so he stopped suddenly as the first student walked into his class - Magic Basics. "Welcome to Magic Basics. The class will start as soon as everyone's here." He looked down at his lap awkwardly, wishing he could simply snap his fingers and make his entire class appear. He noticed a few familiar faces walk in, but very few of the people he saw come in were people he had seen before. "Now that everyone's here," Or at least I hope everyone is, "Let's get started."

"I don't plan to do much today in class - Today is simply a day we're to spend getting to know one another, students and teachers alike. I can guarantee with complete accuracy that you were introducing yourselves in your last classes - And while I'd love to do the same thing here, since it would save me the trouble of thinking of something else to do, I won't. Instead I'll say this: Who of you out there truly believes in magic? That you're here for good reason, even? I'm curious."

(At everyone in Magic Basics)

Maria Scarlette

Maria rushed to Magic Advanced, slipping through crowds of students much taller than herself - Sometimes she felt as if she was an ant in a world of Colossi - And eventually burst through the door, just in time to avoid anybody from the past class seeing her like... This. Maria exhaled heavily and walked over to her desk, which was a step above the rest of the floor, as usual - And put a binder labelled LESSON PLANS down on the surface. As she did so her students began to walk in - Another rather small class, she thought. I can live with this.

"Hello, hello, hello!" Maria chimed. "Welcome to Magic Advanced - Please, take a seat! Class will start momentarily."

As the last few students wandered into the room, Maria cleared her throat. "Now, then," she started, "Welcome, at last, to Magic Advanced. I'm your teacher, Maria Scarlette, though you'll call me Miss Scarlette more than anything. Over the course of this year, I will teach you many things about magic - How it is cast, what it truly is, why it exists, and even how to use it yourself. However, since this is the first day, I'll keep things simple." She looked around the class to ensure that everyone was following her still - No one appeared confused, which was good. "Now, since I don't plan to teach you any magic today - And, in fact, don't have enough time to teach you anything in full - What do each of you think of Otherworld so far? How are you liking the school?"

(At everyone in Magic Advanced)

Aryaxxa sat through Combat 101 without saying much. She listened, as everyone made their introductions in turn. At last, the Consul was directly addressed, and Aryaxxa couldn't help but flinch as the quarterstaff struck the girl across the face. Well... I suppose I'll take extra care to avoid getting on her bad side. Throughout the entire class, she was unable to shake the feeling that someone was watching her, and only towards the end of class, happened to look up, and catch a boy near the back of the class staring at her.

Quickly looking away, she pretended not to notice the boy's stare, and turned her mind to other things. Before too long, the bell rang, signaling the end of class. Aryaxxa hurriedly stood from her desk, and quickly made her way to her next class. Magic Basics.

Stepping into class, she was amazed at how young the teacher appeared to be. He couldn't be much older than herself, could he? Also, were teachers allowed to be attractive? She couldn't help but notice his eyes. They were absolutely entrancing. Suddenly realizing that she was blatantly staring at her teacher, Aryaxxa continued quickly to a seat, this seat inexplicably closer to the front than she had sat in Combat.

"Who of you out there truly believes in magic? That you're here for good reason, even? I'm curious."

Aryaxxa tentatively raised her hand, unsure as to whether the question was intended to be answered, or whether it was rhetorical.

@Haruhi Suzumiya

In the Advanced Magic Classroom

Maurelle knew she missed her first class by talking to her roommate, who really didn't say anything. When she left the dorm, class was already halfway through so she changed into a little black fox and tormented people with her illusions and charms. She even managed to get a man in the women's (very full) restroom! She slunk into the classroom and jumped into a seat in the back where she could do the most damage. Then she hopped onto the actual desk part and curled her fluffy tail around her and began to lick her paws.
"Now, since I don't plan to teach you any magic today - And, in fact, don't have enough time to teach you anything in full - What do each of you think of Otherworld so far? How are you liking the school?" the teacher asked. Maurelle didn't really care too much but she looked up at the professor anyways.

She raised a small paw and began to speak. "I, for one, have been here on again off again for the past ten years, so good news is everyone is still pretty gullible to illusions." The fox looked as smug as any fox can for a moment after she put her paw down. She twitched her tail back and forth while the others talked.

Will Reynolds

Will noticed a girl awkwardly raise her hand, as if she was unsure about whether or not she was sure of herself. Wait, he didn't phrase that right, did he? "Anyone else? No? Yes? Maybe. Anyways, allow me to say that I thought I wasn't special in any way before being invited to Otherworld, and now I'm... Well, I'm a teacher here. That and I'm a lot more impressive than I would have been if I hadn't learned about this place. What's my point, you might be thinking? This place will change your life, whether you want it to or not, and it should change you in a good way. For example, if you're a werewolf, you may have found yourself waking up every now and then in the middle of nowhere with unconscious bodies and what feels like a hangover, but if you've been here and learned to control your transformations, you won't have 'Typical Saturday Night' moments every few weeks." At that Will heard some satisfying laughter - Not mindless, which he liked.

"Now, allow me to say this; If you still don't believe in magic, that you're here for a good reason, even that you're special at the end of the year, I'll pay you money because I'm pretty sure I could mark you off as charity work. No offense."

(At everyone in Magic Basics)

(There's not enough to write about in Magic Advanced... So if I could get another reply from someone in Magic Advanced, that would be delightful, thanks.)​
Amy got to magic basics on time after taking a few minutes to explore for a tiny bit before rushing off to class. "Sorry I'm late sir." She said as she got into class rushing to a seat but the she found she wasn't even late. She looked up at the teacher listening to what he had said. Amy wasn't sure how to answer so she just kept her hand to herself as she sat there close to the front. She was sure she believed in magic she could use healing magic already so why wouldn't it be real. she thought to herself.

(Oi, it's been far too long since I posted last. Alas, I was sick.)

Maria Scarlette

"I, for one, have been here on again off again for the past ten years, so good news is everyone is still pretty gullible to illusions."

"Oh?" Maria tilted her head as if she were confused. "Everyone, you say? I wouldn't assume, if I were you," Maria started, "That everyone is gullible. See, there's always the teachers - Specifically the Headmistress - Who know everything about what's going on in this school at any given moment. I, however, focus most on the magical portion of that - And I've been aware of what you've been doing. In fact," Maria added, "I insisted that you be paired with someone that loves illusions... So perhaps you'll enjoy that. Now, back on topic."

Maria paused. "Wait, what was the topic? I can't recall." A bell rung at that - Next classes for everyone. "Well, I guess that's it? Short class." Maria then blurted, "Oh, wait, do keep in mind that everyone is going to Angelic & Demonic History! The Alchemy class was cancelled, I'm afraid. Off you go, then!"

Will Reynolds

Will noticed an awkward hand-raise in the crowd of students. "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow and thought for a moment. No, seeking the person out would embarrass them. Then again, it would be better to say something than to handle this class completely silently... AKA how I've handled it so far. This is harder than last year... "What, exactly, are you unsure of, there? All of you out there most definitely have a reason to be here, I'm completely sure. Unless," Will added hastily, "You don't."

Will paused. "No, that didn't come out right."

"Well-" Will started again, but he got interrupted by a bell ringing. "I guess class ends now." Will sighed, a sigh mostly of relief, but partly of exasperation. He wanted to finish what he was saying... But at the same time, he wanted the stress of handling all these people to be gone. "Bye, then."​
Amy stood slowly as she heard the bell ring but she also wanted to listen to what he wanted to say to the class. As she thought about the parts that he had said she smiled knowing how to answer. Of course she believed in magic she could use healing magic already. "Bye Mr. Reynolds." Amy said on her way out the door and she smiled before walking off to Angelic & Demonic history.

She walked through the halls of the school quietly this first day wasn't bad. Her room mate was pretty good and didn't seem like an asshole. Her teachers had been good so far as well. 'I think I'm going to like this place.' She thought to herself as she continued walking.
Aiden stood up and walked to his next class which was angelic and demonic history. He had arrived and sat in the back corner as usual. He then awaited for the other students to come.

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