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Fantasy Otherworld Academy

"..." Gin didn't say anything as he looked at her, he wasn't exactly excited having a girl in his room like all other males would. In truth he was disappointed, before school started he was sure he had specifically asked for a room alone. Well it couldn't be helped if there weren't enough rooms, he just obliged, at least it seems they didn't put him with someone annoying. Looking at the room that was decorated with weird things he's never seen he was intrigued wondering what all of it was, though he was mostly interested in the painting. It was a pretty nice one, if it was in a store he would definitely buy it.

When he finally opened his mouth to speak he smiled innocently like the good kid he thinks he is " Of course I don't mind, Mel, it's a pleasure to meet you. " he said taking her hand, kissing the back of it. " I'm Gin, feel free to just call me that "
Aiden arrived at his first period combat 101 to see his roommate in the class as well as another girl. He saw that nobody else but them was here yet and he sat in the back row right corner. He didn't say anything to Aryaxxa or the new face so he just sat silently waiting for class to begin. @AshenLily @Eve Voltaire
"No time to worry about that, we've gone and missed the opening ceremony" He said, looking at his wristwatch and smiling a little. He found it kind of amusing, two of the student government members missing out on the first event the school held. "And if we don't hurry up we'll be late for our first class too. Better hustle, Amy" With that he hopped off his bed, apparently not too concerned about the opening ceremony, and began to head to his first class, Healing 101.

(Sorry about taking so long to reply, school computers can't post :P )
Amy looks a little alarmed at the comment about we missed the opening ceremony. "Oh no." She says quickly getting up leaving her book on the bed. "I can't believe I forgot completely about the opening ceremony." She says as she begins towards her first class Healing 101. She spots Julius heading the same. She runs up to him and begins walking next to him "Mind if I walk to class with you?" She asked.

@The One Eyed Bandit
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Location - Dorm Room

The unseelie flashed her roommate a smile when he kissed the back of her hand.
My, my, isn't he a pleasant one, she thought to herself. She rose from the bed and waved a hand in the air, making the painting disappear like it never existed. She glanced out the window and watched the crowd disperse. "Well, looks like we missed the big meeting, my dear Gin." She gave a shrug and made her way to the door. "You didn't miss much. Just ol' Emma giving the welcoming speech and naming the big head honchos of the student body. Stuffy, all of them," she said, emphasizing the last part by throwing an index finger into the air. "Anywho, I'm actually making and effort to finish school this year. Seems like I have Combat 101 first." Maurelle was looking at the black ink on her palm, which had became slightly smudged since she scribbled the nonsense. She lifted her gaze without moving her head to regard Gin. "Looks like you have the same class."

"Not at all, what's your first class, Combat or Healing?" He answered as he stuffed his hand into his pockets, strolling down the hall at a casual pace, not being too worried about being late for class. Assuming that Ms.Scarlette was still the teacher of the class he didn't see them getting in too much trouble, maybe a slap on the wrist at most.
"Healing 101." She replies as she walks along side him a little worried about the pace they were walking at but she trusted his judgement since it was his fourth year. "Wont we get in trouble if we are late?" She finally asked the worries of getting in trouble getting the best of her
"You can go ahead if you'd like, the teacher for Healing teacher's a big softie though. You shouldn't have too much to worry about" He replied, while still maintaining his nonchalant place. He thought it was kind of funny, watching Amy getting worked up about being late to class on the first day of school, a small bemused grin forming across his face as it came to mind.
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Amy relaxes visibly at the mention that the teacher is a softie. "Oh I guess I have nothing to worry about I guess then. Who is the teacher by the way?" She asked noticing the grin on his face but didn't question it.
"Miss Maria Scarlette" He refrained form telling her much about her, thinking it would be much more amusing seeing the standard reaction people seemed to have to her appearance. Looking around he realized the were pretty close to the classroom now, the door was right around the corner in fact. Time sure does fly when you're talking to someone doesn't it?. Rounding the corner he spotted a few other students making their way into the class, apparently they'd somehow managed to get here on time. Well, that or they were just as late as them, but he liked to think on the positive side of things.
Amy nodded as he told her the name of their teacher. "Ok. Well at least she is nice." She says smiling. "Looks like we aren't as late as we thought." I say gesturing to the classroom that people are entering. She walks a little faster eager to get into class and meet the teacher. She gets into the class stopping as she looks at the girl sitting behind the teachers desk, she had a really confused look on her face. "But she is just a little kid." Amy says trying to get her head around it.
*Alex entered Combat 101, limping through the doorway**He looks around, looking for familiar faces**He didn't see any* "I hope no one gives me sympathy for my limp," He said. *I limps around, hand on his sword handle*

Maria Scarlette

Maria hopped backwards to sit on her desk as her students for the year came in. "Welcome, welcome, welcome," she said, allowing the students to sit down. "I'm Maria, but you'll probably call me Ms. Scarlette more over the course of the year." She looked around at her class - It wasn't a particularly large class, with about 16 people in it - But the class had been smaller in years before, so it wasn't that bad. "So," she put her hands together in her lap, "You know who I am. But, I don't know who any of you are, and I'd like to." She thought for a brief moment, about what exactly she would have everyone do. "Well, let's start like this: May anyone, should they choose to, stand and same their name, their species, and maybe what they've liked here so far?"

(At everybody in Healing 101.)

Emma Croshaw

"All right, sit down and we'll get started," Emma shouted as her class quickly came through the door. "Welcome to Combat 101. I'm Ms. Croshaw, and I'll be your teacher. First things first, you only need to know one thing," she continued. "If you end a sentence with a proposition, I will slap you. Now, let's start by getting to know each other a bit. I'm Emma Croshaw, I'm a vampire, I'm older than the USA - Which is all I'll tell you about my age - And I like to use a quarterstaff for a weapon. Now, would anyone else care to follow suit with the groundwork I've laid down? Introduce yourself, one of you."

(At everybody in Combat 101.)​
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*Alex stood up, thinking that he should get this over with* "I'm Alex, I'm a Nephilim, I'm 18, and I use my Broadsword, hand to hand combat, and a Bo staff," He said. *He say back down, glad to get it over with**He rested his hand on his sword again**He griped the handle tightly*
"Combat 101" Kal replied with a smile, during the class itself Kal sat down at the orders of the professor. Kal listened to Alex introduce himself. After which, Kal stood up right after Alex had sat down. "Heya guys~!" he raised a hand and greeted everyone with a smile. "The name's Kal, Angel Rep! uhmm, well I'm a black belt in both Judo and Aikido, and I'm also about to get my black belt in Jujitsu." He said as he sat down and stared at the Nephilim before him, he wanted the challeng, no, he loved it.
Amy gets over it and quickly takes a seat nearish the front of the class. She sat there looking at Ms. Scarlette trying to figure out how old she was in her head. She listened to her but didn't dare stand to introduce herself as she heard what Ms. Scarlette had said. She slumped in her seat a little hiding herself behind the person in front of her.
Aryaxxa slowly stood, and glanced over the rest of the class uneasily. Stupid introductions. "M-my name's Aryaxxa. I'm a werewolf," she shifted uneasily before continuing. "I don't really fight often. At all, actually. I've never really used any weapons, and I'm not trained in any sort of martial arts, or anything. Any fighting I've done in the past has just been with my teeth and claws," she stood awkwardly for a few moments more, before quickly sitting back down. Thank god that's over with.
Aiden was a but surprised that Emma was here working as a teacher..... Aiden saw Alex introduce himself then Kal 'Demon Rep..........' He thought to himself, and the Aryaxxa. Aiden Stood up and introduced himself "My Name is Aiden, I'm a Vampire, I'm older than the United States, and I use Bladed Gauntlets as weapons." He sat down and was looking at Emma with his eye.
Julius smirked at Amy's reaction, seeing people spot Maria for the first time at the start of the year was always a fun little experience. Having had his fun he took a desk around the center of the class, near the window. Hearing the call for introductions, and the resounding lack of them, Julius got back to his feet to try and start things off "Hey everyone, Julius Alam speaking! I'm your Demon Government Rep this year so... Don't let me catch you breaking any rules or... I'll kick your ass I guess?"

It wasn't the best introduction ever he admitted, but as long as it had the effect of getting some people to man up and introduce themselves it would have the had desired effect. "Oh! And I'm a Magi, Fourth Year. Nice to meet you all" He added before he sat down, figuring he should probably add the information that the teacher had actually requested. "Good to see you've kept your youthful appearance by the way Miss Scarlette" He quipped once he'd returned to his seat.
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*Alex listened intently, wanting to know the weapons he would be sparing against* "A lot of different weapons from last year," Alex said. *He thought about how he would have to be extra carful, do to his bad leg**That didn't mean he wouldn't go easy on the new kid, he'd still kick there butts if they have him sympathy for his leg*
As the Twins sat there in the back of combat 101 Trick couldn't help but stare @Aryaxx. The whole class.

Tamsin on the other hand was calculating the data of the other students see if she was even remotly intrested in any
Amy saw Julius stand up and listened to what he was saying and couldn't help but laugh at his comment to kick peoples ass for breaking rules. Once he'd sat down Amy sat there for a moment before standing up. "Umm hello everyone. I'm Amy Oakheart. I'm a Nephilem and this is my first year here. Everyone seems pretty nice so far so I think that's what I like so far."

She then sat down rather quickly after saying all that rather quietly but it was still audible to everyones ears. 'Good now I don't have to stand up in front of the class again.' She thought to herself and it brought a tiny smile to her face. She still was distracted by the youthfulness of the teacher.
Both twin still asleep puck got. Little clusters and decided to take flight. Roaming around the school grounds to find something t eat he found mice and decided to eat them all.
*I find out all the weapons of my friend and foe, not knowing who was who yet**I smile* "Easy Pickens this year," I say.
Kal looked at Alex, his cheerfulness seemed to fade. He hated when someone was so confident in himself, he hated people who underestimated others, and Alex was doing just that. Kal leaned closer to his ears, "Pal, trust me. You're dealing with things way beyond your capabilities."

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