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Fantasy Otherworld Academy

Hearing that she wouldn't need to be shown around put a smile on Julius's face. His roommate was making a pretty decent impression so far, she actually had a sense of humor, wasn't some idiot without a sense of direction and was even courteous enough to take up as little space as possible. Though the first one was probably only a factor because of his poor luck last year. Laying down on the bed he stared at the ceiling, despite having seen the same one almost every day for the past three years the new room still made it seem foreign to him, quite the odd thing, how a room that was exactly the same as another could feel so... different.

Hearing Amy's question Julius rolled onto his side, propping his head up on one of his hands before he replied "Depends, If you've grown up with the supernatural then you shouldn't have too many problems, though the kids who get dumped here right out of a regular life seem to have a harder time. Most people seem to feel right at home after a couple of months though"
Aiden looked at the girl as she spoke, he could tell that she was looking at his eye. He spoke to her "Yes it seems like we'll be roommates." He told her as he was still putting his stuff away "I know that you're staring at my eye, I don't care if you stare at it." He told her as he looking at her, evaluating her then he started unpacking again. Once he was done he spoke again "My name Is Aiden."

"Oh okay. Thank you." Amy said with a smile as she slowly got up from packing and wandered over to the window looking around outside. She still felt very nervous and excited, the conflicting emotions running through her body. She eventually went and sat on her bed cross-legged pulling out a book from he bag to read. "What are the penalties if you get in trouble?" She asked wanting to learn more about the school.

@The One Eyed Bandit
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Misha Sterling

Well, it looks like these two are handling things well, Misha thought from the door. She slipped away, determined to get back to her room - Which, luckily, wasn't far. She turned the doorknob, walked over to her bed and collapsed face-down into her pillows. I wonder where my roommate is, Misha thought and flipped over... Then she realized she had passed him as she walked in and hadn't even noticed. She looked at her roommate - Kal, was it? - Who was poking their head out the door. Misha stood up and walked over to him. "Oh, hey," she smiled. "I'm Misha. Nice to meet y-"

Misha stopped herself. Wait... Is she a he? Misha's face turned bright red from embarrassment. She had thought she would be bunking with a girl, and wasn't that normal? She had never stayed in a room with a guy, ever, at least until now. "Nice to meet you," she stammered again. "I-I'm the Consul this year, Misha Sterling."

(@Kiclack )

*I stand up, using the end of my sheath for support**I walk to the far end of the courtyard and take out my sword* "I need to practice swordplay on one leg," I say to myself. *I get in a ready stance**I slash the air**I start to fall to one side**I dig my blade into the ground for support**I jump over the handle, bringing the blade out of the ground and landing on my good leg**I jab at the air, and then smile*
Kal stopped himself from moving from his place, someone was talking to him, his roommate. All he knew was that he was assigned too room with a person named Misha. Misha, hahaha, that's a funny name for a guy~, he thought to himself as he turned around to greet his new roommate "Hey I'm-" he paused and realized Misha was a girl. It wasn't practical he'd be bunking in with a girl, in fact it was unusual. Kal waved his hand "I'm Kal, Angel Representative" he smiled, now maintaining his composure. "Nice to meet you Misha~"
"I know that you're staring at my eye, I don't care if you stare at it. My name is Aiden."

Oops. Well, this was awkward. "S-sorry about that. I was just-- well, what happened? If you don't mind..." Aryaxxa's voice trailed off, and she decided to pretend the question hadn't been asked. "Mine's Aryaxxa. So, Aiden, why are you here? I mean, this is supposedly a school for... well, um... special people, I guess." Aryaxxa cursed her lack of social expertise, as she awkwardly stumbled around an attempt at conversation.

"Wh-what makes you, uh... what makes you special? If you don't mind me asking that is. If you do mind, that's fine. Actually, you can just forget I asked," she spoke quickly, the same as she always did, when she was nervous. It was difficult to believe that this would be her roommate for the rest of the foreseeable future. She didn't mind, but she'd been expecting a female. From the small amounts of interaction she'd had with other people over the course of her life, she'd decided she liked men more, at least. The majority of females she'd met were intolerable, at best. Hopefully her roommate wouldn't turn out to be so bad.

"Anyway, sorry for all of the weird questions. Now that I'm done making myself look like a food, I'm going to head back outside, and wait for the Headmistress. It was nice to meet you, Aiden." Turning back to her bags, she finished putting her things away, and retrieved her jacket she'd removed upon entering the room. It wasn't cold outside, but the soft fabric felt nice against her skin. It was familiar. It helped her relax, if only a bit. It was comforting. After slipping her jacket on, she turned, and began to head toward the door.

Aiden looked at her when she asked him about his eye "I'd rather not talk about my eye." He hated being asked that and when he said those words he sounded irritated. "I'm a Vampire, hopefully that answers your question." He said. He watched her head towards the door when he finished packing, he looked around the room one final time then he went outside towards the courtyard. @AshenLily
"I'd rather not talk about my eye. I'm a Vampire, hopefully that answers your question."

My, isn't he friendly. Again, the reason she didn't typically go out of her way to meet other people was brought to the front of her mind. With a soft sigh, she walked into the hallway, and closed the door behind her, heading down to the courtyard, to await the Headmistress. She made sure to keep to herself, doing her best to avoid any awkward conversations such as the one she'd just had with her roommate. This should be an interesting year, to say the least.

At last she arrived in the courtyard, and found a bench. Aryaxxa sat down, and waited. By her count, it shouldn't be long, now. She pulled a strand her hair, from behind her ear, and began to play with it, neatly twisting it into a small curl, as she waited.

Misha Sterling

"I'm Kal, Angel Representative. Nice to meet you Misha~"

"Oh" was just about all Misha could muster. She wasn't used to this - She had been sharing a room with a girl last year, so why did things change? Were other people in the same situation? "Nice to meet you too," Misha blurted finally. She didn't exactly mind the thought of staying in a room with Kal, but she would have to worry about privacy at times, wouldn't she?

...Or maybe this wouldn't be that bad. "OK, we should probably get going, right?" Misha asked. "We're supposed to see the Headmistres soon, and we shouldn't be late." She ran over to her shoes, put them on, then past Kal, grabbing his hand as she did so - Which, oddly enough, shocked her as much or maybe more than it did to Kal. Hey, this guy might not be bad. He's going to be in Student Government, too, so it wouldn't hurt to get along better with him, right? "C'mon, let's get going!"

(@Kiclack )​
Kal could barely react before he was pulled by Misha. Kal had an incredible reaction time, it was a wonder why and how Misha was able to grab him before he could react, maybe he was too startled by the fact that he was rooming in with a girl. "Uhhh, yeah..." he replied weakly, "but M-Misha...all my stuff were still in the room." he continued as his feet were being dragged.

Misha Sterling

"Uhhh, yeah..."
Misha turned around to look at Kal and stopped running. Quickly she put her hands on Kal's shoulders to slow him to a stop, then looked him in the eyes awkwardly. "Oh? What is it?" She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. "but M-Misha...all my stuff were still in the room." His voice seemed to be shaking, as if he was nervous. "Oh, but you don't need anything, I think," she answered. "It's the first day of school! You usually don't do much on the first day," she explained. "Plus, Otherworld's different. You won't really need to write notes about how to fight, or cast magic, or anything. You just have to do it, not write about it!" She continued along until the two had reached the Courtyard, where the sign she had made was.

CAFETERIA EAST DORMS WEST, it read. Odd. I didn't write that, she thought. She looked up at the top of the school - At the tower five floors up, where the Headmistress' office was - And wondered when she would address everyone. "She should be down soon," Misha muttered to herself. "It's been about twenty minutes."

(@Kiclack )​
Kal nodded his head, realizing that it was the first day of school, "You're right." he replied as he stood there, patiently waiting for whatever was to come next. "Hey, I'm a senior..." he spoke softly, "But how come I've never met you?" he asked, looking at Misha
Aiden arrived in the courtyard and leaned against a tree that was nearby. He waited for the headmistress to appear. He looked up at the top floor and wondered who the headmistress is.
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*Alex saw Aiden**He limped over to him* "Hey, I'm Alex," He said, wanting to make a new friend, feeling a little lonely at the school.
Aiden saw Alex limp over to him, why he was limping was of no concern for Aiden. Alex told him his name and Aiden replied "Aiden" He was still staring up at the top floor.
"Nice to meet you," I say. *I don't know what to do next, having almost no friends, so I limp away*
Gin arrived later than expected than most since he wasn't really a morning person. Once he arrived there was already crowds of people in front of the school gates. He let out a look of annoyance as the flocks of imbeciles were just moving their mouths instead of just standing their and blocking the road, I mean don't they know there are tons of people with way more things to do and places to be other than waiting for them to move their stupid asses a foot every 5 minutes. He swore that these people were cows in disguise

Frustrated and impatient waiting for the other students his eyes, a natural shade a brown glowed to a bright red. Using his powers he made deceived every one's eyes making them see an illusion having the school being shifted more to the left side causing most of the crowd to shift left as well. And like a ghost he made his way onto school grounds without being seen, then with a snap of his fingers the illusion stopped and every thing turned back to normal.

With all the the signs it wasn't hard for him to find the dorms. He directly went in not wanting to socialize with anyone, and he certainly did not want to waste his time doing do called exploring. All he wanted was to get away from the crowds of idiots and went to find his room in the dorm quickly so he could have some peace. He found his room, which wasn't hard to find, and went in without checking whether or not he had a roommate. But to his dismay once he entered his room he already saw the room decorated in weird necklaces, and then looked around the room to find a, confused to find a female.

Emma Croshaw

Emma looked down from her office and out the window - She saw numerous students (Not to mention smelled a cornucopia of blood), and whether that was because people were still coming onto school grounds or whether people were coming from their dorms to hear her. "30 minutes later," she muttered to herself, "And I need to talk to them. Great, I hadn't really planned this all that well..."

She thought up as many cliches as she possibly could, walked over to her desk and pressed a big, red button on it labelled 'OPEN WINDOW'. The window, which she had been looking through, opened with a small but still noticeable gust of wind, which shocked her slightly. She stepped onto the ledge with a smirk, partially formed from joy and partially formed from a familiar feeling of superiority. She reached up and grabbed a microphone that was attached to the ceiling for this very purpose, and started to speak into it.

"Hello, students of Otherworld!" She started. "This year, our one hundred and third year of service, has been our most busy with nearly two thousand students - And I've never been so glad to see such a great turnout!" A noticeably loud applause began, but subsided within moments. "First, your Student Government. There are four members this year instead of the usual five - Our returning Consul, Misha Sterling - The short girl with bright purple hair - Has been chosen to be the third returning Consul in Academy history. Then there are our Angel Representatives - Maurelle & Kal Summers - Both with black hair and blue eyes, I believe - As well as relatively tall. Then your lone Demon Representative, Julius Alam - Blond, red eyes, tall. Can't miss him."

"Now, your schedules should tell you your classes," Emma continued. "Since today is the first day, you likely won't do any heavy work - You'll probably just get to know your classmates. Then after classes have finished, which will be around noon today, lunch will be served. Then you'll have time to do whatever you want for a while, then dinner will be served, and then," She shuddered, "The Otherworld Day One Party will begin in the Grand Hall and end at midnight, when you'll be expected to go to sleep. Am I clear?" She paused for a moment, then started to speak again. "Good. Now, get to your classes! Your teachers are waiting for you - One of which is me!" The group of students almost instantly began to break off and flood into the halls. That's better, Emma thought and stepped back from the window, leaving it to close again.

(At everyone. Too lazy to tag everyone. Misha's post isn't necessary to read, unless you're near her and want to talk to her. Or something.)

Misha Sterling

"Our returning Consul, Misha Sterling..."
Misha suddenly felt hundreds of eyes on her. Eep, she thought, almost feeling as if she was expected to do something. She did nothing, of course - Save, of course, her knees nearly buckling. In the meantime they seemed content to shake incredibly quickly, which she wanted to stop but couldn't. The mere thought that so many eyes had turned on her for even a moment was terrifying, almost like it had never been before... Maybe I lost the comfort I had last year when I had this position?

She noticed that the other Student Government members were being mentioned. Supposedly there was a Faerie, another Nephilim and a Magi in power with her - Which she felt comfortable with. At least she didn't have to worry about last year's Demon Rep, Raphael - Who had been a vampire - Constantly joking about biting her each meeting. Then again, now there was a faerie to worry about, and she knew faeries - While she trusted them for the most part, she didn't want her to handle the food, what with the ability to charm things. Faerie charms were terrible, especially when someone experienced with charms was making them.

Misha felt like her face was on fire - My face must be bright red, Misha thought. "Hey, Kal, what class do you have first?" She asked as the crowd dispersed and shuffled toward the halls.

(@Kiclack )​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/1a186bcd20ce51899e8c7fe2c41371d4.jpeg.9186da68261aa7e102b33dde4b592dab.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/1a186bcd20ce51899e8c7fe2c41371d4.jpeg.9186da68261aa7e102b33dde4b592dab.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The twin setteld into there room finnaly. And decided to go around with puck



  • 1a186bcd20ce51899e8c7fe2c41371d4.jpeg
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Aiden listen to the headmistress and he recognized the voice. "Emma?" He muttered to himself as he still stared at the top floor. Aiden went to his first class of the day Combat 101, after school Aiden would have to check whether the headmistress was Emma. If she was the headmistress then maybe she'd call him into her office after classes and lunch ended.

Still in the dorm room, like the rebel she is, that little butt.

Maurelle had just finished a lovely but grotesque portrait of a deer being skewered by a back of demonic unicorns. The glamour shimmered with an eerie light. Then there was a strange object behind it; she was confused when the smudge wouldn't go away, no matter how many times she waved her finger. "Oh, hello," she said in a coy tone. She had pushed her bed up beneath the window, so now she could just turn her head to see the door. "I hope you don't mind. I needed the window. I can get a bit--testy on nights of the full moon." She sat up slowly, stretching her arms languidly above her while her fragile black wings unfurled themselves gently, shuddering while they did so. "I'm called Maurelle, by the by. You can just call me Mel, most do," she said, finally looking at him. Her piercing blue eyes studied his face and she smirked. He was much cuter than she had expected him to be. She wondered if Gin drank as much as she did.

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"Hello, students of Otherworld!"

Aryaxxa listened patiently through the Headmistress' address. She looked around and was able to pick out the members of the Student Government, as they were mentioned. Though she didn't particularly care who they were, she figured it couldn't hurt to recognize them. Day one party? That sounded like a whole lot of headache. Something she'd make sure to avoid. She didn't need to be a part of any parties. Especially not while she was unable to control her shifting. Aryaxxa played through a quick scenario in her head, of her deciding to go to the party. It went something to the tune of her showing up, becoming overwhelmed, due to all of the noise and excitement, accidentally shifting, ripping someone's throat out, and getting kicked out of the school.

Though it sounded like a pretty eventful day, Aryaxxa decided against it. She'd finally found somewhere she felt like she might have a chance to belong. She wasn't going to go fouling it up, already. No, she knew her limits, and would likely not be attending the party. That in mind, she again pulled the small schedule from her jacket pocket, and unfolded it.

Combat 101

Great. Looked like it was nearly time for class. Close enough, at least, for her to head in that direction.

Aryaxxa made her way through the halls, finding the Combat 101 room with little effort. The door was open, so she awkwardly skittered into the room, and looked around. She wasn't able to find any trace of the teacher, or any other students, as of yet, but wasn't particularly concerned. After all, she was early. She set her bag down, and picked a seat near the back, in hopes of avoiding the others who would undoubtedly be filing into the room shortly.

@errybody in Combat 101. :3
As the twins enterd there first class. Seprate for the first time in forever. 


Enter combat 101. Sat in the back of class. Puck cam with her cause Trick can hold his own. She sat there wondering if she would like this school this class. She hasent even meet the headmaster.



Sitting in the back of Healing 101 wondering if Taz is ok alone..... well not alone Puck is with her.

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