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Active [Othaia Frontier] Rescue Kevin's Friend

In another, less dangerous situation, Helena might've taken a moment to appreciate this magnificent bird and its attacks that resembled a literal machine gun. But, in an efffort to live another day, she remained focused on the battle. Desmond ordered his summon to try and trip up the machine so that the rest of the team could better pour on the damage. The young mage would simply nod and continue the assault.


Helena, on the other hand, would remain safely behind cover as the battle continued.

Actions (1/3)
1) Order "Greta the Ostrich" to continue assaulting the machine's weakspot with a hailstorm of debris and stone.


< Human > | < Mundane >


"Aaaawwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa" Aiko, together with her new best Dino buddy, was rolling and rolling and rolling. Forgetting what was up and down. Lying on the floor for a few good seconds, the young heroine slowly got up and dusted her clothes off. "I am so done..." She murmured in annoyance as she took a good look around, anything to use, really. Now that she and Kevin were on the second floor... boxes. "Hey, Kevin. Help me push that!" With these words, she pointed to a bunch of GIANT BOXES. One of them in illustrious yellow paint, as if calling out to be pushed to the machine below.

Activating the yellow paint




Aimi kept up her barrage. Without many other options, she could only really provide limited firing support for her allies. Glass could do little against steel, but as she noticed Kevin and Aiko going for the yellow paint, an idea formed in her mind. Perhaps these giant marbles could do more than direct damage…

After her first shot, Aimi simple took the spare ammo and rolled the giant glass marbles like bowling balls, towards the robot’s feet. It really was a gamble, but she was totally out of ideas!

"I’m out!" Aimi declared to those those it might concern. Joining Helena behind a stone pillar, Aimi breathed heavily, still clutching onto her weapon. It was odd, hiding alongside someone being more useful, and important to reassert herself as a figure out competency. "It appears I need to spend more time pursuing combat-related assets for such encounters." That should do it. She smiled and nodded, in a professional manner.

  • Basic ranged attack
  • Roll glass marbles at robot
  • Run and hide
Develius Develius Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Tau Tau Skyswimsky Skyswimsky

The two gnome pilots were astounded at how well their opponents were doing despite the advanced technology that went into their robot. Although the war between the empire and the fae was over for now. It was planned for this model to be mass produced in small quantities for a few rich individuals private militia's. However the fact a handful of degenerate POOR people were not only contending with their creation but managing to DEAL DAMAGE was OUTRAGEOUS. Slapping the console a few times, Heathcliff the Gnome went to set off another blast of flames at that infernal chicken who had summoned this ridiculously persistent lizard gnawing away at their machines engine. Yet when they tried to aim their flamethrower at the creature. Both gnomes would have their attention stolen by the jeering of a certain vampire girl. "HOW DARE YOU MOCK OUR AESTHETIC CHOICES YOU HARPY!" yelled Bertram as he slapped the controls. Considering Velvet didn't look anything like a harpy, this could be considered a case of DOUBLE racism. Firing off the flamethrowers at Velvet, the flames would actually hit her this time with the intensity of an apple in a bonfire.

Unfortunately for the mech, its aim would be disrupted from further affecting the vampire by the timely intervention of Mean-Dino who would attempt to trip up the mech with a slap of its tail. While the mech managed to catch the tail, its attack on Velvet would be halted. Greta the Ostrich took this chance to power slide through the mechs legs and end up in just the right position to shoot another cluster of rocks right at its exposed engine. A small explosion would push the mech off of its balance as the mechs primary engine was utterly wrecked by the avian aiming skills of Greta. Its desperate attempt to regain balance in order to push the attack was ultimately thwarted as a couple of heavy boxes smashed against its cockpit, having fallen from above courtesy of Aiko's quick thinking and Kevin's screaming. The two gnomes tried everything they could to stop the mech from stumbling only to step on something that wasn't solid ground. Aimi's carefully laid trap of marbles finally brought the mech down as the massive metal construct fell flat on its back, causing the already unstable second floor to collapse and drop Kevin into a face plant on the ground.

There was an eerie quiet that settled on the room once the gnome mech fell. A soft hiss then caused Kevin to bring his head off of the ground. The canister holding the little flame elemental unlatched itself from the mech and rolled onto the ground. As if on cue, the canister filled with orange light before MELTING away to reveal the now freed elemental. "Thank you for freeing me from those insidious gnomes, my friends. Were it not for your bravery, I may have endured a lifetime of servitude as a power source for their warmongering" said the elemental with a surprisingly deep and well articulated voice. The little fireball with eyes hovered over to Kevin before landing in his outstretched palms. Kevin just sat there holding his friend tightly as if worried he may disappear again.


Velvet stood her ground as the mech tried to incinerate her but fortunately their combined efforts finally managed to brought the robot down, hopefully this time for good. She was rather surprised when the fire spirit talks like such gentleman, she had been imagining him to sounds like a cute chipmunk, if he actually talks at all.

"Hello, good to see you out of the cage. Please enjoy your freedom." Velvet smiled at the fire spirit, happy that he was finally free. Speaking of freedom...

"Come out, you two~" Velvet stood next to the fallen mech with her arms closed in front of her chest and one of her feet tapping the pilot chamber. Her voice was gentle like usual but there's an obvious ominous aura around her, like a mother who was ready to give some spanking. The fire spirit turned out to be even more sentient than she thought so this was more than just a pet kidnapping. The gnomes should face punishment. "We are going to escort you... to the jail."



Aimi finally let out a deep sigh of relief as the massive war machine crumbled. Primitive though it was, it was shockingly intricate, well-made, and worst of all, effective. Cautiously, she peeked her head out from the stone pillar, just in time to see the strange elemental leap free. It was an oddly… human moment, the two non-humans were sharing.

And without even realizing it, the corner’s of Aimi’s mouth curled up a bit. Just a bit. Whether it was from their embrace or the victory was unclear. Either way, Aimi was now faced with everything she’d hoped for: payment, and a large collection of useful, mechanical parts made of refined materials. It was a great step forward!

"You’re welcome," Aimi answered the strange flame being. "Speaking of which, if you ever have interest in a part-time position as a power source for my war machines, I would be happy to compensate you according to your abilities. Perhaps such a thing can be made bearable— if not comfortable —given enough research."

Leaving the vampire girl to arrest and potentially snack on the gnomes, Aimi instead approached the wreckage of the machine. Even a total wreck often contained bits and pieces of useful materials, and there sure was a ton of potential here!


| Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia (Kevin & Mean Dino) | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Velvet) | Skyswimsky Skyswimsky (Aiko)| Tau Tau (Aimi) | Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi (Helena) |
Summon In Affect:

With the party's combined efforts alongside the assistance of their summoned beasts, the mech would finally find itself outmatched. It fell to the ground with a thump before The party would emerge from the battle victorious! "YAAAAAAZZ!" little Desmond cried joyfully as he jumped up and down, "WE'Z DIDZ IT, YEZ! TAKE THAT YOUZ BLIMEY GNOMIEZ!" Looking over to "Mean-Dino", the eager summoner would run over and hug his leg. "Mean-Dino mayz big and mean but also cool and awesomez!" Desmond gratefully said, "Thank youz so muchez for helping!" He also looked over at Helena's summon - the big Ostrich Greta - and gave a thumbs up. "Fellow summoner and her big bird didz well too, yez!" he remarked with a little giggle.

Then the robot canister melted open to finally reveal Kevin's friend - the little fire elemental. After thanking the group for their efforts, the raptor gave a bow of appreciation towards him. "You iz most certainly welcome!" he replied respectfully, "May youz never be imprisoned again..."

His attention was then brought upon Velvet's immediate search for the two gnomies, vowing to take them to jail. The Deinonychian would assist in the search as his yellow eyes and keen senses [Heightened Senses E] begin locking onto their devilish foes. Should he see them, Desmond would quickly [Fast E] towards them and begin herding them towards Velvet's location, bearing his teeth and claws with a fierce screeches and barks, coupled with low-ringing growls. "Doez not resist!" he barked firmly with his gums flaring his bright teeth, "Or else Dezmond will gouge our your eyez and scratch you realz good, yez!"

A few seconds after the machine fell, Helena slowly slinked out of cover. She caught sight of Kevin with his friend. Good. Then she caught sight of Desmond; sending a thumbs up her way. She mirrored the gesture as she continued to question her life choices. A part of her debated helping Desmond and Velvet search for the gnomes who'd almost killed them all..

..but most of her was just ready to go home. So she walked over to one of the pillars, leaned up against it, and took a deep breath.

"Greta? Be a dear and watch over those two," Helena ordered her summon; gesturing over to Velvet and Desmond, "If those two gnomes try anything, blast them expeditiously."

With her bird standing guard and ready to strike at a moment's notice, Helena would leave the apparent arrest of the gnomes to the others.

< Human > | < Mundane >


Finally. The deed was done, and a sigh of relief escaped the haired figurine. "Are you alri-" She was about to ask Kevin, who already went off for a tearful reunion with his friend! The young 'heroine' had mixed feelings about this adventure, but would try to create some treasured memories about it. For a moment, she also considered the prospect of getting paid. Maybe even ask, but Aiko really did not care that much.

Instead, evil always lurked around the corner, and as most of the group chased after the gnomes, the neon-yellow-painted girl got right up to Aimi. "See!? Doesn't it feel good to DEFEAT evil instead of BEING evil?!" She asked her. "Not like the Fire Spirit was a machine or anything!... Oh what you got there?" Making sure that whatever the genocide warmonger aka Aimi would get her hands on, Aiko would ruin in some way or another!

If only she found a way to blow up the debris... more.

The Party Returns Triumphantly


Dragging their two gnome prisoners to the awaiting Tonkis. The party would find a few dozen dead ogres and orcs strewn about the area they arrived in. King Turkey was the first to greet them, leaping into Velvets arms given that the pair had bonded a little on the way to the ruins. Both gnomes felt their voices disappear in their throats the moment they locked eyes with The Wizard. Turns out an A-Rank Adventurer wasn't someone who they could boss around or threaten with their monetary wealth. Once the party deposited the gnomes in a cage made from solid ice, courtesy of the Wizard. Tonkis set off towards the Othaia Frontier Adventurers Guild. Finally given a chance to unwind after the surprisingly arduous quest they had undertaken. The Wizard would casually scoop up the loot the party had acquired from the ruins and begin tinkering with it. King Turkey would assist with this process by handing his master things using his beak.

Once the party arrived back at the Adventurers Guild. The two gnomes immediately began calling for lawyers, offering bribes and even threatening an attack by orc enforcers. Giselle the Receptionist was on the verge of tears given all this was happening on HER shift. The Wizard hit the gnomes across the head with his magic stick and used his authority as an A-Rank to get the proper authorities to come get the gnomes. Apparently their little kidnapping and warmongering antics weren't gonna fly in the Protectorate of Ryke. Kevin took this time to finally reward each of the party with a sack of coins. The strange smelling lizardkin was overjoyed to be reunited with his friend after they had been separated by such vile creatures as the gnomes. Kevins friend the flame elemental, who Kevin referred to as Flamey-Flame; was currently sobbing in the corner. According to him, the money Kevin had used to pay everyone was their ENTIRE life savings. Flamey Flame had been diligently minding Kevins spending in hopes of NOT having to live in a dumpster anymore. Now they were back to square one with Kevin none the wiser as to the financial burden he had placed on them.

The End

Grading Info for Nova
1. Narrators Involved
- Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia

2. Narrator Standing
- F-Rank Narrator

3. Summary of the Roleplay
-Bad Gnomes kidnapped Kevins friend to use as a power source for a mech. The party saved him and now the gnomes face imprisonment for their crimes.

4. Goal Achievement
- Kevins friend was rescued so the goal was achieved

5. Criminal Acts Perpetrated
- N/A

6. Lore to Establish
- Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including:
- Brief descriptions for lore moderators.
- Links to the posts where the lore was established.
- Nation of origin associated with the lore.

7. Partial Participants

8. Partial Participant Invaders

9. Full-Time Participants
Develius Develius as Desmond​
Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi as Helena​
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread as Velvet​
Tau Tau as Aimi​
Skyswimsky Skyswimsky as Aiko​

10. Characters with Point Boosters

11. Recommended Titles
.Recommended Titles: Ryke Adventurers Guild Rank +1

12. Assets/Titles Roleplayed For
.Recommended Rewards:
Aimi: Glass Cannon Upgrade F (Blight F: Flame) (Justification. Aimi wants to wage war and the Wizard doesn't really care if she does)​
Aiko: Stolen Crossbow Upgrade F (Knockback F) (Justification. Aiko doesn't want Aimi to wage war and the Wizard thinks its really funny she tries to stop Aimi)​
Velvet: Feather of King Turkey (Energized F, ONCE PER RP) (Justification: King Turkey bonded with Velvet)​
Desmond: Mean-Dino Guitar Pick F (Made from the tooth of a genuine Mean-Dino) (Desmond left an impression on Mean-Dino)​
Helena: Warding Bangle Upgrade (F-E) (The Wizard understands all too well how it feels to be a caster getting folded like Origami)​

13. Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles
- N/A

14. Hunters' Involvement
- N/A

15. Special Skills or Assets
- N/A

16. Transactions Performed
-None unless you count looting dead orcs or the part where they got paid

17. Rules Utilized
-No Rules

18. Character Sheet Oddities

19. Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates
-Plz delist Gnomes as a sentient species and make them monsters so its legal to hunt them

20. Narrator Bonuses
- Give Develius Develius extra points for keeping this entire ship from sinking

21. Additional Notes
- Kevin will return
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