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Active [Othaia Frontier] Rescue Kevin's Friend

Gaius Danius Griinia

Apparently Infamous
images (39).jpg
Tau Tau Skyswimsky Skyswimsky Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

It was early morning in the Othaia Frontier Adventurers Guild. Adventurers both young and old were lining the tables or taking up space near the massive corkboard covered in quest notices. The Othaia Frontier town had only been around for a decade but had a thriving adventuring business due to their position next to the untamed wilds of Ryke. No matter how many quests were taken from the board, more always seemed to appear within moments. Local issues were taken care of and less pressure was placed upon the town guard due to their comparatively smaller numbers. Everyone seemed to benefit from this arrangement. Unfortunately there was one particular individual who had opinions on this all. Burying her face in on the reception desk and wanting to scream her face off was Giselle the Guild Receptionist. Not only did she and her coworker Eileen have to process every quest being taken. It was also in their job description to process materials brought back by adventurers so they could pay said adventurers. The two women did this every day from eight until five with what seemed like minimal breaks and questionable pay.

"HEY! No screaming Giselle. I need to count these goblin ears and if I lose count, I gotta start ALL over again. You wanna screech, wait until your break!" said the frustrated looking elf woman. Some weirdo in rusty looking armor had brought her four sacks of goblin ears which she was STILL counting. Goblin Quests were straightforward subjugation quests meant for lower ranked adventurers to gain some combat experience. Usually one would move on from goblins to larger prey like giant wolves or man eating sheep. Someone actually going out of their way to kill FOUR SACKS worth of goblin ears was just outrageous.

"Is it quitting time yet?" asked Giselle, looking at her pocket watch she specially ordered from Widersia. It had barely been an hour since she started and she already wanted to leave. Laying her head down on the reception desk once more. Giselle's attempt to rest was interrupted by a party full of young looking rookies, eyes full of vigor and fire. She could remember having motivation, seemed like such a foreign thing nowadays. Apparently they were going after the troll who was kidnapping cows from local farms. Giselle had no idea WHY this was considered an E rank quest when it seemed pretty dangerous but all she could do was warn them. Stamping their quest notice, the guild receptionist waved the group of young adventurers off.


The doors to the guild hall opened to reveal a pair of red eyes attached to a very lanky lizard. Waddling into the building and passing the crowd of astonished adventurers. It was as if everyone had collectively held their breath whilst watching this reptile stumble his way over to the desk.

"Woah... who is that stinky lizard?!"
"Take a good whiff, boy... thats the scent of a D rank adventurer"
"...but WE'RE D rank adventurers"

Giselle felt her face try to retract deep into her body the moment her nose picked up the wretched stench of the dark scaled lizardkin. Hoping that he would give up his approach didn't change the fact he was coming right at her. Turning her head to Eileen for support. Giselle saw her friend was counting the goblin ears EVEN SLOWER THAN BEFORE. Contemplating just doing a runner since she wasn't in the mood to deal with this situation. Giselle remembered that she had rent to pay so she sucked it up and put on her best smile. The lizard finally stopped in front of the reception desk. His hunched over posture making it seem like he had just crawled out of some feral tribe of geckos. Lowering his head to address the receptionist, the lizard began speaking.

"Hello Guild Girl. Kevin come to see if guild has found frens to help rescue friend from bad gnomies!"

Giselle had no idea what she was smelling but she hated it. The day that Kevin came to the guild to post his quest. The guild staff had to use a whole bunch of incense just to remove whatever it is that came off of him. His personality wasn't that bad but it was hard to understand him given his grasp of the common tongue was questionable at best. At least she and Eileen got overtime for the extra hour they spent deciphering the notice Kevin had penned in strawberry jam.

"Yes... they're in the other room... please just try not to break anything"

Once again Kevin opened the door to another room with gusto. His reptilian tail wagged from left to right as he surveyed the reception room where the few adventurers willing to take his quest had gathered. Tea and snacks had been prepared which was great because Kevin immediately began eating those without introducing himself to the group. Halfway into what looked to be some sort of big cookie. Kevin remembered why he was there and decided NOW would be a good time to introduce himself.

"Hello adventurer frens. Kevin's name is Kevin and he has brought frens here for very serious quest.... Bad gnomies steal away Kevin friend. Kevin give money and best food from dumpster if frens help him save friend"

Velvet was always sleepy whenever the sun's out. Unlike her last job though, this time Velvet was more prepared. She brought her pillow into the guild and slept with her head on the table until the stinks that came from the lizardman woke her up. She groggily approached their supposed client, her eyes barely open.

"Good morning Kevin. Velvet's name is Velvet. Let's do our best today, beat the gnomies and save friend~" In her half sleeping state she ended up copying Kevin's manner of speaking before she returned to her seat and once again put her head on the pillow, though her eyes were now wide open as she's ready to hear any additional information the client might give them.​


| Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread |

As the morning was reaching it peak, Desmond was as bright and chipper as ever. Having returned from a caravan trip on the dunes to the west a week ago, the little raptor was eager to return to adventuring on more familiar soil. That and, coincidentally enough, he had also received his official "Ethereal Luminary" student card in the mail, as well as a "Certified Summoner" card from their's truly. His college resume had truly been expanding. Nevertheless, there were still loans to pay off and textbooks to waiver coupons for. It was high time he went back on another quest. The question was... which one?

The raptor's golden eyes darted across the quest-board, searching for something that would peak his interest. Most of the options seemed to cater towards the higher ranked members or those more relaxed were already taken up by even earlier birds catching the worm. A shame. Desmond would do almost anything for easy money.

Suddenly, Desmond felt someone bump into him and push him aside. A larger scalyfolk nonchalantly came up to investigate the board, being around five feet and a half tall. "OIZ!" the raptor barked as he cocked his head up at him, "WATCH'IZTS WILL YOUS!"

The entity turned his boxy head down at the feathery raptor, flaring its brilliant pink gums and a mouthful of sharp teeth. He looked similar to Desmond, having characteristics that resembled a raptor, but with very notable differences. For one, he lacked feathers; something which all raptors of the Fantozoica possessed to some degree. Aside from the rugged armor he wore, he looked very naked. Those without feathers were either suffering a disease, punished for their crimes, or were born "mutants" by nature. His overall posture was hunchbacked, looking more humanoid in its biological structure. He even sported four claws on his feet; one of which being the iconic sickle-shaped "killing" claw.

He was rather odd for a saurian... and all the more scary looking.

"BACK OFF PIPSQUEAK." he barked as he leaned closer towards Desmond. He could feel his rotten breath scraping against his nostrils, forcing the bard to reel back in disgusted terror. "EEP!" Intimidated by his appearance, the polka-dotted raptor retreated as he let the monstrous figure be. What a rude guy. He proceeded to hop onto a stool, not too far from where Velvet was sitting, as he took a moment to recalibrate himself.

But soon, another scalyfolk would enter the reception room; a smaller dark-scaled "gecko" who referred to himself as "Kevin". Desmond's head reared up as he inspected the newcomer curiously though his golden eyes. Kevin also seemed to be rather in distress, talking about how some "bad gnomies" had taken his friend and that he'd award money and food for those that were kind enough to help him. Desmond was intrigued. Then a sleepy vampire girl would chime in to offer her help, even speaking in Kevin's unique speaking manner.

Well... it would be unique... should she have known about-

"Desmond hears about lil' Kevin wanting help!" the feathery Deinonychian chirped, before leaping off the stool and approaching the two, "Desmond in need of quest too! So Desmond answers call! Help Kevins and sleepy lady get back friend! If... they allow Desmond to join if that'z okay, yez?"

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