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Community ︶꒦꒷Oct2024 Haunted Festival꒷꒦︶


[Fae, Mundane], Text Colors: #ffcf30, #e60606

“It's Showtime!!” - 1/1, cooldown not active

“One Hell of a Show!” - 1/1, cooldown not active

“We Have a Deal to Make” - 1/1, cooldown not active

Mentions: | Irihi Irihi |

Total Amount of Points: 2


Mephisto’s initial reaction to her biting words wasn’t of disbelief. He immediately honed in on her intentions. If he did not, then the phantom of a scythe begging for his head would be the next indicator. It kissed the neck of his suit, hanging from shoulder to shoulder in a wide and deadly embrace. The potential for disaster always clung on his coattails - and yet here it was, broad and bold as death itself knocking on his door.

He didn’t flinch. He didn’t react in any sort of way that indicated fear, sorrow, or even… humanity. If anything, he found a new form of entertainment in the situation. He felt the harrowing pressure of a false guillotine that would have cut through his collar and into his flesh... if only there was a blade to begin with.

Instead he followed the dread presence as if it were the limb of a dear companion.

His lips grew cold. He felt the skin on the tips of his nose and ears die. Frostbite? No, the spell didn’t burn with harsh, low temperatures. Necrosis? There was not a discernible odor. Even as his nose felt the sting of the strange magic, there was no taste of rancid flesh either. Decomposition also carried with it a very distinguishable… pain.

No, she attempted to steal away the very breath of his essence. She reeked of decay, the kind that emanated from the soul - the roots of the soul. She rotted from the inside-out, barely detectable to any save for those familiar with the sensation.

Mephisto followed her words carefully, memorizing what he had to. She posed quite the tempting possibility, after all. This wouldn’t be the last time they’d engage in such a dance of words and poison. His chest rose and fell with a compressed cackle.

“Irihi,” he repeated back to her.

The uncertainty of her mental state did little to dissuade him from imagining such horrible works. His facade shivered. [Illusion 21]

He didn’t move. His Shadow did.

The shape crawled over his shoulders, staring into Irihi’s eyes with a permanent grin to mirror that of its master. It reached into the bare throat of Mephisto with a set of sharp talons - and pulled. The mask peeled away, sticking to what lay underneath in a desperate bid to cling to the disguise.

Mephisto didn’t need it. Not here, not for the witch before him. Skin stretched until it snapped. Blood fell until the veins ran dry. Flesh didn’t matter. The bone beyond even that didn’t matter. All that Mephisto was left with was what Irihi felt like she wanted - pure and simple. Death, a bleached skull glaring directly at her.

“Irihi,” the voice carried on.

His eyes dissolved into black pits - hollow, but not empty. The red glare of something within Mephisto’s cowl of pale skin snickered in the abyss. The sliver of soulfire was stamped out. The lights persisted.

“I’m here… I’m always here… my friend~”

He swept a bang out of her face. The Shadow coiled next to the skull as it howled in unfathomable pain. A wild beast beyond beasts - that is what this was. The humanoid features shattered and reshaped themselves into the facial and jaw structure of a chimeric nightmare. Pointed, sharp, with omnivorous teeth, and those lights forever looking out from the ossified cage.

Crowned by antlers, Mephisto lowered his hand.

He extended his pointer finger…

And pressed it against Irihi’s nose!

The illusion immediately dissipated, returning Mephisto to his… "original" shape as if nothing happened. The colors of the world came back into plain, uninterrupted view. It would be overwhelming if it weren't so unbelievable. His lies and his truths intertwined, becoming more labyrinth than conversation.

“As for why I’ve troubled you, my dear… why not?”
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A surprisingly soft thud rang out from the lever as the young dryad brought her hammer down and the puck... didn't rise an inch.

Her eyes widened in surprise. Then, they narrowed in skepticism; head tilting ever so slightly. She glanced back over her shoulders to see if anyone of importance had seen that. Then, turned back to the High Striker with an ever-creasing brow.

"Okay, hang on. Lemme just..."

She cleared her throat and decided to focus up for this one. Her grip on the mallet tightened as she readied herself. She glanced down at her feet as spaced them out some; as though that new slightly wider stance would've somehow added a bit more power to her swing or something. She raised the mallet high over her head then, with a light grunt, brought it back down and gave The High Striker another shot.
Katja Galinka
Mentions: NachoGod NachoGod


" I am not a sister i have not taken the required vows " Katja corrected the Luchador though there was no annoyance in her tone she was used to this confusion and if anything was just glad he didn't mention how revealing her robes were. It was a nice change, and if confirmed that the man was from a world similar to hers as least in terms of religion and languages. Though that the man was not just in a costume was both expected and not expected given the people all around looked to be in costume and it seemed at least the two of them had worn no costume. Well a luchador was always in costume but something told her that he wore this outfit as much as she wore hers.

The whole someone here was a killer thing seemed not to be affecting anyone here, and in some ways it shouldn't as if it was a ghost doing it then there was little way for those possessed to remember it. Still Katja did wish she could banish evil spirits like the priests could, perhaps with the right skills she could. Still treating things like they were normal was a bit odd, or well it seemed odd to be so carefree, but perhaps it was more odd to be worried judging by how others were playing games.

" how about the haunted house then? I never had the chance to actually go through any " She suggested more or less deciding she would go with the luchador around and that well she couldn't suspect people of being odd when everyone was acting normal. " though first i think i will try this another thing i have never done" She chuckled liftign the hammer and bringing to down to the test of strength game.

points 1

Pray a rosary then sleep


Mentions: Develius Develius NachoGod NachoGod Moonberry Moonberry (Contains Martin's night plans)
Equipped Titles: Abomination, Human (Mundane), Construct, Novice Tinkerer, Isekai


When the Luchador apologized, he was met with a dismissive. "No problem. It was but an inconvenience. If you'd like to make it up to me, then why not tell me where you're from whenever you do so get the chance? I do like hearing of people from other worlds. The stories fascinate me. And I often like to catalogue my findings." To one such as him, it was merely research. People got to talk about themselves. And he got to search for any correlations and commonalities between worlds. So far, being from a place akin to earth was quite common. It also seemed common for these worlds to lack metahumans of any kind.

A shot fired and a gun lowered. Martin then observed the next shot that "Cassidy" had taken. And then smiled.

"Come now Cowboy. You won't let some pencil pushing codger like myself outshoot you, will you?" A brief line of banter before he spoke of more serious matters.

"I see. So the possibility of spirits ought not to be ruled out. Or the otherwise sufficiently motivated killer." He pursed his lips in thoughts.

Martin was not used to dealing with such non-physical threats. Perhaps an adversary might strike him in unorthodox and indirect ways, but such things were often hitting him in his pockets, destroying his inventions or meddling in his resources. A spirit presented a threat which was difficult to confront in and of itself even if it was squarely in front of him. And the only thing he had on hand was this Talisman.

"I see. Maybe I might be able to go about gathering some info." In the vein of an intellectual, Martin seeks to make predictions. "I should probably let you know. I plan on paying a visiting lady Lady Aurelia tonight That way she may be less tight lipped." He says.

"I suspect one will inevitably ask questions, sooner or later."

Another shot.

At the Nights end, Martin decides to question Lady Aurelia one what exactly it is that she wanted to say before she was cut off.

"You said you saw someone walking by the guest houses. What do you remember seeing, before Alistair cut you off? Speak freely, Ms. Aurelia."

Actions: 2/3

1. Idle Chit Chat

2. Marksmanship Game


Point Counter: 3/20

As the crowd began to disperse and the body was lowered down from the tree Lauren decided to pay the fortune teller's stall a visit. While she's not particularly superstitious like most others in this world seemed to be, she knew it would be better to be on the safe side and ask the fortune teller some questions. She had been spacing out when the fortune teller had explained what their little gift specifically did, or if it could be used multiple times... She hoped it could be used more than once, as she wasn't convinced that--if there were actually any spirits--there would only be one. Her feet carried her towards the fortune teller as she avoided getting too close to anyone, as worry plagued her mind about who in their midst had blood on their hands. The entire first week she had spent in this world had ingrained a sense of paranoia and fear within her heart, and despite her efforts to work through her issues she still felt off at times. Finding herself outside of the tent near one of the gates, she briefly brushing shoulders with Aqua before vanishing inside - her gaze taking in the unfamiliar atmosphere the fortune teller's tent had inside.

[Fortune Teller: 9]

Lauren was quick to settle herself in as the fortune teller made her presence known, three decks of tarot cards laid out before her as the ambient light from the various candles and the orb on the low table provided some visibility. Her gaze met the woman before her, though before she could ask any questions the seer spoke.
"You may pick three cards from whatever part of the three decks you desire. But know this, that with each card drawn several opportunities will become out of your reach... Though perhaps another opportunity may reveal itself at an opportune moment." The seer forewarned, as Lauren reached out her hand as she thought about which cards to pick. So many choices, though she didn't believe they had any real meaning. It took a couple of moments for her to pick the cards that seemed to call out to her, flipping the three over to reveal their faces:

The Magician
The Hanged Man
The Moon

As Lauren laid her cards out for the seer to see, she noticed the crystal ball churn as her gaze became fixated on it for a brief moment. She instinctively flinched as a rapid series of vague images flashed before her eyes, though as quickly as the images had come they vanished without a trace. Her focused turned back to the fortune teller as she wrote something down, handing the slip of paper to Lauren.
"You're fortunate to have such a studious head on your shoulders," The Fortune teller began. "And I'd advise you to listen to your instincts tonight. The talisman may be able to dispel the spirit possessing one of you, but it will not protect you from being possessed." She spoke with a tone of truth to her voice, though she had a feeling a part of it was good acting. As Lauren looked at the slip of paper she saw what it read. 'Great Blessing'

Festival Points: 4

"Elegant" Glacier

Top Hat.png

Strangely, Glacier had received an invite to attend some party at a manor. While he didn't feel he fit in such a "noble" environment, it would have been rude to ignore it, so travel he did. Of course, his normal appearance would probably look out of place... which is why he reused a top hat he'd gotten during the last time he visited a manor! Glacier felt that is was the perfect addition for such an occasion.

The first day went along well enough, Glacier mostly just surveying the premises and giving polite greetings. Yet, the surprise during the night was horrifying. Though he had no physical need for sleep, Glacier found he couldn't even if he tried, the previous scene too disturbing.

...The Next Morning...

Glacier walked past the various stalls and people, doing his best to put last night out of his mind. Seeing an open stand for apple bobbing, he decided to give it a try, stepping up to the basin. Carefully studying one apple floating over towards the right side, he reared back his head, before diving in with jaws outstretched.

Current Action:
Play Apple Bobbing
Night Action:
Stay by the pool (GG3) to meditate and practice his ice magic.
ELVYRA HIGHWATER | Blackwell Vampire | VIP
"Any idea why our next stop is some town festival?" Saldana complained from the front of the carriage. Elvyra simply fanned herself idly, dressed to the nines in nicer clothing than she'd been in since she came to this life. Saldana, who was used to scruffy dock workers wear and boots, tugged on his tight collar as he guided the horse drawn carriage to the gates of the Valenwood Estate. There were plenty of people who'd arrived before them and it seems the festivities were already started by the time they'd pulled up.

"Saldana, these people reek of money, and that means opportunity. A chance to get cozy and beside some of them to do further business." She explained to him. The carriage door opened, and Saldana played the perfect part of a servant letting a lady out of the ride. It was a common enough sight to see a Beastkin servant and a human noble in these parts, and Elvyra made it her mission to appear as professional as she could with her meager funds. After her previous successful stint, she'd come into some funds and had managed to get a client here or there. But she'd need more if she was going to reach the top. "And I brought YOU along because Winrey is off living his life, and I don't feel like dodging misfortune with Kuro around. Once we get a solid crew, jobs like the Goldpot casino will be a piece of cake. Think of this as networking."

Saldana rolled his eyes, but went along with it anyways. "I'll just be waiting in the carriage. You don't really need me to hang around to 'network' do you?" He said, pointing a thumb back. Elvyra left him to the carriage, and entered the estate.

The first night was lively and full of fun activities and games to complete, all of which had pretty unique prizes that she'd been eyeing since she walked the fairgrounds. The hosts of this fall festival were interesting enough to her to stick around instead of sneaking off back to her apartment in Azuran City. When she went to find her lodgings, she almost wished she HAD packed up and left, since she was sharing a room with 8 other people. She introduced herself to her roommates, and decided she'd just spend the night perusing the fairgrounds and checking to see which prizes really caught her eye. She was never one for carnival games, but if she were going to be here, she'd have to make the most of it when she wasn't trying to cozy up to other people.

Elvyra walked the fairgrounds and inspected the different games and prizes.

Having slept rather peacefully, Elvyra was woken up by a bloodcurdling scream that rang out through the halls. It seemed to come directly from outside the room as well. Seeing her other roommates bolt into actions, Elvyra joined them in leaving to see what was wrong, only to find a horrifying scene. The brave adventurer from yesterday who'd made a show of welcoming everyone and being the life of the party was found dead in a gruesome manner. Elvyra was quite disturbed something like this could happen at a festival of all places, murder right out in the open was ballsy even for her.

A fortune teller...and ghosts? How ridiculous. Ironically, she didn't believe in spirits and ghosts though she supposed in this world they were quite common. Even in Blackwell, "dead things" stayed dead. The Fortune Teller handed everyone a talisman, something to give them protection from whatever "vengeful" spirit was possibly wreaking havoc on them. In her estimation, however, that man died from some other foul play. Blaming a ghost just seemed like a poor excuse. Everyone else brought it hook, line, and sinker though and pocketed the Talisman while murmuring about how scary the ghost was. She didn't want to stick out, so she pocketed the Talisman as well and kept it close to her. Well I suppose the festivals cancelled- She blinked in surprise as the host announced they'd continue on with the revelry while they "investigated" this mans death.

That just seemed like a ploy to get any and all suspects in the same place. She sighed, she hadn't wanted to stay for longer than she had to, but she supposed this meant Saldana will be staying in that carriage for longer than he thought. Since games were being offered, she'd made up her mind about which game she was going to play: The Marksman game. She remembered where it was from having walked the fairgrounds last night.

Elvyra arrives to the estate with her assistant Saldana. She plans on trying to find potential new clients here who are also nobles. That first night, she spent it perusing each game station before she turned in for the night. The next morning she discovered the body with everyone else, and then decided her first game would be the Marksman game.

1. Enter the Fall Festival
2. Discover Body
3. Travel to ST6 (Marksman game)

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Location: Goldfish booth
Points earned: 2 pts
Giftvi Giftvi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

"G-goldfish!" Aqua's next destination was a simple stall with goldfish scooping game, this was a classic in her previous world's festival so she's pretty excited to try it. There's already another two participants skillfully scooping the fishes. Without saying a word Aqua grabbed a net for herself and joined them at scooping the goldfish. Her hands trembled as she tried to scoop her first one.​

John couldn’t help but overhear as the luchador turned to the nun for advice after his reckless swing. “Sorry to butt in... but maybe washing those greasy hands might help?” John suggested with a smirk. Then, with far less confidence, he picked up the hammer and gave the bell a pathetic swing, barely making a sound. (previous post swing) He grimaced at his own attempt as Demeter, a familiar face from a previous adventure, stepped up to take her turn.

"Hey, plant lady! Didn't expect to see you here again." John called out with a grin, watching as Demeter gave it a go. But her swing was just as underwhelming, and the bell didn’t budge.

“This thing’s rigged, I'm telling you!” cried John, as he took another swing with the hammer to prove his point.

Visits the fortune teller to get his fortune read.
Watching of Cosplay

Ambient Vibes

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Total Amount of Points: 5
Interaction: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Watching looked towards Aqua as she walked over to join it and the two others present here at the booth for some catching of goldfish, but it became all too apparent all too quickly that it wasn't their expertise, or maybe they were a bit nervous? Certainly nervous was perhaps a bit more of an appropriate way to put it when considering her facial expression at this moment.

It gave a thumbs up towards Aqua, almost as if to motivate her, or however that would be taken when getting a thumbs up from a large purple mammal like creature that you think might be like... some sort of really odd magical marsupial? Or perhaps a mustelid would be closer in terms of its shape, like an odd stoat of some kind? But then the fact its tail had there white dots upon it which seems to be partially hollow, and looked like they had spines, and the fact it was wearing a.... dinosaur costume. Well those were a bit unexplainable honestly all things considering.

Still perhaps as it had given the thumps up to Aqua, it had similarly lost the groove which it had previously been in. And as it tried to scoop up a goldfish, which it failed, it was obvious now perhaps to her as well that it looked more then a lil intoxicated.​

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