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Community ︶꒦꒷Oct2024 Haunted Festival꒷꒦︶


"Without a doubt, the first death was not an accident." Lauren boldly stated as she started to voice her thoughts about the murder. "An accidental hanging could have been much more plausible if we were onboard a large ship or in the midst of a jungle, as there'd be plenty of ropes or vines you could easily get tangled in and hang yourself on if you fell and any part of it wrapped around your neck. But unless the man hung himself to try and get a scare out of us and accidentally made it too tight, I don't see a plausible reason that he'd hang himself." Lauren looked to Adelhein, Saber, and Gilgamesh with a serious gaze, tucking one hand away into her pocket while the other kept rubbing her sore shoulder. "While I do believe that the hung man was murdered, I don't necessarily know whether or not more will follow. That being said, I suspect that the murders will likely continue, though whether they target the hosts of the event or everyone attending I can't make an educated guess about. Regardless, I'm not leaving my life entirely in the hands of fate tonight, as I've gone through too much trauma and witnessed too much meaningless death to go down without a fight." Lauren concluded her thoughts on the matter, looking down to her prosthetic hand with a determined expression. She'd do what she'd need to avoid deaths grasp, with a solid plan already in place to boost her chances of surviving the night. After all, she'd managed to escape the Madmans grasp with the help of those who has escaped alongside her, so she'd probably survive the night if she remained vigilant. She still needed to exercise caution though, as carelessness could be her undoing.

Perhaps it was just her paranoia, but she thought she felt someone's gaze directed at the four of them. She looked around briefly and spotted a... cat wearing a dino hoodie? She had come to expect a certain level of weirdness from this world, and yet it always found ways to baffle her anew. She turned her gaze back to Adelhein and his two companions, having a question for them in turn.
"What are your thoughts about the murder? I had slept soundly throughout the night, so I can't say that I noticed any unusual noises during my slumber. So I was wondering, did any of you notice something weird last night?" Lauren's eyes glanced between all three of them with a curious expression, wanting to hear their thoughts about anything strange they noticed.

Total Festive Points: 6
Mentions/Interactions: Maxxob Maxxob Giftvi Giftvi

It was not that Irihi could not catch a fish but rather that they immediately died at her touch--even insulated by a net. And dead fish apparently did not count. “Tch!” She chuffed in exasperation, her eyes narrowing to return a scowl to the little purple creature that seemed to be giving her a pitying look. As galling as it was, Irihi tried very hard to restrain her enervating miasma and not slaughter anyone or anything, during one last attempt to catch a live fish.

It didn't work, but on the plus side, she killed everyone else's fish too.

Later that NightThe festive atmosphere disagreed with Irihi. The sounds of laughter and gaming were an anathema to her. She had little interest in any murder not done by her own hand, so the hushed insipid conversations of whodunit between the gentry held her attention not at all.

She did spend a little time, though she would not have admitted as much to anyone, looking for that devilisly disguised monster. He, at least, was a thorn amidst these nauseating roses. ”Though why I should care about some second-rate demon, is beyond me.” She told herself more than once as afternoon slipped toward evening and she haunted the deepening shadows of the darker places of the mansion and its grounds. There were ghosts here; the hanged man was not the first murder most foul to occur in this place. Once upon a time Irihi might have sussed them out, perhaps had the company of a few phantasmal conversationists, but--like most of her powers--that ghoulish insight had been locked away.

This body had to eat. It could drink and feel the toxins wash away a little of the blackness of her seething malice. That was strange; something she had not felt in millenia. I wonder what else might feel different, now that I live again? She thought to herself, and found her mind drifting--no. Don’t be a fool. She clamped down on those thoughts, yet found her hand had drifted to her forehead where one of her midnight locks had been tucked. “Pah!” She derided herself.

A tablemate who was a few sheets to the wind--thinking she was speaking of the food--tried to engage the pale vixen, he had sat beside, in conversation. “Oh, I quite agree, fair maid! This may be the driest goose I’ve every---gakk!”

Irihi’s lips twitched upward, beneath her slitted gaze, as her tablemate choked on the ash to which she’d turned the bit of food as it slid down his throat. Don’t talk to me.

Coughing out a cloud of dust and grabbing for his glass to try to clear his airway, the man gave both Irihi--and the plate of ashes before him--a terrified look before hastening to find another seat.

Much Later that NightSo she had heard singing, and ethereal music.
Irihi lingered in the doorway watching Mephistos hell of a show.
What an intriguing ridiculous fool.

A foolish devil, like this one, could never make her blackened heart flutter with that last line of his silly little song.
She certainly would never deign to take his hand and be led to a floor cleared by unseen poultergeists that threw armchair, ottoman, and rug aside to make way for the dancers.

Perish the thought that she’d be spun away from him and then wrapped in the long-limbed spider embrace of hell.

Allow herself to match his steps, to fetch up against him breast to breast and then buckle, dipped and damned by those strong sure arms? No, never. Just a trick of the light, dearhearts.

Did someone die, or were it just her inhibitions that were murdered? Irhi could not have said, nor cared to say--had her breath not already been stolen away. He laughed and they spun. “Mephisto…” Irihi gasped, and it was not the sound of corpse-cool breath over the vocal chords of this body--this body that caged and restrained her, but the world-warping ethereal echoing exclamation of the atrocity she still was once had been.

And the world spun around them, and their mirthless, or mirth-filled, or merciless, laughter mingled as the dance and dancers spiraled into an endless delightful nightmare.

Irihi kills more fish.
Irihi is the thing that goes bump in the night day.
The attic was not as dusty as her erstwhile dinner companion’s throat.
Irihi joins Mephisto in The Shadowy Soiree
Mephisto Mephisto
Giftvi Giftvi

"Elegant" Glacier

Top Hat.png

Glacier aimed to the right, alright; but a bit too much to the right. Just how much to the right, you may ask? So to the right, that he completely missed the apple and hit his muzzle right on the edge of the basin. After causing it to nearly tip over, and getting a splash of water from the failed apple bob, Glacier waved away the concern of the stand-person asking if he was alright. Although, he hoped his luck would be better for the rest of the night.

Resolving to try again, Glacier instead aimed for an apple towards the left of the basin, positioning his head right above it, and going straight down for the target.

Current Action:
Play Apple Bobbing (Again)
Night Action:
Stay by the pool (GG3) to meditate and practice his ice magic.
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter // Gilgamesh

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c

Moonberry Moonberry II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II


Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


“I agree wholeheartedly,” Adelhein began, his tone measured as he contemplated the scene of the hanging. “By the looks of it, an accident is impossible. And the chances of suicide? Slim at best.” His words carried a note of certainty, as though his instincts had already pieced together the truth. To him, it was clear - the man had been murdered. He conveyed as much to Lauren, his crimson eyes narrowing slightly when she spoke of not accepting the whims of fate. A small smile tugged at his lips.

“To simply allow things to follow their predestined course would be... naïve,” he remarked, a glint of determination in his gaze. “There is always something one can do, is there not? I’ve come too far and done too much to stand idly by.” His voice grew firmer as he looked to the women at his sides, Saber and Gilgamesh, a promise etched into his words. “Whoever dares to strike at me will be in for a rude awakening.”

The conversation took a brief pause as their attention shifted to an odd creature wearing a dinosaur costume, making its way to the strength test game. For a moment, the sight nearly distracted Adelhein, until the sensation of two gauntleted hands resting firmly on his shoulders drew him back. Glancing to the side, he found Gilgamesh’s golden gauntlets gripping him, her smirk only widening. He let himself ease into the possessive gesture, directing his focus back to Lauren as she posed her questions.

“The murder?” Adelhein echoed, thoughtful. “I believe whoever is responsible is using the carnival as a smokescreen, a distraction to prevent any serious investigation. It’s the perfect cover, after all. Unless…” He paused, considering the odd fortune-teller’s words. “Unless the fortune-teller was correct, and it was a vengeful spirit that took Ronan Driscoll’s life. I wouldn’t rule out that possibility just yet.”

He fell silent, reflecting on her second question about the previous night. Recalling how quickly he had fallen asleep, nestled between his two companions in the cramped bed, a faint blush crept across his face. “To be honest, I don’t recall anything strange last night,” he admitted, glancing between the women. “How about you two? Gilgamesh? Saber?”

Saber’s golden eyes gleamed with a dangerous edge as she spoke, her voice cold and unwavering. “Indeed, Master. Anyone who dares to threaten you will face swift and merciless retribution.” Her expression remained impassive, but the air around her seemed to pulse with barely contained violence. “As for last night, I detected no immediate danger. However, this place reeks of deception. We would do well to remain vigilant.”

Her gaze flicked toward Gilgamesh’s hands on Adelhein’s shoulders, her posture subtly tensing, though she said nothing.

Gilgamesh, in contrast, tightened her hold ever so slightly, her smirk widening at Adelhein’s words. “Bold declarations, Adelhein. Our little magus has grown quite confident.” Her voice was playful, but beneath the teasing, there was an undercurrent of something more serious. “As for last night… while I sensed no direct threat, there was an air of anticipation. As though this carnival itself were holding its breath, waiting for something to unfold.”

Her crimson eyes flickered between Lauren and the dinosaur-costumed figure now attempting the hammer game. “This place is a tapestry of secrets and lies, woven with just enough truth to lure one in. The murder is but a single knot in this intricate design." She tightened her grip on his shoulders ever so slightly, a mixture of possessiveness and excitement in her tone.

4 point
Plans to spend the night at the library at MF8, reading some books.
Watching of Cosplay

Ambient Vibes

Languages: Common | <Bestial>
Titles: Beast [Mundane], Hunter, Guardian
Total Amount of Points: 11
Interaction: II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Maxxob Maxxob Irihi Irihi

Purpler would have looked more then simply appalled as it saw the miasma which spread from Irihi to the various fish they had caught and began to drain them of life, whether consciously or unconsciously it stepped away as quick as it could, towards the strength machine where it had been paying attention to beforehand. In part due to whatever weird shit was honestly going on over the at the moment.

Saving the few of the fish it had caught, though they looked earnestly bleak at this moment already. And it certainly had been caught in a bit of a bad mood from such. Its face the smallest bit scrunched up, though others likely couldn’t tell the difference at all.

As it stood there sorta close to the other two here whose conversation it had sorta listened to, it looked towards the hammer and knew even if it might fail again to hit the bell as least it might mean that it could vent its frustrations towards what Irihi had tried to do in some capacity or another, hoping she would rather leave soon from the booth if she intended to just kill the fish there.

Staring for a moment again at Adelhein and the two women closest to him, though for a moment it did look towards Lauren. Simply for different reasons, as only briefly it just seemed curious towards her robotic limb(s).

As its frustrated swing got it close to, but rather just missed hitting the bell there.
Location: Pie booth
Points earned: 6 pts​

Happy with the ampunt of goldfish she got, Aqua excused herself from the booth to try the other games. The smell of delicious pies drew her into the eating contest. She wasn't much of an eater, but she sure would enjoy the pies.​
Caesar “Surpann” Romero
Languages: Common, (Beastial)
Titles: Human.
Mentions Karcen Karcen (Katja)

Caesar would nod as he listened to Katja’s words. She mentioned ‘the children at the monastery’ so he was confident that she was at least not mocking the Sisters by dressing in a…similar…manner. A twinge of confusion would touch his face beneath the mask as she mentioned a great evil falling upon her world. so she is from a different world than I. he would think to himself. Though he figured that made sense in a way, this world was so different than the one he left behind. It made him question many things about reality itself, he often wondered if dying here would send him to another universe or if it would simply be the end.

A chuckle would escape him as she mentioned the last part. “That seems like a fair deal to me.” He would say grinning under his mask as he made his way to the door pulling it open for them both to enter. Caesar would start out perfectly fine with the spooky sounds and fog in the haunted house. But as they continued in A few of the props would get under his skin, and Eventually he would find himself flinching and scooting away from one of the jump-scare props, nearly bowling Katja over in the process. He would stop himself and make an effort to help her stay standing, still by the time they had exited he was embarrassed to an absurd degree.

“i am sorry for stepping on you Katja…i suppose this whole ‘Ghost murder’ thing has me a bit more on edge than i had thought…if you wouldn’t mind could we keep my cowardly responses between us?” He would say with a nervous smile peeking from under his mask. “What should we do next?” He would say, eager to put the haunted house behind him.
Summary: Caesar enters the haunted house with Katja. Nearly knocks her over as he flinches from the spooky scary pop up Jumpscare. Is embarrassed to no end, asks her to keep it between them and suggests they find a new game.


Top Hat.png

Glacier had hoped that this apple would somehow be easier. He hoped wrong. While he didn't nearly tip over the basin as he had previously, Glacier still got a face full of water; it was times like these that he was glad for being unable to breath.

"Once more... third time's a charm, as they say." Glacier muttered to himself, before diving in for another apple, this time right in the center.

Current Action:
Play Apple Bobbing (Again)
Night Action:
Stay by the pool (GG3) to meditate and practice his ice magic.
Titles: [Fae, Mundane]

Text Colors: #ffcf30, #e60606

“It's Showtime!!” - 1/1, cooldown not active

“One Hell of a Show!” - 0/1, cooldown active

“We Have a Deal to Make” - 0/1, activated this round!

Mentions: | Irihi Irihi |

Total Amount of Points: 2

The devil was in full swing now, glaring from beyond the pale sheet of skin lingering between the two. He leaned forward, framing Irihi's small jawbone with his long fingers. Bare teeth met the air in front of the elf's lips, a lingering heat conflicting against her soulless cold. He laughed, low and rumbling.

"Of course you do~" he purred.

He demolished the intimacy by snapping his fingers again, sending the music into a frenzy. The resulting riot of noise assembled itself into a concise and understandable concert. His illusion wouldn't break so long as he wanted it to survive. Perhaps it extended beyond this, perhaps not. He never lied. He never told the truth. He always spoke and lived as he pleased. Whatever happened afterwards was pure circumstance. He'd pick it clean, both rabid hound and starving condor.

The dance began anew, only this time as they swung and swayed Irihi would find her clothing changed for the sake of the theme at play. Though her necromantic robes became more elegant and suitable for ballroom dancing, the color palette and - quite frankly, the morose decorations - remained in spades. It even had the faintest odor of powdered bone interlaced with the fabrics. It cradled her sickly flesh in a frightfully familiar sense, as if it weren't even made from human hands. The craftsmanship would be too close to her memories, what she shared with Mephisto through glances and her spiteful words throttling what warmth she dared to possess.

The fae anomaly held sway over what he could puppeteer, what allowed him close. The marionette before him had such dreadfully gleaming eyes.

Mephisto himself had his pinstripe suit changed to something resembling distant royalty, though with his own distinct flair for the dramatic. Mostly red and black, the ensemble featured highlights of gold and even dark green to compliment and contrast idyllically with Irihi's mostly black and purple garments.

Even through this new façade, the stench of fresh blood was inescapable. It was as if he skinned someone for this suit... and for the "costume" he wore underneath it.

The tempo at which the music raged swelled and Mephisto led them into chasing after it step by meticulous, rhythmic step.

"Choking on ashes
Demons and death collide
A match made in deepest
Upon which heaven crashes
Judgment abates and divides
Where do the
wingless angels go?

Plucked free of their feathers
No more tyrants, no more kings!
No more laws of man!
Only eldritch tethers
The unknown cosmic rings
And the embrace of
godless hands!

Come with me, my dear
Let us watch the
Writhe and scream in pain
Drown themselves in their own fear
corpses there are no winners
But we shall ever watch them
He parted their tender dancing routine, sending her on her own into the center of the room. The illusion faded, if only for a moment. The music became dull, yet omnipresent. Mephisto lowered his long limbs. Their clothes returned to what they wore before, the victory of unimaginable suffering yet out of their immediate grasp. He tilted his head curiously and began to circle her, hands clasped behind his back.

"Your skin is cold as ice
I'll admit it's been nice
Playing this game, rolling the

But you have to understand
This has to go according to plan
And it all begins with your

Songs of terror
Songs of horror
They'll both be ours
Forever and ever

Oh the misery
It's no mystery
It's called
Against the heavens together

never be love
It's a mutual
murderous heartbeat
monsters hunting after the same feast

We've danced the danse macabre
And all the others in-between
So come with me and sing

Songs of
Songs of horror
And when it's all over
We'll find a way to
laugh together

At the misery
It's no mystery
It's called destiny
That we burn the world together

So tell me once
Tell me twice
These sinners are ours to take!

Don't tell me any
Not when I can see it in your eyes
We both know
We Have a Deal to Make~"

He extended his hand.


1 - second part of the villain song
2 - used "We Have a Deal to Make" in order to strike a potentially disastrous pact amidst the plague of murders
Katja Galinka
Mentions: NachoGod NachoGod


" They are already forgotten " katja said never even thinking to bring them up. they all had different levels of skill and courage and to tell the truth the jump scare had gotten her too. Luckily the labyrinth had never learned of jump scares it liked dread and just plain unfair fights to bring its horror. She couldn't even imagine diving into it if around any corner there could be a monster ready to pop out and scare you for no reason. She did softly chuckle at hoe the brave strong luchador was so eager to get as far away from the fake ghosts.

" how about apple bobbing i have never done that" Katja said pointing over to the large basin filled with water and on top of the still water apples floated. it was a way to get a bite to eat and to get points. Though Katja was mor interested in just having some fun " Though i have picked twice here i thought men lead on dates" She teased just messing around with the luchador. She had taken no vows so aside form what she limited herself to she was just a normal person and well even if she had taken the vows she was sure that she would still make that joke. Being someone with faith didn't mean having no funny bone.

The two would head over the the booth and Katja would go first trying to get in a comfortable spot before dunking her face into the water not taking off her veil just accepting it would get wet and trying to bite down on an apple.

points 4
Location: Pie booth
Points earned: 8 pts​

Continuing with the pie, Aqua slowed down her eating as she took her time watching the various people who attended the festival. She noticed that some people had been wearing some unique costume, should she do it too? She probably can make a sheet ghost costume by borrowing the bed sheet in her room.​

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