Osm Advntrs [RP]


Auburn Mystery


Please make sure you understand the rules and the signup.

I had everyone draw a number. This is the string that came up.

coro 1

esme 20

kaine 12

sat 10

kat 13

konn 17

mojo 7

holly 19

6 11 13 8 2 17 4 16 7 18 10 1 14 5 9 20 3 15 19 12

Everytime a new person joins they will be added to the bottom of the list.After the current rotation is finished, i will be selecting a new sequence. Thus making a new sequence for everyone to enjoy.

The order of the current role leaders are as follows.

Sorry I messed up, the list is now correctly done.

Kaine (to get us started)




Lord Saturday




There is no given length per universe. It can be as generic, or crazy as you wish. Once everyone is finished, they can choose when to return to the "White Room" Once there you may not return. Once every one is there, the new universe may be chosen.

Once I'm done, Moe will be the first leader. I'll let him and you guys know when its time.

Please keep in mind, it may be awhile before our characters realize what the hell is going on xD so try to act accordingly. When your ready, have your character teleport into the white room.


What a day. Ben walked down the street, reconciling events from the past week. First his friend thought he was cheating on his girlfriend, then the teacher thought he had cheated on a test. Was it his fault if he was that smart.

In his thinking, he nearly walked out in front of a car. It blared its hard and it literally scared the shit out of him. As he stepped back he tripped and he felt a weird sensation pulsating around his wrist. His hands went back to catch himself and in a bright flash, his head hit the ground. He was utterly confused.

He quickly tried to regain his composure. As he glanced around blurrily, he could see he was in a fairly small room. It had pure white walls, with a white roof. Something you would have seen in a private school. And the floor was also white. Though it was not entirely completely white that it blinds you. More like a sanitary room. Tiles could be made out on the floor, and against two of the walls were couches.

Ben was feeling woozy, so as he made it over to one of the couches, he fell down and passed out. Sadly he rolled off the couch and ended up sprawled out on the floor.
Clara sighed as she walked down the halls of the high school she attended. Samantha followed closely behind her. She was one one of the only people Clara could tolerate without being tempted to toy with. Samantha was already so helpless and shy that it wouldn't take much. She watched the random girls gossiping in the hallway as she passed by them as she tried to forget about all the cruel insults some kids had thrown at her the past week. It wasn't hard to shrug it off so she did just that.

Clara parted ways with Samantha at the school entrance and crossed the many busy streets that consumed the city she lived in her whole life. Cars buzzed by without a care. She started down subway stairs, not paying attention to her surroundings. Some high school boys ran right by her and one accidentally pushed her. Before she knew it, she was falling down the subway stairs and her head collided with the cement ground. Everything went black.

When she awoke, the room she was in was small and white room. She looked around, confused. "What the heck?" she said still a bit out of it. "I must be asleep and the whole day was a dream," she said before curling up in a ball in the middle of the white room and passed out from the pain in her head.
Russel was sprinting through his small Irish neighbourhood, running away from the crazy old man with a shovel.

"Holy crap old man! All I did was play a little joke! The chickens are fine!"

The old man was gaining one him, shovel in hand. "I'll get ye! Ye wee brat!"

Russel grinned, and took a sharp corner, and collided with a wall face-first....

His last thought before everything flashed with a blinding light was 'Who dah hell put that wall there...."

He sat up in a completely white room.

"Eh..... An 'ospital." He muttered. "Musta hit me noggin 'arder than I thought."

He noticed a guy sprawled out on the floor near a couch, and a girl sitting passed out in the middle of the room.

He sighed.

"I must be in the crazy wing." He went over and helped the guy back up onto the couch, and picked the girl up and put her on a different couch.

After that, he started looking for an exit. But he couldn't even find a seam in the walls.
"STOP! THIEF!!" A man called out in a horrible brooklyn accent as the loveable cut throat Roy zander raced down the street with his wallet. Roy weaved through the crowd waiting for the subway. He ran out of the subway into the beautiful world above. Roy grinned " Another clean get away." Roy ducked into the alley as he saw the man and one police men shoot by him. Roy had been very lucky recently even though he couldn't remember a couple of things about himself.. All he knew was he wouldn't kill unless he had two..

Roy continued running down the alley when he started feeling wierd. sub conciously he reached his hand to the bejewled dagger at his thigh. Next thing he new he had run straight into a white wall, in a nonchalat white room. Roy was dazed laying on his side the man's wallet flapped open the credit card and all the cash flew out. Roy gritted his teeth as he sat up and his head ached like who knows what.

Roy shook his head and scrambled to gather his money " Something tells me I'm not in the bronx anymore..." Roy sighed his head continued to throb as he gathered up the money and stuffed it hastilly into his pocket. The man whom he'd stolen it from was well off anyway, if he had any sense he would cancell the credit card... There was one good thing about this strange place. The police would never find him, even though he'd refined his ways to only steal from the rich..
L.A. had been sitting at a computer desk in a dark room, the only light coming from the small screen which had a video playing on how to solve a rubix cube. As she leaned back in her chair, absently messing around with her tongue ring while copying what she saw in the video on a very old cube. As she finished the second layer of cube, L.A. felt something weird along her bottom lip. Specifically coming from the general area of left, where her lip ring was. Not really knowing why it was doing that, she figured she might want to check it in a mirror.

Pushing out her chair to go into the bathroom a sudden wave of dizziness came over her. Shrugging it off she stood before having her knees give out and sending her down onto the floor, only it wasn't the hard wood floor of the room she had just been in. It was white. L.A. rubbed her eyes before looking around, she was in a white room and wasn't alone. No, there where other people in here, some passed out some awake. Looking around more, she started getting creeped out before slowly and silently pushing herself agaisnt the wall and hugging her now hurting legs to her chest. L.A. really had no idea what was going on, and she had no intention of finding out.
This white room was something else. While it was nothing special, it was special. When one person talked, sound would not reflect. In fact it was almost like parabolic arc, making it so each and every person could hear another as if they were standing directly in front of someone. The temperature was perfect to each individual while everyone was in the same place and as people arrived objects suddenly appeared that the person found comfortable. It was almost as if the "white room" was alive.

Whether anyone was paying attention or not, did not matter because the humming started regardless. It was a whisper and in a slightly very small flash, a blue visage appeared in the the center of the room. As it resonated calmly in its three dimensional imagery, it then spoke calmly wishing not to startle its participants.

"Welcome. If those who are here, would you please wake up or shift your attention to the center of the room."

Her voice was that of a siren. It was soft like a childs yet seductive. Anyone who was scared, asleep, mad, or calm would do as she asked if they realized it or not without freaking out or panicking. This was simply the method to gain everyone's attention. Any conversation after that wouldn't have the same properties and would be carried out casually.

"Hello. My name is Evva. Ben, Clara, LA, Roy, and Russel, Welcome to the White Room. You, along with a few others, who has yet to arrive, have been chosen."

The hologram looked very real. The technology behind her would of been mind boggling for a regular human to comprehend. She stood tall and firm, yet her soft features make her appear very trustworthy yet in control.

"I represent an organization known simply as 'the Scientific Study for Betterment of Human Existence.' Through your future experience, we shall study and determine in what ways we can help humanity as a whole. This might be a bit mind numbing at the moment but i assure you. You will be treated with the utmost respect and will be taken care of during your whole entire experience here in the 'White Room.'"

She paused for a second giving everyone time to comprehend what she had just said. She also observed their reactions to the given situation.
Impatiently, Blake looked at his watch as he sat on a bench in the subway. "Clara is always late, but this is definitely overkill. We've already missed our train." He thought. As he got up, he pondered the possibility that she got a ride home with her friend. Samantha, wasn't it? He decided he would just take a cab home and check for himself. As he was walking out, a voice behind him sneered "Where do you think your goin?" It was Darren, the arrogant boy from the football team, surrounded by his ever-present gang of cronies. "You don't think I'd just let you go after what you did to me, do you?" Blake was starting to get annoyed. They had been doing this all week, but he still had no clue what he had done to deserve it. "No, I thought you'd run to your sis and ask her to beat me up, because I honestly don't think you can." Blake replied coolly. Darren grabbed his shirt by the collar and backed him up against the solid brick wall. "You think your funny, don't you? He fumed between his teeth. As Darren brought his fist back, Blake muttered under his breath, "I don't think, I know.", and closed his eyes. But the blow he expected never came, and he opened his eyes to a white room. A white room with a blue figure standing in the center. And many other people, half of them with scratches and bruises somewhere on their bodies. These people where strewn everywhere, on the floor, backed against the walls, or on a couch. Then he saw her. "CLARA....!" His mind screamed but no words came out. She sat on a couch a trickle of blood going down her neck from her head. She didn't seem to notice though and kept staring at the blue woman in the center of the room. And that's where he looked too.
Roy raised his hand " So basically we're stuck in purgatory to be your lab rats?" The angry tone that would be in Roy's voice was gone but the seductive voice hadn't fully sunken into thick headed Roy.. Roy blinked " I also would like to ask, how long must we be here?"

Roy was getting impatient just a minute ago he had been racing down his home turf now he was in some sort of sick nerd's way of toying with him? Really? This is crude.... Obserd! The inner Roy was actually excited however. The tough guy act was used to barricade him from the resst of the world. The inner Roy was someone who relished scientific advances but growing up in the poorest places of New york he never had a chance to pursue it... He had starved the imagination in him for years. His emotional maturity at best could be described as a hyper active five year old's on a bad day.
"The white room," Clara whispered to herself in anger. "Didn't anyone ever tell you that taking people without their consent and forcing them to act like lab rats is wrong? Why should we stay here? I can't speak for everyone, but I know for a fact that I didn't ask for this!" Clara yelled at the hologram. She wasn't so much angry but more confused than she had ever been in her life. What sort of sick, twisted people would do this?

She could deal with the people at school, but with all these new people, it was like starting a school year all over again. A bit of laziness started to show. She didn't want to have to figure out everyone weaknesses and faults. It was hard enough to do that with the people at school. She shrugged it off as she stared at the hologram intently, waiting for an answer.
Blake understood his sisters anger, but shot her a look that said she should just listen for a further explantion before she says anything else that rash. He too felt this was wrong, but wondered what these people were trying to gain by this. And more importantly, what we might get for participating in their "expariment".
Russel thought it over, and came to a conclusion instead of yelling, like he normally would in any other situation.

He raised his hand, and then realizing he was being stupid, he pulled it back down.

He stepped forward, and spoke up.

"Exactly 'ow much 'research' we gotta do fer you blokes afore we get sent back to our mummies?" He asked the strange lady, in his Irish accent.

He put air quotations around research.
Ben just sat intently on the couch and watched. It was indeed interesting. Something like this peaked his interest. something like this was nothing that could be found on earth. Though then it crossed his mind this was some sort of American kid napping and experimentation. Damn americans always did random stuff like this.

Ben quietly spoke up, asking two questions that he wanted to know if could be answered.

"Where are we and can you show us."

Ben honestly expected something crazy.


Evva observed everyone carefully. As expected they had completed their first task; obtaining a human from nearly every walk of life. One child got angry, some got protective, one was hiding his true emotions, one didn't care and one thought it was a conspiracy.

"Task one complete. I will now attempt to answer your questions as best I can for you to comprehend."

Evva stepped down and even as a hologram started walking around the room.

"I am Evva. Electrostatistical Visual and Voice Assistance. I was created in such a way to be able to interact with humans as best as possible. This Room was invented to cater to your every need in order to provide you the most comfortable testing environment possible. You were selected for specific traits based on a 5 point system."

She moved around and shifted her hand to the wall behind her. There a display showed up on the wall describing everything as she spoke in a visual form.

"You were all chosen based on Age, Personality, Potential, Genetics and Capacity. However I cannot go into much more detail. I can show you where we are however."

The video on the wall now changed and a view of the milky way came into play. after that. The entire room shifted into a box of glass, showing the outside. They were literally in the middle of space, in the middle of no where. Suddenly the room shifted and zoomed in, showing many galaxies, then zoomed in again showing one, then zoomed in again showing earth, then zoomed in once more showing the planet as a whole.

There was an astounding silence as they all could see earth through the floor as if they were right above it. "You want to see why your here? This is why" The whole time her voice had been calm and patient, yet this one time, it sounded slightly angry.

30 or 40 screens popped up showing disasters from all over the worth. Genocide, Murder, Rape, Stealing, Name calling, Wars, Violence, and overall everything was evil. Most of it would of been a horrifying eye opener for the kids.

"With humans acting like this we think maybe your not worth it. But on the reverse side humanity is naturally good also."

All the screens shifted and started showing birthdays, christmas, people helping others, people acting selfless, people helping against the evil of others and overall it was just good.

"You are the last hope. Whether you realize it not. Each and every one of you holds the key to humanity's future."

With that she disappeared, the room turned back to being white and a single window looking thing appeared in the center of every wall and as anyone looked out they would see space again.

A locking sound triggered and on a lone wall the a door appeared and opened. Evva's voice sounded once more.

"Please take some time to consider this opportunity and if your hungry help yourself to some food in the other room."


Ben sat back, wide eyed. That was a lot to stomach. He didn't even want to believe it. How could something so serious be placed on their shoulders. He didn't even know how he could help something as large as humanity.

"Well, that was exciting" He just spoke to break the silence hoping everyone would kill him.
"Blasted lady never did answer my question." Russel stewed.

He grumbled all the way to the refreshments room, and began stuffing his face with whatever was in reach. He gained a surprised look.

"Holy crap, this is good stuff! Bet'r than me mum's home-made stovies!" He kept stuffing his face at Mach 2.
L.A. had sat there, tucked up against the wall watching and listening to the whole thing in a silent state, her mind thinking. Taking in all the answers from the questions, the things they were shown. It was a very hard thing to swallow all at once. Slowly she stood up, her knees shaking a bit from her earlier fall, and possibly a bit of fear. She looked at the floor as the lady-thing disappeared.

"It's stupid." L.A. muttered in response to someone saying it was 'exciting.' If anything, it was terrifying. If they found a way out, they'd die in space. They were stuck there at the will of the people running this 'experiment' and had to hope they didn't all get chopped into pieces and have there organs sold on the black market despite what had been said. Okay one to many horror movies Lily... and maybe not like that but still... "And um, sorry, but does anyone else think she could have just been feeding us a lie? I mean, it;s not hard to rig a couple screens to play whatever you want them too..." L.A. looked around the room for a second before sliding back down the wall into her position and began nervously toying with her tongue ring.
Russel stopped shoving food into his face for a second as the girl (L.A.) who stood up spoke. He grabbed a massive handful of food, and walked back into the main room. He sat down on a couch near the girl who had just spoken.

"Don'tcha think you're being a wee bit paranoid there, girlie? If'in they was gonna kill us, why'd they give us such amazing food?" He spoke up, in between a massive mouthful of...... Something.

"C'mon, lighten up a bit. A wee bit." He said, Irish accent shining through. "Name's Russel McTavish, good ter meet'cha."
Benjamin sat there blankly. It didn't matter if they lied to them or not, fact was that they were prisoners in this box.

"I got the impression space was just an image of how insignificant humans are in the big picture yet we have the chance to change that."

He crossed his leg and spread his arms out on the top of the couch he was sitting on.

"Besides what do we to fear. They haven't harassed us, simply want our reactions to things and on top of that, they are giving us food? Guaranteed we get beds and showers also. I think it might be an interesting experience. Least we can say we got abducted by aliens."

He stood up and spoke once more before making it into the other room.

"Don't get me wrong though, I couldn't care what you think, just stating the obvious. You all better not ruin my time."
Blake listened to all these theories, but not really beleiving any of them. He wasn't even sure these people were real. Maybe, it was all just a bad dream. Maybe Darren had punched him so hard, he was in a coma. A neverending nightmare. But then again, if it was a dream, would it hurt to just play along?

Blake put a smile on his face and said, "Checking our reactions? Maybe if I put on a shocked face every time she pops up they'll put us back home." The feeble joke didn't work much better on him than it did on everyone else. It might have been because it was just a bad attemt at a joke, or maybe it was because he had a feeling...a feeling that this might not be a dream. And maybe the reactions they wanted, whoever "they" were, might be a little more dangerous than anyone here imagened.
Roy twitched when Evva said stealing.. He could of sworn the image on the screen was him racing away with the rich mans wallet... Being given a second chance to learn was nice and all but having the key to humanities' survival is a bit overwhelming. Roy still couldn't shake the feeling that something was being left out. His naturally inquisitive mind was curious what the hologram meant by genetics.. Exactly how long had they been planning this?

Roy was completely breathless when they were in the void of space.. He had always had a secret love for the galaxy he used to go to the roof of his apartment and gaze at the stars forever wondering. He had always the strange feeling something was watching him on the other side.. But the moment was easilly broken when his gang came a calling for stealing killing and almost everything Evva had called out.. Roy felt like the most guilty one there. Did he really deserve this? Roy tried to think that he was reformed.
As someone sat down and started speaking to her, L.A. looked up to see a ginger with a mouthful of food.

How disgusting,

she thought. Though, rather than be rude and ignore this Russel, she looked just above his head, making it seem like she was keeping eye contact while mostly just doing it so she wouldn't have to seem him chew.

"Firstly, I never said that they were going to kill us. Just that they might be lieing. Though, if I had, I would say they would give us that stuff to make us trust and believe in their story."

L.A. spoke quietly then shrugged leaning her head agaisnt the wall.

"Secondly. I'm not 'girlie' I'm L.A. "

She lifted her head off the wall before smacking it back agaisnt it. Kept her from screaming in annoyance mostly.

"Lastly, if I was being paranoid, I'd be wearing a tinfoil hat while claiming that it keeps


out of my head."

She laughed at her own joke.
Russel snorted with contempt, looking about. This was the most pathetic group of kids he'd ever had the displeasure of knowing.

"Why're you all acting like a bunch of cricket players? This is an..... Opportunity. Something I bet none of us would have had in our lives anyways...."

He crammed a another mouthful of food into his face, chewed, and swallowed. He put the rest of the food he was holding down on the couch beside him. Then he stood up on the couch.

"This could be fun! You never know until you try, right? Or this could all be a dream from me smacking me noggin offa wall. In that case none of you are even real...." He started rubbing his chin, bits of red chin hair tickling his palm.

He glanced down at the girl who had just commented on his previous statement (L.A.).

"L.A., huh? The letters make 'la'. Lala. I'll call you Lala."

He grinned, and then got a confused look on his face.

""What was me point again? You know, about the speech I was just in the middle of?"
As the boy said he would call her 'Lala' L.A.'s eye twitched. She hated when people did that. And wouldn't it be best to kill it before it started? Yes, that was always the best way to do something, don't give it a chance to spread. She stood up and grabbed the boy by the collar giving a pull to try and take him off the couch and on floor level. "Call me Lala, and you lose it." She growled at him, her free hand balling into a fist. "Got it?" L.A let go of the ginger's shirt and grinned madly at him, before making a scissor snipping motion in the air. She moved to a different side of the room and curled up in one of those 'egg' chairs. The ones that were oval shaped with an opening for you to sit in it. As she sat there, she started pulling on stray strings on the cuffs of her jeans, more scared than anything else then.
Russel grinned back at the psycho girl who yanked him off of the couch in the middle of his speech, and made the 'lose it' comment with the scissor snipping motion.

He fake gasped, and clutched his chin.

"Not me chin hair! It just grew back since me mum shaved it in me sleep!"

Russel sat back down, and picked up more food. He started stuffing his face some more.

"You're a fiery one, ain't cha lass?" He said in between more mouthfuls of food, grinning like a man with a death wish.
Blake had stood there analyzing these people for some time now. The two in front of him seemed very interesting. The boy annoyed him beyond belief, but maybe he's always like this around new people. He actually kinda reminded him of a character in a book he had read as a child. Just dumber. The girl, kinda scared him though. She obviously was a little stressed but she was talking about the boy losing something, I don't think she was talking about his facial hair.

What interested him more though were the others in the room, namely the ones who hadn't said much. A boy had at one point been sitting on the couch and had now left the room, was a little arrogant for Blake"s tastes, and he did not like him much. Another, just stood around. Blake couldn't read this one. A mixture if guilt and excitement. He looked like he had something to hide.

Just to change the subject from the fight that might soon occur in the center of the room, Blake stood up and said, "We may not know what were doin here, but we should at least get to know each other. My name is Blake and over there is my sister Clara. *points to his sister* What are your names?"
Clara smacked herself on the forehead in disbelief. Why? Blake just had to point out they were siblings, didn't he? Of course he would. Clara avoided eye-contact with him as much as possible. Clara had been trying her best to listen to L.A.'s conversation and opinion on the matter. The way she had handled the situation with that guy intrigued Clara greatly. She figured, while she was here, it was better to make friends instead of enemies. Hanging out with her brother the whole time would just be embarrassing. She was going to start talking to the L.A. girl, but while the Irish guy (or whatever nationality he is) was talking to her, she had noticed another guy, sitting there in complete and utter silence.

She couldn't help but be torn between the two. Quickly, she stole a glance at her brother. He had been taking the current situation all too well. She rolled her eyes. He was trying to get along, and she was hoping one of these people would go insane and act all goofy. He had a boring point to view to some things. She laughed quietly at that. Clara stood up, looking at first L.A. and then Roy. No one else seemed particularly fun to talk to, but if she had no choice she'd try and get along. Clara simply smiled. She figured, let L.A. simmer down a bit before approaching her. She didn't want to get on her bad side, no matter how funny watching that other guy get threatened was. She walked over to where Roy was and casually sat down next to him. "Hello," she said, putting on a smile. "Who are you?" she asked Roy.
Roy instantly reached for his dagger as a voice startled him from his thoughts. The dagger was clean and shiny in the white room. Roy then looked up and saw the girl " Hi... I'm Roy....." Roy eyed the girl. Couldn't she tell that he was not the kind of guy she should be talking to? Was his rough and tough exterior not enough to tell everyone to stay away? Roy craned his kneck revealing his tattoo " and who are you?"

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