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Futuristic Osiri

Kenji smiled. "I knew you would do that. Should I check the list again? I think I missed something." He then looked down at his phone. "Yeah. B1's occupied. You wanna check that apartment out, or downstairs? Your choice. " Kenji wondered how she would react to that.
Yamata was about to answer her master, but she wasn't able to do to her suddenly glitching. For a moment, she just stood there, and then her entire demeanor changed. She ignored whatever those two decided to get up to. She had suddenly realized just how amazingly unimportant they were. What really mattered was her master. She thought that maybe he'd called to her, but what had he said...? Well, she supposed there was no helping it.

Yamata walked up the steps and went back to their new room. She saw her Master playing a game, but decided that what he was playing wasn't really important. She walked softly up behind Asake and hugged him from behind. "Hello Master.~ Are you winning?~"


"My choice?" Minorin looked at Kenji, a puzzled expression on her face. My choice, huh? She gave that a bit of thought before deciding; "If you want, we could see who's in there," Minorin offered. "But if you don't want to, we don't have to..."

...Wait, this would mean she would have less time to get clothes, wouldn't it? And she needed clothes to go out in public unless... Well, she wasn't exactly sure what happened when one went out without clothes on. All she knew was that it wasn't good and that she shouldn't do it, but then again, what warnings did she not ignore?

Well, the ones that she didn't like, for one, and she thought being told to be decent in public was worth her attention. Still, she couldn't help but be curious. Perhaps she would ask Kenji later. For now, she would focus on what was to be done now; "We're downstairs already, aren't we? Why not just meet with the people on this floor and go, then we can meet the other people here after we come back?"


Wait... Was Yamata hugging him? "Yamata, what are you doing? I'm winning, but that's not that important. And please, just call me Asake." Asake wasn't used to this. He didn't really like the closeness. "Do you want to try? It's an old game. All you have to do is avoid the ships and shoot them. It's called Galaga. Anyway, what do you want to do, Yamata? I'm giving you a little more freedom. Use it wisely."


Kenji looked at her. "Hey, how about we head downstairs, meet the rest, and voice chat while I buy clothes for you. Cause that-" Kenji referred to her current clothing- "won't work in public. I know you can do that, and I can go out. All you have to do is tell me what to do. You choose what I buy." Kenji thought this was a bad idea, but whatever made her happy. "Let's get this over quickly. I'm tired, and lollygagging around won't help my mood. Not after I'm going in and shopping for you, either.


"Let's get this over quickly. I'm tired, and lollygagging around won't help my mood. Not after I'm going in and shopping for you, either."

Minorin opened her mouth for a second, as if she was about to say something, but she shut it again. "I-If you don't want to," Minorin replied nervously, "We don't have to go. I mean, I'm OK with what I have. We can just go back to the room if going out would make you unhappy." Without a moment's hesitation, Minorin flung her arms around Kenji. "I want you to be happy. Please be happy."

Kenji shook his head. "I will be fine. Don't worry. I'll just say I'm getting things for my girlfriend." Kenji beckoned. "Let's go." He walked with Minorin, and let her take charge. It would be good for her to do that while he was gone. "By the way, do you need to go to school? Just wondering." Kenji returned the hug, and said, cheesily, "As long as it's you, I'll do anything."
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"I will be fine. Don't worry. I'll just say I'm getting things for my girlfriend."

Minorin blushed heavily - "G-Girlfriend?" She stuttered a bit - She wasn't quite sure whether Kenji felt she was special or if he actually did have a girlfriend. "Wh-Who's - Have I met her? Oh, no, have I met her and I forgot who she was? You have a girlfriend? I-I didn't think that-"

"By the way, do you need to go to school? Just wondering."

Good, he was cutting her off. She must have been sounding pretty stupid, anyways... "I-If you want me to, you can send me to school, but wouldn't it be more helpful if I could stay here and get things ready for when you get home every day? I can cook you a nice dinner every day, I can keep the room nice and clean, I can do whatever you want me to do," Minorin explained. Hopefully she didn't sound stupid now.

"As long as it's you, I'll do anything."

So he DID think she was special... She started to blush again and she became noticeably flustered. "H-Hey, you don't need to give me special treatment, really! I-I'm fine, honest! Please don't go out of your way for me, really, you don't have to!"

You're acting stupid again. Minorin stopped talking - My face must be bright red now, She thought. It feels that way, at least...

She let go of him sat down next to him. She thought on his words for a moment. "If that's what you want, Master Asake. And no, I will pass on playing the game; you seem to be having fun with it. Besides, I do not know the controls." She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she watched him play, considering the rest of his words. "What I want to do...hm...I don't really have anything I'd like to do besides spend time with you, Master Asake. Is there something you'd like me to do? Any groceries you'd like me to buy, or other errands you want me to run?"
Yoona fell asleep on Ran's bed peacefully as she was recharging herself. I'll just ask talk to him about tomorrow. She thought to herself. She could hear voices in the hallway coming from upstairs but it didn't bother her because she was a heavy sleeper. An hour later she woke up and started cleaning Ran's dorm. She put some blanket on Ran so he wouldn't get cold as well and dimmed the lights so he could sleep better. She cleaned every nook and cranny and sorted all of Ran's books which were mostly romance novels.
Ran, being such a light sleeper phased in and out of sleep as the Osiris became active in the room. As he drifted in and slipped out the influence of the sleep, his thoughts were trailing. He was thinking about what he would do the next day. In his mind's eye, he envisioned himself walking to a shop to gather some things. In the middle of the mental scenario, he forgot he was still on his bed, falling asleep and got sucked into the dream like state. As he was walking in the scene, he tripped on the pavement and fell, as he did so he jumped out of his sleep, breathing hard. When he opened his eyes, he looked around for Yoona, but saw her not on the bed, but organising his novels.

"Yoona, what time is it?? You're so restless" he said in a playful voice, smiling at her.

He sat up on the bed with his feet hanging off the bed. He wanted to invite her to sit next to him so they could casually converse, but his nerves got the better of him and all that came out was,

"Err.. Do you want to ummm," as he awkwardly pats the spot next to him.

He looks out the window pretending that pathetic mishap didn't just take place.

Asake got up slowly. What the hell was going on? Yamata called him master? "Yamata, please don't call me master," he said softly. "If you need to, take this." He handed Yamata a shopping list."Then, spend the leftover money on what you want, please." He didn't want company right now, but Yamata was welcome anytime. He lost himself in the game, quickly becoming enthralled in it.


Kenji laughed and said to Minorin, "Why don't we keep going. Also, just because I don't have to doesn't mean I don't want to. Let's go." He hugged Minorin lightly. She was... He couldn't find the words to describe her. "Well?" He asked quickly. Internally, he face palmed. Why did he have to screw that up? "Why don't we see who's in B1, actually. I hope they're someone who you can hang out with while I'm gone. Because school sucks. Trust me."
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Yoona looked over to Ran as she heard him speak. She placed the last book on the shelf and walked over to the end of the bed next to Ran and sat beside him. It felt a bit awkward just sitting there next to him while all was silent. She was waiting for him to say something but instead she tried to start the conversation first.

"So...what do you wanna do tomorrow?" She asked him as she scooted closer to him. She played with her hair a little bit as she could hear the muffled sounds of the two voices upstairs
He stammers a bit as she gets closer to him,

"Uhh, err... Yoo... Err I have no clue. We'll just errr.. see where the day takes us, I guess.."

His words trail off into silence. He spots a soft pillow behind him that he could hold on to in order to dispel some of his nervousness. He wondered why he couldn't get his words out, even though he perfectly knew what he wanted to say. He opened the window and fetched a cigarette, lighting it and puffing it, blowing O's and french inhaling. The breach of nicotine in his brain made him a little less nervous as he ashes it out the window.

"You want?" He holds the cig between his index and middle fingers as he offers Yoona a drag.


"Why don't we keep going. Also, just because I don't have to doesn't mean I don't want to. Let's go."

"Oh, I thought you didn't want to," Minorin reasoned. "If you didn't want to go, then I could go alone, or..." Minorin trailed off and thought of her options. She probably didn't have many and she was just overthinking things, but she wanted to think a little beforehand. "You know what? How about we just go? - We've been standing here and thinking about it too long," Minorin concluded. She grabbed Kenji's hand and started to walk away from the building with Kenji in tow.

(@RandomBomb : Should we just skip to when they get back, or do you want to RP Kenji and Minorin shopping?)

Yamata nodded and accepted the shopping list. "Yes, M-" She cut herself off, visibly biting the word back. Her emotions were not programmed into her. The "Master" thing, however, was. It was fairly difficult to resist, but even that had to succumb to a direct order. "...Asake. My apologies. I will address you properly from now on. I will be back soon."

She stood up and walked back out the door. She didn't know where the grocery store was, but that was alright. There was no need to bother M-...Asake about that; she could just ask one of the locals. She was walking down the stairs and had almost gotten to the first floor when she felt that familiar *bzzzzt* at the back of her head. After a moment, she blinked as a smile began to spread across her face. It was weird; she didn't notice any change in the world whenever she calmed down, but whenever her exhuberance returned to her, the world always seemed to get a little brighter.

She began to skip her way out of the apartment complex. She was doing a task for Asake! She was being useful! A useful Yamata was a happy Yamata! It helped her believe she wasn't a burden on him. She hadn't gotten very far when she saw a red-haired girl and her boyfriend walking along together. Well, she was kinda-sorta dragging him along, but it was close enough! She ran over to them and beamed at the pair. "Hey! My name's Yamata and I'm new around here and I don't know where the grocery store is which is kinda a problem because what if hunger happens you know so anyway I was wondering if you could help me find it because that would be great and super helpful!" She paused and took a breath, because that's what her data told her was what humans did, and doing things like humans did made them less uncomfortable in your presence. "But you don't have to obviously, I mean, I don't want to get in your way if you guys are on a date or something."
Kenji was just coming back from shopping... That was a lot of clothes. He looked down at his watch. Was it that time already? "It's over there," Kenji replied, pointed to a nearby building, then turned to Minorin. "Hey, we should go sleep. It's getting late." Kenji yawned softly. Moving in... And it was only the first day here? He was going to have one heck of a day tomorrow, if it was the same hectic runaround.


Asake became tired after Yamata left. Man, it was a long day, and moving in only made it longer. He left a note for Yamata to not wake him up. He flopped onto his bed, and went out like a light. He slept silently, waiting for Yamata to get back. Hopefully she wouldn't hug him. He would wake up. And that would be awkward, cause he might call Yamata someone else.
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Yoona could tell that Ran was nervous as he mumbled his words. She giggled a bit "Are you nervous?" She looked at him as he held to cigarette and offered her one "I would like too...but I can't. I automatically shut down if I do but I don't really know the details." She sighed having to bring up that she was just a machine always made her upset. "Ran, was is it like to be human?" She asked curiously.
He takes a long, hard pull and sinks it all into his lungs and closes his eyes. Wow, this rush is really what he loved. "Are you nervous?" She asked him. He chuckles at her question and thinks to himself, "Not anymore"

"It's funny how I've been a human all my life and I still can't even begin to scratch the surface of a small piece of a fraction of beginning to understand my own nature.. The nature of my people. I can't compare it to anything, because I've only been a human, and everything I do has become second nature due to me doing it since I was born, so I don't even notice most thoughts, feelings and so on. I don't think our thought processes would be much different, though. Humans think by translating electrical impulses flowing down the neurons into chemical messages across the synapses and vice versa. Each thought is just the individual observing these events. Osiri function the same, the only difference is maybe the chemistry, which they function without. I don't really know the physics of it, but I'm pretty sure it would be similar."
As he spoke, the smoke flowed through his mouth and nose.

Ran looks at Yoona in awe, realizing that she's more machine than human, yet they are similar in more than a few ways. In some ways, it felt to him like they connected at a much deeper level than many other humans that he met. His inner philosopher engaged in pushing deeper than usual thoughts.

"It feels weird.. I don't think I'm the right person to ask. I don't feel human all the time. Sometimes I just feel like some conscious essence trapped in a human body. My mind is way bigger than my body .. So to speak. It's really confusing.. So how does it feel to be an Osiris??"

Ran took another tug on the cig and flicks it out the window, then lays down on the bed, looking on at Yoona, his legs swinging.
"Well...I guess you say being an Osiri is like being born but there's already many thoughts and knowledge that has been programmed in your head and you never know what's going to happen to you from then on but every Osiri is different. With me I always felt alone and cold and I was always stuck in a small box everyday and saw nothing. I was...scared and I didn't know what was gonna happen and I would hear these sounds of people coming in and out of the stores and I would be brought to the lab and be tested with all these sorts of numbers and codes and other boring stuff. But then one day some guy came and he bought me and he made me feel so happy to the point I didn't even know if these feelings I had were real or if they were just programmed into me." She said as a few small tears fell from her eyes. She tried to smile a bit to make the conversation not so sad and gloomy. "I'm sorry, I can get really emotional sometimes." She said as she wiped a tear from her eye. She sniffled a bit getting some of her pink strands of hair covering part of her face.
"You don't need to feel scared and alone anymore. I'm here."

He puts his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm glad I made you happy."

Ran pokes Yoona a few times in her side, and looks at her adjust some strands of hair.

"Don't feel anyhow from now on, okay? And if you do, just remember that Ran's got you."

He closes his eyes and imagines a lake with many ripples in it. The lake starts to calm, and the water sets still. Maybe this was his subconscious mind relaying an analogy for how at peace he felt now. He knew they would be great friends for a long time. He just knew it.
Yoona hugged Ran and smiled a bit

"Thank you." She said

After a few minutes later she started feeling sleepy again. She took a nap earlier but that didn't recharge her battery enough. She closed her eyes as she fell asleep and started mumbling random things while she dreamed.
I'm gonna stay here forever. She thought to herself


"Hey! My name's Yamata and I'm new around here and I don't know where the grocery store is which is kinda a problem because what if hunger happens you know so anyway I was wondering if you could help me find it because that would be great and super helpful! "But you don't have to obviously, I mean, I don't want to get in your way if you guys are on a date or something."

Minorin turned around to see a woman - A rather beautiful woman, actually. Her defining feature seemed to be navy blue hair - Was it navy blue? She wasn't quite sure what to call this blue. Whatever it was, she thought it was nice. "Oh, actually, we're new here, too, so we don't know where most things are either - Wait, what? A date? N-No, Kenji, w-we're not on a date, right? I'm his Osiris," Minorin stammered and laughed nervously. "Y'see, it's late, so we're just going back to our room, here... But, er..." she stopped. As far as she knew, dating an Osiris wasn't a common thing, but it wasn't frowned upon.

Wait, 'hunger happens'? This girl seems a bit strange... Maybe she's an Osiris too?

((Apparently, I had a full conversation with my mother in my sleep last night... LOL))

Ran opened his eyes a while later and noticed that Yoona had fallen asleep. He came off the bed and put a thick blanket over her. He opened the windows and lit the last cigarette in the box.

"Ohh, man! last one?! I gotta get more of this shizz." He thought to himself.

He smoked it very slowly as he got a book from on the shelf and began reading it. He sat back in his chair, his legs folded with his cigarette loosely hanging from his lip. The thought passed through his head that he might be a little bit overdressed, cause he started feeling extremely warm. He took off his shirt and rolled up his pants, continuing to read afterwards.
Yamata nodded at Minorin's explanation. "Oooooooooh okay! Sorry for assuming! I'm an Osiris too! It's really nice to meet you two and I'd love to just talk for a bit and get to know you guys better so we could be great friends but I still need to get the groceries so I can't yet but we should totally get together and talk sometime cause that would be awesome!" She took another breath like the humans do before beaming at Minorin and Kenji. "So yeah, we should hang out and become friends sometime. Is that alright with you guys?"

Yamata really hoped she didn't glitch again. She blew her attempt to make friends last time because of that stupid fault, so she was kind of worried that it would happen again. That Kenji guy seemed alright and the girl was kind of adorable, so they'd probably get along great! The last thing Yamata needed was another ruined first impression.
Kenji put on a fake smile. "Sure, Yamata!" He really didn't like perky people, but whatever. She seemed nice, and Kenji kinda needed a friend, Osiris or no. But hey, he only needed a couple. Hopefully they didn't drag him into anything. Yamata was nice... Too nice... Kenji yawned. It was... What time? "Hey, Yamata. I know Osiris don't need to sleep, but I do... So I'm going to Minorin's and my apartment." He turned to Minorin. "Do what you want, be it stay here or come with me. And remember, you don't have to follow every little order I give." He then walked toward his apartment. Wait a second. Yamata breathed? She must be one of the older ones. Retro, he thought it was. Kenji continued walking, satisfied with the day.
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