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Futuristic Osiri

Yoona yawned tiredly. She noticed Ran was still up reading a book but at this time? She got up and stretched her arms. "You're still up? And I thought you told me I was restless." She said laughing a bit. She sat on the arm rest of the chair looking at the book he was reading. She heard a beep sound coming from her ear bud piece. "Oh, umm...you got another email from your parents again." Yoona said as she looked outside, except the only thing you could see was the moon and everything else was pretty much pitch black so there was nothing really to look at. She turned on the TV switching through each channel and looking for something to watch.
Ran continues reading on for his book, thoroughly engrossed in the novel. He always loved the author for his ability to portray grand works of art, using your mind's eye as the canvas and words as the paint. "Holy crap, this guy is great!" Ran thought.

When hearing that he had gotten another email from his parents, he closed the book and looked at Yoona.

"Oh, can you read that for me, Yoona??"


"I'm an Osiris too!" Called it! "It's really nice to meet you two and I'd love to just talk for a bit and get to know you guys better so we could be great friends but I still need to get the groceries so I can't yet but we should totally get together and talk sometime cause that would be awesome!"

Minorin wasn't at all fazed by Yamata's mini-rant - She slowly analyzed it and answered each question (Not questions) in her mind (Or what substituted for one). "It would be great to get to know you, too," Minorin agreed, "I think we'd be good friends - But about the groceries thing, I don't know how to help you there, really." Minorin laughed nervously and scratched the back of her head - Her long ponytail swayed back and forth as she did so.

Minorin heard Kenji's all-too-familiar yawn to her right. "Hey, Yamata. I know Osiris don't need to sleep, but I do... So I'm going to Minorin's and my apartment." Oh, right, we'll be going now, Minorin wanted to say, but it seemed a bit rude.

"Do what you want, be it stay here or come with me. And remember, you don't have to follow every little order I give." That seemed oddly like a paradox. If she didn't have to follow all of his orders, couldn't she not follow that order and follow all his orders, which would be disobeying him and... Minorin stopped. Her head started to hurt, there, for some reason. She cringed and set herself straight again. "How about I go out with you tomorrow? We can both get groceries then - I planned to go out tomorrow, anyways, and if you don't mind waiting another day, we could go together," Minorin offered. "How about it?"



Day 1 (IRP) is ending; Wrap things up - On Day 2 school will be starting!

Yamata's eyes shone with excitement at Minorin's suggestion. "That'd be wonderful! I'll totally go with you tomorrow! I live with my owner, Asake Imori, in room C-1 so if you get up before me and I'm not already down here and waiting to go then that's where I'll be because wandering around randomly when you have an appointment to keep is a bad idea and super rude and really kinda dumb because you're almost certain to be late and then what's the point you know?"

As the only person in her presence right now was a fellow Osiris, Yamata didn't bother with breathing this time. "Anyway yeah we'll totally go together tomorrow and it will be great and awesome and the best grocery run ever and we will get ALL THE DEALS and then I can help you out with whatever you were planning to do originally and then we can be friends and that will be super amazing in its own right and oh my gosh I just realized I need to tell Asake about this so he doesn't wonder why I came back so soon and without food! Goodnight Minorin! I'm looking forward to tomorrow!"
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(And I thought I didn't get a response... Bad alert system, bad!)

Day 2 has started; First day of school!


Minorin heard her alarm (Internal, of course, so as to not wake Kenji) buzzing in its typical annoying way. She was unsure of whether or not she wanted to really wake up now or not - But she did so anyways, just because she thought she should. It's his first day of school today, isn't it? So I should help him on his way! Minorin rushed to the kitchen and started trying to recall how one makes breakfast.

"Er... Bacon, eggs and toast. Maybe pancakes. Depends on Kenji's taste," Minorin recalled. Minorin went through a list of ingredients and put them all out for herself on the counter - She tied an apron on over her clothes from the night before and got to cooking.

~Half an hour later~

It was 7:00 am, and Minorin had finally finished. She examined her work with pride, then put a hand on her hip and smiled. "Hopefully I did this right - If I did, Kenji will be really happy!" She wasn't usually this enthusiastic about things like this - Why would she be now? Odd. Minorin ran over to her bed and rooted through her clothes bags from shopping the day before. She pulled out an outfit she thought looked nice, stripped down and started putting the outfit on.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa35acff_minorinuniform.jpg.3f84472c67a9371b74bee447b2c06085.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22635" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bfa35acff_minorinuniform.jpg.3f84472c67a9371b74bee447b2c06085.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She thought the outfit looked a little odd, and felt a bit strange to wear, especially with the skirt - She hadn't ever worn a skirt before. Minorin looked down at herself, her cheeks dusted a light pink. The outfit felt nice to wear, and kind of made her feel cute. Then suddenly Minorin noticed something: Unlike it usually did, in the apartment her hair appeared to be pink. Maybe the lights were causing that, maybe they weren't; She didn't know. "OK, so I'm wearing clothes that 'work', I made Kenji breakfast and... Oh, I need to go out with Yamata today, don't I? I promised her I would, I think. But first..." Minorin walked over to Kenji's bed with a devious smirk on her face. After being so nice and sweet, she had to mix in a bit of mischief... And what better way to do so than to get even?

Minorin sat on Kenji's waist and poked his cheek. "Good morning, Kenji," Minorin chimed. "I have something for you..." As quickly as she could, she darted her hands to Kenji's underarms and started tickling him. "GOTCHA!"

(Long post is long; In summary, it's 7:00 am in the morning, Minorin made bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes, change into the outfit in the picture above and is now getting even with Kenji.)



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Kenji opened his eyes... And Minorin was tickling him... "Mercy! Mercy!" He yelled. But it was garbled by laughter. Minorin, you sly trickster! He just woke up and was already being attacked. He slowly took Minorin off him and ate breakfast. "Wow! This is really good, Minorin." Then, he changed for school. He had on a white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of black converses. He said to Minorin, "Hey, I'll need to leave earlier today to get to school on time."


Minorin smiled. It was nice to see Kenji happy with what she had made, she thought, and nicer still that he hadn't thought of her little joke as anything harsh.

"Hey, I'll need to leave earlier today to get to school on time."

"Is there anything I can do to help you with that?" Minorin knew very little about school, aside from the fact that it's a place where people learn things and that it's bad to be late to school. In addition she knew she didn't have to go to school, but she could if she wanted, apparently. "I don't really know any other ways of helping you aside from what I already do here, but... I can always try, right?" She felt tired, very tired, and all she wanted to do was sleep right now, but helping Kenji was higher priority than herself. And after she had to go out with Yamata, which she was actually looking forward to.

"I could pack something to eat for you, if you would want anything later, or I could get you a spare change of clothes if you needed them, or I could..." Minorin stopped. She knew nothing about what one would bring to school, so she shouldn't try to act like she did.

Kenji waved his arms. "I'm sure you'll find something to do. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye, Minorin!" Kenji ran out the door, and walked to school. He got his schedule.

1- AP Lit

2- AP Chem

3- AP Trig

4- Spanish

5- AP Physics

6- Comp. Programming

7- AP Lang. Arts (aka Core in some schools)

And so, he headed off to Lit. They did Romeo and Juliet, and then worked on Shakespeare. It was entertaining, but nothing too amazing. AP Chem was a breeze. He just mixed the chemical. And so on, until the day was done. Computer Programming had to be his favorite, and Lit his least.
Yoona looked over the email "Hey Ran! We'll be in town soon and we would really want to meet you somewhere. We're so excited to see where you'll be staying! From your parents." Yoona said and looked over to Ran. She yawned and went to lyed down on Ran's bed and moved away her bangs from her face and started falling into sleep mode.

Day 2: The Next Morning

Yoona was sound asleep with her face covered by a pillow and cuddled under the warm blanket mumbling random words. "Monkey.....don't steal that banana...batteries..................batteries.....mmerrrr...mrph."
Having heard the news of his parents being in town soon, he got a little excited. Ran got up and washed his hands and face, feeling a sudden wave of drowsiness sweep over him. He laid down beside Yoona as he shortly fell asleep. He sleeps till the next morning. He had not even moved in his sleep. Ran opens his eyes as the sun shone on his face through the slightly opened horizontal blinds over the window. He sits up on the bed and props his elbows on his legs and holds his head on his hands. Still phasing in and out of sleep, he just thinks and tries to plan what should be done on this new day. The novelty of being able to live in a new place still hadn't worn out just yet. He smiled.

He overheard Yoona mumbling some words and thought, "I wonder if she's dreaming??"

He still didn't fully understand Osiri.

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