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Futuristic Osiri

While Yosaku is preparing the meal, there was a sound of door opening. "Ah, Miki you're back... Please wait a little longer im still not done cooking" There was no reply from her, he wipe his hand with a towel and came out from the kitchen, "Hei Miki, you hear me?" he saw Miki lying on the couch, her face looks so exhausted, just another hard day at the work. The tv still turn on so he shut it down, he come closer and poke her cheek, "Oi Miki, you catch cold if you sleep here"
"Mhmm." Miki said, opening her eyes a bit. To tired to move, she grunted again, displaying her displeasure of moving. "I don't want to." She wined, turning over. "My legs feel like jello." Miki said. She blinked at him a few times before she turned back over. "I am not moving." Miki said, crossing her arms. Her legs were to weak to move at this point.
"At least get your meal before you sleep, i almost done the cooking" Yosaku go back to the kitchen to continue his cooking. After fifteen minute, he go back with an omelette rice in his hand and put it on the table. "i haven't bought the groceries so i only can made this, maybe i'll do it tomorrow" Once again he approach Miki and poke her face, "If you not get up now i will feed you"
Miki rolled over to face him. "My legs are like jello. I am not moving." Miki said. She was tired and she was stubborn. She liked being lazy. That was every nerds dream. She looked at the omurice. Her mouth watered. It looked so good. She was easily manipulated by pressure, but she was not moving. She was determined. "I'm not moving." She said, crossing her arms.
Yosaku giving her a piercing gaze, but it seems not gonna work for her. "fine then" he scratch his head, he pick up the omelette rice and sit next to Miki. "Are you gonna eat it by yourself?" He handed the omurice to her. His owner is so lazy, thanks god her father purchase him so he can take care of her.
Miki sat up and took the omurice from his hands. She picked up the fork and took a bite. It was like taking a slice of deliciousness and mixed it with rice. Did she mention she loved rice. She moaned. "How do you make this taste so good?" She asked. She loved grains and simple food. She took another bite, shivering a bit as she swallowed it.
Yosaku glad that Miki is happy, even though it's just a simple omurice. "well im an osiri you know? i can cook anything that already programed to me", Miki is eating cheerfuly, and all of a sudden his motor spinning in high rate. He had never experienced this before, it was a new sensation for him. He put his hand on his chest, "what's wrong with me?" he though
Miki laughed. She knew very well what it was. She liked his innocence. It was adorable. She scooted closer to him and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for the food." Miki said, scooting away again. She flushed a bit and looked away. She was so bad at this kind of thing, but she liked making him think. She laughed again at the look on his face.
Yosaku was surprised by Miki doing, he turn his face away and stoop up. "I-i'm gonna wash the dishes" he said awkwardly. When he at the kitchen he can't stop thinking what was happened before, and didn't notice that the plate he washing now slipped from his hand and fell, making it shatter in instant. The voice is echoed in the kitchen.
Miki looked into the kitchen when she heard a crash that sounded more like shattering glass. She perked and looked behind her. She saw the pieces of plate scattered over the floor like spikes. She stood up and walked over to him. "You ok?" She asked, standing at the doorway to the kitchen. "Did you hurt yourself?" She asked, looking in. She took a step forward, forgetting there was pieces of plate all over the floor. "Ouch." she muttered, lifting up her foot.
Yosaku is colecting the shattered pieces of plate. Then he heard a footstep comming closer.

"You ok?" "Did you hurt yourself?" It's Miki, she about to enter to the kitchen. It's dangerous now but before he can stop her she already steped on one of the pieces. "Ouch" she muttered.

He came closer to her to look at the wound, carefuly walk on the floor of spikes. "Im okay, but now you are hurt. hurry up and wash that or you might get infection" he touched her foot, it's started to bleeding. "can you walk? do you want me to carry you?"
"I'm not entirely sure. But stepping on it will make it worse." Miki said. She hobbled over to the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub. She dunked her foot in the cold water. She shivered and looked at her foot. It was bleeding. She winced and set it back into the water. ' I keep hurting myself.' She though with a sad smile.
Yosaku take the first aid box while Miki in the bathroom, he felt guilty for this. This is not the first time he make a mistake since comming to this place. He walked to the bathroom and stand at the doorway. "im sorry for keep troubling you, can you put the bandage yourself?" he giving a weak smile in his face
"Could you help me? I'm a bit busy cowering in pain." Miki said. She looked at him. 'He thought it was his fault didn't he. Aww, great. Now what am I supposed to do? How do I tell him it was my fault not his...' She thought. "Alright come here." She said, gesturing for him to come closer. The silly boy looked sheepish and she was going to change that.
Yosaku come closer to her, and touch her foot. "This is not entirely bad, just a wrap of bandage should make it better" he took a pack of bandage from the first aid box and wrap it around her foot. Perhaps by doing this he can make her feel better. "You should not move around to much, or it will start to bleed again" he still focusing on wraping her foot
"Ok." Miki said, lying her head on his side. It was sort of cold and metallic, but at the same time nice and inviting. She sighed and snuggled closer. She was going to destroy his shyness around her if it was the last thing she did. She turned her head a bit so that her breath was touching his side. She giggled and then winced as he wrapped the bandages around the wound.
Yosaku could feel her head on his shoulder as she snuggled to him. And then her breath touching his neck, somehow it feels comfortable for him. The motor inside him is spinning in high rate again, for human maybe it's like heart beating fast. "I'm done wrapping your wound... here let me take you to your bed" he turn around then lower his body,intended to giving her a piggyback
'Yay!" Miki said, hopping on his back. She giggled and snuggled closer to him. Sighing, wrapped her arms around his neck, breathing in the sent of his hair, which smelled faintly of rice. She buried her head into his back, breathing a happy sigh as her carried her to her bed. When she was set down, she laid on her side, curling up a little. "Cold." She muttered.
With her warm chubby arms around his neck, he piggybacked her to the bedroom. Things got weird when she can't stop snuggling and breathing to his back. If her parent know this im surely will be sold out! he though. And he can't stop thinking about her chest that pushed his back. Why i'm sounded like pervert right now he though. When he arrive to the bedroom he set her down to the bed. He could hear she muttered "cold". "im gonna get you the blanket" he walk to the drawer and took the largest blanket. After that he covered her with that blanked.

He forgot about the broken plate earlier. If he not clean it now Miki might step on it again. "Im gonna clean the plate shard in the kitchen. If there anything you want just call me" he leave through the doorway
Miki smiled. "Thank you." She mumbled. She watched him leave the room, leaving the door open. He was so nice to her. No one was nice to her, well, except her coworkers. She was notorious for being hated by everyone, but not him. She watched him clean up the plate as she began to doze off into sweet dreams.


"Kenji, is something wrong?" Minorin looked in Kenji's eyes; He was checking her out, from the looks of it, and had noticed she wasn't wearing shoes, it seemed. "Oh, I'll be fine, don't worry," Minorin reassured Kenji and grabbed his hand. She walked down the stairs to floor B, and she knocked on the door to room B-3. "Hopefully someone's in here - If we don't get an answer, we can just check on the next room and come back later." Minorin kept her voice down a bit so as to keep herself from being heard by anyone other than Kenji.

She wasn't quite sure why, but she felt a bit unnerved by this room. What's this feeling I'm having? I think it's called fear...

Yoona went to close the door. She sighed

"You know it's fine if you don't want to talk about it now. I can tell you're about to fall asleep and I'm probably gonna sound stupid anyway." She said as she looked out the window seeing the sun set.

"It's so beautiful." She smiled feeling the sun's warm rays shining through the window. She was amazed by the sunset, she felt as if she could look at it forever and ever. She sat on the side of the bed trying to figure out what to do next. She started to feel tired from just sitting, it had been a long day and she had to recharge herself or else she was going to pass out. She yawned a bit but tried to stay awake.
Miki is asleep now, and Yosaku is done cleaning the broken plate from the kitchen. He was a bit tired now so he decide to sit on the couch. He lie down and close his eyes. Is been a long day for both him and Miki, actually he want to greet the neighbor but he doesn't have energy left. He need to switch to sleep mode to regain his power before he can do another task. Only a few minutes and he was already asleep
Kenji rolled his eyes. "Minorin, I checked the apartment vacancy. This slot is full, but they're probably asleep. Why don't we head to the next floor. B-2's a guy single, and B-1's empty. And I'm pretty sure it'd be awkward to show up with both of us. I heard B2's antisocial." Kenji didn't wait for an answer, and walked to the elevator. "Oh yeah, and you know how you're programmed to obey me? I want you to act for yourself." Kenji opened the stair door. "See you downstairs." And with that, he began walking down the stairs.


"Minorin, I checked the apartment vacancy. This slot is full, but they're probably asleep. Why don't we head to the next floor. B-2's a guy single, and B-1's empty. And I'm pretty sure it'd be awkward to show up with both of us. I heard B2's antisocial."

"Hm." It hadn't really occurred to Minorin that Kenji had checked on the rooms beforehand. "So are we not going to introduce ourselves to everyone? Are we skipping straight to shopping?"

"Oh yeah, and you know how you're programmed to obey me? I want you to act for yourself."

Minorin flinched a bit - She sensed hostility in his tone, which scared her a little. I thought he preferred when I was more tame, Minorin thought. I guess I was wrong. Maybe I'll take advantage of this later tonight...

"See you downstairs."

What? What was that supposed to mean? Was he just going off on his own now? Was that 'act for yourself' thing supposed to mean she should go on her own? "W-Wait!" Minorin rushed after Kenji and almost slipped on the stairs. "I'm coming with you! Don't leave me behind!"


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