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Futuristic Osiri

Yoona hopped in the passenger seat and buckled in her seat belt. "Do your parents ever visit you?" She asked him as she closed the door. She had never been in a car before, but had some knowledge that was programmed into her on how everything worked. She turned some music on and started singing happily. She pushed some hair back away that was in her light indigo eyes to look out the window. She could see many things through her vision and recognize faces and all other sorts. Most of the time she saw people running into the Osiri store and coming out with an Osiri. For the first time ever she could actually feel the warmth of the sun shining through the car windows, which was a very nice feeling. When she noticed her shoe was untied she leaned over to tie it until she saw a romance novel under the foot area of the passenger seat. She picked it up and smiled a bit "Is this yours?" She held it up to Ran so he could see.
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"I used to live with my parents up until recently. I had to move out to attend college. I'm sure they will visit sometime in the not so distant future. You would love them."

Ran drives towards the Central business district of the town, one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding his cigarette out the window.

He became a little startled when the bass kicked through his speakers, but he loved the song which was playing. He wore an elated smirk on his face as he drove down.

From his peripheral vision, he saw that the girl reached for her feet, maybe to grab something she'd noticed or something .. She holds up a book and shows it to him. Driving, he couldn't really look at and analyze the book, so he just glimpsed at it. As soon as that was done, the book was identified. He flicked the cigarette outside the window and blows 2 lungs' worth of smoke out with it and raises his eyebrows, smiling ear to ear in surprise. "Yes, that's my book! I've been looking for it for a while. I thought I had forgotten it back home. This is my favorite book. 'Becoming' by Mark Litcherman. Thank you for finding it."

At this time, he was screaming his words instead of talking them. He had never been so happy to see the article. Even though he had read the book possibly over a hundred times, he still enjoyed reading it over in his spare time. He could even quote it, chapter by chapter, word for word.

Shortly after, they arrived at the market district and he reverse parked his vehicle skillfully between the two white lines.

"Okay! Let's go shopping!" Ran says as he turns off the car and pulls the keys out the ignition.

He gets out the vehicle, closes his door and hurries to the other side and opens the door for his osiris.

"Then let's get going, I'll get the door for you" He smiled. Yoona felt more like his friend than his property, so he felt he should treat her that way.
Yosaku shocked after hearing that from his master, well it's true he was overreacting but he just can't help it. If anything happened to the master he sure will be throwed away by her parent. He bend down and start apologizing to master and her new friend, "once again please forgive me, is there anything i can do to pay for my insolence?" his head still facing down, he affraid looking back to his master.

Even when Yosaku was build for a butler purpose he still only operates for one year, that mean he still don't know how exactly human like. The old master, Miki parent always told him to be careful with the other people. Some of them surely is aiming for her life, so he decide to protect his master at all cost.
Miki sighed and walked over to him. "For starters stop bowing. It's weird." Miki said. She stood in front of her Osiri. "Second thing you can do is lose the formalness. That is also weird." Miki said. She lifted his chin with a finger. "Third, start smiling. It looks better on you." Miki said, cocking her head to the side. She wanted him to loosen up. She lived outside the house, she didn't need a butler, she needed a friend.
Yoona stepped out the car and smiled sweetly "Thank you Ran, you're very kind in opening the door for me." She was happy that she wasn't treated like a product or machine around Ran, she felt more human when she was with him and happier. As she stepped out of the car she friendly held onto Ran's arm. "Oh, it seems you have 2 unread emails." She said and looked over to Ran. She was connected to Ran's phone and computer by an ear bud like technology piece that was made for her when she was created. She laughed a little "Looks like your parents sent a funny picture of you when you were a kid. I think they miss you."
Yosaku is a bit shocked after hearing that, how could he just throw away all his butler training and start casual living. He raised his head and reply to her "if that is your wish..." he can't do anything, his master command is everything to him, should he disobey his memory will be wiped by her dad. "just give me a moment to reprogram my personality" he walk inside the room and stand still beside the wall, he closed his eye and began reprograming his personality.


"Minorin, I'm sorry for putting it that way. Who's here means everyone else in the building. I'm sure we aren't alone. Anyway, I finished unpacking my side of the room. Do you want to work on up yours first or meet new people?"

Oh, so that's what he meant! She didn't mind the idea of meeting new people, but she preferred if other people came to them. Maybe she could make everyone come somehow...

But how would she do that? She didn't know and it seemed like more work than walking around and talking to people. Minorin stood up and looked around at her side of the room - Admittedly it was bare, but that would change as she got things - Rather, if she got things. She wasn't sure she wanted to get anything new, since she had very little interest in getting books, a computer or anything that would be in a room like this. "I don't really need to do much here - I put my suitcase under the bed. I can put my clothes away in drawers later. Do you think I should change into something else or would it be OK if I went out in this?"

Miki smiled, happy he got the message. She looked at the clock. She had to get ready fro work. She walked inside and grabbed her uniform. She took her bag and went running out the door. "I'm going to be late!" She yelled as she raced down the hall. She shoved open the doors and started running down the street. She walked in the back door with a few minutes to spare. She sat down on the closest chair and relaxed, trying to catch her breath.
"Ohh, dude, don't lie!! You can do that?!"

He was genuinely surprised. He didn't even have to log into anything! Knowing how he looked as a baby, he was slightly embarrassed.

"Yoona, don't look at those!!"

He laughs as he looks down at her, holding onto his arm. The pair walk into a fashion store, Ran cringing in shock as the jet of cold air at the door blasts down his body. He bites his bottom lip trying to figure out how much money he may have had remaining. There was his savings and the remainder of what his parents had sent. After a while he figured it was around 7500 credits.

"You know, I miss them too.. Quite a lot. I've never really been so far from home," Ran admits.

"Nevertheless, you can pick out whatever articles you want and I'll be sure to purchase them, go ahead," he says as he places his hand on her face, moving a few stray strands of hair from in front her eyes, placing them behind her ear. He slightly blushed and looks away quickly, letting out a less than manly nervous chuckle.

He begins looking around for some jackets or shoes that he may like, still standing at the entrance of the store, Yoona on arm.
"Miki~ We need you!" Miki heard from the kitchen. She hustled back to the kitchen poking her head in. "We have and order for table 5." The chef said. Miki grabbed the plates and walked out of the kitchen and on to the main floor. She walked over to table five and set down the dishes carefully. "Here you go masters. Enjoy!" Miki said, smiling at the customers. She walked to the door as she heard the bell ring. "Welcome home master!" Miki said, bowing deeply. She lifted her head and smiled. "This way master." She said, gesturing to the right. She seated the man at a table near the window. She wiped her forehead and smiled. This was tough, but it was her job.
Yoona starting blushing as Ran moved some strands of hair away from her face. She giggled a bit and looked the other way to make things less awkward. She was distracted when she saw an Ice cream stand with a sign that said "FREE". She walked up to the stand and looked at the menu. "What would you like?" The guy in the front asked.

"One vanilla ice cream please." Yoona said as she saw the guy go in the back to scoop some ice cream in a cone.

"Here ye are miss!" Yoona grabbed the ice cream and walked over to Ran.

"I figured you were hungry so I got something for you. I thought you would like vanilla." She handed the ice cream to Ran
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Short attention span much? He laughs as she walks towards the ice cream truck. Free ice cream??

He squints and rubs his eyes to make sure that what he's seeing was correct. He started feeling quite hungry a while back anyway, and

ice cream may have been the best thing to quell and sooth the angry beast living in his stomach.

"I. Want. Vanilla," He says to himself as he begins to walk up towards Yoona. He figured she was getting for herself.

As Yoona grabbed the ice cream cone and she turns to walk back towards him, he sees that it's his favorite flavor of ice cream ever. Vanilla.

He begins to silently fangirl on the inside like a dog starved for two weeks and then flaunted a quality cut of steak.

Yoona stopped in front him and as she began extending her hand, he started to deny it in his mind.

"No way this is mine. There's no way she's bringing this for me. There's no way she could know that. There's no-" He thought as she handed over the ice cream to him.

"She did. Dammmmmn. This is cool." he thinks again

"But. How. Did you .... Know that I.. Like this flavor??"
His sentence broken and fragmented as a result of Ran stuffing the ice cream down his face hole.

"There's no way you could've guessed that. That dude has at least a dozen different flavors!"

He smiles brightly at Yoona, surviving specs of ice cream mourn their fallen comrades on his nose and chin.

His phone alarms and he taps his right pocket, then his left. He pulls his phone out of the latter and watches it, opening his eyes wide.

"Yoona, it's time. We need to go now. Let's go back to the apartment. We can shop another time!!"

He pushes his phone back into his pocket, still unlocked. 'Food Time- meal of the day: Lasagna' was displayed on the screen, the notification being dismissed by the buttons being pressed as he walked briskly back to the car.
When Yosuke close his eye and start reprograming he can see everything inside his head. He started erasing his formality and just leaving some behind in case there was a guest. It take a several hour before he opened his eye again. He take quick glance it seems Miki is not here anymore, wonder if she go to work in time. After that he unbutton his butler clothes and throw it away leaving his chest exposed. He change into plain black clothes. He started to tidy up the room until it's clean and comfortable
Yoona quickly followed Ran who seemed he was in a rush for something urgent. She hopped into the car and buckled her seat belt and noticed that Ran still had some ice cream left on his nose. She giggled "You have a little something on your nose Ran." She pulled out a tissue and wiped off the ice cream. She blushed a bit and looked the other way where the window was as she tried to hide her bright red cheeks. She could see the sun setting in the distance which made her very sleepy and she started closing her eyes very slowly.
Miki walked back in the door, slumping down against it's frame. She was exhausted. She stood up and walked to the couch. She face planted directly on it, not caring that it hurt. She rolled on to her side. She curled up into a ball of sorts and started watching anime. She smiled and closed her eyes, weary from a day at work. She started snoring softly as she fell asleep.
His focus isn't phased as she wipes the ice cream off his face. He turns on the car then slams it into drive. He then speeds homewards, looking only at the road. He wants to light his cigarette, but to do so, he would have to slow down. That would mean he is hungry for a longer time. This was not an option. He fought the urge. As continued on. Soon enough, he arrived back at the apartment complex and parks in the space provided. He then notices that Yoona was .. Asleep?? He didn't know that osiri could do that. He pokes her a few times.

"Yoona, lets go upstairs" he says.

He hops out and opens her door for her.

"Let's go, quickly, please" he says gently.
Yoona woke up as she felt Ran poking her and got out of the car. She yawned tiredly and observed the apartment from the outside.

"Pretty nice place you live in." She said as she followed Ran. So this place is gonna be my new home. She thought to herself. She was quite excited to see the inside of the apartment building and meet everyone that lived there. It was such a big change for her that she was now going to be living with a human and at their home. But she also kept thinking about when she was still at the Osiri store and having to sleep in a wooden box each night in the lab. I'm never going back there. She thought to herself.
Kenji shrugged. "Truthfully, I don't think they'll care. You look good as is. But hey, what do I know?" Kenji replied. It didn't matter what she went out in; they were both going to spend a lot of time in here. "Or do you want to go shopping to fill out that side of the room? I have about 10,000 credits left after you and I met." Kenji avoided saying bought. It made him feel like Minorin was just a robot. And it was socially awkward as well... As if he needed to worsen his relationship with one of the only people he liked. He didn't know if Minorin wanted to go out anyway. "We could just stay inside, though. Your choice."


"You look good as is."

Minorin blushed a bit - She got compliments from Kenji sometimes and she liked it, but she rarely let it go to her head. Minorin hugged Kenji as tightly as she could. "Thanks, Kenji," Minorin chimed. "And it's a good thing you like what I'm wearing, because I do, too." A thought passed through Minorin's mind; I could ask Kenji if he wanted to go clothes shopping later. I mean, I didn't bring a lot of clothes anyways, so I could ask him if he wanted to... And he would enjoy that, right?

"Um, if you want to go meet the people in the building now, we can... And if you want, you could help me get some new clothes. I don't have many with me right now, so I might need some new ones, if that's all right."

Kenji smiled. She was one of the only people who could make him laugh. Or, for that matter, smile. "Sure, Minorin. We'll look around the apartment building. Maybe there are some people you can meet. Then we'll buy you more clothes." Kenji didn't want to do this, but it would pay off in the long run. "Remember, I have school tomorrow. You can do whatever you do while I'm gone. Probably sleeping." Kenji realized he might just spend a day on Minorin. She deserved it.
Ran walks into the complex, nodding to the receptionist. They walk up the stairs.

"Yoona, this is where I live. It's an apartment complex and there are many other people and osiri living here too. I hope I can make some friends here."

"I live in section B of this structure"

His stomach lets out a growl, and Ran, becoming more and more enraged, growls right back at it, grabbing his tummy.

He shoves steps up the last stair and walks toward his dorm, B1. After fumbling a bit to shove the key in, he swings open the door and blocks it in that position with his left shoe which he takes off. Noodles in the bag, cheese in the fridge, he reminds himself. He washes his hands, opens his bag and gets the material to make the lasagna, whips out a can of beef and gets to grating the cheese.

"So, Yoona, what do you like to eat??"

He asks, looking up at her.


"Sure, Minorin. We'll look around the apartment building. Maybe there are some people you can meet."

"OK! Let's go, then - We've talked about it enough, right?" Minorin grabbed Kenji's hand and started walking to the door. "Should we start at the first room from the bottom and come back up to our room from there, or should we start from our room and work our way down to the bottom floor?" Minorin shut the door to the room behind her and Kenji - She noticed she had forgotten to put on shoes or even socks, but she was OK with it. Stepping on something wouldn't hurt her, she figured, so it wasn't a necessity. "What do you think?"

Yoona walked down the hall with Ran as he told her about the dorms and people. A few minutes later she started to hear his stomach let out a loud growl. When they got into Ran's dorm Yoona quickly went to lay on the couch. Walking around town can be tiring sometimes. She thought to herself and perked her head up to see what Ran was doing.

"Oh well...I do hate apples. They make my tongue itchy for some reason, and I just hate how they taste. But I haven't really tasted many foods really." She said replying to Ran's question. "Ran can I ask you something?" She said gloomily.
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Kenji replied, "Let's start at the top. It'll take less time and we'll have more time to do other things." Kenji then realized Minorin wasn't wearing shoes. She'll need to put shoes on before they headed out. There weren't many floors. Thank god. That meant less people to remember. Kenji beckoned to Minorin. "Let's go! We might as well get this out of the way now." Minor in looked young in that outfit. Well, at least she had a lot to learn about the human world. Hopefully there weren't any idiots on this apartment. He couldn't stand people who could be a normal human being, but weren't because they chose not to.
What could Yoona possibly want to ask him? Ran always hated this question, and became nervous and tense by the suspense. As he finishes grating the cheese, he layered the pasta and beef, then covered the top in a layer of cheese. He stoops down in front the stove as he opens it, and puts the lasagna in. The dial on the oven is turned to 350 degrees.

He then stood up, and took off his jacket, revealing a v-neck white tee. He sits on the bed next to the window and looks out as the beautiful sun sets. The pack of blacks is thrown onto a nearby desk.

"Oh, the door is still opened," He said to Yoona.

"Before you raise your discussion, can you close the door?"

Ran laid down horizontally across the bed with his feet hanging off, touching the floor. He swings them back and forth alternatively.

A deep breath is taken as nerves get the better of him.

Ran quickly realized that he had been freaking out about Yoona's question, and assured himself that it couldn't be anything bad.

Feeling the gently and warm tug of sleep calling him towards dozing off, Ran closes his eyes and listens on.
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