• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Osiri

Haruhi Suzumiya

An Adorable Entity

Walking, talking and 'living' computers... Shaped exactly like humans. Interesting.

In 2018, Humanoid Computers are now widespread - Expensive, yes, but still widespread nonetheless. These 'Humanoid Computers' are called Osiri (A single one is an Osiris). The majority of these Osiri appear identical to humans - But they are only capable of emulating human actions and reactions, and are incapable of feeling things on their own... Or so people believe.

But what about you? For you, a new school year begins... Some people are going to College or University... While others are going to High School still. Maybe you're just working at this point - How can we be sure? Whatever you're doing, you're far from home - So now you're going to be living in an apartment with a roommate and your Osiris (If you have one)! Now's the time you're going to start living on your own (Sort of) and carving a life out for yourself!

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The Apartment Building

(Currently nameless - Contribute a name if you want)

There are six available rooms in the apartment building, so most people will be in a room with someone else. First come, first serve - Mixed rooms are allowed, and having an Osiris counts as having a roommate... But you can have as many people as you want in a room. There's only two beds per room, though, and Osiri sleep, too, so if you have 3+ people in a room beds will need to be shared or someone will wind up sleeping on a couch or on the floor.

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An Average Apartment

There are twelve completely empty rooms - While one could own their own room, it may also interest them to share a room with someone else.

A-1 - Yamata & Asake Imori

A-2 - Akemi-Yumi Tera

A-3 - Maiki Lente & Yosaku Nozumu

B-1 - Ran Osei & Yamata

B-2 - Yoshi

B-3 - Maiki Lente & Yosaku Nozumu

C-1 - Kenji & Minorin

C-2 - Vacant

C-3 - Vacant

D-1 - Vacant

D-2 - Vacant

D-3 - Vacant

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The (Currently) Nameless Local High School/College/University

(If you're in any type of schooling, you'll be going here with everyone else.)

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An average classroom in the High School/College/University.

(Other locations will probably appear as we go - I may get pictures for those.)

1. No godmodding - Though I'm not quite sure
how you'd do it, some people could find a way. (Ech, loopholes - Only good when they're on my side.)

2. No bunnying. Controlling someone else's character is what bunnying is, essentially. Don't do it.

3. Write a paragraph or more - No one-liners allowed!

4. Fade to black if you're going to make things...
Graphic. You know what I mean. I hope.

5. Swearing's all right - Just don't go overboard. Three swears in one post and you're overboard.

6. Use proper spelling & grammar, please. Thank you.

7. Follow basic RPNation Etiquette and you'll do just fine.

LASTLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, If you're not going to be here for a while or if you're going to be busy,
LET ME KNOW! Either that or you can post in OOC that you're going to be away. Either one works.

Thank you, you may go ahead and create a character now!

(You probably already did, but let me give you the benefit of the doubt.)

[The roleplay has started; Do things!]

Accepted Characters: (12/10 minimum)

(We have enough humans! Yay!)


-Akemi-Yumi Tera (Minor character - Won't own an Osiris)

-Ran Osei (Yoona)

-Kenji (Minorin)

-Naoto Inoue (Ariana Mente)

-Asake Imori (Yamata)

-Maiki Lente (Yosaku Nozumu)


-Minorin (Kenji)

-Yoshi (Unowned)

-Ariana Mente (Naoto Inoue)

-Yoona (Ran Osei)

-Yamata (Asake Imori)

-Yosaku Nozumu (Maiki Lente)

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Akemi-Yumi Tera

Saturday. One of the few days Yumi had to do whatever she wanted... And all she wanted to do now was drink. The only problem was, she had a bunch of new kids coming around to move in; What if one of them needed her help? She couldn't make a bad impression on them. It wouldn't be professional.

A note waited on Room A-2's door - "Manager's Room - Ask for Help Here". She didn't want to go out of her way to greet people, but she also wanted to be at least a bit courteous. Out of pure boredom Yumi channel-surfed - Something interesting had to be on, right? Right?

Then a nagging sense of guilt kicked in. Go greet them. Pleeeeeeeeeeease? It would give you a nice, warm feeling inside after...

No, no, no, no, no! You aren't going out there - Not today! Maybe tomorrow... Yumi continued with her channel surfing. She had almost nothing to do, it seemed, unless she had to collect rent from her tenants or do maintenance on a room. God, I hate being single. Maybe one of the new guys is hot... Or legal, at least. Yumi threw her remote across the room - That not being the intent, of course, but the remote snapped in half upon impact with a wall. "Damn," She muttered and rolled over on her bed so she was lying face-down in her blankets and pillows. "That's the third time this week."

Desperation - Yumi's worst enemy - Was starting to get to her. Again. A little drinking later that day would help keep it away, though, she knew.


A new place to live... And a nice-looking place, at that.

Minorin loved moving - Seeing a whole new place, going somewhere completely new, starting things all over - Just with Kenji instead of all on her own. Minorin had been charged with bringing things to their room, which was C-1 - The top floor. How lucky of me, Minorin thought. I get to bring things to the top floor from the bottom floor.

It was only a few bags, though, so she was lucky, she figured. After carrying a few bags into the room, she put her suitcase down on one of the beds. She sifted through it to try and find something nicer to wear; She pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a green sweater. My favourite.

She undressed, not even looking behind her beforehand - She had gotten to the point where she didn't even care if Kenji saw her half-naked - Slipped the sweater on over her head, poked her arms through the sleeves, stepped into the shorts and pulled them up. "Ahhh, much better," Minorin said to herself and put her traveling clothes into her suitcase again. Osiri didn't sweat, so she didn't have to clean her clothes unless she swan-dove into a mud pool - Which hadn't happened yet. She still washed her clothes on occasion so they smelled nice.

Minorin pushed her suitcase under her bed and laid down to sleep. She was always tired, it seemed. She shut her eyes and waited for sleep to come - It probably wouldn't, as it rarely did unless it was dark outside.

(Post things!)

Yamata ran up to the apartment building, a humongous smile on her face and a large bag on her back. A new place! That meant a new area, and a new area meant new people, and new people meant new friends! She loved friends! Unless they were snakes. In which case, they weren't friends and she would cry because snakes are scary and mean. But this was a place were humans lived, so she was...um...85% certain that their neighbors would not have scales and would not eat adorable little mouses!

She wanted to go in, bang on every door, and hug everyone until everyone was friends forever, but she couldn't do that yet. No no no, not yet. She had come here with her Master, after all, and she wanted to be right there when he started his new life here! Oh, this was going to be so great! She was going to make sure that Master had the best time ever here...though maybe she'd be really super careful when she started to set things up. Master could be a super grumpy-pants over the weirdest things!

She began to bounce up and down on the balls of her feet as her excitement began to get the better of her. What to do, what to do? On the one hand, she really, really, really, really, really wanted to go in and say hi to everyone! But on the other hand, she didn't want to rush her Master, because that would be mean and she didn't like being mean! Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh, she just didn't know what to do!

After a moments thought, she decided she'd just stand there. Right there. Maybe jumping up and down, but definitely not jumping up and down in a forward direction. She'd stay in this one spot so that Master definitely wouldn't miss her and they could get the dumb and boring unpacking stuff out of the way quickly!

Ari walked up to her new apartment. The plate read "B-3" and was gold. She sighed and opened the door revealing the pie of boxes. She walked inside, looking around. She had nothing to do for now. She shed her jacket and placed it on a box. She looked around at her boxes. She began unpacking the boxes. Her boxes were full of her anime stuff and her other things. She waited for her osiri to come as she started unpacking.


Miki walked up to her door. The name plate read "A-3". She sighed and entered the room. She looked around at her things. She had all of her artsy stuff. She looked at the clock. She still had time to unpack before her job. She looked around for her osiri, but couldn't find hm. She sighed and started unpacking.
Yosaku finally arrived at the apartment with his luggage, he checked his watch he seems a little late in coming. his master could be arrived before him, and this makes him a little unhappy. He rushed to the room hoping she will not mad at him but after he arrived on the front door he found out that his master had been here. Feelings of shame and fault mixed in him because he has failed his master. "Please forgive me for being late, i will clean this room as soon as possible and unpacking your luggage"

"Yosaku? It's fine, I can unpack myself. There is no need." Miki said. She looked at him. He was always formal. She sighed. "Come on. I am capable of some things." Miki said. she said. She looked at the clock. "You can help me, but I won't let you do it by yourself." Miki said, starting to unpack. She took the boxes of the large pile and began unpacking.
The day was fresh and the world new to the young boy. His being here was not suppose to exist, to be walking on this free world and seeing this world with his own eyes, this was all not suppose to be happening since in reality, he wasn't a human being. He possessed no flesh to flow through any veins but he had wires and cords. He didn't have a brain but he had a memory card. He had the body of a human and looked exactly like one but he wasn't one. Secretly, he was a robot but no one knew of this, he had kept this secret for a good few years and it all works out well.

His secret was almost revealed once but he was able to get out of it before it was too late. He was not your ordinary robot who be sold in a store, he was a runaway. He escaped his box and was living his own life as a "human". Though he was trying to live among humans, he had some data missing, data he needed but was unable to get since he left the lab. He was unable to show emotions or even understand the way of emotions well. Though he couldn't show emotions, just like a child, he was able to learn so he still had a chance in living a free life among humans without being pulled back to the lab.

Walking up to the apartment where he would be staying to hide from the government, he went inside and went to his assigned room, Room Number B-2 on the second floor. Walking up the stairs and towards the door of Room B-2, he entered the room and set down his duffel bag along with his backpack, looking around the room with dull forest-green eyes. The money he had with him was the money he made from working at a convenience store.

The job was pretty easy and Yoshi understood everything of what to do so he was able to make a good amount of money and he didn't need the money much since he didn't eat or drink food but he did need it for some things like clothes and just in case he needed to buy some new cords or any of the sort. Though he may not have a master, he was still able to fix himself up and care for himself as if he didn't even need a master. He believed that a master was not needed for him since he seemed to be doing fine for the past years but it seemed he won't be able to live long being alone.

-Sorry I don't know what to type ;w; Tell me if this is wrong or bad and etc DX-
Yosaku replied to Miki "If that is your wish my lady, but it always be my concern to take care of you" After that he started unpacking all the lugage, the clothes goes into the drawer, there was some maid costume inside her luggage, because she need to go to work after finish unpacking so he hang it on the wall.

It's only been one year since he was purchased for Miki family, and now he in charge to take care of her because she live alone now, well she still have him. He try to finish unpacking as soon as possible so his master will not come in late for her work. Yet he still not unpacking his things
Miki started taking out her dishes and putting them in the cabinets. She pulled out her rice cooker and set it down on the counter. She looked at the biggest and heaviest box on the floor and opened it up. Inside, carefully packed, was her pc. She smiled, happy that it had made it in on piece. She took the bubble wrap off the front. Right beside it was her tablet. "You made it..." Miki said.

Kenji walked up to the apartment. Another home, and more friends. Just great. Kenji hated moving, and this time wasn't an exception. He walked up and started thinking. Kenzie had just applied to the new school, hoping to make some friends there. He hoped Minorin was already sleeping. He didn't want a jumpy Osiri in his face when he was already tired. He strode into the new room, the smell of disenfectant filling the air. Not too much, but this place was new. He was sure of it. After unpacking and making sure everything was right, Kenji saw Minorin on the bed. Time for a wake up call. Yelling, "Tickle Fight!" He began to tickle Minorin. The day was going well.

(Now for Asake- Later in the day)

Asake walked in to his new home. He wasn't sure about this place, but he had an Osiris to show him around. He told her to go do whatever, saying that she needed to see if there were any more Osiri in the building. Hopefully there were. Asake began to unpack, and after he was done, looked around the apartment. C1 looked cool. Kenji and Minorin. They're new too. Well, might as well meet the new inmates- I mean residents! He knocked on the door. (Both my characters are interacting) "Hello!" A voice came from inside. "Hey! I live next to you. Want to talk?" Asake replied. The door opened. The man said hello. His name was Kenji, and his Osiris was named Minorin. "My Osiris is Yamata. She's been in service for five years. Anyway, great to know you. See ya later!"
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"Tickle Fight!"

Minorin gasped - She hadn't even heard Kenji walk into the room, and now... Was he on top of her?! Minorin sucked in air and tried to hold her breath - Her cheeks started to turn reddish-pink as her strength waned...

And she broke into uncontrollable laughter.

"Nohohohoho!" Minorin shouted and gripped the blankets below her as tightly as she could. "Mercy! Mercy!" Minorin begged - Her legs flailed and her fingers dug into the mattress. Since she was made ticklish as a means of control, she was programmed so she had trouble resisting it - She couldn't do much save for hold her breath and beg for it to stop.

But something felt odd this time. Minorin tried to pull away from Kenji desperately in an attempt to get away and she rolled off the bed accidentally. She stumbled to her feet and struggled to catch her breath; She still giggled a little involuntarily. "Ohhhhh, I can't breathe," She muttered, her breathing still heavy - She clearly could, but those words always seemed to come to mind when she was freed of tickling.

Minorin knew for a fact that she was weaker than Kenji - She had next to no chance of getting revenge... At least now. To make it seem like she surrendered, she sat on her legs with her hands in her lap. "I-I surrender! I surrender!"

I'll get him back later, Minorin thought. And I know just what to do...

Okay, so being summarily dismissed by her Master like that was pretty disheartening, but hey; now it's time to meet new people YAAAAAAAAAAAY! She looked around, wondering which door to knock on first. She supposed it didn't matter, in the end. She was going to knock on ALL THE DOORS eventually. Better just pick one at random then!

She walked around aimlessly before finally standing in front of one of the ground-floor doors. A-3...this seemed as good a start as any! What should she say, though? Pfffffft, how was that even a question? Obviously she should say hi! And then hugs. There must always be hugs. Yamata knocked on the door, her smile refusing to fade. She was just so excited and happy and hhhhhnnnnnnnngggggghhhhhhhhh this was just gonna be so great!

Ran thinks that he may just be the most elated and excited person on the planet at that moment. He walks to the receptionist's table, pulling his black trolley bag behind him, inquiring about a room, and she notifies him that only 1 room is unoccupied. Room B-1. She hands him a key before he takes out his own bunch from behind in his left back pocket. He attatches the room's key to his own bundle and excitedly storms off, basically running up the stairs, his bag banging and knocking on the stairs behind him. He even misses a step and stumbles, almost falling, but he's essentially un-phased. The excitement has him flying. He observes the different hues and textures of the ceiling, carpets and walls, passing his hand along the wall, shutting his eyes, hiding his emerald irises. The black glasses aiding his horrible eyesight always seemed to slip towards the edge of his nose, so he then adjusts it. Wide and excited, his eyes burst open. It can no longer wait. He can no longer wait. He pushes the key into the door, rushes in and looks around, observing all articles in the room. A bed, a tv, a workdesk and a bookshelf.

"This is going to be such fun, maaaan," he says to himself.

He quickly settles in and pulls out his phone, unlocking it and dialing his father's number. It rings a few times before a very deep voice answers:

"Dad, tell mum I've arrived. This place is fantastic! I think I'll enjoy it here. You should see the place."

"Oh, I'm glad you like it! You're going to be there quite a while."

"I know.. Bitter-sweet. Tell mom I said hey"

"For sure, I will. Have you heard about the Osiri?"

"Yes, they are expensive human-like robots. They even have simulated emotions! I've read a lot about them on the internet."

"Well how would you feel about getting yourself one?"

"I've never even thought about getting one. I don't even have the credit for that, dad. I'll have to work for a while to build those funds"

"Don't worry about it, we just wired 20,000 to your bank account! Get yourself one, it may be able to assist you with your studies."

"Really?! That's great! I'll do it as soon as I can. Thanks dad! But I think I should go now, though. I want to meet the others living in the apartment. I love you"

He had heard about the Osiri, but had never even pictured himself being able to get himself one. It never really peaked his interest, and in truth, he was a bit creeped out by human-like robots. Fleeting thoughts about the topic such as 'what if they take over the world' always popped up into his mind. Nevertheless, he had people to meet, and things to do, including feed his face!

He basically rips his travel bag open and salvages a pack of cup noodles. He turns on the pipe, fills it and throws it into the microwave oven.

When finished, he completely devoured it in a matter of minutes, the heat not even affecting him. He sits on the edge of the bed, looking out the window and brainstorms, trying to figure out what he should do first.
Miki heard a nock at the door. She hurried to answer it. "Hey." Miki said to the person. She was tall with long blue hair. She seemed nice. "Your a new face. How are you?" Miki asked. she looked friendly. She also looked like an Osiri. She seemed to have emotions. Miki looked behind her at her Osiri. Hopefully he wouldn't feel guilty over this.
Yamata beamed at Miki as she rambled. "Hi! I'm Yamata and I moved in with my Master today and we were just finishing moving stuff into the apartment and Master told me to go out and meet everybody and to see if there were other Osiri here cause I don't why maybe he's just curious but who cares because it doesn't matter because Osiri are people too and I love meeting people!"

The blue-haired girl took a deep breath after that verbal diarrhea before once again smiling at Miki. "Nice to meet you!" She then pulled her neighbor into a hug like it was the most natural thing in the world. "I hope we can be friends!"
Having decided what he was going to do first, he puts on his black jacket and changes his shoes. Since Ran was a young child, he made it a habit to brush his teeth and wash his hands and face after each meal, so this is what he proceeds to do. He watches himself in the mirror, staring into his own eyes. His mouth begins to water, signifying it's smoke time. When his cravings set in, his mouth would always water. This was quite an uncomfortable experience, so to prevent it from happening, he would promptly smoke a couple cigarettes at least. He kisses his index and middle finger and touches the mirror, walking off and out of the room. "I'll only be a while, so I won't lock this," he thinks after closing the door. While walking down the stairs, ran pulls out his pack of 'Black and Mild' cigarettes and taps the top of the pack on his fingers which is said to result in a smoother, better smoke. He pulls one out and lets it hang from his lip and walks past the receptionist, saluting her with two fingers. The automatic doors slide open and he exits, lighting the cigarette as soon as he does so. He pulls smoke in to fill his mouth just as one would fill their mouth with juice from a straw, then he inhales the stored smoke, letting the chemicals infiltrate his alveoli. This was his first smoke in quite a while as he wasn't allowed to smoke whilst on the plane. He pulls out his car keys and unlocks his grey sports vehicle. He reminisces about the moment his mother opened the garage door, revealing the car on his sixteenth birthday. He smiles and continues puffing his cig, ashing it as he closes the door.

He shifts the car out of park, disengages the handbrake and eases off from where he had reverse parked. As he drives through the town, he looks out for somewhere that may sell Osiri. He succeeds after a few minutes of driving and parallel parks between two vehicles near the curb. He flicks the cigarette to the floor and steps on it. "Smoking isn't a crime, but littering is."

He chuckles to himself then propagates to the store. He sees various different models of osiri, both male and female. He looks amongst them, scanning their faces and bodies. The sales clerk approaches him, asking to assist.

Ran accepts the offer.

"So what qualities are you looking for in your osiris?" The clerk inquired.

Ran thinks carefully about this for a while.

"Hmmm" ... "Well I would love a unit which is kind enough to help me with things and is outgoing enough to hold a decent conversation with as I get a bit lonely and depressed at night"

"I have the perfect model for you!" She exclaims

"Good, show her to me!"

They walk towards the back of the store, as they do, Ran notices that as they walk further back, the models become more expensive.

"These people are trying to bust my pockets!" he thinks.

The sales clerk shows him to one of their newer models.

"Her name is Yoona, she's perfect for what you're looking for"

He inspects the robot, taking in all her features all while admiring her appearance.

"Whoaa.. Yoona? Would you like to come with me?"
Kenji looked over at her. Minorin was a good fit for him. She wasn't too outgoing while she wasn't too isolated. Just like him. He then said to Minorin, "So, do you want to see who's here?" He picked up a book, Gulliver's Travels, and began to wait for an answer.


Asake had finally finished unpacking. He searched around for Yamata, and he looked from the top down. Just as he reached the ground floor, he saw her. She was probably trying to make friends in this place. Asake waved at her. "Hey! Just wanted to let you know that unpacking's finished. Come over anytime." He walked over to his apartment, and began to play video games while he waited for Yamata to talk to everyone in the apartment. There were going to be a lot of victim- No, new friends. She could really talk.


"So, do you want to see who's here?"

"Who's where?" Minorin asked, looking curiously around the room. "You're here, but... I don't see anyone else." Minorin started to worry a bit - Was she malfunctioning? And this early, too? She was just over a year old! She was supposed to last at least another seventeen years before things started going wrong! "Is there someone else here I can't see? Or do you mean that book?" Minorin examined the book. Gulliver's Travels, she thought. I don't think I've seen that before. Again and again she read the title in an attempt to stimulate her memory - She gave up trying to remember anything after a few tries.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Minorin concluded. "I'm sorry."

It seems there was a guest comming, it really don't mind him unless that girl dare to touch his owner and then he continue unpacking. Only a moment he lost his sight to his owner, that girl already make a move and hug her. This is bad, what if she hiding a knife or some short and try to hurt master? He rushed to them and seperated those two, "please be careful my lady, this girl might hurt you if you are too careless". He standing in front of them, trying to make some distance between this girls, after that he giving a sharp look to the other girl. He know he was over protective but his owner safety is number one.
Kenji sighed. "Minorin, I'm sorry for putting it that way. Who's here means everyone else in the building. I'm sure we aren't alone. Anyway, I finished unpacking my side of the room. Do you want to work on up yours first or meet new people?" Kenji decided it would be best for him to meet new people early; he was already coming in alone. Minorin probably wanted to meet new people, unpack, and sleep in the fastest way possible... She was lazy. Kenji didn't mind. He really just wanted to read his book, but whatever.
Yoona looked over to Ran, she was quite happy she was going to be bought and tried to contain her excitement and smiled "Yes, I would like to come with you." She said as she observed Ran. She had never been outside in the human world that she had knowledge about, the only place she had been ever since she was created was the Osiri lab and store and being in the human world was gonna be quite the change. Yoona walked beside Ran and looked up to him. "So, where do you wish to go?" Yoona asked Ran as she waited for an answer
"I live in an apartment complex not too far from here" Ran stated,

"Yoona, my name is Ran Osei, but you can just call me Ran"

They strode to the cashier's counter to complete the transaction.

He inquires about the price of the aesthetic model.

"15,000 credits, sir," the cashier responds.

They did say it wouldn't be cheap, but he didn't expect those kinds of prices. The figure even had a comma!

He pulls out his debit card and swipes it in the receiver, typing in his 4 digit pin.

The transaction was completed. Ran looked at Yoona in awe. How did technology get this far? The self-sustaining robots were able to learn, and even simulate emotions. This was a marvelous concept to him. He puts away his card in his wallet and tucks it into his right back pocket.

"That's it?" He asks the receptionist.

"Yes, that's it, you can go ahead," she responds.

"Okay, Yoona, let's go.

Ohh, would it suit you to get some clothes and shoes and such? We can go shopping if you'd like"
"Sure, there's a shopping mall just 2 miles away from where we are. We could go to that one if you're alright with that?" She replied as she looked around to look at all the buildings. "So Ran, what's your story? Sorry I'm being kinda nosy, you don't have to tell me about yourself if you don't want to. I was just curious." She looked over to the parking lot as she followed Ran to where ever he was going.
"Stop overreacting Yosaku." Miki said, looking behind her. She sighed. He was always so overprotective, so cautions. She wasn't going to get stabbed, she wasn't the prime minister of Sheba. Miki sighed again at her Osiri and released herself from the hug. "Of course we van be friends." Miki said smiling. She wanted to be nice to the new neighbors. They seemed friendly.
"I'm eighteen years old. I just started college in the area. My mother and father live in another country from here. They sent me the funds to purchase an osiris, that I did."

He pulls out his pack of blacks and puts a cigarette between his lips. He lights it and inhales as he closes his eyes. He feels the nicotine reach to his brain as he exhales the toxic fumes. Such a foolish habit. He always knew it was. It never phased him, though as every night before bedtime, he would always assume that he would die the following day, or in his sleep. This way, he wouldn't be surprised or disappointed if it actually happens.

He unlocks his car and hops in, leaning over and opening the passenger's door from inside.

"Why don't you have a seat, Yoona?"

He smiles brightly at the robot as he enacts the kind gesture.

He ashes his cigarette, closes his door and disengages the handbrakes and kicks the car into drive, letting his right foot sit on the brake pedal. He waits for Yoona to be seated as he puts on his seatbelt.

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