Osiel Academy [Inactive]

June pulled his hand away when Scylax growled at him "s-sorry puppy..." He ten proceeded to scoot back from him. He stood up to face Zeth. "Oh umm...I-I'm not all that good as far as manifesting one. But if you can create one I can make it a lot stronger. I've messed around with DNA before,I'm sure I could find a way to increase it's abilities." June shrugged,he couldn't create anything if he tried,so it was in his best option to just avoid it all together. "Maybe I can give it some artificial intelligence." He giggled,feeling a little better than before.
"Have a little faith in yourself... even if you aren't all that good at something now, you can get better with a little practice." Zeth said cheerfully. "Artificial intelligence... it's a first step towards what we're aiming towards! But... are you actually interested in figuring this out with me, June? I'd hate to drag you into something if you... you know... didn't want to learn?" Zeth said after realizing he hadn't actually asked if it was something June was interested. "I'd love to have your and Sayu's help with figuring it out, though... I bet I could figure out the basics on my own but if you guys help we could really make something fantastic! Not... not that the scylax isn't fantastic." Zeth was beginning to feel like he should just stop talking now.
"No no i want to help." June spoke casual. "It's just that I can only be of aid after it's been created. Thinking about it June was going to have to do a whole lot of other things. Like figuring out how to make his tattoo glow. "But sure,I'll do whatever I can." He then turned to Sayu. "Hey...is it alright for me to mix machines and magic? I don't want to break any rules by messing around with the creature."
Sayu smiled at June as she spoke. "I don't see why not. Just as long as you don't hurt anyone or blow up the school," she said with a laugh. Her tattoo that covered half of her eye began to glow a bright white once again as Scylax let out a low growl. She didn't know why it was glowing, but it wasn't the first time she saw it had happened before. The first time was when Kai had saved her from a Karyuudo. His tattoo was glowing black the entire time his wolf fought it off.
"W-woah...Sayu...y-your..." June was taken away by the glowing of her tattoo. He was sure that she was already aware of it but he couldn't help but verbalized his shock. Why it was happening he didn't know,but he was glad that he saw the glow first hand. He engraved in his mind how it pulsated,growing brighter and then simmering down. "It's a very pretty white..." Without thinking June reached over and touched her tattoo. The color had completely captivated him.

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Scylax let out a single loud bark as fire flew out of his mouth in the process while Sayu grabbed June's hand before it reached her. She wasn't fond of people touching her without permission, especially when her tattoo was involved. "Don't touch unless you want to get burned," she said as she gestured towards Scylax, who's eyes were brighter than usual. Her voice came out, once again, cold, almost as if she was a different person.
"Ouch!" June yanked back his hand, his index finger had been nipped by the fire. He shook it furiously trying to ease the pain. "He spits out fire?!" He was half impressed and half terrified. He then proceeded to stick his finger in his mouth, fanning it out just wasn't cutting it. He was sorry for touching her but getting burned for it seamed a little to much. "I-I'm swarry" he spoke with his finger still in his mouth. "I woont twach it agon."

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"Sorry. I told you before, these wolves are meant to protect their creators. I guess he saw you as a threat," Sayu said as she pet Scylax's smooth, wooden surface. She didn't think it was Scylax's fault for wanting to protect her. Her glowing tattoo slowly began to turn dull and eventually, stopped glowing all together. She rubbed her hand over her tattoo, still wondering why it suddenly began to glow.

( G'night. =_= )
Zeth watched the events transpire with mild interest. He remembered his own lesson of not touching Sayu without permission... he felt bad for June and figured he probably should have done him the favor of warning him but it's so much easier to remember when you have that kind of event to back the memory up. "Let me see the injury, June." Zeth said in a quiet yet controlling voice, holding a hand out to June. "I want to see if there's any serious damage." 'and possibly practice my healing symbols while I'm at it...'

(OOC: Obviously feel free to refuse xD Just because someone believes they are in control doesn't mean that they are)
"Aww swaree" June took his finger out of his mouth and proceeded to wipe the saliva off on the bottom of his shirt. He didn't want Zeth having to touch something that had been in his mouth,at least not without some cleaning. After June was sure it was dry he extended his burnt finger to Zeth. "Try to work the magic." He smiled a little. What he said sounded something out of a fairy tail.

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Zeth hadn't really been thinking about the whole issue with saliva but was grateful when June wiped it off before handing it over. He examined the burn, shaking his head a little... it wasn't absolutely horrible but it could be serious if it wasn't properly taken care of. Zeth pulled his pen out of his pocket and drew the symbols: Reverse, Damage, Fire, Energy, and the always useful Heal on June's finger. Zeth had figured it would be easier to make it like the injury had never happened then to write out all the symbols to mend the damage. He looked closely at the symbols, making sure that he hadn't miswritten any of them before nodding his approval.

"Ready? This has different 'feelings' for each person so... it might hurt and it might just tingle... or feel like you've been splashed with ice water." Zeth warned before he moved his left hand over the symbols, closing his eyes as he connected his energy to those symbols, making them become more than just figures written in ink. They glowed a light silvery blue as did his tattoo on his shoulder, and then were gone as the magic set to work on reversing the damage done to June's finger. When it had completed (without a hitch, Zeth would proudly like to add) Zeth smiled and looked up at June. "Ta da? Better, right? And you're feeling ok... right?"
"Oh,wow...that's crazy!" June smiled on the outside but he felt so strange on the inside. He'd felt his own family's magic but somebody's else's felt weird. He felt little shakes inside his body but he his it very well. "Good job Zeth!" June flexed his hand trying to show the heeling. "It feels great!"
"I wonder where your strengths lie." Zeth mused randomly, elated that it had worked out well and it hadn't seemed to hurt June at all... Zeth felt bad when his healing caused undue pain... "See... healing runes and illusion runes are what really connect with me." Zeth said, explaining because June probably hadn't even really had the chance to string runes together and then make them work... so he probably wouldn't know his strengths just yet. "Learn the lesson well, though... Sayu really doesn't appreciate being touched. Still, I'm glad that a healed burn is all you had to deal with."
"Why is that Sayu?" He was rather baffled as to why a person wouldn't like being touched. "Touching is how people connect...sure words can do the same,but a physical connection is the strongest thing out there..." June started rambling to himself,he was raised cuddling his mother and sister. June was very open when it came to hugs and things of the sort.
Sayu simply smiled at June. "That's a secret," she said while bringing her index finger up to her mouth as if shushing him. She couldn't tell him that she was scared of people touching her tattoo. After all, the fact that she was a Exusian was the most important thing to her and the tattoo was a sign of that. No one has every touched her tattoo before, or even gotten close to it, and she wanted to keep it that way.
"W-woah...that's kind of mysterious..." June couldn't help but smile back. "Your full of surprises aren't you Sayu?" He still wish he knew why,but prying on ones secrets is a unpleasant thing to do. "I guess I'll keep my hands to myself...as well as my secrets." June giggled. " I can be mysterious to!"
"You?" Zeth questioned but then... he supposed he didn't really know all that much about June. Sometimes those people who seemed the most open and friendly could be the ones with the most interesting secrets. Not everyone was as open and blunt as he was, and Zeth needed to remember that. Sayu however... even as long as Zeth had known her she still seemed shrouded in a veil of mystery. "Well you two can have fun with your secrets..." Zeth said cheerfully. "Meanwhile I'll continue being an open book to the world... I wish I could have a secret, quiet honestly."
"It's not that hard really,your secret could be not having a secret!" June laughed. "Oh wait...but you just told us that secret...maybe next time Zeth." June chuckled some more. He had his own share of secrets,some he would take to the grave. "Me and Sayu could be mysterious together." He proceeded to grin at Zeth. June was being a little annoying,he evan noticed it.

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"What do you mean... like... make secrets for the both of you to keep? Are you going to cut me out of making a familiar?" Zeth asked, feeling slightly suspicious. He wasn't sure how to react to that... but then June was still a mystery to him... never really knowing how to react. Zeth just sighed and shook his head... a secret of not having any secrets... June was really very humorous. Zeth wondered if he would want to have secrets... it was hard enough to keep other people's secrets.
"Don't worry Zeth." Johnny jumped in. "I'm a very open person too. I like mystery and even to be mysterious and leave clues here and there for others to find bu I like to solve them more, so we can solve mysteries together while others try to create them" he smiled before a random thought filled his mind.. "Hey, shouldn't classes start, it's getting pretty late."
Sayu couldn't help but smile at the conversation's topic. "I'm very open towards you, Zeth. Because you're special," she said. It was true, because she she never talked to anyone as much as him. However, she still had things she could never tell him. She turned to look at Johnny. "If you want a teacher to teach you, they're usually in the Main building."
"This school is kind of.... we're not self taught but we are..." Zeth said, trying to figure out how to add on to what Sayu said. He couldn't help but smile at what Sayu had said... it meant a lot to him that Sayu was open to him. "We decide what we want to study and figure out when we're going to work with teachers and when we'll study on our own." Zeth said, trying to illustrate his words with his hands.
"Well, that's awesome. If I need help I'll ask a teacher or somebody like you two and I can study whenever I want. Hmm.. Can you guys tell me some quiet places around here and also who would like to study with me, or teach me anything? My strengths are agility and earth and my tattoo glows a really dark green, by the way."
"The gazebos are a great place if you plan on testing out runes. Otherwise, the Main building is good for quiet studying," Sayu said, pointing to the places where gazebos would be. She didn't have much to do now, seeing as how she had someone to bring Kai. "Zeth, later, can you meet at the Headmaster's office? He wants to give you something," she said with a hint of insecurity in her voice. She didn't really want to do it, but she at least wanted someone she knew well to get tested on. The other people she would bring would be people she barely knew.
Zeth nodded at Sayu's words to Johnny. "The library is fantastic for looking things up as well... though sometimes it's nice to talk to a teacher first." Zeth added in his two cents... the library was where he loved being most other then being outdoors. When Sayu addressed him specifically Zeth turned to her, listening. Upon her request he smiled, nodding. "Of course." Zeth said, wondering what the Headmaster had in store for him. Perhaps it was insight into how he should set up his schedule... He wondered why Sayu sounded a little less then enthusiastic and wondered if he should be worried. He just continued smiling easily- he trusted her and the headmaster and knew whatever it was the Headmaster had for him it would all turn out for the best in the end. "Thanks for giving me the heads up." Zeth said brightly. "Uh... I could go now if it was needed?"

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