Osiel Academy [Inactive]

SayuriTokage updated Osiel Academy with a new update entry:

For the RP...

We will be beginning at the first day of a new school year. For most of you, your chara's will be new students.
Just to let you know. :D
Read the rest of this update entry... 
(Maps have been updated.)

It was a cool spring day and the bright sun shined down upon the campus, signalling that the day was beginning. As the sun rose from behind the main building, the large front gates began to slowly open by themselves. This was caused by a special rune that activated when the sun came out. This rune also only activated once a year on it's own, which was today. Today was the first day of the new school year at Osiel Academy, and new students were scheduled to arrive.

The Headmaster walked around the main building, where his office was located and where he spent most of his time. He constantly checked his watch, which read 6:38 a.m. With a sigh, he sat down on a bench in one of the hall ways, unsure of what to do. Kai had no idea when the students would be arriving, and he didn't want to wait outside. As if coming up with an amazing idea, he went back to his office and from within a drawer, he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. Quickly, he scribbled on the paper the symbols for "contact" and "one." Kai pressed his finger onto the newly written rune and waited as it began to glow a faint black. The visible tattoo on his arm began to glow black as well.


From within a room in the girl's dorm, a bright light was glowing from a wall. The wall repeated the symbols that Kai had written from his office. Sayu, who was previously sleeping, got up. She knew her lazy cousin was calling for her. She also had forgotten all about this rune that had been placed by him. Eventually, after some time of just rubbing her eyes, she washed up and put on her school uniform. As soon as she was ready, she rushed out of the dorm and to Kai's office.

Sayu walked into the large office and found Kai on the verge of sleeping. "Kai ! I'm here. It's rude to keep a guest waiting," she said as she poked his cheek. The Headmaster nearly fell off of the chair he was sitting in and frantically sat straight. "Ahem. Sorry. And it's Headmaster. Anyway, I need you to go and greet the newbies while I....... prepare.... stuff...." Kai said, shooing off the girl. With a playful sigh, Sayu waved to him and made her way to the front gates.

June stood at the gates eagerly. He held his bags tightly. He was scared,no terrified. He knew what he would do in this school. He also knew that he could die. Plus he was no fighter. All he could really do was wait. "Jeez...am I early? I'm early..." He moved his head to the left and to the right. There was nobody beside him. "Why am I always so early?!" He whined to himself. Anxiety was certainly eating away at him. "D-do I just walk in?" The gates had been open for awhile,but nobody had come to great him yet. He check again. Still not a singable soul had shown up. He felt a knot in the bottom of his stomach. It twisted and turned inside of him. "I hate this place! I hate it I hate it I hate it!" June started spouting out impatient thoughts. He wished he had somebody to endure the panic with him,a complete stranger could help him at this point. "M-maybe now...o-one last time..." He quickly span around to see if his whisk had come true. "N-nobody...." He felt like crying. He turned himself back around lazily and gazes at the school. " t-this is a stupid place..."
Maikeru stepped out from the train that had taken him to the city where his new school Osiel Academy was located. He looked up towards the sky as a light breeze ran through his black hair, the sun lighting up his dark green eyes. Well this is it, the first day at this new academy and hopefully the end to the bad reputation that comes with my name. He exited from the station and started walking down the street in the direction of the Academy. It was not far from the station, the larger main building could be seen from where he was currently walking. Looks like a pretty nice campus. He turned the corner and he could now see the large open gates in front of the academy, he looked a bit closer and spotted a younger looking boy standing by the gate. Maikeru continued walking, his hair still being blown around by the breeze. As he approached the front gates he watched as the young boy looked anxiously around. Maikeru looked at the three larger buildings past the front gate. So I guess this is it then. Let's see what happens...
(I wanted Sayu to be a little younger, so I changed her age from 18 to 17. o-o Is that okay?? )

Sayu reached her hand up to her tie and loosened it, almost making it come undone. With a loud sigh, she made her way to the front gates. In the distance, she could see the large gates and two figures standing there as well. Assuming they were the new students, she jogged over, hoping that they didn't wait too long. Eventually, she made it to them and bowed politely. "Hello. Welcome to Osiel Academy. I hope I didn't keep you two waiting," she said as she stood straight, glancing between the them. Her tattoo covered half of her left eye and went over her cheek bone. She didn't bother to cover it, since this was a school meant for Exusians. "I'm Sayuri Tokage, but Sayu is fine." Out of politeness, she bowed once again. "And you two are?"
Maikeru looked down at the girl with the silver hair and the tattoo on her face then over at the boy he had seen earlier. He turned back to Sayu scratching the back of his head and putting on a smile. "My name is Maikeru..." he said almost revealing the last name that he wished to keep hidden. "Maikeru... Enraiha. It is nice to meet you miss Tokage." he said, quite pleased with the name he had just made up for himself. He looked back over at the smaller boy standing next to him and waited for his response to the girl's question.
Zeth had had the before school jitters which didn't even make sense since he had been at this school for how long? Regardless, he hadn't been able to sleep until late and then when he had he dreamt... and slept past his alarm. Sitting up and looking at the clock he shook his head, glad to have set up the second alarm so that he wouldn't actually be late. Taking a moment to splash water in his face and fix his hair into some semblance of coherent style Zeth headed out of the boy's dorm and out to greet the newcomers. He always found the characters at this school interesting and meant to meet-up with Sayu at some point to see how she was doing. Seeing her talking to two other people Zeth headed over, nodding toward them in acknowledgement and waiting to hear their answer.

(OOC: If this post is not alright or does not make coherent sense I can rewrite it)
Hannah wasn't much of a morning person, but her insomnia had kept her up all night. She'd sit on her bed staring at the wall, thinking about hell knows what until the early hours of the day came. Hannah sat up in her bed, rubbing her eyes with her fingers as she let out a small yawn and slid off the end of her bed.

Often Hannah had to find reasons to get out of bed in the morning. Every morning a pathetic little prep-talk would play in her head before she'd get ready to throw away another day of her life. Lucky for her, however, today was the first day at the new academy, and she didn't really show it, but she was really excited.

With a loud yawn the girl dragged herself out of bed and begun to get dressed, groggily searching for her glasses and placing them in her bag. She slipped a rather baggy hoodie on, one of grey and white colors, then ran into the kitchen. Swiftly she snatched all her belongings. A satchel that hung across her shoulder and rested on her hip, a backpack that carried all of her essentials, and a few other bags. With bags in hand she pushed open the door, and headed outside.

The bus greeted the girl almost immediately, swinging open the doors to allow the girl in. She smiled at the bus driver, giving the man a small nod before she found herself a seat at the back of the rather crowded bus. She knew the drive would be pretty short. They only had to make a few stops before Hannah would be arriving for her first day at the Osiel Academy.

She couldn't wait.

"H-hello...my name is June...it's nice to meet you..." He looked down at the ground as he spoke. He could feel the eyes of the other boy looking at him. He also tried to not look at the girls...facial design he wanted to say? He knew it was normal for people of her kind,but it was just odd seeing it on her face. As for the boy he looked like he could rip Jen to shreds. It also made him think,these people could try to kill him at any given time. It gave him a small shiver. He made a me tell note to always carry his revolver on him at all times incase such event did happen. After noticing that he had just been staring blankly at the ground he blushed and quickly swung his head back up. "S-sorry!" He swallowed hard. He just apologized for no reason...he blushed more and threw his head back to the ground.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both, June and Maikeru. And please, Sayu is perfectly fine," Sayu said before turning her head to Zeth "Ah, Zeth. Good timing. These two are the new students. Care to show them around?" she said with a bright smile. Seeing as how shy June seemed, she was glad that Kai hadn't come to meet them himself. But just as she though that, a tall man with vibrant blue eyes came strolling along to the gates. The man seemed young, but he was in fact old. Or, at least in Sayu's eyes. Kai yawned and stood beside her, placing his heavy hand on top of her head. " 'Sup? You guys are the newbies, huh?" The Headmaster said with a hint of playfulness in his voice as he scanned the two and nodded towards Zeth.
The old bus that provided Hannah with transportation clunked loudly down the road. The bus was quite literally falling apart, but Hannah didn't complain, seeing as she got to ride it for free and it brought her where she needed to go.

Hannah wondered how it was going to be like meeting others like herself. She usually always found away to screw things up, and she had never been good with making friends, she just hoped that things would be different when she got there. The girl was jerked out of her trance when the bus came to a screeching halt in front of the academy. Quickly the girl gathered her belongings and made her way up the aisle of the bus, thanking the bus driver before stepping through the open doors.

The girl stepped down off of the bus and onto the sidewalk, looking up to see that already there were several students and what seemed to be someone of authority already at the gates. She nervously smiled at them, before spotting an open spot near the far end of the group and walking over to it, hiding herself from the eyes that she assumed would be judging her every move.
Zeth had been ready to reply with a 'It would be no problem' when the headmaster appeared. Zeth returned the nod, having the automated response in respecting the headmaster. Not that there was a reason not to respect him, Zeth just did so without thinking. Zeth watched June and Maikeru? Was that right? The name hadn't stuck in Zeth's head so he'd have to listen for it again later. He stayed quiet, watching the two newbies quietly as he waited for them to respond- also keeping an eye out for anyone else that might be approaching. He was quite interested in in just getting to the lessons, not liking the time not being spent being productive, but realized that it was only the first day and the newbies had to have time to settle in and have people show them around. Zeth was willing to help, even if it meant some time was wasted standing around.
Maikeru watched as more and more people gathered at the front gate including a girl that had just walked up to the group. It seemed like there were going to be a good amount of new students starting at the academy. He looked over at the older gentleman that had just strolled up and addressed them. "Yeah I guess you could say that." Maikeru said with a laugh putting his bags on the floor and sliding his hands into his pockets. "As for that tour. I really just need to know where my room is going to be. Other than that, I can probably just manage on my own." he said not fond of the whole group tour experience.
Megan had woken up an hour than everybody else just to do a little exercise. She did this every other day,but in the odd days she studies runes. The young Erusia has been there for 2 years,and she was still shy with almost no friends. Megan stepped out the shower and dressed for the day,with her whip at her hip and a few runes in her pockets. The adopted heiress had moved to the front of the main building to say hello to Zeth,since he was one of the only who talked to her. Megan walked up to Zeth and tapped him on the shoulder,"H-hey...Zeth."She squeaked a little as she noticed the new students.

(Sorry,I'm on my phone don't kill me yet.)
"Good Morning, Megan." Zeth responded quietly, smiling at her before turning his attention back to the steadily growing group of people. He was starting to feel that itch that got beneath his skin when he was around too many people at once. He considered for a moment just turning and walking away, possibly dragging Megan with him, but didn't want to make a bad first impression so instead he held his ground. Well, he took a step back, turning to face more towards Megan while keeping the rest of the group in view.

"Seems like we have quite a few new people. Should be an interesting year. How has your morning been?" Zeth spoke quietly as to not disturb any other conversations that might have been going on amongst the others.

All of a sudden all of these new people started showing up. June had never been around this manny people before and he was glad this was his first time. The only thing he could think of was to try blending in,and maybe make a friend. Strong are week, there truly is strength in numbers. He slowly raised hiss head and decided to not let it fall again. "I hope we can all do good together." June says softly and the smiled. The words had come out friendly and normal as possible. He was almost a little proud of himself. "Let's work hard!"
Hannah awkwardly brushed a hand over her arm, rubbing her shoulder awkwardly. Her bright gaze surveyed the area, examining each person that stood among the group. It was odd to think all of these people would be attending the same Academy, and it was even odder to think that there was a possibility she may befriend someone and work alongside those in the group.

The girl shifted her weight, standing back a bit, isolating herself from the over-crowded group. She didn't like being around so many people, so she simply removed herself from the chaos, watching and listening to those who conversed. Hannah got onto her tippy-toes, trying to see the Academy that stand beyond the gates. She could just see the top of the main building above the many people that stood in the group. Even though she was tall, she couldn't see the entire thing. Even so, a small smile pursed the girls lips, an excited gleam in her amber eyes.
After two more people had joined, Sayu raised her voice to speak. "I do believe we are crowding the gate. Shall we get to the tours?" She said as she looked at everyone before looking at Kai, who was supposed to be in charge in this situation. Taking the hint, the Headmaster began to speak. "Oh. Ahem. There will be cake later. In the cafeteria. Where you eat, you know. Anyway, DISPERSE," he said in a somewhat uncomfortable voice. Sayu sighed and face-palmed. How could this socially awkward something-year-old man be her cousin? The question puzzled her. To help ease any confusion, she clarified the situation in Kai's place. "Once everybody's settled in, there will be a small party in the cafeteria. Around 6-ish. Please come," she said with another bow. "Now, girls, follow me. Boys, with Zeth."

June shrugged and followed zeth. He felt more at ease due to more people showing up. There was a sort of small spring in Junes step. He had only looked at the situation negative till recently. The bags he had been clinging onto furiously before had become less heavy. He wanted to find a friend immediately. Regardless of his anxiety. Starting the school year all alone would be harsh after all. He pondered in his mind what would be a good conversation starter. He thought about asking what type of music they like,or if they play a sport. Anything to have somebody speak. The silence was eating away the small confidence he had anyway. After a long stretch of quiet he decided on a easy yet boring conversation piece. "T-the weathers really nice today." He said out into the group. He immediately started playing with his hair in a way to comfort himself.
A frustrated and sharp sigh fell from someone's lips a bit away from the group. She was short, small, and almost didn't look like she belonged in high school. She had one single case with her, knuckles white from holding on with such a harsh grip. Picking up her pace, this girl followed the others, seeing as she had missed petty introductions, courtesy of her father, who insisted they leave twenty minutes after the scheduled time. Lovely.

Finally meeting up with the other girls, Hanako slowed down a little more, holding her case just as tightly, marveling at the structure of the builings. She almost let a smile come to her face; almost. Her mother told her to look strong - she would make the right friends that way. And everyone strong rarely smiled, right? Turning her head behind her, she caught sight of the assumed male population on campus. Well, it could have been worse, right?
Hannah shot her head up at the orders, quickly gathering her belongings before walking over to the group of girls that begun to crowd around Sayu. She really didn't want to take the tour. She had quite a lot of stuff to lug around and previously she had studied the Academy map several times.

The girl could barely stand still. As others conversed among themselves Hannah just stared, eagerly waiting for the gates to open. She'd attempt conversation with the others, but she just assumed that keeping quiet would be best until she was ready to make a proper introduction. She found herself leaning against one of her large bags that she had placed on the ground, looking as if she was sitting on it but no quite. She hoped that the tour would be quick so she wouldn't have to drag her bags around, then she'd be able to go to the dorm and get herself readied for the meet up, where she'd be forced to socialize.

That's one part she wasn't looking forward to.
Midori clutched her school bag tightly to her body as she walked with her father towards the school. Her house had been much too far into the country for the bus to come pick her up, so she had to rely on her dad to drop her off at the school. There were quite a lot of other cars parking quite close to the school gates, so they had to park somewhere further down along down the road. He's not saying anything, she thought, and glanced at him from the corner of her eye to see how he was doing. Although he was silent in terms of words, she noticed that her father's lips were pursed and there was a light crease on his forehead --the sign of a worrying parent. Most likely, he was beginning to rethink this entire 'school' thing.

She stopped at the corner of the block next to the school, and turned around to smile at her father. "Thanks for the ride, dad. I think I can make it up there on my own from here." Her father's pursed lips quickly turned into a frown. "Are you sure? I can walk--" "It's fine, I'll be okay. Besides, what could possibly happen on my first day of school?" She grinned. Although he was visibly upset, she noticed that a small smile couldn't help but find its way to his face. "Jinxing ourselves already, are we?" He chuckled, and Midori took the chance to give her father a quick hug while he was still in a good mood. "I'll be careful, I promise." She said, much more quietly now to avoid unwanted attention from the Exusians. When she pulled away from the hug, her heart broke a little at the sight of her dad's yes. He was smiling now, only barely just, but his eyes were anything but happy. She looked away. "Bye, dad." She said, more serious now, and her dad gave her a little wave as she turned to walk towards the school. As much as she wanted to turn around and run into his arms, ask him to take her back home again and apologize for ever wanting to go to the academy, she couldn't. She had to do this. For mom, she thought, determined to finish the task she had now set out to do.

Coming closer to the school, she started to feel slightly nervous at the sight of so many Exusians gathered in one place. Her mother hadn't really revealed much about Exusians to Midori until she was on her deathbed, and even then, Midori hadn't anticipated that they'd be so large in numbers. Of course, this gave her all the more reason to hide her identity while she's at the school. One small slip-up and she'd have hundreds of Exusians on her in no time at all. She wondered how the school could hold so many teenagers -- until she actually looked up at the main building for the first time. It was huge, even though it stood a fair distance from the front gates. On either side were white (and equally large) buildings with the only difference being the left building had a blue roof while the building on the right had a pink roof. How odd, she thought, and Midori was finding herself wondering what they were used for.

A small group of people standing by the base of the gate slowly came into view as she approached the gates. Assuming that this was the tour group of the school for new students, Midori silently moved closer to the group, all the while with a voice started becoming more clear and louder with the lack of distance. Maintaining a position right at the back of the group, Midori would rather stand at the back of an Exusian than be in front of one -- after all, one could never be too careful around them. The voice, as she soon found out, seemed to belong to a shorter girl of similar age to Midori. "Once everybody's settled in, there will be a small party in the cafeteria around six. Please come." The girl said, and did a small bow to the group. Hmm... a party full of Exusians, 'ey?, Midori pondered, not sure whether or not she should take the girl up on her offer. After all, being in a room full of her enemies wasn't exactly going to help her settle down on her first day. But at least she'd get to observe them while they have their guard down...

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