• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Dice Oriens Academy Rules


Black Market Witch
Oriens Academy Staff and Positions:

Please keep in mind that the staff is here to help you all have fun. So if you see something off or unsettling, please feel free to contact one of us. We are not tyrants, so you are also free to plead you're case if you feel you've been falsely accused and report us to others if you feel we've overstepped our boundaries.

  • Author - amdreams
    What Does That Mean - An author is the highest authority in the rp, though can be overruled with a majority vote with the moderators. Only an author is able to ban people, set the rules of conduct and can appoint moderators. Other duties include accepting/denying characters, giving out strikes for rule breakers and posting time skips.
  • Moderators (Mods) - TenaciousTinkerer and Advent Azure
    What Does That Mean - It is the moderators' job to help keep the rp going in the absence, or presence, of the author. They are able to accept/deny characters, post time skips and give strikes to rule breakers. However, they cannot change rules or ban characters.
  • Game Master (GM) - anyone
    What Does This Mean - A game master is basically a storyteller. They create and start story arcs and events for others to participate in and have fun. Anyone can become an acting gm and sometimes at the same time as another rper, though the max is 3 at once. Though gms have creative freedom with their stories, they should check with the author or mods to see if it would be canon.


No godmodding, bunnying, metagaming or mary sues.

  • Godmodding happens when a character is made to be invincible, overpowered or "god-like". This includes, but is not limited to, things like never getting hit or hurt by other rper's characters, having abilities or traits noncanonical with the universe or twisting one's abilities to do things they really shouldn't (either under the limits of their magic or the laws of physics).
  • Bunnying, aka powerplaying, is controlling a character that belongs to another rper, though this does not apply to npcs that its creator has allowed others to use. The biggest, and most disrespectful, form of this is killing someone else's character without their permission (which will not be tolerated under any circumstances), but other instances would be saying how the other person's character reacts to things, whether an attack hits and how they react, and even if they see something (which is easily avoided by saying that something is visible rather than "he saw it").
  • Metagaming is when your character knows something that you know but they should not. Basically, when the ic knows something you only found out ooc. This includes things like knowing about n event happening when your character is nowhere near it or knowing another character's secrets without any plausible way as to how.
  • Mary sues are basically over-idealized characters meant to be admired, envied or pitied rather than empathized. The most commonly known one being the prodigy that is perfect in all aspects, though there are many other types. Basically, it really all depends on how you play the character.

No reservations.

  • In my experience, character reservations can easily kill an rp. While waiting for someone, others may lose interest and it's even worse when the person decides not to sign up at all. So I'd like to avoid them. Besides, this isn't n rp with a set number of spots so a reservation is unnecessary.

Unapproved Character Types:

  • Gods/Immortals
  • Mechs - By this, I mean people who have the ability to seamlessly turn into giant weaponized robots.
  • Crazy ****ed Up Hybrids - No more than 2 different races in hybrid characters. I don't really like seeing a neko/vampire/angel/demon/shapeshifter.
  • Genies/Djinns/Any Wish Granters
  • Reapers/Shikigami - Anything that "controls death"

Please no constant one liners.

  • I don't really like constant one liners though what I stress more on grammar. Just small things like correct punctuation and use of capitals. Occasional mistakes are okay but regular ones sort of irk me. However, if there is something preventing you from doing such things, like posting from a phone a lot or dyslexia, then please tell me so I can be more understanding to your situation.


  • Immortal does not mean invincible.
  • Extremely old age does not mean immortal.
  • Water does not mean blood and ice.

No harassment.

  • I'd like people to be civil here. If you have a problem, try to say so in a nice way. That way the person doesn't feel offended or intimidated. And if it's something serious, pm me first. That way I can help you take care of it. Do not be afraid to voice your concerns to me.

Please read first.

  • The first post of the ic thread, along with the various rp tabs will contain a lot of information you may find useful. So, if you can, please read them first before asking any questions. You may find the answer already there.

Keep it PG.

  • RpNation is a PG 13 site, so we're going to have to keep the romance at a safe level. Kissing is fine but if anyone wants to go do something that might need 70's funk music, you're going to have to fade to black. And yes, this includes roller disco parties.
  • Also, if there are any topics or happenings that make you feel uncomfortable, then feel free to contact me. However, I will not ban homosexual relationships. If you don't want to read two guys kissing, then tough nuts.

No pure ooc posts in the ic thread.

  • The ooc is there for a reason. If you don't feed it, it will die. And ooc makes the ic thread have tummy troubles.
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