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Fantasy (Open) Supernatural High School, New.

Mizra looked toward he spilt lunch and Yoko wondering if maybe he had encouraged something before looking down toward Kall saying "I sensed your distress and I don't want you to be fearful at this establishment so if there was anyone picking on you, just tell me" and he gently stroked her wings to show endearment.
Yoko was overcome with relief when the boy helping him up didn't seem to be angry with him, maybe these two really weren't upset? He gripped the hem of his sweater in embarrassment, thinking of how to smooth the situation over when Kall began scratching at her face. He gasped in fright, nearly going over to try and help her when she pulled a singular hair from her face and shrugged like nothing had happened. Yoko tilted his head in concern, what was that?

His heart sank when she then hid behind Cain, but only a little. He had done the same thing many times when he was younger with his mother, happier times when it was because of shyness and not fear. Maybe it was the former here?

Yoko gave a small smile and opened his mouth to try and comfort the girl. Yes, he did not want to really talk to people, but when he saw someone that seemed just as skittish as he, it was encouraging.

When a man's voice called out to them, all courage Yoko had building up disappeared out of surprise and fear. He looked to the man approaching, he looked like a teacher, but his face...he had never seen anything so scary before... Oh god, was he in trouble? Yoko's ears began twitching under his head wrap in anticipation. Please don't ask him to talk, please don't make him talk...
It was about a half hour before Mathias had calmed himself down enough to emerge from his sanctuary in the closet. He decided that he was too hungry to hide forever. He readjusted his binder self continuously, and put the hood of his cloak back up before he stepped out of his dorm, key in hand. He walked around the campus, avoiding others like the plague. He finally found the cafeteria, and was instantly on his alert, as he saw the aftermath of some kind of chaos. He watched the group for a moment, before quickly averting his eyes, and hurrying off to get something to eat.

He pulled his cloak around him self continuously. It felt like everyone could see the all to famine curves of his torso, or the lumps on his chest and it made him feel small, scared, and embarrassed. He kept his hood up, and his head bowed, trying desperately to avoid anyone's attention.
Kall stared at Yoko in confusion for a few minutes before nodding at him and extending a hand. He didn't seem bad, even if he did fall over and confuse her. Why had he been falling? Kadence was rather confused by the reasoning for his fall. Of course she knew why she had fallen, but what was his reason? Without knowing it, her gaze had turned to a frown and she sort of glared at his shoes whilst tapping her finger over and over on her gloved hands.

She was so intent on figuring it out that when the far larger... Demon began to stroke her wings she jumped and yanked herself away by pushing herself into Cain's back as she twisted to look at it. Her face managed to drain of color and she pushed herself backwards and further into Cain's back. "N-No tank-thank you!" She squeaked and pulled her wings around her to create a barrier. It looked liked a little tent like what a bat might make of it's wings. To sum it up, she'll probably start crying out of fear in a minute.
Mizra was now worried at the fearful Nephilim student, not knowing how to console her as it seemed everything he did made the nephilim more afraid of him. They were on cosmic opposotes, so he looked over at Yoko and his spiritual distress. He presumed that the meek demon boy had bullied her, so he walked over to yoko untill he was practically standing over him and asked "What did you do that poor girl" His voice was stern and mad sounding and he was bearing his mouth full of sharp teeth like a mad dog.
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When the demon teacher began to try and comfort Kall, she just freaked out more and burried herself into Cain's back. He turned around and looked at the winged girl. "Hey, it's okay. He's a teacher." He said softly, trying to comfort her enough for her to come out from behind her wings. The shifter would've continued trying to help Kall, but then the professor turned to Yoko and started flipping shit on the poor boy.

Cain instantly stepped between the demon and Yoko, regretting the decision to eat at this time of day. "He didn't do Jack shit. Like I said, it was a mishap. Kall bumped into me, the boy bumped into both of us. All of it was on accident. How about you don't jump to conclusions? Aren't teachers supposed to, oh I don't know, try to console and investigate everything? He was just as scared as Kall was. The fact that your a God forsaken demon trying to console some form of godly species is the only thing needed to be questioned." Cain was fed up with demon. God knows how much he hated a stereotypical demon. Although a demon trying to help some kind of angel was odd and suspicious. "Why don't you go do some paperwork instead of tormenting students?" The shifter flashed a charming smile at the professor and gave him a wink before turning and grabbing the smaller boy's shoulder and Kall's hand. Holy fuck today is fucking ridiculous. He thought to himself as he pulled them away from the professor.

Cain pulled the two to the middle of the quad under his favorite tree. He really didn't care if the professor said something or threatened him with detention, he just wanted to get the two obviously anxious kids away from him. "Okay." The shifter took in a deep breath and ran his hands through his dirty blond hair.
Yoko's breath seized up and he froze, "I-! She...! I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't-!" His breaths came out in short panicked breaths, tears surfacing immediately. No, no, no! Please don't hurt him, please no more pain, he couldn't do this anymore!

Yoko's hazel eyes glowed dimly in his panic, his ears shuffled around under his head wrap, frantically now. Then all of a sudden, he was staring at the shifter boy's back. Surprised, he hiccuped, as tears flowed down his face. As the other boy began telling off the teacher, Yoko's heart throbbed, in a not painful way... His eyes cleared up a bit and his ears stilled. Oh no...
Mizra regretted intruding on a misshap and jumping to conclusions, so he made a yellow aura around his form. The aura gradually became grainy and gritty like sand being dragged along by a desert wind. Mizra's figure became obscured in the aura until his form became almost transparant before completely vanishing into the Aura. The aura disbanded into thin air and now Mizra was one with the air particles once more. Mizra's spirit and form drifted through the cafeteria and straight to the academy headmaster to be briefed on where his room was to be in the academy.
Kall moved along rapidly with Cain as quickly as she could. Her wings gently flapped a bit as she broke into a run and headed straight for the tree. Somehow, having a tree in the center of somewhere automatically guaranteed Kadence would migrate to it.

She dashed to the tree and placed a hand on it. Underneath her gloves, she knew that there were nice textures under it, but the furry white encasement nulled every sense other than warmth. Of course they were for the best, but they didn't let her feel many sensations she needed to feel. For a moment she frowned before looking up and flashing a smile at Yoko. He still looked so nervous, and she was fairly sure she could sense something moving around his ears. Her face felt a little flushed as she grinned. He'd looked at her not like he hated her! That was good! She didn't know his name, but he hadn't yelled at her!

The small smile was kept as she sort of shuffled along towards Yoko and extended a hand. For a moment she had a flash of fear, seeing as wearing gloves in warm weather was not a common thing, heck nothing about her/him/technically neither was normal. "I-I'm Kall! I l-like your fa-fa-face!" She tried as she tilted her head a bit. "It has nice-nice eyes and a good features! Features, a distinctive attribute or aspect of a thing. Aspect, a particular part of something, o-o-often used to transition things in essays." The being looked a little startled by the fact that she'd started definitions. "S-Sorry... I got o-off topi-topic... You seem very nic-nice!" She chirped and grinned at him.
Headmaster Dmitri Krushnic, angel of the Lord, was simply sitting at his desk on the first floor of the main building. He was currently filling out paperwork on the successes of the school that were to be sent to the board of directors, a group of wise creatures that were curious about the teachings of the supernatural community. They had requested data on the grades, activities, and relationships built between the different species. Since the school was only about fifteen years old though, a lot of the species still segregated themselves. A few of the students managed to become friends with other species though so there was success in the school.

As he was filling out paperwork, the headmaster was interrupted by a haze. The soul of the creature made it obvious that it was the new Quareen teacher. "I would prefer if you knock before entering my office, but since you have already entered I ask what it is you so rudely interrupted my work for?" The angel looked up at the soul of the Quareen. He wasn't particularly fond of demons because they were natural opposites, but his mind was open and accepting. He was there to bond species and teach them about their abilities, not to get into a celestial argument with those who were obviously the scum of the world.


Aleks exited her room and regrettably walked down those God damn stairs. As soon as walked out into the sunlight she hated everything more. Why did the fucking sun have to be so fucking bright? It was unnecessary and ridiculous. Ya know how scientists say that the sun makes people happy? Well that was a fucking lie. All it did was piss the girl off. That's besides the point though, seeing as she dealt with it and continued walking.

The girl walked to the main building and into the front office, deciding that it would be a good idea to grab her schedule. Of course there was a line, but the secretaries didn't care that Aleks was an impatient bitch though so she had to wait in the crazy long line of two other people. How tragic. When she was in the front of the line, she was greeted by a lower class of angel who was a stuck up bitch and refused to give Aleks her schedule until the girl gave her her name. This just added to the pissiness that was building up inside of the antichrist, causing the ground to shake underneath the whole campus as she spoke her name through her teeth. Thankfully, the small earthquake was enough to scare the pathetic angel into giving her her schedule. Just as Aleks had suspected, her senior year was basically a blow off year.

Now that Aleks had this new found information, she decided that it would be best if she got something to eat, seeing as she would most likely grow hangry soon and nobody wanted that. The girl swiftly walked to the food court outside if the boy's dormitory (she preferred their food instead of the one outside of the girl's dormitory.) When she arrived, she ordered a delicious... salad. Exhilarating, right? More like anticlimactic. Anyway, Aleks sat down at an empty table and began eating the various leaves and vegetables.

Cain looked at the two beings in front of him. Kall's social skills were worse than a rock's ability to be a living organism, and that was okay since he could somehow understand her odd way of speaking. To be honest, he couldn't help but smile at the girl when she began defining random words. It was rather adorable. Although, she was too young and innocent to take advantage of so he saw her more as a little kid that needed protection.

The boy however, just seemed really anxious. He was rather jumpy and seemed terrified for most of their time together. The poor boy was even crying right now. "Hey, are you okay? I'm Cain, by the way." The shifter said, removing his sunglasses since they were now in a shaded area. He figured that if the boy saw his face he would be less anxious since there was no mystery. "And there's no need to apologise, Kall. You didn't do anything wrong." Sure, Kall was talking to the boy but there was still no need to apologise. Boy, did he have some work to do.
Yoko looked at Kall, his face? She liked his face? He supposed he was flattered, but he didn't know how to really respond to the girl. The confusion of the situation shocked him enough into stopping his hiccuping, and he gave a weak smile to the younger girl. "Th-thank you...Kall? I...I'm uh Yoko. Yoko Ryde.", he spoke softly shaking the hand she offered.

He looked over when Cain walked over, talking to them. Yoko then remembered, he had been crying! He gasped and wiped his face, quickly trying to clean his face. "I uh, I'm fine!", he reassured. He blushed a bit in embarrassment, looking up at the boy. "It's uh, nice to meet you? And thank you! For uh, that...I uh...wouldn't have kn-known what to say...", he uttered a bit ashamed. He held his hands over his head wrap, desperately trying to still his ears that wouldn't seem to stop shifting around.
Mirza's haze would at first dominate headmaster Krushnik's office and then a vauge sillouette would appear through the haze. The sillouette would deepen revealing Mirza's size and form untill eventually vanishing. Mirza's full and complete form would appearin the room as he listened to the headmaster's remark before saying "Sorry, headmaster i will knock next time." Mirza looked down toward the headmaster thinking 'i would expect mr. goody two-shoes will have standards when visiting' but he would try and let the cosmic opposite make itself too apparent.
The Headmaster sighed in annoyance. First, the damned Quareen enters his office without knocking or asking for permission to enter, now he was avoiding the question. Of course, it wasn’t that surprised that a demon wouldn’t be able to do something as simple as answer a question.

“I don’t accept apologies. If you have to offer one then you have done something wrong and should live up to it.” Dmitri said, an obvious hint of annoyance in his voice as he began working on his paperwork again. “I asked before but you seemed to ignore the question so I’ll ask again. What is it you so rudely interrupted my work for?” God only knows how much Dmitri disfavored demons of any kind. He very much preferred Professor Mortimer over this rookie of teacher. At least Mortimer had manners, although they could be considered old fashioned (which Dmitri loved.)


“No problem. Okay, well I’m rather hungry and I still need to get my schedule so I’ll be off.” Cain said, noticing the way Kall accepted Yoko and became a little flustered. It seemed as if the angel girl liked the baby faced boy. “If any of you guys need me, I’m usually in the food court outside of the boy’s dormitory or I’m in my dorm which is number six on the top floor of the boy’s dormitory.” The shifter then turned and left the two kids under the tree to somehow communicate with each other. It only seemed fitting since the both of them were quite awful at interacting with people.

The shifter left the tree and walked across the quad until he was at the main office. Unlike Aleks, he was quite fine with waiting in a line. The fact that other people existed and needed to grab their schedules didn’t bother him in any way. When he reached the front desk he flashed a charming smile at the angel secretary. Since he wasn’t a demon and he didn’t have an attitude, Cain didn’t need to speak his name before the secretary handed him his schedule. Just as he expected, he didn’t have that many classes. He also had two free days which was a plus, however he didn’t have Wednesday off like all of the classes lower than him.

His day may have been rather… eventful, but his appetite was still strong. The shifter quickly made his way to the food court outside of the boy’s dormitory, finding it unnecessary to travel somewhere further away from his domain just to get something to eat. Cain then got another Gryo, but didn’t stay in the food court to eat it. Instead, he just ate the Greek food on his way to the library, figuring that he would get started on reading for his classes so he wouldn’t have to pay attention in class.
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
(Dimitri's favourite)

The vampire had successfully averted his own terrifying thoughts, which was mostly hanging about smoking (making him look more like a delinquent than a professor, but even highly educated men needed breaks). Brushing any cigarette ash off his lapels, Mortimer straightened himself up and adjusted his tie. Pulling down the brim of his signature top hat, Voltaire made his way around the side of the main building and entered. Heading toward the cafeteria initially, hoping to pick up some coffee rather than slink all the way to the staff room and back.

Voltaire was one of those teachers you saw everywhere, roped into being a substitute for the lower years on the occasion and generally a well-rounded individual who had a good knowledge of what student was which. Mostly, he sorted out students applications to university or would often be sought out in the pastoral student welfare office, giving life lessons to the troubled characters in a stern, finger-wagging manner. Perhaps he was the most recognisable due to the same hat he wore year after year. Teaching enough generations that grandparents would ask students to say hello on the occasion.

Leaning against the food counter, he practically swindled a coffee from one of the dinner ladies and walked away triumphantly sipping at the hot beverage - avoiding burning his tongue on the molten water. The ground shaking for but a moment, causing Mortimer to sigh and blame one of the witches on an explosion of some kind. Things happened - and he certainly didn't want to investigate.

Through the main building past the central office, he stopped by the headmaster. Rapping upon the door with a melodic, monosyllabic set of noises. Peering inside only to see the newest addition to the staff team. "Ah, sorry chaps didn't see you there. I'll excuse myself, in just a tic, but wonderful to meet you. Must be the newbie. I admit, I thought you'd be taller. Mr Al-Hallafir, isn't it?" The vampire chuckled. Thus, glancing at Dimitri he shot the headmaster an annoyingly charming smile, which held the epitome of polite etiquette. "When you're done I was thinking about discussing the pastoral team for this year. Till then, I'll make myself scarce."

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_ Tonstad39 Tonstad39
(sorry for not posting, had other rps to attend to)

Mr. Al-halafir would listen to the superintendant's statements and wanted to row, but because he was interrested in keeping a job, he said "sorry, I came up here because I was curious on this year's teaching and office hours. It's my first time here and I don't even know where my classrooms are supposed to be." Mr. Al-halafir was open minded and tried his best not to let his prejudicial view of angels surface too much.

His head turned toward Mr. Voltare mildly annoyed, but he still tried to keep a stoic expression to hide his annoyance. He then turned back toward the headmaster in hopes of having his questions addressed.
Kall backed away from Yoko a bit as she shifted her gaze from object to object. The leaves all looked varying shades of emerald and of course drew her attention with the shifting lights reflecting on them. The way they gently bobbed and waved reminded her of how her old kite used to behave. She nodded a bit at it as her body slowly sank to it's knees.

Her sweat pants were rather covered in dirt since she'd just knelt down and begun staring off into the trees. "Em-emacity, a strong fon-dn-dness for buying thi-ings." She mumbled as her fingers tapped over and over on her legs. "Tenacity, the quality of a fact or being able to grasp something firmly. Generosity, the quality of being kind or generous." The tapping got a bit faster as she went on with the thoughts running around her head. She'd probably defined several more without even realizing it.

Kite, kite, kite! You don't belong here! This is wrong! You shouldn't be here! This is not right! You can't be here! These wings aren't real! They don't hold meaning! Look at you! Pathetic! You can't be here anymore! He doesn't want you! None of them want you! He's never wanted you! Why would he want you? You can't do it! Not mortal, not demon, not angel, not witch, not wolf, not anything! Undefined. No place. Not good. Not nephilim, not that. Can't do it! Kite, kite, kite! Mother took the kite. I miss the kite. I wish I could be like a kite... Wings of an undefined never find what their mind wishes... You're talking... I'm talking! Stop!

"-d." She quickly cut herself off from the long ramble of word definitions. There was no telling what she'd been saying, as she hadn't even realized she was saying anything at all! "S-Sorry! Los-lost though-ought..." Que awkward but real smile at Yoko.
Yoko watched Cain leave for a bit before his attention shifted back to Kall, he watched her with mild concern as she moved around the tree. Why did she feel the need to define so many words? As she continuously defined words, his worry became more serious and he moved closer to try and calm her, but was shocked when she very suddenly stopped. She turned to him and apologized giving a smile. Yoko blinked...and smiled back.

Really it was hard not to. He didn't understand why this girl acted this way, but overall, he didn't mind it. Yoko sighed and shook his head, "It's fine. Kall, right? Are you...are you new to this school? I don't really know my way around..." He found this girl to be rather endearing, like a little sibling even though he had never had one. His ears finally calmed and stilled under his head wrap.
Aleks exited her room and regrettably walked down those God damn stairs. As soon as walked out into the sunlight she hated everything more. Why did the fucking sun have to be so fucking bright? It was unnecessary and ridiculous. Ya know how scientists say that the sun makes people happy? Well that was a fucking lie. All it did was piss the girl off. That's besides the point though, seeing as she dealt with it and continued walking.

The girl walked to the main building and into the front office, deciding that it would be a good idea to grab her schedule. Of course there was a line, but the secretaries didn't care that Aleks was an impatient bitch though so she had to wait in the crazy long line of two other people. How tragic. When she was in the front of the line, she was greeted by a lower class of angel who was a stuck up bitch and refused to give Aleks her schedule until the girl gave her her name. This just added to the pissiness that was building up inside of the antichrist, causing the ground to shake underneath the whole campus as she spoke her name through her teeth. Thankfully, the small earthquake was enough to scare the pathetic angel into giving her her schedule. Just as Aleks had suspected, her senior year was basically a blow off year.

Now that Aleks had this new found information, she decided that it would be best if she got something to eat, seeing as she would most likely grow hangry soon and nobody wanted that. The girl swiftly walked to the food court outside if the boy's dormitory (she preferred their food instead of the one outside of the girl's dormitory.) When she arrived, she ordered a delicious... salad. Exhilarating, right? More like anticlimactic. Anyway, Aleks sat down at an empty table and began eating the various leaves and vegetables.

Mathias wasn't picky about what food he got, and simply grabbed the first thing he saw (it was meatloaf, in case you were wondering). He picked up a small plastic cup of water, and started walking away as fast as he could without drawing attention to himself. He hated walking around in front of all these people. It made him feel as if all of his feminine curves were being examined, as if his breast were on full display, even if no one was paying attention.

In hindsight, walking away so fast probably wasn't the best idea. Before he really knew what happened, Mathias managed to trip over his own feet, and his meatloaf and water spilled all over a demon girl who had been sitting at an empty table. Panic welled up inside him, as he scrambled to pick himself off the ground and apologize, failing miserably all the while.
Dmitri couldn't help but just be annoyed with the presence of the new teacher. Thankfully, Mortimer crashed the not so party with his delightful presence. "Of course, Mortimer. It won't take very long." Dmitri replied to the vampire. The angel then turned towards the new teacher. "Like I said, I don't accept apologies. The teaching hours are various for every teacher. I'm assuming that you have not received your schedule from the main office. Your room is number 526 on the second floor of the main building, which is the building we are currently in." Once the headmaster was done speaking, he looked up from his paperwork at the Quareen. It was his signal for the demon to leave his quarters, although he wasn't sure the teacher work take it.


Aleks had been sitting at a table all by herself eating a salad. Things were going good. She was finally starting to calm down from all of the God damn interaction with people she didn't care for. The salad was good too, soothing her nutrient craving stomach. Of course, good things come to an end. As she set her fork down, getting ready to get up to throw her stuff away and get a drink, a drink poured down the back of her black tank top. It soaked her entire back side, leaving her back cold and wet. It took the antichrist less than a second to react. The earth started to shake again and it began to snow on campus. Fire started to lick it's way up her hands, arms, basically her entire body was covered in a red flame. Her eyes turned a bright yellow, just like her father's, as she looked down at the piece of meat that soaked her back. He was sadly attempting to get back on his feet, mumbling nonsense as he did so. All that Aleks heard though was a buzz that annoyed her more and more as it continued, causing the flame that surrounded her to grow.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?" The girl yelled at sad little boy. She was severely angry, even as her back dried from the fire. The fire on her hands distinguished as she grabbed the boy's collar. "Now amuse me. Why would such a pathetic piece of meat like yourself decide to pour water all over my back?"
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
"Oh dear. You know when we were notified about the anti-christ?" Mortimer questioned, staring past both teachers through the window. "Mm,-" He clicked his tongue and sucked the air through his teeth with a whistle. "I'll be back." He again tipped his hat. "Wonderful to see you both. I'd better get on the case before something dreadful happens like last years collaborative summoning. I don't understand students these days, they won't read books but willingly tear holes in reality. The youth are terrible in comparison to the last decade." With his exasperated ramblings, Voltaire made a quick pace to the bottom of the building, through the office - with a mandatory wink at the secretary before barging through the doors into the quad. Then, in a jog, the professor doubled his speed in view of the situation at hand. Ducking into the small blizzard which was evolving around the scene.

One hand on the brim of his hat, Mortimer approached. "MISS XAVIER!" The vampire's voice practically boomed, from the rich depths of his chest to her name upon his lips. "You will stop this at once. Do I have to put you back into counselling?" Storming up, the professor appeared even taller than usual. His features contorted into a scowl, irises lightening their shade of red by the minute. "I don't want to have to phone your parents again, this behaviour isn't tolerated within the school." Grabbing her wrist, the vampire locked eyes. Unflinchingly staring Aleks down. "Let. The. Boy. Go. If you continue this I'll treat you like a child, because you're certainly acting like one. You're a good student, and I wouldn't want to lose you. Come on now, it's time you calmed down and assessed this logically. The boy had an accident, and your clothes can be washed and laundered as good as new." His voice got progressively softer, if not sterner. "I won't tell the headmaster of this incident being the first day, but the moment you start acting up again - and you won't finish your Senior year. Do you understand? I think you should return to the girls' dorm, and get a new change of clothes. If it's really necessary. I'll make sure they're returned by this afternoon."

Mortimer thus glanced at Mathias. Putting a cold, comforting hand on his shoulder. "You get yourself another lunch. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if this put you off your appetite."​

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_ Ticci Toby Rogers Ticci Toby Rogers
"Of course" said Mizra walking out the door still salty from the encounter 'This is run by an angel' he thought 'That's fine, I can do this i can do this.' He walked past faculty doors and past the line of students that spill out into the main hallway. He then walked down the large hallways up the stairs to his classroom—room 526. He got through his binder and grabbed the key and unlocked his classroom before going in.
Aleks had been sitting at a table all by herself eating a salad. Things were going good. She was finally starting to calm down from all of the God damn interaction with people she didn't care for. The salad was good too, soothing her nutrient craving stomach. Of course, good things come to an end. As she set her fork down, getting ready to get up to throw her stuff away and get a drink, a drink poured down the back of her black tank top. It soaked her entire back side, leaving her back cold and wet. It took the antichrist less than a second to react. The earth started to shake again and it began to snow on campus. Fire started to lick it's way up her hands, arms, basically her entire body was covered in a red flame. Her eyes turned a bright yellow, just like her father's, as she looked down at the piece of meat that soaked her back. He was sadly attempting to get back on his feet, mumbling nonsense as he did so. All that Aleks heard though was a buzz that annoyed her more and more as it continued, causing the flame that surrounded her to grow.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?" The girl yelled at sad little boy. She was severely angry, even as her back dried from the fire. The fire on her hands distinguished as she grabbed the boy's collar. "Now amuse me. Why would such a pathetic piece of meat like yourself decide to pour water all over my back?"
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
"Oh dear. You know when we were notified about the anti-christ?" Mortimer questioned, staring past both teachers through the window. "Mm,-" He clicked his tongue and sucked the air through his teeth with a whistle. "I'll be back." He again tipped his hat. "Wonderful to see you both. I'd better get on the case before something dreadful happens like last years collaborative summoning. I don't understand students these days, they won't read books but willingly tear holes in reality. The youth are terrible in comparison to the last decade." With his exasperated ramblings, Voltaire made a quick pace to the bottom of the building, through the office - with a mandatory wink at the secretary before barging through the doors into the quad. Then, in a jog, the professor doubled his speed in view of the situation at hand. Ducking into the small blizzard which was evolving around the scene.

One hand on the brim of his hat, Mortimer approached. "MISS XAVIER!" The vampire's voice practically boomed, from the rich depths of his chest to her name upon his lips. "You will stop this at once. Do I have to put you back into counselling?" Storming up, the professor appeared even taller than usual. His features contorted into a scowl, irises lightening their shade of red by the minute. "I don't want to have to phone your parents again, this behaviour isn't tolerated within the school." Grabbing her wrist, the vampire locked eyes. Unflinchingly staring Aleks down. "Let. The. Boy. Go. If you continue this I'll treat you like a child, because you're certainly acting like one. You're a good student, and I wouldn't want to lose you. Come on now, it's time you calmed down and assessed this logically. The boy had an accident, and your clothes can be washed and laundered as good as new." His voice got progressively softer, if not sterner. "I won't tell the headmaster of this incident being the first day, but the moment you start acting up again - and you won't finish your Senior year. Do you understand? I think you should return to the girls' dorm, and get a new change of clothes. If it's really necessary. I'll make sure they're returned by this afternoon."

Mortimer thus glanced at Mathias. Putting a cold, comforting hand on his shoulder. "You get yourself another lunch. I wouldn't be surprised, however, if this put you off your appetite."

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_ Ticci Toby Rogers Ticci Toby Rogers

Mathias trembled in the demon's grip, as he felt her hands on his solar, and her arms digging into his bound chest. He stammered out, "I-It was an accident..." His fearful voice was high pitched, and heavily accented. If he hadn't been so terrified he would have flinched at the sound.

As he cowered in her clutches, Mathias was sent into a total panic as the sound of yelling reached his ears. Without warning the grass under his feet began to turn black as it died, the circle of death extending the more panicked he felt. All the light sources in the area turned black, and started radiating a grey light, that sapped the colour out of all that the light touched, as a result of Mathias' un controlled abilities. He struggled to pry the demon's hand off of him, tears threatening his vision as he became more and more aware of just how hard the girl's forearms were digging into his chest, and just how much she could feel through that grip.
Aleks huffed as the God forsaken vampire teacher known as Professor Mortimer came storming their direction. He flung threats at her here and there which just annoyed her, but she looked up at him to return the stern glare. As he spoke the girl decided that the boy wasn't worth it. She dropped him harshly and rolled her eyes before storming off to her dorm. GOD DID SHE HATE PEOPLE. All they did was piss her off. Why couldn't she just be left alone in silent bliss? Why the fuck did her God damn father decide "hey! Let's create the antichrist!" Seriously. She couldn't give two shits about freeing Lucifer from the cage and destroying the human race (although it would be nice.) All she wanted to do was be left alone. Was that too much to ask for?
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
"Oh my sweet mother of God-" He began looking at the life being sapped from the plants. Slowly, he dragged a hand down his expression, biting the side of his palm. "The nymphs are going to kill me." Inhaling deeply, Mortimer used his hand to awkwardly pat Mathias on the back. "Well - as you were. Remember to keep your head up next time. Alek's is not a girl to be trifled with. I still have hope she'll make a friend. Just one friend, that's all I'm hoping for. Maybe a relationship - although I suppose she'll probably turn into a preying mantis and eat the poor soul." His commentary was somewhat muffled, till Mort's gaze slid over to Mathias. "Mm. Don't - just don't go near her. Especially on Mondays, mornings, mealtimes, or when she's generally breathing. And no - I'm not sure if the anti-christ breathes."

Watching Alek's storm off, the professor sighed. That girl was a complete hurricane, category seven. Combined with wildfires, earthquakes, and a small nuclear war. Oh - yes what he was describing was the end of times again. That's what she reminded him of. He motioned to the dead lawns and shrubs, gnawing at his knuckles. "Right. Notify the nymphs." He muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose as he began slinking back to the main school building.

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_ Ticci Toby Rogers Ticci Toby Rogers
Prof. Mortimer Voltaire
"Oh my sweet mother of God-" He began looking at the life being sapped from the plants. Slowly, he dragged a hand down his expression, biting the side of his palm. "The nymphs are going to kill me." Inhaling deeply, Mortimer used his hand to awkwardly pat Mathias on the back. "Well - as you were. Remember to keep your head up next time. Alek's is not a girl to be trifled with. I still have hope she'll make a friend. Just one friend, that's all I'm hoping for. Maybe a relationship - although I suppose she'll probably turn into a preying mantis and eat the poor soul." His commentary was somewhat muffled, till Mort's gaze slid over to Mathias. "Mm. Don't - just don't go near her. Especially on Mondays, mornings, mealtimes, or when she's generally breathing. And no - I'm not sure if the anti-christ breathes."

Watching Alek's storm off, the professor sighed. That girl was a complete hurricane, category seven. Combined with wildfires, earthquakes, and a small nuclear war. Oh - yes what he was describing was the end of times again. That's what she reminded him of. He motioned to the dead lawns and shrubs, gnawing at his knuckles. "Right. Notify the nymphs." He muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose as he began slinking back to the main school building.

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_ Ticci Toby Rogers Ticci Toby Rogers
Mathias flinched violently when Mortimer touched him, it freaked him out and his tears spilled over. He scrubbed at his face as he ran away from the professor, leaving a sad, but obvious trail of dead, and dying plants in his wake. His efforts of hiding were obviously not going to go well.

He ran towards the large library building, thinking it would have plenty of dark places to hide. He didn't see the other boy who was walking towards the same building through his tears, not until he had nearly sent himself falling to the ground when he slammed shoulders with the boy.

Mathias rubbed the tears out of his eyes and sniffed. "Sorry," He mumbled, his voice still high pitched, and feminine. This time Mathias did flinch. He put a hand to his throat, as if by doing so he could reverse having spoken. He looked down at the dead grass, and felt guilt filling him as he realized how much trouble he'd caused.

_Lucifer_ _Lucifer_

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