OOCness thread [Glorious Bastards]

Mnemon Chu rolled the following in his 8 dice:

3, 3, 8, 6, 10, 7, 8, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
ok. =)

Mention in the old or the new thread that Chu has been plundering Eagle's Launch library.

Also, remember that spells cost 10 xps for DBs.
Oh, you can start to PM me your XP assignation for the last scene.

You have up to FIVE points to assign to your comrades.

The assignment is both for Legacy of a Madman and Matters of Blood, I'm considering it the same 'scene'.
Great job!

We completed the first 'chapter' and we finally *start* this game! =)

Since you obtained a major success in your efforts, everyone gets 2XPs.

Also, here are those assigned:

Leiji 5

Nyusul 4

Chu 7

Eris 5

Dezrik 4

It will take me a couple of days before I can properly close Legacy of a Madman, in the mean time you can still post there.

You can use the days of boring sailing for your training, and recover full health, essence and willpower.
Going on a road trip this weekend. Should be gone from tomorrow evening until maybe Monday morning. Should be lots of fun!
If you're wondering why did it take me so long, I've been studying the Compass of the West... <_<
Amethyst, "sails down" means that the sails are rolled up and not used.

Anyway, I corrected MY post to say 'sails up'.
Chu is still thinking diplomacy and if that fails, sink them... short of Solar level charms, it's basically impossible to stop a ship sinking if it has a hole the size of a barn in the side. Four ships just mean he has to move quicker :P
Aurellian said:
[...] it's basically impossible to stop a ship sinking if it has a hole the size of a barn in the side.
Do you realize we are actually...On a ship? we have the same flaw ^^

And, are we sure that if the ships sink they'll die? it seems to easy :P
It could take a few days. I don't mind that.

And making small holes is well within their ability, Earth-Hammer (my weapon) is literally capable of creating barndoors in the sides of non magic material ships. :P
The Lintha are notorious as Demon-Blooded pirates who leave no prisoners and eat their enemies (actually only the ones they gain respect for). In the Compass book about the West, it says that standing and facing them often induces a crew to mutiny and that even Exalted heroes at the heads of mighty fleets win few victories. In other words it's highly unlikely that a straight fight between one ship (that is not a huge warship) could take on four Lintha ships and survive. Of those of us who aren't killed, the men will be castrated and we'll all be sold into slavery.

Our best option is attacking the huge infernal worm, breaking free and then Leiji using her Storm-Outrunning Technique to hopefully get us away. Since the worm is underwater and holding the ship, I don't think you guys on the ship can attack it unless part of it surfaces again, in which case you can only use ranged weapons to shoot at it. You could dive underwater and help Leiji, but fighting underwater is going to carry with it the penalties Xarvh noted.
Ok guys, we may have Danakir and his fail Hildegard as new entries.

I will find a lame way to slap her in the party, but first I want to make sure you all are ok with it.

If anyone has any relevant comment, feel free to post here on PM me directly, otherwise I will insert Hildegard within a week or so, if the game moves smoothly.

Amethyst, it's your turn.

Also, Sunday/Monday I will be away.
WHAT???!!!???!!!! First you have a new character and THEN you ask?? :twisted:

I'm fine with our new addition, so, welcome aboard danakir!

Altho, makes me app 4 look unattractive :P

xarvh, have fun!
Welcome to the game, Danakir!

Xarvh, I'm assuming that Dragon-Graced Weapon would be pretty useless as a Charm here as filling the worm's lungs with water wouldn't have an effect, since it "breathes" underwater anyway?

Also, I'm a bit rusty on the rules, so hopefully my Attack roll is right.
As much as I love Water Aspects, many of the 'Water Graced' effects are kinda lame, both as effect and as fluff explanation. =(

You may probably 'remove water' from its lungs obtaining a similar effect, if the worm had lungs in the first place... oO


You set the Target Number to 3, it should be always 7 unless you are a Sidereal using strange tricks.

Then you compare how many suxx you rolled against the defender's DV: if it is higher, you hit.
Melcairiel said:
WHAT???!!!???!!!! First you have a new character and THEN you ask?? :twisted:
I'm fine with our new addition, so, welcome aboard danakir!

Altho, makes me app 4 look unattractive :P

xarvh, have fun!
I'd like to thank you both for welcoming me! :D I'm sure we'll all have a lot of fun together. ^_^

And shhhh, it's not that bad, think about the fact you can kill her in her sleep. xD

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