• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Albert's been accepted and is ready to join in. Anyone wanna adopt him? He's down for anything that's not obviously too dangerous, if that helps.
If anyone that is not on the discord is in need of a ih rp…

Sometimes for generating an oc if i can’t find an accurate enough pic for may character. Though i’ve got my friend wyll to thank for that!
We're a group of role players focused on building a world together. With all the classic anime tropes of Isekai and beyond. You look at the character skeleton and look at the skills, make a character sheet. Then once you receive the Great Scene reaction from Nova you can join in to any open rp in IH. Just hop on Discord or ask here to see what's available.
Hello, I have quit discord- sorry that I didn’t inform anyone
sorry to hear that. keep active on here and post in your rp's though and it won't matter much. You still posting with us?
I can try, super bored while waiting for my RP to pick up players so I should have time

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