@TPBx @Brinie @DemetrioMachete @GinkyGotBack @Brass Skeleton @~SpicyCinnyRollSenpai @F o o l i s h n e s s 

@KiritoIsamu @Arael @Rurnur @The Endergod @MrEvilMexican @Yanipurr  @Ravenshroom @NoviceOfRoleplay

So here is a question. Would you guys want me to make Skype group chat or a Discord group chat? Just want to know what you guys would say.

I'm fine with either. The internet in China is so bad ygopro can't last a minute without disconnecting ._. Let alone an online chat room.
China eh? That must be... interesting in terms of internwt.

a page on rpnation takes like 5 minutes to load. And online games are even worse.

"Well let's hope so," Martin replies as he also awaits the opening of the packs. It was always exciting to open packs since you never really know what you could possibly get. Mostly it'll be the commons nobody really needs, but other times it'll be something worthwhile.



Trap Monster Deck





Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

The breeze brushed on D.'s face and guided it to face a newcomer. The voice was slightly above him and had D. reminisce over a past experience, the voice felt familiar, he knew instantly who/what he was talking to. Voice did not tremble nor bite, clear-but was it straight to the point or friendly, such confusion could only come from someone speaking to a teenage girl. This revelation didn't settle well with D. His past interaction with teenage girls were dignified but lacked grace. So, D. gripped the splitting bark of the tree-accidentally pulling of a nice chunk of the first layer. 

"Um, nah. No, I'm lookin' just lookin' for a duel." Then D's mind became clear for a moment, as he thanks his blindfold, "is there a group of people who consistently follow you or watch you often?"  

And D reverted back into puzzlement as his other hand grips for the bark and more chunks of the skin of the bark fall. D. tries settle on tapping on the bark, but he decides that looks even odder and teenage girls would not forgive oddness like a middle-age man would. Yes, the simple put your hands in your pocket techni-but that was too obvious, so a one hand in pocket would be suprisising yet still comforting-thought .

@Ravenshroom @Brass Skeleton

"Well I'll go first," Ray says as he draws a card. "I'll activate Fusion Conscription. I reveal a fusion monster from my deck to search out Elemental Hero Neos. I'll set a monster and it's your turn." As he ends his turn he sort of yawns despite taking the energy drink. 


"Okie dokie then. Huh, well my hands pretty not that great..." He says as he draws a new card. "Let's see, I'll just activate my toy vendor card and see if I can get me one of them stuffed animals. Welp, it's not, so I have to discard it." Rush says lazily as he places his newly drawn Edge Imp Chain into the graveyard. "While it's in there, I can activate it's effect and grab out a frightfur card from my deck." He sifts through his deck until he comes across Frightfur Patchwork. "Now I'll activate this guy and find a Polymerization and a some scissors from my deck. Finally, I'll set this card, place this card face down,  and uh, you can go."


"My turn? Alright time to draw," he says as he draws a card. "Looks like I'm gonna need the usual two energy drinks after this," he says as he yawns once more. "I'll normal summon Elemental Hero Prisma and flip summon Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin. Next I'll use Aqua Dolphin's effect as I discard a monster in order to destroy a monster card in your hand if you have any so long as it's greater than or equal to a monster I control." The effect of Aqua Dolphin would destroy The Swamp King. 


"Next Prisma attacks the set and dolphin attacks directly. That'll be my turn."


"Seeing that you killed my scissors and swamp guy, I just have to activate Toy Vendor again and hope for something good, again." After tossing one of his Polymerization cards to his graveyard, he drew a card, only to find that it was another Frightfur Patchwork. With a sigh he put that into his graveyard and signaled Ray to go.


"Time for a draw. I summon Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab and activate Prisma's effect. I reveal a fusion to dump Neos to the grave. I'll just attack directly using my monsters. Then... I'll just contact fusion my prisma and dolphin to summon Elemental Hero Aqua Neos. I'll discard a card to use it's effect destroying a random card in your hand. End phase it goes back to my extra deck. Your turn." Another yawn came from this indivudual. What kind of sleep schedule does this boy have?


"Really? My other Poly? God, I should just quit now. I won't though, I ain't about that life." Rush sghed as he drew his card.


"As someone would say' that's the spirit.,' Ray said feeling a bit tired.


"OK, I finallly got something at least somewhat usefull. I'll summon Stuffed Pupper in attack mode and activate it's effect, which allows me to find a different fluffal monster or a new batch of scissors. I'ma go with the scissors." He said with a bit of attitude. "Now I'll just attack your Firey Bug with Stuffed Pupper and end my turn. He said triumphantly. "


"Oh boy. Here we go," he says as he draws his next card. "I'll pay half my life to activate A Hero Lives and I special summon Prisma. Then I'll just crash into your monster and that'll be all."


"Did you just kamakazi my doggo? You monster!" Shouted Rush as he drew another card.


"Yeah I kamakazied the doggo. Much wow," he says with another yawn to signify his tiredness.


"You'll pay for that dog murder, just you wait." He stated as he placed down a card into his spell and trap zone. "Now I'll activate Toy Vendor once again to hopefully get some of the good stuff." He dicarded his scissors and drew a second Toy Vendor and promptly placed it on top of his grave. "Now, I'll activate the Toy Vendor's effect and search for a new Fluffal monster. Now I'll activate my dead scissors effect and place one card from my hand on top of my deck and summon the scissors to the field in defense position. While I'm at it I might as well summon Stuffed Pingu too. Now I'll use this face down card I completely forgot about and banish one of my lost Polys and fusion summon Evil Stuffed Kraken in defense position. Good luck hitting that guy. Since I used Pingu to pull a Liam Neeson and summon the Kraken, I can activate it's effect and draw two cards and discard one of 'em. I'll place Stuffed Bear in the grave and activate the spell card I just drew, Fusion Recovery. With it I'll grab back one of my polys and my precious scissors. He said matter-of-factly. "Here comes the storm! This is for you dog friend!" Rush shouted while thrusting his arm into the air. "I'll activate the spell card Frightfur Fusion and banish my Kraken along with the bear and the old chains to fusion summon Evil Sabre Tooth guy in attack mode. Just a little FYI, he's now invincible, so have fun with that mess." Rush stated. Now I'll just attack you directly and that'll be all."


"Ah here we go. This'll probably be my last draw," he says as he picks up his card. "I'll activate Emergency Call and set the searched Prisma. Well I suppose your gonna finish things I suppose." He ends his turn as he would think about how to improve the deck he just made recently.


"Sweetness!" He shouted as he drew his next card. "I could probably just end it now, but no, you must suffer for what you have done to my poor dog. First, I'll activate Toy Vendor yet again and discard a second Toy Vendor that I just drew to get even more cards to add onto the pain. I special summon new pupper with the first Toy Vendor's effect, then use it's effect and grab out an octopus and I'll use the Toy Vendor that I threw to the grave's effect and get some sweet wings while I'm at it. Next, I'll fusion summon the least messed up looking Frightfur I have, Daredevil using the wings I just drew and some more scissors. I'll use Fluffy Wings' ability and banish it along with the previous Pingu to draw a card. Then I'll get rid of my Toy Vendor to draw a second card. Then I'll use that Toy Vendor's effect get out a teddy bear. Are you getting confused yet, 'cause I sure am." He said with a chuckle. "I'll place another card int my spell and trap zone, 'cause why not? Then I'll summon  the octopus guy, activate it's effect, and take back the scissors I've been using for like every fusion this game back, again. Now I'll activate Frightfur Factory again, 'cause I just remembered I can do that agaion and banish one of my fusion cards to summon another Kraken using the octopus and one of my chains. Now I'll use the octopus's effect to get the wings and Kraken I banished like seven minutes ago and put them back in my graveyard for no real reason other than to stall this game out and make you regret killing my precious dog. Now I'll use the chain's effect for the exact same reason and go right to the battle phase. I'll just attack you with Daredevil and end your suffering. Next time you'll think twice before destroying my dogs."


"Well that ends the game. Gg," Ray says as his life points goes back to 0. He would look up at the sky for a moment before looking back to Rush. "Rush right? Well good game. Which reminds me...," he takes out what seems to be a normal monster card but it only has the image of an invitation on it.


"I was given one of these to give out. Something about some secret small tournament and how I can invite someone. You want to go?" He would hold it out for Rush to either look/take.


"Yeah, I have to say, that was pretty fun. And why the heck not, I don't have anything better to do." Rush laughed as he accepted the invitation and shook the young man's hand. 


Ray let out a tiny tired laugh as he shook his hand in response to his hand being shaken. "Well... I think I've got about... 2 hours before I go crashing down from energy drinks. You have anything you want to do? I basically dont' do much."


@The Endergod

@The Endergod
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