Hello all! i'm new here and i'm typing up my character sheet thing after this, i tried testing out that thing for ygopro to give you infinite time by plugging in 99999999999999999999999 into the time box on LAN mode, but when i host a game it just sets it back to 180 and the timer still goes down :/  am i doing something wrong? anyway besides that, are we solely gonna communicate through the forum? or are we gonna make a discord server/skype chat? and when it comes to roleplaying do we rp while we duel in the duel chat? or do we rp on the forum and do a big post after the game is completed? 
Hello all! i'm new here and i'm typing up my character sheet thing after this, i tried testing out that thing for ygopro to give you infinite time by plugging in 99999999999999999999999 into the time box on LAN mode, but when i host a game it just sets it back to 180 and the timer still goes down :/  am i doing something wrong? anyway besides that, are we solely gonna communicate through the forum? or are we gonna make a discord server/skype chat? and when it comes to roleplaying do we rp while we duel in the duel chat? or do we rp on the forum and do a big post after the game is completed? 

Can you tell me the steps you did for the timer? Also we're going to solely communicate through the forum unless you guys actually want a discord/skype chat. Also the rp process is generally done on big posts. I have more advice for RPing in Yugioh duels in the link below.
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Hello all! i'm new here and i'm typing up my character sheet thing after this, i tried testing out that thing for ygopro to give you infinite time by plugging in 99999999999999999999999 into the time box on LAN mode, but when i host a game it just sets it back to 180 and the timer still goes down :/  am i doing something wrong? anyway besides that, are we solely gonna communicate through the forum? or are we gonna make a discord server/skype chat? and when it comes to roleplaying do we rp while we duel in the duel chat? or do we rp on the forum and do a big post after the game is completed? 

Yeah, no. The time thing doesn't seem to actually work. Communication wise, I'm pretty sure we just keep in here in the OOC. As for doing, I think we just use ygopro and titanpad/piratepad to duel and write out the posts.

Can you tell me the steps you did for the timer? Also we're going to solely communicate through the forum unless you guys actually want a discord/skype chat. Also the rp process is generally done on big posts. I have more advice for RPing in Yugioh duels in the link below.

Crap, I'm slow.
Yeah, no. The time thing doesn't seem to actually work. Communication wise, I'm pretty sure we just keep in here in the OOC. As for doing, I think we just use ygopro and titanpad/piratepad to duel and write out the posts.

Crap, I'm slow.

Is that so? That's a bummer. I could've sworn it would work. Well we'll just have to pray that someday they have a timer setting for servers.

Edit: Also to make things easier one will just have to duel first and then use the replays to remember what they did for their duels. 
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Is that so? That's a bummer. I could've sworn it would work. Well we'll just have to pray that someday they have a timer setting for servers.

They most likely won't. They turned of the feature after trolls and spambots practically ddosed their servers with 1000s and 1000s of infinite timed duels.
Can you tell me the steps you did for the timer? Also we're going to solely communicate through the forum unless you guys actually want a discord/skype chat. Also the rp process is generally done on big posts. I have more advice for RPing in Yugioh duels in the link below.

Thanks! and here's what i did, i went to lan, typed 9999999 in the timer box, hit host, then exited out of it, (i also tried it without hitting host) then went to host it online and it just makes the timer into 180. i'm playing it on ygopro.
Thanks! and here's what i did, i went to lan, typed 9999999 in the timer box, hit host, then exited out of it, (i also tried it without hitting host) then went to host it online and it just makes the timer into 180. i'm playing it on ygopro.

They most likely won't. They turned of the feature after trolls and spambots practically ddosed their servers with 1000s and 1000s of infinite timed duels.

For some reason I thought this worked when I did the lan thing. Then I went to YgoPro but not the checkmate server. I went to US Server and hosted a room and it seemed to have been at the time I set it at the LAN. If it doesn't work then it's just a strange programming error or something. Anyways people will just have to duel first and then watch their replays to write posts in piratepad.
For some reason I thought this worked when I did the lan thing. Then I went to YgoPro but not the checkmate server. I went to US Server and hosted a room and it seemed to have been at the time I set it at the LAN. If it doesn't work then it's just a strange programming error or something. Anyways people will just have to duel first and then watch their replays to write posts in piratepad.

There might be a way to force everyone's computer to think that they're all in the same lan server even though we're miles away using certain programs.

Oh and if you wanted to see pics or it didn't happen then here it is.

That's a pretty sweet background pic.
There might be a way to force everyone's computer to think that they're all in the same lan server even though we're miles away using certain programs.

That's a pretty sweet background pic.

Yeah I think there is a way via LAN server. I think it's a program called Hibachi or something.

Edit: It's Hamachi.
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yeah i could never really get it to work though, i found it too complicated

Well the best we can do is simply play the duel and use the replay to post in piratepad it seems. Still it's probably not the worst thing. In Percy if you keep playing then at least time won't decrease too much. Though yes this does mean one is going to have to think quickly for their strategies.
Yeah I think there is a way via LAN server. I think it's a program called Hibachi or something.

Edit: It's Hamachi.

I much prefer Tunngle than Hamachi as it can seriously mess with your internet security and it refuses to uninstall.
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All this trouble with timers makes me miss DN. Where nothing was automated, 0 timers, and the freedom to move forward and backwards in a duel to take back moves if necessary.
I much prefer Tunngle than Hamachi as I can seriously mess with your internet security and it refuses to uninstall.

I see. Though I mean if you guys want longer times there is YGO Salvation Server. I mean that is an option but that's only if both duelists agree to it.

All this trouble with timers makes me miss DN. Where nothing was automated, 0 timers, and the freedom to move forward and backwards in a duel to take back moves if necessary.

I do too miss DN. Though I don't miss the trolls and toxic rule sharks.
All this trouble with timers makes me miss DN. Where nothing was automated, 0 timers, and the freedom to move forward and backwards in a duel to take back moves if necessary.

The problem with DN is if someone didn't know a particular ruling or how certain cards interacted, there was nothing to stop a player from cheating, intentionally or unintentionally. At least with timers in place it keeps people from simply waiting until the other guy gets bored and leaves.
I see. Though I mean if you guys want longer times there is YGO Salvation Server. I mean that is an option but that's only if both duelists agree to it.

i've always found that salvation has severe stability issues, it crashes a lot more than other sims, i'm fine with just writing out our duels after replays. speaking of that though, what do we do if the program crashes?

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