yo yo! i don't think i can post anything in the main thread until tomorrow because it's midnight where i live.... but follows the ooc for the hell of it.

what's up, demigod squad? 
@AnimeGenork Looks like you've finally reached your maximum limit of doneness. Hang in there man.
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@AnimeGenork I'll make an even normaller one and balance will be restored to the universe. Or you could just have it that you need to approve characters first. Also Angelo daro killed someone when he was twelve so you'd better think twice about dissing him.
Angelo: i killed someone when i was twelve

Veronica: uh-huh that's nice honey go do something to benefit society
Coralie: *runs away to Poseidon's ocean palace*

Violet: *goes with her*

Just because he killed someone when he was twelve doesn't mean I can't handle him. *locks her doors anyway*

And yeah, I'm gonna approve characters now.
Raven: K. *goes back to training*

Also I made Raven a little more unnormal than I normally do with the whole thrown into labyrinth thing so just say the word if it's secretly irritating you @AnimeGenork
it's weird how the characters with the common names and normal-coloured eyes are the most unusual in this roleplay
it's weird how the characters with the common names and normal-coloured eyes are the most unusual in this roleplay

Have you read 'the rest of us just live here' by patrick ness? 

Also so would the real edgelords be us????? Oh my. 
no i briefly considered reading that book but the main character reminded me of a guy i used to date... which is a weird reason for not reading a book, i guess. also, i once dated a guy, which is just as weird  O.o

also, yes, by being completely normal, we are the edgelords  B|
My god. It's all so clear now. *EMBRACES DESTINY*

Ooooh,a boyfriend. SCANDALOUS. UTTERLY SCANDALOUS. Jokes aside it's a pretty good book I'd think. 
I've had two boyfriends.

Both were my senpais.

Neither worked out.

Anime boys are where it's at. And Cole Holland from The White Rabbit Chronicles.

@AnimeGenork I'll make an even normaller one and balance will be restored to the universe. Or you could just have it that you need to approve characters first. Also Angelo daro killed someone when he was twelve so you'd better think twice about dissing him.

TO BE FAIR... The guy he killed deserved it. But yea, don't diss Angel, he'll go all skull on you.

Angelo: i killed someone when i was twelve

Veronica: uh-huh that's nice honey go do something to benefit society

I ship it(jk)
To be fair, he shouldn't have had a girlfriend when he was twelve. They're waaaaaaaaaay too high maintenance at that age.

This is true, I didn't think that part through. I should've put just good friend, but too late now. It started as sister, but I just couldn't.
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