I don't even know anymore.

My lack of sleep is starting to concern me as is

My excess sleep is starting to concern me. I think I slept more hours that I was awake yesterday. Truly a blessing. I love Monday holidays. Cheers for Haji.

how much have you had?
No really it's the best amount. Trust me I did it for my trials last year. Though there's the side effect of finding everything funny. It's better than all nighters at least.
LIES the best number of hours to sleep is five. four isn't enough to feel rested and six just makes you sleepy. five is the perfect amount. 

also i have to do homework before school so... bye! 

Damn I love England. Even if it's too bloody cold over there. Which part of it? I'm from malaysia.

Also I haven't seen @Alexi Vaughn in a while. Are they still around?

i'm from the western part, i guess?? i'm not really sure now that i think about... it's such a small place. that's so cool that you live in malaysia! i've never met anyone from there before. 

alexi hasn't been online in a while now. should we replace them? or just wait?

Well, I'm here now. Hi.

welcome to madness kojuen-kohai 

my name is jinkx and i am the cool mod. don't let the others convince you otherwise. 
LIES the best number of hours to sleep is five. four isn't enough to feel rested and six just makes you sleepy. five is the perfect amount. 

also i have to do homework before school so... bye! 

i'm from the western part, i guess?? i'm not really sure now that i think about... it's such a small place. that's so cool that you live in malaysia! i've never met anyone from there before. 

alexi hasn't been online in a while now. should we replace them? or just wait?

welcome to madness kojuen-kohai 

my name is jinkx and i am the cool mod. don't let the others convince you otherwise. 

Don't spread your false words here heathen. Three is the magic number. It even fits in your sleep cycles. Also five is like normal amount of sleep. I'm talking when you need to do shit/exams and stuff ya know.

Nice, I've only been to London; and Manchester to visit my bro I guess. I'm probably gonna go study in UK next year haha. *starts stalking you* I've never met anyone online from my country before either xD  Where are they?? :o

Well, I'm here now. Hi.

whispers: Jinkx is a liar and not cool at alllllllll. 

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