[OOC] To the Roots... [The Hidden Truths]

It's not gonna be too long, but we're getting closer. I'll post more after i get back, have to go to college and clear a few things up.
SRC, when we do get to the story-sensitive bits and secrets that you want to keep between you and me, I suggest we move the prelude to Private messages back and forth. That is, unless we can somehow get a private sub-forum created or something.
Don't worry, Mostof those will be covered after your Exaltation, and will be covered in a PM. I have no plan to unveil those secrets that easily to the rest of them.

Elephantine Legs

The character’s legs become longer, thicker, and contain more power. Add one to the character’s Dexterity for the purpose of calculating movement during combat, and add two to the character’s Stamina for dice rolls associated with movement endurance (to aid in how long he can keep on running). The character adds one die to single rolls regarding swimming. In long-term movement (see Exalted, p. 264), the character may move as quickly as a drawn carriage.

*This is an adaptation of the Pox Wolf’s Pace, listed on page 207 of The Manuals of Exalted Power: Lunars

Not too sure about the wording I used, but this is bascially how i envision the pox should be.

So far, unless someone edited their characters, it looks like only one of you has made request as to artifact after Exaltation. Just a reminder that you have the option to ask...
Uh, yeah about that... I need two reaper klaves, a pair of bracers, and a superheavy plate... all in orichalcum... a gem of movement, a monkey stone and a freedom stone. I thought I'd find my old tomb 'n shit...

Boy I wish I'd see your face when you read those lines... just kidding :mrgreen:

Seriously though a pair of long blade would be nice... but I think I can manage to get perfect ones at chargen (via backstory)... I'll check the books for something cool to ask... I like the scabbard that gives you immunity against mundane damage... that's a must have for someone as cool as me !
Cyl - I'm not sure you would have liked to see my face when I read that... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I'll see what i can do about weapons for your character, not too sure about the scabard, at least not at first, but we'll see how the story goes.
Slower? Both are Speed 4. Reaver Daiklaves have higher Rate than Short Daiklaves - 2 compared to 3. True, Short Daiklaves do come in a matched pair with no offhand penalties for the same cost and similar attunement, and for that reason they're probably a bit overpowered by comparison.
Seriously, nothing? No stunt die whatsoever? I mean, I know it didn't really make much of a difference, but a 2-die stunt meant +2 DV which means two less raw damage die... Yeah, I know, I'm getting nitpicky now. I hope this is all part of your master plan. My faith is in you, ST-sama. >_>
Cyl - I'm not sure you would have liked to see my face when I read that... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I'll see what i can do about weapons for your character, not too sure about the scabard, at least not at first, but we'll see how the story goes.
Well I wasn't too concerned about the weapons as I mentioned. At worst a point in heirloom might justify the possession of two perfect straight/slashing swords as a gift from his parents since he was a teenager.

Personnally I think the scabbard has a cool concept, but isn't worth 3 dot. I mean it's not like exalted weren't already quasi immune to mortal attacks.

Actually I never knew why solar had access to the artifact background anyway... it doesn't make any sense...
Just a head's up regarding the exact moment of Exaltation, and yes this applies to all of you, when your time comes...

For a very short time (so be sure to take advantage of the benefits listed below, it's your moment to really shine and bring the glory of your Exalted, and of your character's personality to the forefront of the game.) you have the following benefits:

- You have an unlimited supply of motes at your disposal

- You can use one Charm per action (as per the normal rules for Charm use, and you cannot activate any combos, since you have none), that Charm can be any Charm that fits your Caste and personality as long as the Charm in question doesn't require Essence 5 or higher.

- If you are descriptive in your use of the Charm you can easily get stunt dice, more than usual, stunt are your other half while this is happening.

- Your anima flares to bonfire level, so you get all the benefits associated with your caste at that level.

- Those using Martial Arts can make use of Solar Hero Style (if Solar), or Lunar Hero Style (if Lunar).

- If you have Occult high enough to potentially learn Sorcery, you can use spells of the corresponding Sorcery level, just remember that it still takes time to cast them.

There might be repercussions to pay for this awesomeness, but now is not the time to dwell on them...
The scabbard is incredibly useful. It's effectively a permanent perfect defense against mortals, as long as that weapon is sheathed. No Charm usage or mote expenditure (beyond attunement costs, of course) required.

EDIT: Awesome, I'm going to need all of that just to survive. About the Charm usage, I'm curious: When you say "any Charm," do you mean any Charm that's going to actually be chosen on our Charm list for the 10 Charms/Knacks we receive, or do you actually mean any Charm?
I actually mean any Charm. Remember, as long as it doesn't require more than Essence 4...

Also I forgot to add that during your moment of Exaltation you may treat all Abilities and Attributes as if they are 5. For just those precious moments you are almost perfect...
Oh god. Thank you. If you don't mind, when the sweet, sweet moment arrives, if I exalt in DBT form I'd like to immediately blow a huge amount of motes on Gift-OK Charms.

EDIT: Also, for effects based upon our Essence scores, what value do we use: Essence 4, as inferred from the Charm limit you've placed on our free usage during Exaltation, or Essence 2, the actual value?
This post might take a bit of time. It's way past the time for me to get some sleep, so I'll finish it up later in day.
np, it's past midnight here, so I'll be heading to bed too. But would be interesting to see the second round of combat between the two, now that the field is more leveled...

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