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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

I'm here! Sorry. I work as a housekeeper at a retirement facility and I've been dealing with with back to back discharges the last couple weeks. Putting up a post now.
Sorry folks, been having some RL issues that have completely monopolized my attention. Dust is settled now, so I'll read up on whats' going on and make a post tonight
Did an inadvertently lie and failed to post, but am all caught up now! Need to figure out some snarky line for Nott to spew, but bed beckons so that will have to be done tomorrow :)
Made an assumption that the bad guys were indeed retreating. Correct me if I'm wrong, and I'll change the post.
I would think so; she's down to just one health level left.
Casting Charm: Grievous Wound Alteration Energy
Tutorial time! So this Charm:
Grievous Wound Alteration Energy
-- (+1wp); Mins: Medicine 5, Essence 2
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Wood
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Wound Closing Technique

Even the most horrific injuries inflicted by the Anathema yield to the Dragon Blooded physician’s life-saving prowess. This Charm upgrades Wound Closing Technique, allowing the Dragon Blood to pay a one Willpower surcharge to treat aggravated damage with it. She rolls (Intelligence + Medicine), each success converting a level of aggravated damage to lethal. Any successes above her patient’s total aggravated damage convert levels of lethal damage to bashing.
Is an upgrade to this Charm:
Wound Closing Technique
5m; Mins: Medicine 2, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Wood
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None

The Dragon Blood spends fifteen minutes tending to a patient’s wounds, at the end of which she rolls (Intelligence + Medicine). Each success converts a single level of lethal damage to bashing, speeding the rate at which it heals (Exalted, p. 173). Alternatively, if she rolls successes equal to (her patient’s wound penalty +1), she may heal a single level of bashing damage. Once a character has been treated with Wound Closing Technique, he must receive at least a day of bed rest or fully heal all damage before he can benefit from it again.
You're actually using Wound Closing Technique. The upgrade to Wound Closing Technique, Grievous Wound Alteration Energy, says you can spend an extra point of willpower when using WCT to have it treat Aggravated Damage (which is very cool, it's very hard to heal aggravated damage, even with magic). Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for Sjet, she has not suffered any Aggravated Damage. There are three kinds of damage in Exalted: Bashing, Lethal, and Aggravated. Bashing is what it sounds like, bruises, contusions, and fractures, usually from unarmed attacks or blunt weapons. Lethal is lacerations and usually caused by deadly weapons like swords and spears. Aggravated damage is special somehow. Think sunlight to vampires, silver to werewolves, or in Exalted the wounds of a cursed magic sword or an attack blessed by the Unconquered Sun against a Creature of Darkness. Aggravated damage heals very slowly.

WCT says spend 15 minutes tending to Sjet's wounds, and then roll Intelligence + Medicine and convert that many Health Levels of damage from Lethal into Bashing. Sjet will really appreciate that tomorrow, as bashing HLs heal a lot faster than lethal HLs, especially if you're Exalted. Go ahead and stunt how you heal her wound and then roll. However many successes you roll, you convert that much Lethal damage to Bashing damage. Basically, you close her wounds and turn them into nasty bruises.
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How bad are Droplet's wounds?
That's a fascinating question! In your expert medical opinion, the wounds Droplets has suffered are likely fatal. And yet she appears to be fully functional. Far more hale and hearty than any woman her age has a right to be. She is radiating a terrifying power, and moves with strength and grace. You'll have to examine her if you want a better idea of what's going on. Perhaps her wounds simply look far worse than they are, but you can't imagine she doesn't need treatment.

Out of character, Droplets is mechanically completely unharmed. The wounds she suffered when she died are not hindering her, nor will she die of them, but they were once fatal. They may heal or not over time at Red Shadow Claws' discretion. The wounds the Neverborn inflicted cause her pain, but do not truly hinder her. They will heal over the next few hours. Any close examination of Droplets will likely reveal she is dead, though she could fake signs of life if she wills it.
Rolling Intelligence (5) + Medicine (5) + Level 1 stunt (2 dice) = 12 dice
Just in case it wasn't obvious, you can also apply excellencies to any ability check. In this case, your Medicine Excellency applies. On average you'll see 6 hits on 12 dice, so 50/50 you fully close the wound.
Just in case it wasn't obvious, you can also apply excellencies to any ability check. In this case, your Medicine Excellency applies. On average you'll see 6 hits on 12 dice, so 50/50 you fully close the wound.
Okay and excellencies are the ones that are double starred, correct?
Excellencies are Charms that allow you to buy more dice on a roll. Like this one:

Master Healer Meditation (p 220)
: 1m per die; Mins: Medicine 1, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Balanced, Excellency, Wood
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Blessed with understanding of the flow of living Essence through the body, the Dragon-Blooded physician refines her skill to perfection. She may add bonus dice to a Medicine roll for one mote each.
If she adds enough to reach her dice limit (p. 162), she also adds a non-Charm success on the roll.

So you can buy extra dice on your roll for the number of HLs you convert from Lethal to Bashing at a cost of 1m each. I'm just making sure you're aware you have the option.
Excellencies are Charms that allow you to buy more dice on a roll. Like this one:

Master Healer Meditation (p 220)
: 1m per die; Mins: Medicine 1, Essence 1
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Balanced, Excellency, Wood
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None
Blessed with understanding of the flow of living Essence through the body, the Dragon-Blooded physician refines her skill to perfection. She may add bonus dice to a Medicine roll for one mote each.
If she adds enough to reach her dice limit (p. 162), she also adds a non-Charm success on the roll.

So you can buy extra dice on your roll for the number of HLs you convert from Lethal to Bashing at a cost of 1m each. I'm just making sure you're aware you have the option.
Oh, okay. I'll log that in my notes. So I can add one more die then if I wanted?
The limit for a DB is Ability + Specialty. So if you had Medicine 3 and an applicable specialty, the limit would be 4 dice. That means you can buy anywhere from 0-4 dice, for 1m each. Sayuri has Medicine 5 and... no Specialties? That's an oversight. You're supposed to start with at least 4 if you didn't buy any more. Anyway, you can buy up to 5 more dice for 1m each. 6 dice if your specialty applies. If it does, the specialty itself adds one die for free. A specialty like Battlefield Medicine would apply here, or Trauma Surgery.
Ah, no. Those are Abilities. A Specialty is a subfield of a certain ability in which you're especially good. So Medicine [Battlefield], Archery [In Storms], Stealth [Urban], Lore [Mathematics], Occult [Demons], etc etc. You can choose four. You can have more than one for a certain ability, but they don't stack, so don't make them overlap if you can avoid it.

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