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Dice [OOC] - To Stand Against the Crimson Tide

There is a lot to learn. Just remember that there are several pros here to help you out.
Exalted is a lot of fun. I've been playing it since way back in first edition. There have been a lot of changes over the years.
You want a Charm about roaring? What would you like it to do? There's some roaring in War, I think. Certainly in Silver Nightingale. I forget if Air Dragon Style has any roaring.
Random Word Random Word took a stab at the artifact for you to peruse at your leisure. Also switched out the charm that let Nott exchange letters with any sidereal for one that lets him disguise himself as an enemy of fate. I think having Nott be less able to initiate contact to his Mentor is better for the story. Gave some minor detail to the mentor as well, made them a master of the Shadow Throne style just to keep that door open for the future.
Oh, also; There are a bunch of charms that have additional effects you can purchase for exp (such as all horoscope charms). What do these cost now?
Random Word Random Word took a stab at the artifact for you to peruse at your leisure. Also switched out the charm that let Nott exchange letters with any sidereal for one that lets him disguise himself as an enemy of fate. I think having Nott be less able to initiate contact to his Mentor is better for the story. Gave some minor detail to the mentor as well, made them a master of the Shadow Throne style just to keep that door open for the future.
Mentor is a tricky Merit. It's a pretty disappointing Merit if you can't easily contact your Mentor! It doesn't do much at all. I much prefer Mentors be too easy to reach than not reachable (boring), so even if you don't have a way to contact them yourself, in my games a Mentor will always give you a way to contact them and receive a response in a timely manner. Better yet, sometimes they'll physically show up in a timely manner if they're sufficiently powerful. That's more likely with more dots in the Merit.
Oh, also; There are a bunch of charms that have additional effects you can purchase for exp (such as all horoscope charms). What do these cost now?
They still cost XP. Is there a point of confusion there?
They still cost XP. Is there a point of confusion there?
Since exp rates are different then usual I was just wondering if they still cost 3exp a piece. Charms (being the only other flat-value I can think of) have gone up, so I was thinking maybe such effects would cost 4 now or something.

Also, I exist in a perpetual point of confusion.
Ah, a port of Exalted to another system? Okay, let's see.

We have:

Elemental Bolt Attack
Cost: 4m (+1a); Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Dual
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance
The Dragon-Blood channels elemental Essence into a
deadly blast. Air manifests as crackling lightning; Earth as
flying stones; Wood as poisoned thorns; and so on. This is
a withering or decisive attack with (Dexterity + [Archery
or Thrown]) against an enemy within short range, which
can be enhanced with Charms of the appropriate combat
Ability. The Exalt may spend a level of anima to extend
this to medium range.
This Charm’s elemental aspect is the same as the Exalt’s,
and it gains additional benefits based on its element.
Air: The elemental bolt deals lethal damage and ignores
(higher of Essence or 3) soak or (Essence) hardness from
metal armor, including the five magical materials.
Earth: The elemental bolt deals bashing damage and has
the Smashing tag (Exalted, p. 586).
Fire: The elemental bolt deals lethal damage. Decisive
attacks double 10s on damage.
Water: The elemental bolt deals bashing damage and has
the Flexible and Disarming tags (Exalted, p. 586).
Wood: The elemental bolt deals lethal damage. Decisive
attacks carry a poison with Damage 1i/round (B in Crash),
Duration (Essence + 5), and penalty −1.
The Dragon-Blood may purchase additional elemental
variants of this Charm for three experience points each.
Mantle of Elemental Power
Cost: 3m, 1a, 1wp; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack
The Dragon-Blood channels her anima into a puissant
manifestation of her Aspect’s element. An Air Aspect
might surround herself with a nimbus of crackling
lightning; a Wood Aspect could conjure a swirling
vortex of cherry blossom petals; countless fragments
of stone might orbit an Earth Aspect. This Charm’s ele-
mental aspect is the same as the Exalt’s. Drawing from
this manifestation enhances her Elemental Bolt Attack
when she uses it with her Aspect’s element:
• Its cost is reduced by three motes.
• When a Simple or Reflexive Charm lets her make an
Archery or Thrown attack, she can reflexively use
Elemental Bolt Attack to make it.
• She can use Elemental Bolt Attack reflexively to
defend against an attack with a display of elemen-
tal power, applying a Parry rating of ([Dexterity
+ Ability]/2, rounded up, + 1). Either Archery or
Thrown may be used.
• In her Aspect’s Aura, she waives the anima cost to
extend the range of her elemental bolts.
Elemental Burst Technique
Cost: —; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Aura, Decisive-only
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack
When the Dragon-Blood uses Elemental Bolt Attack
to make a decisive attack with the same aspect as her
current Aura state, she may apply the attack against
all characters, friend or foe, within close range of her
initial target. She divides her Initiative evenly among
all hit characters, rounding down, to determine the
damage rolled against them, ignoring Hardness.
Additionally, the attack gains a benefit based on its
Air: Lightning arcs from foe to foe. Metal weapons, in-
cluding those made of the five magical materials, can’t be
used to parry the attack. For each enemy hit by the attack,
the Dragon-Blood adds one bonus die to the base damage
rolled against each of them, maximum +(Essence).
Earth: The Dragon-Blood adds (Strength/2, rounded
up) to the base damage rolled against each hit charac-
ter, and waives the Initiative cost and Defense penalty
for making a smash attack.
Fire: As long as the elemental blast deals 3+ total levels
of damage, the targeted area catches fire as long as it
contains flammable materials, becoming an environ-
mental hazard with difficulty 4, Damage (Essence
− 1)L/round. The hazard burns for at least (Essence)
rounds unless extinguished.
Water: Enemies with an Initiative lower than the
Dragon-Blood’s when she makes the attack are dis-
armed (Exalted, p. 200) if they take any damage.
Wood: The elemental bolt’s poison is upgraded to
Damage 1L, Duration (Essence + 5), penalty −3.
Elemental Burst Technique can only be used once
per scene, unless reset by dealing enough withering
damage to a nontrivial opponent with Elemental Bolt
Attack to reduce his Initiative from a rating higher
than the Dragon-Blood’s to a lower rating.
Dragon Vortex Attack
Cost: 20m, 2wp, expend Aura; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Aura, Perilous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Burst Technique, The
Wind Turns
At the apex of the Dragon-Blood’s understanding,
she draws forth the power of her draconic ancestors,
shaking Creation to its foundations as she unleashes
the primal wrath of the elements. To use this Charm,
she must have Initiative 15+. A tremendous burst of
elemental Essence radiates outward from her, a one-
time environmental hazard that extends to close range,
plus an additional range band for every ten Initiative
she has. The aspect of this Charm and the hazard’s
nature depend on which Elemental Aura she expends.
Allies and enemies alike are caught in the hazard, but
it won’t harm the Dragon-Blood’s Sworn Kin. If she
knows Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings (p. 282), she
may likewise spare allied characters.
The hazard has difficulty (the Dragon-Blood’s
Intelligence), but doesn’t have a standard damage.
Instead, the Dragon-Blood divides her Initiative even-
ly, rounding up, among all characters who failed their
rolls to determine how much lethal damage is rolled
against each. Battle groups and trivial opponents
instead suffer (her full Initiative) damage, without
counting against the total she divides. As long as at
least one enemy fails his roll, this resets the Dragon-
Blood to base Initiative.
The hazard carries additional effects based on its
Air: Roiling storm clouds darken the sky, unleashing
countless bolts of lightning and raining down hail. Any
character wearing metal armor, including armor made
from the magical materials, applies its mobility penalty
on his roll to resist the hazard. The damage roll bene-
fits from double 9s.
Earth: The earth rumbles in a mighty earthquake,
scattering stone debris skyward to strike flying foes.
A character that takes 3+ levels of damage falls into
a chasm and lands prone, suffering damage as per
a short-range fall (Exalted, p. 232). Climbing out of
the chasm counts as moving through difficult terrain
(Exalted, p. 199).
Fire: A pyroclasm sweeps across the battlefield, ignit-
ing anything flammable. As long as there’s fuel, even
after the vortex fades, it leaves behind a hazard with
difficulty 5, Damage 4L/round within its range, which
burns for at least (Intelligence) hours. These flames
won’t burn the Dragon-Blood or any allies spared from
the vortex.
Water: A standing wave towers above the Dragon-
Blood before collapsing outward in all directions
with tsunami force. For every three levels of damage
a character suffers from the hazard, rounded up, he’s
knocked back one range band from the Dragon-Blood
to fall prone, and suffers an additional three dice of
bashing damage, ignoring Hardness.
Wood: Fast-growing briar patches and massive thorny
vines spread rapidly across the battlefield, while
bright-colored flowers bloom with poisonous pollen.
Characters who fail their roll must roll (Stamina +
Resistance) against a poison with Damage 3i/round,
Duration (Essence + Intelligence) rounds, and a −3
penalty. Additionally, the area of the hazard becomes
difficult terrain until the plant growth has been cleared
entirely. The Dragon-Blood and any allies spared from
the vortex are unimpeded by this terrain, the plants
parting to clear their path.
If any of the Dragon-Blood’s Sworn Kin are within the
vortex’s initial range and in Elemental Aura, they may
expend it to add that element’s effect to the hazard.
The expended Aura must be of an element that hasn’t
already been expended; each participating Dragon-
Blood must contribute a unique element to the vortex.
Crashed Hearthmates can’t contribute their Aura. Each
Hearthmate who expends his Aura adds +1 to the hazard’s
Difficulty and adds his Initiative to the primary Dragon-
Blood’s total to determine both the range and damage of
the hazard, resetting him to base Initiative.
This Charm can only be used once per story, unless reset
by accomplishing a legendary social goal (Exalted, p. 134).

Any of which could be flavoured as roaring. We can also make custom extension Charms if there's a specific effect you want.
Since exp rates are different then usual I was just wondering if they still cost 3exp a piece. Charms (being the only other flat-value I can think of) have gone up, so I was thinking maybe such effects would cost 4 now or something.

Also, I exist in a perpetual point of confusion.
Did Charms go up? No, no increase in printed costs for extensions and upgrades.
Did Charms go up? No, no increase in printed costs for extensions and upgrades.
Yeah, in the character thread the cost for a charm is 12, or 10 if it is caste/favored. In the books it is 10, or 8 if it is caste/favored.

Edit: So charms and spells/evocations cost the same under this system, whereas book system have a slight discount towards charms.
Ah, a port of Exalted to another system? Okay, let's see.

We have:

Elemental Bolt Attack
Cost: 4m (+1a); Mins: Lore 3, Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Dual
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Concentration Trance
The Dragon-Blood channels elemental Essence into a
deadly blast. Air manifests as crackling lightning; Earth as
flying stones; Wood as poisoned thorns; and so on. This is
a withering or decisive attack with (Dexterity + [Archery
or Thrown]) against an enemy within short range, which
can be enhanced with Charms of the appropriate combat
Ability. The Exalt may spend a level of anima to extend
this to medium range.
This Charm’s elemental aspect is the same as the Exalt’s,
and it gains additional benefits based on its element.
Air: The elemental bolt deals lethal damage and ignores
(higher of Essence or 3) soak or (Essence) hardness from
metal armor, including the five magical materials.
Earth: The elemental bolt deals bashing damage and has
the Smashing tag (Exalted, p. 586).
Fire: The elemental bolt deals lethal damage. Decisive
attacks double 10s on damage.
Water: The elemental bolt deals bashing damage and has
the Flexible and Disarming tags (Exalted, p. 586).
Wood: The elemental bolt deals lethal damage. Decisive
attacks carry a poison with Damage 1i/round (B in Crash),
Duration (Essence + 5), and penalty −1.
The Dragon-Blood may purchase additional elemental
variants of this Charm for three experience points each.
Mantle of Elemental Power
Cost: 3m, 1a, 1wp; Mins: Lore 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack
The Dragon-Blood channels her anima into a puissant
manifestation of her Aspect’s element. An Air Aspect
might surround herself with a nimbus of crackling
lightning; a Wood Aspect could conjure a swirling
vortex of cherry blossom petals; countless fragments
of stone might orbit an Earth Aspect. This Charm’s ele-
mental aspect is the same as the Exalt’s. Drawing from
this manifestation enhances her Elemental Bolt Attack
when she uses it with her Aspect’s element:
• Its cost is reduced by three motes.
• When a Simple or Reflexive Charm lets her make an
Archery or Thrown attack, she can reflexively use
Elemental Bolt Attack to make it.
• She can use Elemental Bolt Attack reflexively to
defend against an attack with a display of elemen-
tal power, applying a Parry rating of ([Dexterity
+ Ability]/2, rounded up, + 1). Either Archery or
Thrown may be used.
• In her Aspect’s Aura, she waives the anima cost to
extend the range of her elemental bolts.
Elemental Burst Technique
Cost: —; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Aura, Decisive-only
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Bolt Attack
When the Dragon-Blood uses Elemental Bolt Attack
to make a decisive attack with the same aspect as her
current Aura state, she may apply the attack against
all characters, friend or foe, within close range of her
initial target. She divides her Initiative evenly among
all hit characters, rounding down, to determine the
damage rolled against them, ignoring Hardness.
Additionally, the attack gains a benefit based on its
Air: Lightning arcs from foe to foe. Metal weapons, in-
cluding those made of the five magical materials, can’t be
used to parry the attack. For each enemy hit by the attack,
the Dragon-Blood adds one bonus die to the base damage
rolled against each of them, maximum +(Essence).
Earth: The Dragon-Blood adds (Strength/2, rounded
up) to the base damage rolled against each hit charac-
ter, and waives the Initiative cost and Defense penalty
for making a smash attack.
Fire: As long as the elemental blast deals 3+ total levels
of damage, the targeted area catches fire as long as it
contains flammable materials, becoming an environ-
mental hazard with difficulty 4, Damage (Essence
− 1)L/round. The hazard burns for at least (Essence)
rounds unless extinguished.
Water: Enemies with an Initiative lower than the
Dragon-Blood’s when she makes the attack are dis-
armed (Exalted, p. 200) if they take any damage.
Wood: The elemental bolt’s poison is upgraded to
Damage 1L, Duration (Essence + 5), penalty −3.
Elemental Burst Technique can only be used once
per scene, unless reset by dealing enough withering
damage to a nontrivial opponent with Elemental Bolt
Attack to reduce his Initiative from a rating higher
than the Dragon-Blood’s to a lower rating.
Dragon Vortex Attack
Cost: 20m, 2wp, expend Aura; Mins: Lore 5, Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Aura, Perilous
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Elemental Burst Technique, The
Wind Turns
At the apex of the Dragon-Blood’s understanding,
she draws forth the power of her draconic ancestors,
shaking Creation to its foundations as she unleashes
the primal wrath of the elements. To use this Charm,
she must have Initiative 15+. A tremendous burst of
elemental Essence radiates outward from her, a one-
time environmental hazard that extends to close range,
plus an additional range band for every ten Initiative
she has. The aspect of this Charm and the hazard’s
nature depend on which Elemental Aura she expends.
Allies and enemies alike are caught in the hazard, but
it won’t harm the Dragon-Blood’s Sworn Kin. If she
knows Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings (p. 282), she
may likewise spare allied characters.
The hazard has difficulty (the Dragon-Blood’s
Intelligence), but doesn’t have a standard damage.
Instead, the Dragon-Blood divides her Initiative even-
ly, rounding up, among all characters who failed their
rolls to determine how much lethal damage is rolled
against each. Battle groups and trivial opponents
instead suffer (her full Initiative) damage, without
counting against the total she divides. As long as at
least one enemy fails his roll, this resets the Dragon-
Blood to base Initiative.
The hazard carries additional effects based on its
Air: Roiling storm clouds darken the sky, unleashing
countless bolts of lightning and raining down hail. Any
character wearing metal armor, including armor made
from the magical materials, applies its mobility penalty
on his roll to resist the hazard. The damage roll bene-
fits from double 9s.
Earth: The earth rumbles in a mighty earthquake,
scattering stone debris skyward to strike flying foes.
A character that takes 3+ levels of damage falls into
a chasm and lands prone, suffering damage as per
a short-range fall (Exalted, p. 232). Climbing out of
the chasm counts as moving through difficult terrain
(Exalted, p. 199).
Fire: A pyroclasm sweeps across the battlefield, ignit-
ing anything flammable. As long as there’s fuel, even
after the vortex fades, it leaves behind a hazard with
difficulty 5, Damage 4L/round within its range, which
burns for at least (Intelligence) hours. These flames
won’t burn the Dragon-Blood or any allies spared from
the vortex.
Water: A standing wave towers above the Dragon-
Blood before collapsing outward in all directions
with tsunami force. For every three levels of damage
a character suffers from the hazard, rounded up, he’s
knocked back one range band from the Dragon-Blood
to fall prone, and suffers an additional three dice of
bashing damage, ignoring Hardness.
Wood: Fast-growing briar patches and massive thorny
vines spread rapidly across the battlefield, while
bright-colored flowers bloom with poisonous pollen.
Characters who fail their roll must roll (Stamina +
Resistance) against a poison with Damage 3i/round,
Duration (Essence + Intelligence) rounds, and a −3
penalty. Additionally, the area of the hazard becomes
difficult terrain until the plant growth has been cleared
entirely. The Dragon-Blood and any allies spared from
the vortex are unimpeded by this terrain, the plants
parting to clear their path.
If any of the Dragon-Blood’s Sworn Kin are within the
vortex’s initial range and in Elemental Aura, they may
expend it to add that element’s effect to the hazard.
The expended Aura must be of an element that hasn’t
already been expended; each participating Dragon-
Blood must contribute a unique element to the vortex.
Crashed Hearthmates can’t contribute their Aura. Each
Hearthmate who expends his Aura adds +1 to the hazard’s
Difficulty and adds his Initiative to the primary Dragon-
Blood’s total to determine both the range and damage of
the hazard, resetting him to base Initiative.
This Charm can only be used once per story, unless reset
by accomplishing a legendary social goal (Exalted, p. 134).

Any of which could be flavoured as roaring. We can also make custom extension Charms if there's a specific effect you want.
I'm not entirely sure. I found it early on when I was trying to Google more information about Dragon Blooded.

Maybe, I'll think on it. I just figured it would be cool for Sayuri to have when she's really mad lol.
The Sidereal can reroll <Essence> 1s on disguise rolls.
Okay, for 3m attunement that's strong but fine.
The Sidereal can instantaneously disguise themselves in a way that fits their current resplendent destiny, and does not suffer penalties for lack of equipment to this disguise roll.
That's almost Flashing Ruse Prana right there, an E3 Solar Charm with a WP cost, but it is RD specific. You want that as a free rider on your 3m commitment? This seems evocation worthy.
The Sidereal can have one more Resplendent Destiny than normal, as long as it is created using the Mask constellation.
Totally fine.
Prerequeste: Masque of the Uncanny
When using the prerequestite charm, the sidereal can disguise themselves as any spirit, not just enemies of fate, and may without cost create a Resplendent Destiny fitting this disguise that does not count towards the normal cap. She may only have one additional resplendent destiny this way.
Further more, the Sidereal gains a number of merit dots equal to half of their Resplendent Weaving merit (minimum one) tied to this resplendent destiny. Such merits to do not materialize instantly, a demon-worshipping cult does not spring up over night because of this charm, but will come to bear shortly as the groundwork have been prepared by destiny.
At Essence 3, the sidereal gains the bonuses associated with repurchasing this charm's prerequisite as long as she stays attune to the Ever-veiled Devil Masque.
This is fine except the free repurchase rider. If you repurchase the base, it naturally applies to this charm, but you don't get a free repurchase of the base just for being attuned.
Cost: 3m; Mins: Larceny 5, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: None
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Whenever the sidereal crafts a Resplendent Destiny, they may choose <Essence> specialties which to gain whenever they wear that destiny. Any roll benefitting from such a specialty have -1 target number, and for every 10 on such a roll they gain 1 mote. This can't exceed the number of motes spent enhancing the roll.
This is puzzling. It's Scene long, has a mote cost, but has a permanent effect? A permanent Excellency discount for Essence Abilities in any RD for 3m in one scene? And unlimited mote regeneration? Forever? This needs a rework. Gaining specialties for RDs is totally fine and cool, but try to focus the Charm and consider its time scope.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Larceny 3, Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Psyche
Duration: Scene
Prerequisite Charms: None
Dressing in their observers' mind's eye, the sidereal appears as whomever is most appropriate.
The Sidereal makes a Wits+Larceny disguise roll as an instant action. For the rest of the scene, anyone who's Resolve was beat by the Sidereal's roll will perceieve the Chosen as whomever they most expect to see in whatever context they are in. A husband and a father who enters into his private chambers could see the sidereal as either his wife or his son, whomever he would be least surprised to find in that environment as chosen by the storyteller. Different people can perceive the Sidereal differently at the same time, putting the sidereal in a precarious situation of juggling multiple identities against multiple people.
The Sidereal does not automatically know who they are perceived as , but a successful Read Intentions will tell them how they are perceived by that target.
Okay, Sidereal Dreams and Expectations Stance. D&ES comes with a WP cost, so you'll probably need one too, though D&ES does last all day and come with other bonuses, and costs 10m. Resolve instead of the standard opposed perception is an interesting twist. That seems to open the possibility they could leverage Intimacies to oppose the Psyche effect. Automatically learning who you are from a basic RI seems a bit much. The bar has to be higher, I think. Reading their horoscope, maybe. I'm open to suggestions. A RI will always give you clues, but it won't straight up tell you.
Made some quick changes. Increased attunement, I was basing it off the mask from heirs but this one's base powers are better, so bumped it up to 5 and toned down the benefits to disguising oneself in accordance with a RD.

Dropped the free repurchase from Masque-buff.

This is puzzling. It's Scene long, has a mote cost, but has a permanent effect? A permanent Excellency discount for Essence Abilities in any RD for 3m in one scene? And unlimited mote regeneration? Forever? This needs a rework. Gaining specialties for RDs is totally fine and cool, but try to focus the Charm and consider its time scope.
It's puzzling because it's an unholy amalgamation of a few ideas and copy-paste stuff! I stripped it down so it's specialties + mote regain a la Heroic Essence Replenishment (p 292 of manuscript).

Okay, Sidereal Dreams and Expectations Stance. D&ES comes with a WP cost, so you'll probably need one too, though D&ES does last all day and come with other bonuses, and costs 10m. Resolve instead of the standard opposed perception is an interesting twist. That seems to open the possibility they could leverage Intimacies to oppose the Psyche effect. Automatically learning who you are from a basic RI seems a bit much. The bar has to be higher, I think. Reading their horoscope, maybe. I'm open to suggestions. A RI will always give you clues, but it won't straight up tell you.
Where can I find Dreams and Expectations stance? Would be neat to read to know how a similar effect works. Haven't changed this one much yet, because I need to go sleep. But yeah, totally should be some sort of intimacy thing to see through it since it's a psyche effect.
Mentor is a tricky Merit. It's a pretty disappointing Merit if you can't easily contact your Mentor! It doesn't do much at all. I much prefer Mentors be too easy to reach than not reachable (boring), so even if you don't have a way to contact them yourself, in my games a Mentor will always give you a way to contact them and receive a response in a timely manner. Better yet, sometimes they'll physically show up in a timely manner if they're sufficiently powerful. That's more likely with more dots in the Merit.

And if your Mentor is a Sidereal, it's not implausible for him to show up wherever you are...
And if your Mentor is a Sidereal, it's not implausible for him to show up wherever you are...
Gene Parmesan GIF

I need to name my mentor something like Gene Parmesan. Jean Cheddar?

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