[OOC Thread] The Whispering Meadow [The Lawgivers]

I know, i know. Well i said probably. If what comes out calls for a different course of action i'll do that. I just figured that it would be wise to do so at the beginning, to enjoy the full benefits (which are considerable: +5 to natural Bashing and Lethal soak, + double extra successes on attack rolls, + activation of Fists of Iron not counting as a charm).
Meh, I prefer Mantis style myself, much more stylish, less brutally efficient but sill a high potential for ass kicking. :wink:
I'll update in a few hours, or perhaps sooner. I just got approved for pretty much all the IT projects I wanted to get done so posting during working hours is going to be rough for a good while.

Especially combat. :(
Hmmm... it seems you made a mistake with the Ticks.

The highest number of suxx on the JB roll becomes the T0 and the other are placed according to the difference of their suxx on the JB roll.

EX: duel between Blossom and Mahir: Blossom rolled 6 suxx, Mahir 2

It should go like this:

T0: Blossom (6 being the highest suxx count)

T4: Mahir (6 - 2 = 4)
cyl said:
Hmmm... it seems you made a mistake with the Ticks.
The highest number of suxx on the JB roll becomes the T0 and the other are placed according to the difference of their suxx on the JB roll.

EX: duel between Blossom and Mahir: Blossom rolled 6 suxx, Mahir 2

It should go like this:

T0: Blossom (6 being the highest suxx count)

T4: Mahir (6 - 2 = 4)
Sorry, I rolled... I should have mentioned that.... and yeah I know they were supposed to be on Tick 0, I was organizing and forgot to move them. I'll fix it.

EDIT: I guess we never set boundaries on who rolls, but I usually tend to do so. Makes it easier for me anyway... up to you guys if you would like to just roll yourselves.
Well since it's one roll and we can use charms / stunts, I think it would be preferable to leave the JB roll up to us.

A good technique is to let the players describe and roll their dice, and letting the ST deal with the rest (stunt dice, resolution of raw vs soak and roll damage), it goes faster like this.

It is pretty close to what you've done so far, so... good job. :wink:
cyl said:
Well since it's one roll and we can use charms / stunts, I think it would be preferable to leave the JB roll up to us.
A good technique is to let the players describe and roll their dice, and letting the ST deal with the rest (stunt dice, resolution of raw vs soak and roll damage), it goes faster like this.

It is pretty close to what you've done so far, so... good job. :wink:
Hmmm, that does sound easier. Ok lets do that from now on. Players make base rolls and I will deal with stunts and stuff. But, until then lets continue with what we got. Feel free to post, even though it is not yet your turn.
Bleh, I would rather have the ST roll... but whatever. I am not that familiar with Exalted mechanics, so I will bow to Cyl's experience.
Well, that's the good thing about being in a forum, you always learn ways to improve your ST skills from other people :wink:

Mine came from the various STs I had, and as I said, Bardlebee has quite the good reflexes. :D
I go from "Are you sure you know the mechanics well enough to run?" to "Barely scraping by" in an instant!

TherealBrickwall said:
I'm back! And...
Umm...nothing happened?

Huzzah! I feel slightly less guilty about not checking this site for a week!
Heh, its cool I should be updating today on both games. This week has been hectic at work, late hours and such.

Go ahead and make your move though before hand if you have time.
Okay. I'm so lost now. But now! NOW, I have much more time to check things. Sickness gone, and the threat to be kicked out of my house now gone (2 months... of the threat... and now we're told the my state cannot take our place of living.) Let's see if I'm not been dropped. ><
*hugs Mylli*

Let's see if I can fix the 'lost' part for you with a summary! Last I remember, you were with us when we encountered Bandito the Excessively Strange and Colorful.

The Second Breath

-The group enters Paragon. They see a man in terrible pain beg a brightly-dressed noble to forgive him, he had only stolen a loaf of bread. The noble does so, and both continue on their way as if this is normal.

-Arrival at Tepo's cousin Mani's house, a large and drab structure on the outside, yet luxurious on the inside. Mani (an attractive woman) welcomes the six inside, obviously pleased to see her cousin. Tepo tells the tragic tale of Makerson.

-Mani is shocked by their story. She offers the use of her basement as a hiding place, showing the travelers that it is not only soundproofed but just as luxurious as the rest of the house. After some hemming and hawwing, the group decides to at least take a rest there before deciding what to do next.

-Someone's at the door! Mani goes to answer it while everyone else pulls the basement door closed and tries to hide. Everyone but Tepo starts to hear a deep voice whispering to them, although they can't make out what it's saying.

-The basement door opens! Oh no, it's Zaria, butcher of Makerson! He swaggers down the stairs, putting his sword to Mani's neck and declaring that he will kill her for being a traitor. Time seems to slow...

(Dammit, how do you link to a specific post here? Scroll down to where it says "The Second Breath". OMG Exaltation!)

-Chaos ensues. The house starts falling apart under the force of five Solars Exalting at once. Red Blossom draws her bow with supernatural speed (Flashing Vengeance Draw) and threatens to kill Zaria if he doesn't let Mani go. Not being a complete idiot, he does. Takeno declares the return of the Solars to Creation, the rightful overlords of the Dragon-Blooded.

-Tepo and Mani are shocked and terrified. Tepo attempts to place himself between the Anathema and his cousin, but she gets ready to fight unarmed and defend herself. Go Mani! Tepo shouts at the Circle, angry that the good people he know have turned into demons.

-Mahir turns his attention to Zaria and convinces him to tell them who sent him to Makerson. (Social charms FTW!) His commander is Denovah Avaku.

-A mysterious woman appears at the top of the stairs, 'inviting' the Circle to speak with the Paragon.

-Mahir tries to convince Tepo that they're still the good people he knew. The Dynast falters for a moment, but his conviction is still strong. (Social charms can only do so much when you're newly Exalted.)

-Takeno gives Tepo and Mani a speech... umm... not sure if I can paraphrase it well. He lays his sword at Mani's feet and kisses the hem of her dress. She is flattered and rather confused.

-Arrival at the Perfect's palace. He is very flattering and courteous, but makes it clear that he can make life very unpleasant for them if they don't do what he says. The subject of Exaltation comes up. It's obvious that the Perfect thinks he should be a Solar too, and is rather pissed that he isn't. The Perfect wants the Circle to travel to Dari of the Mists and hunt for an Orb of great power. Takeno is in his element during this conversation. Schmoozer extraordinaire!

-The group asks for time to confer and a place to rest. The Perfect is happy to provide this. Only the best and most luxurious suites for Solars!

-Much discussion and argument ensue. (Seriously, there's pages of this.) Takeno reveals that his previous incarnation owned the Scepter and Orb, and he'd rather like to have them back.

-In the end, the circle decides to go to Dari of the Mists. Whether they decide to come back is another matter...

-Fortunately, the Perfect doesn't make them swear an oath to that effect. Probably too used to running a city where everyone has to obey him.

-As they leave the palace, the group encounters a slave in terrible pain, begging his noble master to forgive him. He's enjoying this.

-Mahir walks up and grabs the noble by the collar, telling him to forgive the slave or Mahir will be angry. You won't like me when I'm angry... Red Blossom backs him up. Takeno tries to smooth the situation out, to no avail.

-A crowd gathers. Takeno offers to pay for the bread that the slave took, but the noble slaps the coin out of his hands.

-Red Blossom draws her bow on the man in a flash. (Flashing Vengeance Draw again!)

-Guards! Guards!

-Takeno makes a truly epic speech to the gathered citizens and guards. This is stuntworthy material.

-Mahir takes advantage of the distraction to threaten the offending noble again. We'll be back!

-Takeno buys the slave, along with his family, and grants them their freedom.

-Off to Dari of the Mists!

Dari of the Mists

-Takeno has a vision of the city in all its glory as they approach. The city is well named, there are strange, cool mists that hang around.

-Ooh, look, an intact building right near the entrance! There are a couple guards, but they don't bother the Circle once they learn that the Perfect sent them.

-It's dark inside. There's a temptingly glowy golden bar near the entrance... Amethyst asks the guard at the door for torches and gets them.

-The place has obviously been ransacked. It's one huge room strewn with rubble. There are frescoes on the room, damaged by time and looters. The circle can barely see them with the feeble torchlight.

-That thing by the door has got to be a light of some kind. After all, the ancients had awesome fancy lights, right? Mahir pushes the button.

-The device takes a teeny bit of Essence and the room lights up! Woot! It's not all that bright, but better than the torches. Little cogs and bits of machinery start rolling around, all heading in one direction.

-Takeno has another vision.

-The group investigates the frescoes. They start with a picture of a woman and man holding the Scepter and Orb, respectively, ruling over a city of happy people and the sun overhead. They end with the woman and man ruling over a city of people in pain, no sun overhead, and the man looking ashamed.

-Verbal equivalent of a group hug for poor Takeno.

-A huge automaton rises from the corner where the bits of machinery were going! Dammit, Mahir, why did you have to push the button?! It says something in Old Realm. Mahir knows the language; it's asking for authorization to be there. He translates. Red Blossom suggests that Takeno show it who he is; Mahir suggests that he do so by flaring his anima.

-Takeno does so. Success! The automaton backs down! The anima flare makes the room's lights turn on all the way, temperature control kicks in, and several doors open. One is stuck.

-Amethyst hears something ominous coming from the room behind one of the open doors. Prepare for battle!

-OMG zombies! Zombies with helmets and shields bearing the symbol of the Unconquered Sun!


Whew, that was long. Not as long as reading the threads, though. :P

The same box in the sourcebook that has rules for running mortal characters has the rules for converting heroic mortals into Solars. Hope to see Amaterasu the Solar soon!
Woo, we're back on the road!

Since Mahir goes after the zombies, I'll wait until Bardlebee posts the zombies' actions to post my turn. Besides, there may not be any left by then. :P
I'll make a map for you guys later tonight with the two cylinders on it, and the rooms opened up. Till then post your actions and I will tell you what magicks you find!!

Your going to like it. :)
OOoh so much fun I missed. Thanks Tourmaline for the rundown. Things permitting I might be able to silently and stealthily add myself to the current scene... maybe. xD
So yeah I have been sick since Monday. Worst I have ever been. Feel much better now and I should update later today.
Good good. It seems that i'm about to enter a highly demanding period as well (trying to focus and start writing my thesis, work on a couple of cases that i've been assigned to etc), so i'm just letting you people know that my activity will be lessened, according to the pressure from all other factors.

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