[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Tikor said:
I'll have to make sure that's on everybody's sheets.
Your Primary Virtue must be higher than 3, is the most central virtue (often the highest) to your character, is determined at character creation, is the Virtue of your Limit Break and is the only Virtue you can gain Limit from resisting. I've edited the character sheet tweaks thread for you all to add these. Those of you who have written down your Virtue Flaw have already implicitly picked a Primary Virtue, I'd just like you to edit your own sheet so that you know which one it is and so you look at the other issues in the char sheet tweaks thread.

I went ahead and changed Isomaru's so you can look to his sheet for an example.

On a related note I had hoped we could clear up all the char sheet issues by now. Please have a look.
Also, Rillard, on the phone I mentioned something about Temptation-Resisting Stance possible being modded to help MPDV as well. Now that I look at it again it should only affect MDDV since it is an Integrity Charm and that's what Integrity does. I am now opposed to that mod (i.e. I think the Charm should be run as written).
Thanatos: Re: your thread.

I'm blind. Forgive me. I'll just be deleting those posts.
I'm holding my action for the DB....or does a tick all happen at once?Is this the point where we all start talking and no one is listening?
kaliket said:
I'm holding my action for the DB....or does a tick all happen at once?Is this the point where we all start talking and no one is listening?
Everything happens simultaneously in a tick. If two (or more) people agree to who posts first on the same tick, then we work that way. If two (or more) people disagree each rolls 1 die, highest die posts first, ties just get a second roll-off.

That's the general conflict rules. In long tick situations (War, Social Combat, Mass Social Combat) ticks are a full minute. That means many things can have an order determined by fluff that mechanically all happen 'at the same time'. It's more like things happen more quickly when people all act on one tick, like we went from Shakespere-esque monolouges to something like Grey's Anatamy dialouge.

Everyone is listening, there is no floor (though I've read an interesting complete revision of Social Combat that uses such a concept). Everything resolves as normal. Action penalties don't come into play until the next tick.

The only tricky thing that might pop up is the Charm slot. If you use a Charm in your attack, then someone goes 'after' you in the same tick your Charm slot is taken by your activation earlier that tick. Similarly if you use a defensive Charm on someone's attack on you you cannot later that same tick use a different charm (say, for your attack). The Charm slot is taken from the moment you declare your Charm until the next time your DV refreshes. Charms are sensitive to the steps of combat resolution as different times. This *does* mean you must activate a Combo when filling the Charm slot or be unable to activate it until your Charm slot is released. For the intent and purpose of the Charm slot Combos are a mechanism that allow multiple Charms to fit in one slot as a bundle (the Combo).

The Charm slot restriction is one of the mechanisms by which Celestials are limited in their power compared to Terrestrials and Spirits, and one of the reasons Celestial reflexive Charms are usually so much cooler than Terrestrial and Spirit ones. This is also what makes Combos worth the exp expenditure and the WP expenditure.
Tikor said:
kaliket said:
I'm holding my action for the DB....or does a tick all happen at once?Is this the point where we all start talking and no one is listening?
If two (or more) people agree to who posts first on the same tick, then we work that way.
To more specifically answer your question I'm perfectly OK with Innaru going first. We do have to have Noisy Cricket's agreement on this as well as which of you wants to go with respect to the other, though. (And possibly Rillard if he holds his aim that long).
Tikor said:
Tikor said:
kaliket said:
I'm holding my action for the DB....or does a tick all happen at once?Is this the point where we all start talking and no one is listening?
If two (or more) people agree to who posts first on the same tick, then we work that way.
To more specifically answer your question I'm perfectly OK with Innaru going first. We do have to have Noisy Cricket's agreement on this as well as which of you wants to go with respect to the other, though. (And possibly Rillard if he holds his aim that long).
I'm fine with Innaru going first. I really don't think Noisy Cricket is going to add anything huge to this conversation, and I haven't even determined if he is going to speak yet. He is honestly not too concerned about all of this, except he is building an intimacy toward the goth chick (Iza), and of course is compassionate, so he really doesn't want to see war here.
Regarding defense actions: When you declare your defense in step 2, please calculate the DV you have listing all modifiers you know of and your base. I'll add whatever other modifiers go into this explicitly in step 5. That way it'll be harder for the cruch to forget modifiers that are character-specific. Also please list any planned use of the 3rd excellency (though I don't think that's relevant atm).

Regarding attack actions: Same goes for damage/any planned use of the 3rd excellency (though I don't think that's relevant atm).

This springs out of me forgetting Thantos' attack bonus from his bracers as well as me getting dizzy over these MDDV calculations. I don't want to short you guys or forget about interesting tactical crunchy goodness.
Regarding the Elemental notices in Dragon-blooded society (Paragon of Earth): in cannon they usually refer to the Usurpation era Dragon-blood than the element (i.e. Paragon of Paisap) but I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with mapping the names to elements, so I used the elements.

If you'd like me to use the names, just say so here in OOC.
Tikor said:
Regarding the Elemental notices in Dragon-blooded society (Paragon of Earth): in cannon they usually refer to the Usurpation era Dragon-blood than the element (i.e. Paragon of Paisap) but I'm not sure how familiar you guys are with mapping the names to elements, so I used the elements.
If you'd like me to use the names, just say so here in OOC.
I prefer the titles, and I can post mappings here or elsewhere if we need them.
Also, Rillard, just so I don't forget, your Study action gets a 2 die stunt (for incorporating neat thoughts/obersvations and being in character)

Since there is only 1 roll per Study/Attack pair only one stunt may be earned. Feel free to stunt the attack as well. If the attack stunt is a 3 die stunt it will replace the current 2 die stunt, but if it is another 2 die stunt, 1 die stunt or unstunted there will be no additional mechanical effect.

But I know you'll go for flavor ;) .
Mechanical difference in burning virtue vs. successfully defending with MDV?

...as far as how my character feels and/or reacts?
Kalarix said:
Mechanical difference in burning virtue vs. successfully defending with MDV?
...as far as how my character feels and/or reacts?
Mechanically, there is no difference. You resist the compulsion/emotion/investigation attack.

Fluff-wise, there is a difference. The difference between an attack that exceedes your MDV and one that doesn't is this:

Doesn't beat MDV: You are not conviced.

Does beat MDV, but resist with a Virtue channel: You are convinced, but you draw on your inner resources to resist.

So you may *want* to go dancing and drinking, but your draw on your Temperence to resist your own desires.

You may *want* to flee from battle, but you draw on your Valor to stick it out.

You may *want* to torture this captive to get information, but your Compassion helps you hold back

You may *want* to save that peasant's life, but you draw on your Conviction to see the greater cause his sacrifice is for.
Tikor said:
Mechanically, there is no difference.
I lie. If it's the first time you resist unnatural mental influence that scene, you gain 1 Limit. So it's different then.

But let me re-emphasize:

Only when it's unnatural mental influence (which you'll be able to tell because Step 1 has a Charm in it)

Only the first time that scene.
Why would the Westerners be keen to the Lintha bashing plan and the Immaculate monk resistant to it, you ask? Two reasons:

1) Religious differences

Petrin, the guards and the servants are, like most Westerners, adherents to the Hundred Gods Heresy. Views of the Exalted within the Hundred Gods Heresy vary wildly (dictated by the specific god or gods worshiped), putting them in a neutral stance towards Solars on the whole.

The Immaculate Philosophy is specifically constructed to prevent the return of the Solars via killing them. They consider all non-DB Exalted Anathema, Demonic body-possessors whose only cure is death. Some higher up know the Sidereals for what they are, but most don't.

2) Differing views of the Lintha

To Westerners the Lintha are a constant force of chaos, destruction and poverty. The Lintha have no farmland of their own and no desire to own any. They pillage everything (everything) they need to survive off of anyone weak enough to take from. This is mostly Westerners. They bankrupt businesses, kill loved ones and generally terrorize the West. They are evil incarnate and all Westerns wish for the day they are militarily strong enough to fight them off instead of quietly submitting to constant robbery.

To the Realm the Lintha are a minor nuisance for the Fleet of Water to sharpen their teeth against and just one more reason little of value comes out of the West.
Why does the NPC resist my awesome social attacks you ask?

Just like any character, PC or NPC, the mechanical option of resisting is always open so long as the resources are there.

However, to better help the ST see from the character's point of view a good rule of thumb is to only expend Virtue Channels when the incoming social attack goes against a current goal or an Intimacy, Virtue or Motivation of the NPC. This makes Social Combat winnable before everyone runs out of resources, which as you can see can take a long time.

Reading Motivation (with Socialize/Investigation) on page 131 is pretty sparce. You can learn Intimacies with it and (little 'm') motivation and truthfulness, but no path is given to find out Virtues or big 'M' Motivation. I think these things (Virtue, Motivation) need to have a path to be revealed, so I'm open to suggestions, but am not investing the time in it right now. Must go look at 1e's suggestions, for they are generally worth considering.

I'd also like to set up a Ventrillo meeting soon to push through some flurried posts. How do Wednesday (4/15) or Thursday (4/16) sound around 8pm EST?

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