OOC Thread [The Darkening]

Makes perfect sense. The ships are founded on Magic, but there are plenty of mechanical components that make an engineer handy to have around.
Alright then captain, glad to be aboard. Will give an actual character history once I think of one.
I have got some questions

House Djuke
Highest of the Infernal Houses, the Djukanim are a hateful lot. They do as they please, each member willful and arrogant, convinced of their own superiority. The only term to describe elder Djukanim is... draconic.

Does it mean that we have free bar in this three attributs ?




Same question for skills

Intimidate, Leadership, Governance, Persuasion, Melee, Defend
Ah, sorry, I forgot to re-detail that.

When it comes to Attributes, it means they MUST select those Attributes as Major - but it means buying them up is cheaper. Those skills are their favoured, and at half-XP costs.
Brekkir said:
Can a Conduit affect a ship? :twisted:
They can, with difficulty. Powerful Magic goes into creating and fueling a ship.

Oh, and to Conduits continuing surprise (sometimes horror) devices that use Powerstones or World Seeds cannot be nullified.
It just means that no Conduit has tried hard enough :mrgreen:

Sometimes, the application of enough raw directed energy is the path to effective nullification 8)
Grey - I'm going to need another week to write up my character if that's okay. RL is breathing down my neck, and I'd like to give my character the time he/she deserves.
cletius said:
Grey - I'm going to need another week to write up my character if that's okay. RL is breathing down my neck, and I'd like to give my character the time he/she deserves.
No problem. Some of the mechanics still need hammering out and other people need time, too, so I wasn't going to start too soon anyway.
Ok, question I wish to ask, which classes can the infernal characters choose from ? Since quite a few a restricted to race X or Y, it's hard to keep track of.
Infernal Scions can only really become Captains or Monks - the latter being rare, with some exceptions from House Lezek.

Fortunately your Demonic powers will, in time, outstrip whatever Class you take.

Which are a point I haven't gotten to yet. Don't worry, I'm posting them in about an hour, after dinner.
Aaaaaahhhhhhh. No wonder I was confused.

In that case, expect around the evening my character. I'm thinking of a House Lezek second in command (Dreanyth suggested that part so I can) to the ship.
Makes sense. You needn't bother taking a template, in that case. A standard Lezekim, potentially with slightly more developed Demonic powers, would fit nicely.

Sorry for not posting the powers last night, by the way, got distracted by trying to complete Dragon Quarter. Again. Sometimes I'm not sure if I love that game, or hate it.

I'll post them when I wake up at nightfall.
I'm thinking of an Inquistor - either a heartless bastard or my favourite "no-stick-up-ass" paladin archetype, depending on which meshes with the party better. How are Inquistors usually chosen?
Anyone can apply to the ranks of the Inquisition. They tend to take people young - orphans, or those volunteered by a family. It's often seen as a gesture of good faith for a Magus to send their non-magical children to serve the Inquisition. Phayder are, after careful assessment, taken, but watched carefully.

It takes years of training, sometimes a lot of paper pushing, and several close encounters with death before one is entrusted with the authority and weapons of an Inquisitor. It no longer carries any real religious affiliation.

Your no-stick paladin may be the best option, here.
Goody - he'll be up by the end of the week. Hm, I'm going to work on a film noir-esque detective. "Supernatural police force" sounds too good to pass up. Does the setting have guns or other small projectile weapons?
Oh, guns. My magical weapons of localized destruction; let me show you them.


- Firespitter: A small, compact hangun capable of firing small magical fireballs.

- Flareshot: Using a magical explosion as the catalyst, this pistol-sized weapon works like a conventional firearm.


- Toothspitter: A small, worryingly organic handgun, a little bulky, that uses powerful peristaltic action to fire teeth. Other ammunition variants exist (nicknamed 'gasmguns in some circles).

- Acidcaster: A toothspitter variant designed to fire soft-membrane capsules filled with powerful acid.

(I'm serious about that 'gasmgun thing. If you get a poorly made gunbeast and somehow 'overexcite' it, they can fire at the worst times...)


- Chillwave pistol: Fires the ghosts of small animals. Has the advantage of armour penetration.


- Shardgun: Fires sharp icicles for ammunition. Magically produced in the weapon.


- Beampistol: It's a laser pistol. Ammunition is absurdly expensive.

The Engineer's Guild can provide wheel-lock pistols. Probably what you're more likely to have.

The setting also has larger variants of these weapons - like the Shockrifle and Soulcannon.
Meh, had I known that I'd have put more bars in Ranged :twisted:

A tentative date for the game's start?
Possibly the 23rd?

And I won't object to you reallocating a bit.

Hm, and I must remember to post a download link for the rulebook when I sober up.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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