[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

The Neverborn have blessed us many times today ! :mrgreen:

Nope, but you're going to try to raze Nexus pretty soon if you stick around. :roll:
cyl said:
Well I never made that quite clear and you didn't either in your background but... before the Neverborn claimed your souls, you had to undergo the training and formation of a DL, most likely Walker, since now the Neverborn are urging you to continue working with him (instead of for him).
But yeah, the whole emancipation thing makes doubts rise.
Jux worked for the Dowger, initially that is who exalted her, that is in her background, she was one of the Dowgers children..

but I wasn't commenting on your IC post S.R.C., it was just a general fyi comment more than anything.. and her caste would be known as would her performance abilities, just that not as much would be know about her and the Sage as would be about the others...
cyl said:
The Neverborn have blessed us many times today ! :mrgreen:
Nope, but you're going to try to raze Nexus pretty soon if you stick around. :roll:
Can we blow up Gem for an encore? I hear it's the done thing ;)

I was reading over some of the old stuff, I forgot how much fun Ogama was...

Also, can anyone summarise for me the story so far? Last thing I remember, we'd beaten the shit out of a Solar in Great Forks and he was off to steal us a sword. There's an awful lot of stuff to read over, and I'd like to get back in to the swing of things, so if someone could give me the Reader's Digest version, I'd be eternally greatful.
Well, if you want a synopsis from Rasheel's point of view you can read my first post on the latest page of the IC thread. Be warned that it's a bit... winding. :wink:

But at the moment we're giving our individual briefings to Walker in Darkness, as well as hearing about his Master Plan.

That, and quietly thinking of killing each other if/when we can get away with it, but that's neither here nor there. :twisted:
Jukashi said:
Whoo! Someone get the name on that tombstone? I just rose from the grave and boy are my arms tired! Take my soul... please!

Ok, I'm back. Time to start making up for being missing.
Wow... So it is true.

Glad to have you back Juk. Now we can return to being partners in crime... err... anti-crime, eh?
Well well... good news, semana santa is up, no more work for me.

Be creating two new topics soon:

- 1 for the whole group to elaborate plans and develop a strategy in RP this time over the coming months

- 1 for Juk and fhg and her Greenness which will feature heavy amounts of betrayals and nasty backstabbing

Whatever questions you have, or if you feel like your character will do something more than planning reunions and training throw dem comments at me :)
Well in this case, that's what dark plans is ^^

I'll give you infos about what the Disciple has found out about the Council and Emissary pretty soon.
Coming this evening, along with the closure of the main thread and the opening of a new one aside from Dark Plans for everyone to adopt a strategy.

As said, we're going to need a nekomancer, if no one steps up, I'll provide one ^^
Ooookay so:

Dark Plans will stay open it will be your player talking to player area.

2 new Files have been opened, one is a list of infos you need to know (filling during the week), the other will be led by our sweet Ruby and her tactical advisors (if she chooses to take some), and will represent a summarized concentration of meetings / instructions / tactics / objectives and targets your characters will have chosen.

Considering there is a difference between player's talk and character's talk, I saw that option.

If everything goes as planned, Nexus shall be all yours to toy with in aproximately 2 RL weeks (time for me to type what you need to know and for you to adopt a plan). :twisted:
As you have certainly noticed, I have not posted since... February or so. That's because I'm in my final school year, which normally brings an enormous amount of content to be studied. As I have not studied in Brazil during 2008, I have to make up for all the lost time in addition to my normal school duties, which makes things even worse for me. That being, I'm afraid I'll have to drop the WiD. I've had a lot of the fun with it, but I just can't keep posting for now.

I've been contacted with a request of necrotechnical favours. That also inspired me to suggest that you leave the Artificer as a kind of support technician for the circle, who works only in the background, helping with all things necromantical and crafting undead stuff. That's only a suggestion, obviously.

Thank you for the good times and au revoir.
Meh don't worry about that, once your school thing gets done you'll have plenty of new bones to play with... :evil:

Travaille bien !
Hrm... The allotted amount of training time hasn't changed from around three weeks, has it? 'Cause I'd love about... 5 months. :lol:
You mean 3 months.

But no it's going to stay as is, unless someone accelerates / slows the plans.

I'll be bringing in the "new" cpu (pentium 4, motherboard "old as shit", Radeon x550, 1go ram ddr 166mhz) this week end. So things shall run smoother now.

Coming up this week:

- a file about the details you need to know about Nexus

- a file about the logistics you will have (you're going to love the Artificer :twisted: )

With this you should be able to design your battle plans, and Raisa and the Constable will gladly try to mess with them :mrgreen:
Cyl, is it possible for the Dark Emissary to have the Artificer craft some necrotech for him during those 3 months? unless he's too busy with other projects...
Hmmm he'll be extremely busy but if it's something rather simple it could be done by him or another person.

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