[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]

Well, Dodge IS a caste ability of Serenity... Isn't the step up from that charm the one that I can use on others as well?
Seriously though there are plenty of ways to ensure that they won't turn against you, and Social "combat" will be one of them.

There is also the "Keeping Them Occupied Technique": if they're onto something, bing, a distraction (war, assassination plot, discovery/expedition) and you earn some time off.

But this will depend on RP and your behavior with the other players.

They won't know much about exalts in general, so a fallen chosen of the starts will be okay, especially if those immaculate monks and sidereal assassins don't discriminate you from them...
There's also the fun "Avoiding The Truth Technique"

"There's Anathema here!"

"Pffft. Yeah right."
Good news, I've almost finished the Dominion part of the MoH rules...

The Organization should not take me more than a few hours to write, and then... there are Actions and Events.

Should be 100% written by the end of the week, just before I take off for France.
So, While Cyl is busy doing that, maybe we should discuss a little on the relations between our characters now that we have an idea of some of them. Afetrall, they have all been working for around five years for the lord.

From my point of view my character tends to be polite and open (if a tad bit stoic and unemotional) and should get along with anyone who isn't a psycho or backstabbing.
Once I'm done with the rules, I'll give you more precise details about anyone important / you would know in the higher circles of the King's court.
Joyous Harmony knows Blinding Golden Shine, since their meeting took place when he implanted her with her Skin-Mount Amulet. She's intrigued by the idea of creating life, but her concern is in bettering the lives of the people, through diplomacy, if possible.

Most likely she's heard of Davaan, but she's not likely to know much about him, at least not at first.
Mei and Ragara_Solar are apparently both going for gold faction siderals here. I'm beggining to get slightly scared, especialy considring the nature of the game and Ragara's choice of avatar.
Midboss said:
I'm beggining to get slightly scared, especialy considring the nature of the game and Ragara's choice of avatar.
Exactly as planned....

If we are both sidereals from the same faction, were we both sent at the same time, was one of us sent to assist the other or is it a case of either a)coincidence or b)factions within the gold faction not telling each other that they already sent an agent? The first would be the easiest, while the last results in some amusing "What? But I thought I was the agent sent by the Gold Faction to ensure things go the way we want." moments.
Can be interesting and while I don't like siddies, this one seems to have been made to serve the dominion as a spymaster. Can't really say you'll get a better deal than this one.

Though if everyone feels uncomfortable with having 2 siddies in the group, one of them would have to change concept.

Remember... this is a playtest :)
K: I think I saw somewhere in the forum an alternate chargen for lunars. But this one does just fine.
My posting may be hit and miss for a week or so. As such if the game commences, assume Shine to be toiling selflessly in his hospital manse.
Two Sidereals?! wouldn't that be too Auspicious? :mrgreen:

I'm fine with it, but have never played a Sidereal, and my only close playing with a Sidereal wasn't that good, the rest of us were close to throwing him overboard... :mrgreen:
Unless one is a Lunar who has memories of the Sidereals overthrowing the rest of the Celestial Exalted without any care, subtlety or forethought and hates them for their audacity.

Then you can't please all.

*eats the Sidereals*
Well, remember though everyone knows it, no one can prove it under the laws of heaven...

Damn I hate siddies :twisted:
Lunars aren't members of Yu-Shan and the Celestial Bureaucracy. When they want to eat a Sidereal, they will damn well do it.

It's not like I'm trying to shame the Five-Score Fellowship in the eyes of Heaven and the Incarnae. I just want to eat the Chosen of the Maidens.

Though I'm an understanding guy - I'll make do with just a finger.
Eating Sidereals results in invisible fate ninjas making your life a living hell of absurdly high target numbers. And THEN they sue you. With Daiklaives. And probably fire for no adequately explained reason.

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