[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]


Elder Member
All OOC discussions to be held here. This includes clarifications, questions, anything that doesn't logically belong in the IC thread or other threads in this board. Have at it!

Player Times in PST:

Myllinnia: 1200-2400

TheRealBrickWall: 0500-1900

Xarvh: 0100-0600

Main rules reposted here.


The setting is in the center of the far north, near a town called Jacob's Peak (ST created). Jacob's Peak has about 500 people, mostly game-hunters, ice-fishers, fur traders, members of the Imperial military who are stationed there to protect against barbarian raids, retired Imperial Army, and drug-runners. The Imperial presence consists of 100 soldiers (included in the population) who are stationed primarily in a small stone fort near to the town. They are led by a Dragon-blooded (naturally) of House Tepet, who funds and arranges most of the Imperial Army segments in the North. More can be explained on the Dragon-blooded, depending on your characters' backgrounds, such as if they stayed in Jacob's Peak, or grew up there (unlikely) and whatnot. There is an open narcotics trade in Jacob's Peak. Several men and women in the town make their living harvesting Shere, a bitter vine that grows in the frigid north. Shere can be distilled through a lengthy process into a valuable narcotic, which is then taken south to major cities to be sold. The harvesting and production of Shere and the fur trade are the major exports of Jacob's Peak, and were the 'secret' reason for the town's establishment, and the 'even more secret' reason for House Tepet's presence there. The town has a small Tavern which is also used as a sort of Town Hall, and is frequented by the locals often. The Tavern sports a set of rooms for 'husbands in the dog house', traveling traders, explorers and the like. The town also has two general stores (in eternal competition). The stores are mainly for show, as many of the town residents simply trade amongst eachother, but when that can't be found, the locals gather at the stores to haggle and barter and make some quick coin. Jacob's Peak is approximately 3 week's travel north of Whitewall. The nearest settlement is Illwinds (ST created), a slightly larger town located appriximately 6 day's travel to the southeast. The next nearest settlement is Heskadiir, which is a smaller town located approximately 10 day's travel almost directly west. The general area will be expanded upon at a later time.

Your characters have come to the starting location (which will be further described in the first post of the game) following rumors about another Solar Exalted who had been sighted nearby. The means by which you heard these rumors I will leave up to you. In fact, the how, the why and the when you arrived near the area are up to you. The starting location is the opening of a network of caverns called 'Brinstar', which in Skytongue means "Rocky Zone". If your character has limited dots in survival, consider that they may have needed a guide. I would very much like to use one of your characters as the Solar in question. If you want to request that your character be 'that guy', pm me or say so in your posts here.

Keep in mind that if you were able to hear these rumors, it is likely that others have as well....... (DOT DOT DOT)

A few notes about my intended overal 'theme'. I like seeing the darker side of Creation; a war-torn, divided world. Sin. Corruption. Drugs. Sex. Money. All the good bits about life are skinned and hung out for the flies, while the nastier parts of human desires are festering the masses. I like hopelessness, I like moral flaws, I like scars and bloodstains and wicked motivations. I like that Hell is just a place where the Demons do their best to emulate the real Torment humanity inflicts upon itself like a deranged masochist. I like that a group of relatively normal people suddenly find themselves burdened with the responsibility to fix a rotting, diseased world that, on some levels, may not deserve to be saved. I like seeing characters realistically confused, torn between their own desires, their fear of being hunted like the Anathema they have been told they are, their desperate search for answers... Creation has its bastions of 'decency', but they are few and far between. Besides, those are not the places the Exalted must do their work. Salvation is for the sinners, not the sinless, and aren't the Solars returned to bring Salvation? Who knows...

That is all for now. I can expand on this immediately if necessary.

Character Creation and Maintenance Notes:

Every player will play a Solar, no exceptions. I would prefer one of every caste, but this isn't absolutely necessary. If you have a character concept in mind that adheres to the rules I'll set forth here, but he/she is the same caste as another character, and HAS to be that caste, please go for it, have no fear.

Your characters have exalted up to 2 months ago. You can have Exalted yesterday if you like, but no one will have been exalted for more than 2 months. If you like, you may start as a heroic mortal. I'll work that out with you over PM, but I strongly recommend against it. I also strongly suggest you start already knowing each other, or at least one other character, but that is completely up to you. I only say this because it makes starting easier, and I'm sure you all know that the first few pages of posts are the most difficult and topsy-turvy.

It's considered canonical that with Exaltation comes a great deal of instant knowledge, through past memories and such. In my mind, I feel that the knowledge should not be instantaneous, and certainly not complete. I find that Solars who have recently Exalted should only have a few basic instincts, some flashbacks to times long past, and distant whispers of a many-armed, golden being. The shards were only recently released, and still have to 'wake up', growing as you gain experience. I think that each of you, as players, will enjoy roleplaying characters who do not know all, who perhaps are still trying to find out why they were Exalted, what they can do, what it all means, still trying to answer the multitude of questions that came to their minds...

I recommend you choose your 'color' with your first post in this thread, and your caste as well. It's kind of a first dibs thing. This is the color you will use to denote dialogue, and you don't have to use ""s.

When you assign charms to your character, remember to follow the charm trees and prerequisite abilities. For any Sorcerers, all Spells that you have are spells that you Exalted already knowing. You will NOT have learned spells during the last two months. All charms that you have are charms that you started with, or, if you like, developed over the last two months.

No one will start with any Artifacts of any kind, nor will you start with anything created with Orichalcum, or any of the Five Magical Materials. No Hearthstones, and no Warstriders or other such magical machinery.

Anything of lower magic, Talismans, thaumaturgical items, lower books of mortal sorcery, etc. are acceptable. As long as it makes sense for your background. If you want to ask first, please do. I'll be more than happy to discuss your character with you as you build him/her.

No one will start with a Manse or Demesne. Your character will not have any kind of direct link with either of these things. You may have seen a manse in your travels, or know the location of a demesne, but you do not own one, nor do you have ties with their 'owners'. If you want to get close to this line, PM me and we'll work it out.

You will not use the following backgrounds unless you have express permission from me: Mentor, Cult, Backing, Influence, Followers, Familiars. PM me if you want these backgrounds, I just want to talk with you about them before you use them.

No Sidereal involvement in your backstories or characters whatsoever. No Bronze Faction garbage, no Cult of the Illuminated, none. Your character has never met a Sidereal, or their servants. Ever. Just like Manses and Demesnes, if you really must get close to this line, PM me.

All Solars receive the Old Realm language and their native language for free, and do not count under the dots you receive for Linguistics. They're free. Any other languages you know, I'd like to see some reference to how you learned that language, ie you lived there, traveled through, learned from a lover, and so on.

When you want to spend experience, pm me and let me know. Remember to update your character sheet with Essence, Willpower, damage, and experience. I will have an experience thread, and other threads open for management purposes once we get our own little forum.

I ask that you place a link to your character sheet in your signature once the game gets started, for ease of editing and reviewing.

(Shameless copy of Tikon's work here)

Character Creation: as in the book with the following exceptions:

Finding a picture (or drawing one yourself!) of your character nets you 3 BP.

Writing a background for your character nets you 3BP. This is a narrator-only brief on apsects your character, giving some flesh to the bones of your character sheet. Exapnd your motivation here, explain your background dots here, explain your phobia of wood spiders here.

Writing a short fan-fic of your character nets you 3 BP. You can detail your Exaltation, how you got to [Place], being trained by/meeting your mentor/ally background, more detail on a particular point of your background writeup. Basically any scene you might read in a fantasy novel that stars your character.

This does mean you can get 21 BP to start. Spend them however you like. (End Shame)

About Me:

I love writing, and I love reading others' work. I have no limits on your verbosity. If, in your post, your character only says one line of dialogue and you spend the rest of the post reminiscing, or having an internal monologue, or having your character watch a sunset in all it's beaming glory, I say go for it!

I appreciate and reward effort on your part in roleplaying, writing, heck just about everything. Naturally, I love it when players get into the storyline, and try to get involved with the characters they meet and the environments they travel through. Never feel that your hard work is for nothing!

I am highly active and go by west coast US time (PST). I am typically on between the hours of 0800-0900, 1130-1300, 1730-2200 on weekdays. On weekends, it's 0000-2400 baby, oh yeah.

I enjoy writing scenes of what is happening elsewhere. Much of that writing is for your enjoyment, and is considered OOC knowledge. Sometimes I'll write what a former enemy or friend is doing, just to bring life to the game. I may throw in some foreshadowing. If you have a request for such a thing, I'll be more than happy to oblige. Perhaps you'd really like to know what happened to that warstrider pilot after the battle, or you think it'd be a cool moment to have a post of what your primary enemy is doing/thinking. Ask, and as long as I don't think it interrupts the flow of the game, I'll roll with it.

If you'd like to get a feel of my playing style (not my STing style, I won't be linking you that one), you can find it at the link below. It's on the Giants in the Playground Forums, and is still going on.

Blue Hour


This is the diceroller we will be using: http://feacia.com/diceRoller/index.php

Post the results as such:

Dekar Oldstone rolled the following in his 6 dice:

4, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

When you post, please write your characters' name in bold at the top of your post. It's handy, and looks nice and professional.

At the end of your post, annotate any Charms or Spells used, any Essence or Willpower expenditures and how you spent them, dice rolls, and anything else you feel you need to say, such as the intent of your actions, or even an internal monologue, although that is more appropriate in the regular post. Seperate it from the rest of your post with a set of 8 minus symbols, like so.


If you want to stunt with something in the environment that I haven't detailed, make sure it makes sense for the scene. I won't limit your creativity simply because I didn't describe every object laying on that desk, or the precise location of every tree in the surrounding area. Make sure that what you 'create' with your stunt or action is logical!

If you edit a post in such a way that it impacts the post of another, or what I have written, chances are good that you weren't supposed to edit that post. The next poster should've realized that you did something terribly wrong with your post, and sent you and I a PM. We'll handle such events as a team, deleting posts or editing them as necessary. It will be handy to make mention in the OOC thread when you make a major edit to a post that still hasn't been replied to yet, just to make sure everyone noticed.
Okay so... may I create a thread detailing allowing us to determine how and why our characters may have met before their exaltations (or not)... could greatly help bring us together and bond...

Because... I dunno, to me, looking for another solar - and a Zenith with a vengeance already spotted by the Hunt that is - isn't exactly the best way to keep a low profile and ensure one's survival.
It is for me. Better than being alone when there's a Realm force only a few hours away. Besides, it's not like most people will know his personality too well.
Yeah about the vengeance you're right... we cannot know that but the "spotted by the Wyld Hunt" point still stands.

Looking for backup and teaming with someone with a target drawn on his back is rather suicidal IMHO.

I guess the "getting the brother out of here" approach is slightly better...
I was going to do One on One Preludes with each of you. If you have specific requests on how these Preludes will be run, ie Together, or in a certain timeline, I am open. I love writing, and we have a little time before we begin. PM me and let me know!
cyl said:
Looking for backup and teaming with someone with a target drawn on his back is rather suicidal IMHO.
Staying alone with a target on your forehead is suicidal. At least with someone else, one side of you has a meaty shield that you needn't use up an arm for.

There are few, if any, circumstances in which a possibility of being not hunted for a short time is more valuable than the possibility of having a Celestial on your side. It's important to note that the Wyld Hunt is after him, and he is STILL ALIVE. You know you want in on that action.
cyl said:
Looking for backup and teaming with someone with a target drawn on his back is rather suicidal IMHO.
Then your character is suicidal bud. However it may sound, you WILL do this. I want the beginning of this game to go well so we can have a solid theme as the game progresses. A weak start will not be tolerated.
I like that you're uncomfortable allying with Nkemdilim, for exactly those reasons. I think you should express those thoughts in game, and maybe even get cold feet and want to abandon him at some point. However, try to think of some reason or circumstance under which you'd meet him and stay with him. Perhaps

1) Despite your self-preserving ethos, you can't stand to see the little guy get squashed, so you turn around at the last minute and save the day (think Han Solo from the end of A New Hope--staying to fight was suicidal there, and he did leave with his money, but in the end he turned back because he's more heroic than self-preserving).

2) I have something you need and/or want. Maybe I know of some hidden artifact, or my capabilities are helpful in getting that artifact. I know how to summon demons, and maybe that's a capability that you find useful and/or intriguing.

3) You tried to leave, but it's already too late. They Wyld Hunt has identified you as one of my associates, and now the only way to survive is to work together.

4) Your curiosity got the better of your survival instinct. Alternatively, the possibilities for power form allying with Nkemdilim got the better of your survival instinct.

5) You arrived at the starting location independently of the rest of us. There's an artifact you want to investigate here, and these rumours of a "rogue Exalt" are really frustrating to you. "Great, the Wyld Hunt is crawling all over the place. This is going to make my job twice as hard. Ah, well, the reward is worth it." You go into Brinstar, trying to get the object...and there's the exact Exalt that everyone's been chasing. Dang, that's an unneeded complication...but, you still need to retrieve the artifact, and maybe this guy can be useful. He seems to have made a fairly decent home here, and knows at least a little about the caverns. Such as where potential traps might be, and some of the inhabitants. You'll dump this guy as soon as you've got what you came for, but in the meantime you're making the best of a bad situation. Maybe by the time the first adventure is concluded you'll have other reasons to stick around with the circle.

I really like number 5. It creates some tension between us. Your character may want to leave, but Nkemdilim keeps going on about how it's "your destiny" to join us. Maybe by the end of the first adventure, something happens that makes your character think there may be something to it. Or maybe whatever happened is "just a coincidence," but still gives you enough reason to stick around "for the next adventure, but then I'm ditching this liability, for reals".
Hey, aurethius, I did some checking: apparently Icewalkers speak Skytongue as their native language, according to the corebook. Should we go with that, or keep them as having tribal tongues?
I like nº5 too... but I think I'm going to go with:

"I've heard a rumor about a solar getting kicked out of Whitewall and taking refuge in Brinstar.

I'm luckily in the area, I want to help him out of here, taking him far far away from here... to meet a solar like me (first contact), and save his neck."

And then I'm sure the plot hook will give Miss Fang enough reason to stick around.

note: I am not exclusively interested in artifacts... First Age and Shogunate Lore are also on my list.
That's a good one. Shows that your character is quite heroic, which fits the themes of Exalted well. Yeah, the world sucks, but fortunately there's a group of people who are willing to stick their necks out to fix it...and the universe has granted them enough power that they might just succeed...
Aw maaaan it's hard to build an balanced twilight...

I've done nothing with my points, yet I already am at 19 BP spent and I still need at least 7 more BPs to get my abilities to the mins for charms, and probably 4 more to boost wp :lol:

I remembered how hard it is to build a "real" character instead of a super focused one...

Note to self: revise ability points available at chargen for exalts in my next game... corebook regular troops / rebels have 28 AP, elite soldiers / rebels have 52 AP, mortal hero 68 :roll:
Maybe dial back the Medicine Charms, since Nkemdilim is covering that? Also, 3 dots in a skill is very proficient, so you might only boost the two or three skills that are essential to your concept past that mark. Put 3 dots in your secondary abilities, 2 into things that he's proficient at, and 1 into things that you dabble in or intend to develop later.

Does that help?

Edit: Looked over the character sheet. A lot of your points seem to be in backgrounds. How about dialing Uncle Mel down to a 2 dot Mentor? He's powerful, but hard to get in touch with. If he's a mortal or Dragonblooded, maybe even bring him down to 1 dot. After that, maybe reduce your backing to 1 dot (after all, you're just an apprentice, and this organization is too small to give you many benefits anyway). Finally, reduce resources by 1. Resources 3 is still fabulously wealthy, and should cover most of what you want to do. That'd save you 3 or 4 BP.

Finally, maybe drop one of your Virtues to 1 to represent some character flaw, then increase another to 3 or 4. That would increase your Willpower to 6, which is pretty decent so you won't have to spend BPs to boost it higher.

I suggest dropping Ride, since you don't need any dots to stay on a horse under normal conditions. Athletics is nice for flavor, but you can probably develop that later. Also, by my count you've only spent 27 skill points. You should have one more available for use.

Edit 2: You might drop the Followers Background altogether. Followers represent NPCs who are personally loyal to you. You can still have people following you whom you paid, or who were assigned by whoever's funding your research expedition. I think that Followers 1 still nets you 5 people who are personally loyal, so you'd be able to represent the loyal assistant and the trustworthy guide. You might also drop Contacts by 1, and focus on libraries (standard research) or guides (field research). You've only just started in this, so you're still focused on one methodology (from the sounds of it, field research). Leave searching the library to other members of your organization, or as a skill to be developed later.

Edit the Third: I realize that a lot of what I'm doing is pruning back the group you're a part of, and I'm guessing that the reason that you wanted to have those points is because you intend the group to be a big part of your story. However, you might think of it this way--at the beginning of the campaign, they're a small part of the story. Later they'll get larger, which you'll represent by spending XP to boost the relevant backgrounds. Heck, with good roleplaying you might even be able to talk Aurethius into giving you a discount on the backgrounds (or even giving them to you for free >.>).
Well I was going for a talented generalist, but I fear I'm going to go with the big 10's and leave the rest to xp.
I re focused my AP on what really counts ie caste / favored.

If I have some bp left after Essence / virtues / wp expenditures, I'll toy with the number a bit, put 1 dot here and there (presence integrity, survival and bureaucracy).

I tried to design a "real" treasure hunter / scientist, who exalted recently (as it is the case in the game)... the dots are not allowed as an exalt but as "what the girl should have before exaltation".

- Mentor 2 isn't really enough to be useful, I need a sorcerer to get access to spells / contacts / places etc.

- Followers 2: I need a team of solid and trustworthy workers I can count on. People being paid can betray you for money, loyal people won't do it naturally.

- Ressources 4: because too many things to buy cost 3 dots and I need large sums of money to finance expeditions (boat ride, food, supplies, material). With Ressources 3 I'll be bleeding jade in no time.

- Backing 2... yeah I could probably reduce it to 1, but I thought 2 was a good representation that my character had exalted and that the support of her mentore made her raise her social position a bit.

- Contacts 3, well if I don't have any BP left... I'll have no choice but that's a shame... a wide variety of contacts is logical for someone spending that much time on the road per year.

Even considering starting small, this is a "real" character I am building...

I have revised the sheet...

*dries eyes with tissue*

I'll put some dots in Presence, Integrity Survival, and Bureaucracy if I have anything left :mrgreen:
Which Craft ability do you have 3 dots in?

Aurethius, in case you missed it, there's a post above with a question about languages.
My bad it's going to be (Fire) for starters. Forging and assembling mechanics, to build complex devices and hopefully artifacts etc etc.
TherealBrickwall said:
Which Craft ability do you have 3 dots in?
Aurethius, in case you missed it, there's a post above with a question about languages.
Thanks, yeah... Listen, I liked that your character was able to speak the language of the northern barbarian tribes, it gave him a unique and useful skill. I'd like to keep their independent language, unless you don't want to spend your points in that way.

And cyl, if your character needs a reason to continue to stick around with the other Solars, then you're not doing what I asked. Your characters WANT to stick together. If you have designed your character so that they're going to need some kind of reason to stay in the circle, and if not they'll just run off on their own, then that needs to be fixed. I'm not going to allow it to be in anyone's character to leave the Circle for selfish reasons, at least not for the first few 'Acts'. I'm trying to keep this simple, and if it ends up looking 'forced' that your characters are working together, I don't really care. We are a group, we are a circle, and we will stay that way.
I have absolutely no problem with sticking with the group and the circle... I just merely raised the fact that going after another solar spotted by the Hunt just because we are looking for another solar wasn't a realistic behavior IMHO.

From the moment one exalts, he can fear the stories about the anathemas and the Hunts, and adopting a low profile and traveling a lot is his best choice at survival before he grows in power and can face a dozen man without sweating... and we're only 2 months old.

We know nothing of our condition and our numbers except that there are thousands of endoctrined monks, soldiers and exalts in the world hunting people like us.

I was searching for something deeper than "you want to find this guy", and "find him to save him" is a sufficient motivator for Alaura for getting to Nkem even with the risks involved, and finding other exalts will inevitably makes her stick with the group... so don't worry, I'm sticking to the plan and I'm not going anywhere. :mrgreen:
Aurethius said:
Thanks, yeah... Listen, I liked that your character was able to speak the language of the northern barbarian tribes, it gave him a unique and useful skill. I'd like to keep their independent language, unless you don't want to spend your points in that way.
It's 1 BP, and I like it being all unique too. I was just wondering.

The sheet's pretty done. It'll be up tonight.
Seeing that Saphire's prelude has begun, I just wanted to take a minute to formalize the background relationship between Saphire and Nkemdilim. Is that something that's still going to be there?
Oh snap, yes its still good. We should continue to finalize it. (If I seem absentminded perhaps I am xD )
While writing my prelude, I realized that I wanted Nkemdilim to be in his 40s. How old is your character? Perhaps Nkemdilim might be a contemporary of Xia the Ebon Chakra rather than Saphire's, in which case he might take more of an uncle role than a brother role to her. Thoughts?
Ya Saph's pretty young @ 20 this RY ^^ So he'd most likely be like an uncle type. Uncle Nkem? ^^
That'll work! Thanks for the feedback. I'm working on my backstory now. I would appreciate it if you can read it over when I get finished and let me know what you think.

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