OOC Talk

yeah! I'm just saying students can't be completely new! ;3 They can totally be there for a year or even more than that! (especially if in the higher ranked clubs)

In Shizens bio it stated that he has only been at the school for a few months, (I'd say about 3-4)

Is that alright?~
Was it a secret that I so rudely exposed? i apologise greatly. *Floats away*

Completely random but necessary in so many ways:

Also, @Mr Cthulhu how was Emily for the other RP?
I would have described something else as well but too 18+ If you catch my drift. ( ;) )( ;) )(^U^)(:*)

She accepted! Pretty ceewwwlll
Oh my God. TheresnothingelsetodescribeifyouknowwhatImeanxD

And yay thank you, you know who the faceclaim is? xD I thought it was necessary
I don't think you want to know Aqua-Kun... *Eyes burn from getting the drift*


Shizen: BAKA! I could draw it as a spec of dust and remodel it to the size of a tree in 3D form.... But I don't think that's accurate lol

~~~~~~~~~ Aquaaaaa-Kunnnnnn don't be sad


I have a few questions to ask you so when you can reply I'd be appreciated to have them answered cx


Also Dammit why are finding faceclaims so hard!?


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