OOC Talk

yeah, i saw! im gonna work on an androgrynous or genderfluid character. soo who's your yandere girl going to be yandere for? xD
Shizen will just have to keep her on her sweet side by complimenting her 24/7 while trying to escape.. But like all yandere victims they can't escape, the yandere always finds them xD
Suzuki probably wouldn't even be aware of a yandere. Of course she would stay away from people holding weapons with insanity just painted on their face since, you know, those are some obvious signs that we got ourselves a phsycotic biotch. But woo, no yandere's for Suzuki, she would not know how to deal with that.
And hey zero will just be watching shizen trying to escape with no expression on his face.

(Like those certain females have no expressions in anime)

they're called kuudere's

ok true


i see you in legit every roleplay i join it's so funny & our names are almost the same wtf is this
Suzuki just sitting in a box reading a romance novel with a sign next to her saying 'the forever alone club'
I love how Mizumi got into the school xD

"She got into the School by her Dad paying the school with a hefty amount of money. Under the guise of improving her education. Though in all honesty it was because he was terrified of her. "

[QUOTE="blue nebula]honestly the only thing ayato needs in life is someone to watch movies & talk shit about people with

Hmm I'll take that spot.

(But don't get to cocky with zero xD )
In reality Suzuki needs a friend but she would never admit that(my poor baby Suzuki)
Poor Suzuki:(

Shizen can be her friend just don't touch him. Wouldn't want to kick off the yandere creepiness xD
Yay Suzuki you have two new friends! She'd probably never look Shizen or Zero in the face though, since they're most likely taller than her.

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