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Realistic or Modern OOC:Santa Monica Home for Boys and Girls

He would probably be housed in whatever hall he feels more comfortable in weather that means girls hall or boys hall.
haha small steps... really small steps is all it takes lol getting ready to post Nathans first post than I think everyone has posted so might as well work on Asher's next post
I've adjusted the timings on Felix's first post a little, just so there's not a lot of waiting around as long on his arrival.
So next post if people are fine with that I can likely have the car pull up outside. :)
I was going to fast forward a little with Nathaniel’s first post but everyone else got their posts up before I could which is fine but I was just like umm okay hopefully we can speed things along so you don't have to wait around a bunch
I'm sure we'll be fine. :)
Between everyone either having breakfast, and or watching some TV time I don't imagine this wake-up hour should take that long.
no no your fine we didn't skip to far he should be able to catch up it's fine I understand the exitment to keep moving forward with the game
gingingin gingingin I was just thinking given that Ruka has been here the longest along with Asher he is probably the only one of the characters that's seen Asher's better side they may actually be something of friends but when around others of course he still keeps up his tough guy front
ah ! of course ! i just wanted Ruka to say something funny because Asher could absolutely take Ruka in a fight because Ruka doesn't work out like that!
I hadn’t read your post before typing my message I just figured I would open that up as a possibility cause I mean we do need someone who knows Asher isn't really as much of an ass as he acts like. And that can maybe get him to call down a bit at some point you know?

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