OOC rant/chat/hot neomah action/whatever thread [Inconvenient Truths]


Drunken master
Hello, I'm Sarky, I'll be your ST for this game. As it's currently midnight and I'm due a very long journey tomorrow, it may be another day or two before I have setting information and the like up. But yay progress!
Oh, and the setting information is subject to change. I'm pretty sleep deprived typing all that up right now, so I probably missed a few important bits. And if I come up with anything better I'll probably change things to reflect that.
That is all extremely well written, and just makes me look forwards to actually RPing in it as soon as possible. SHINING FINGER GOOOOOOO
I 2nd that atcually. I just had a quick question. So when we start out, we technically only have 26 motes in our Peripheral pool unless we invoke the power of the tatoos, correct?

And also, do you want us to create the sheet for our allies? Any rules that you want if we do?
If want to tailor the NPCs to your liking then feel free, otherwise, I can make them up. If you have a certain type of character in mind you can send me a quick rundown on their character and backstory and I'll slot in the nu bers myself. Whatever you'd like to do.
I'll probably do something in between, know certain aspects of their backstory and most f the personality, not to mention artifacts/focuses, but not everything and it'd be nice to have some UNEXPECTEDNESSINGNESS
I think I've posted all the setting info we really need to get started. I had a prologue lined up for Blacklion and Tabby if you guys want to get stuck in while the others are working on characters.
That would be grand. Opening part of the Tower, before we know where "the others" (aka Tea assuming he's sticking around) are? OMG EVERYTHING'S GOING TO HELL, WHERE ARE THEY WHAAAAT.

Also, just random thought. Arturia's probably guarding Cyrille on the top floor during the initiation like we discussed, but Lion suggested that maybe Lance be somewhere else in the tower, so we'd have to fight to meet up. Might be cool.
By-the-by, I planned to buy my way through the entire Celestial Crane Style at chargen. Is that style (from Glories:Madens) allowed? If you don't have it I can copy/paste from my PDF.
For a moment I had it confused with White Reaper style, and I was worried, but no, Crane style mastery is fine, as long as you meet the prerequisites of course.


I haven't pierce Yu-Shan with this drill of mines and I'll be damn if I let you end the game before I've done so.
...and I'm back! My concept kinda fell apart when I started putting it on paper, mechanically, so I'm going over some other options at this time.

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