OOC rant/chat/hot neomah action/whatever thread [Inconvenient Truths]


I have most of the rest of the weekend off from school/homowork so I'll post on Arturia tonight


probably about 70% of the post done, albeit atrociously, but I need to get my ass into gear on this whole GETTING A GRADE thing

so I'll try posting tonight/tomorrow at shcool -_-
Holy freaking shit. I might not be able to keep up with this game, or even RPing at all. The sheer amount of work piling up is getting a bit overwhelming, twelve pages essays and various madness. I'm... I don't know. I love Arturia, and this game idea, and RPing with us, but this shit is getting to the point that I can't really write anymore. Like, at all. I keep failing to come up with even a short-but-decent post for Arturia. I can't get in her mindset well, and I can't seem to write in general either. I'll be back sometime this weekend probably, and I'll try to work things out a little better so I can get back to RPing, at least in moderation, but... not sure how this'll end.

I figured that I owed you an explanation and an apology for my horrible lateness and lack of activity, but this quarter is shaping up to be significantly more painful.
I understand. I've been very much out of it with flu and some other things myelf.

If it's not an abhorrent idea to you I might just continue the game, glossing over Arturia/Cyrille for a wee while until you have the time?
Yeah, sure. NPC or ignore them I don't care, just got ANOTHER assignment so I won't be doing shit with Exalted's system for a while. T_T
Cool beans. I just got in and I have work in six hours and I need to get to sleep, but I'll check it in the mornin'.
I figured it didn't matter because most of my sheet is done, but I started posting.

Just need to write out the history and get a snippit done for his ward/slave and ally. The slave (and Ward flaw) is gonna be a vocal cord-snipped Djala with mad skillet skills. Craft (whatever cooking is) 3. As for the Ally, a Lunar attracted to his SOLAR SHARD OF LOVE who's gone moonmad from exposure to the Wyld. Not completely nuts, and not a chimera, but she definitely matches his religious zealotry with crazed aggression.
Okay, okay. Panic overload over. If I ration my time efficiently enough, I think I can work Exalted in. Hopefully. Probably short posts but whatever. Going to post tomorrow, and I'll try to keep to a regular-ish schedule, but feel free to continue glossing over me as per the norm, I can always just catch up a bit.

fffffff college

<3 arturia

<33333 opening already

Finally posted. That one ended up a bit long as catch-up, but the rest should be more manageable length, and since I finished this bigass paper I shouldn't have any really huge projects for a while.
Given the location of the Kardian Reaches, there's a pretty even mix of Firetongue and Leaftongue spoken throughout the land. Assume any "local" character is fluent in one of them, any dots of Linguistics will mean you're fluent in both.
oh wow, that's a good point given that I have NO IDEA WHAT LANGUAGE ARTURIA EVEN SPEAKS


so is firetongue/leaftongue basically the "low realm" of the setting, the sort of thing that pretty much everyone knows?
Yup, corresponding to South and East respectively. High Realm would still be used by the more posh ruling classes, sorcerers/necromancers, savants and the like, but pretty much everyone speaks at least one of Firetongue or Leaftongue.
I'm probably just going to go with Firetongue since you know, FIRE IS COOL

also, it sounds more like what you'd learn in a city setting, since Arturia's pretty much been an urchin since like three years old. Though I'm tempted to try to figure out how to give her like a half-dot in high realm to represent her knowing snatches of it, or something. or a specialty dot or... something -_- I DON'T KNOW
Also, on War. Am I safe in assuming that it could be used to ascertain the tactical aspects of a situation, like - to use what you posted in the topic - how best to take down groups of things, weaknesses to group tactics, etc - but not, say, how someone is feeling? Wanted to get a solid combined definition of what we discussed via PM, Sarky, both A. so it doesn't look like I'm pulling these rolls out of my ass, and B. so I can SPAM IT AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY. Dancing? TACTICS. Fly fishing? I DECLARE WAR ON THEM AND ROLL TACTICS TO ESTABLISH SURPRISE. Fighting an infinite army of the undead?

Tabby said:
also, it sounds more like what you'd learn in a city setting, since Arturia's pretty much been an urchin since like three years old. Though I'm tempted to try to figure out how to give her like a half-dot in high realm to represent her knowing snatches of it, or something. or a specialty dot or... something -_- I DON'T KNOW
...that or just fluff it? I myself only speak English and French, but when I hear Japanese on TV, I can normally pick out "advertisement" and stuff like sizes or costs. It's not enough to communicate in, and if someone where to talk to me in Japanese, I -might- be able to realize they said 'fluffy' at some point, but past that...
Yeah, but I'm kinda aiming for something in between; vaguely familiar with it from having heard it a lot, enough to translate parts of it though not the entire message, but not enough knowledge to speak it. To use your example, more like if you vaguely know what most Japanese words are, and can more or less work out the general gist of a message, but neither accurately nor subconsciously, and you still can't use it for shit.

It might be a (relatively minor) bonus in that she would have a much better idea of what's going on around High Realm-speaking people than anyone else in the group (unless they actually have High Realm; I haven't really looked at your and Tea's sheets), just not one that would come up often or have much of an effect. Unless she actually set her mind to fully learning it (aka paying the XP to get a dot in Linguistics after seriously studying it), anyways. I'm just a little hazy on what Sarky would want me to do with it, if I'd have to pay a point/specialty or if I could bullshit it, etc.
Tabby said:
Also, on War. Am I safe in assuming that it could be used to ascertain the tactical aspects of a situation, like - to use what you posted in the topic - how best to take down groups of things, weaknesses to group tactics, etc - but not, say, how someone is feeling? Wanted to get a solid combined definition of what we discussed via PM, Sarky, both A. so it doesn't look like I'm pulling these rolls out of my ass, and B. so I can SPAM IT AT EVERY POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITY. Dancing? TACTICS. Fly fishing? I DECLARE WAR ON THEM AND ROLL TACTICS TO ESTABLISH SURPRISE. Fighting an infinite army of the undead?
That's a safe assumption to make, yes. I suppose at a stretch you could use it to assess group morale, but not individuals.

Dancing: You could possibly use war to decide which dance would work better in a competition with that person, or some such, but you'd need Performance in order to actually dance.

Fly Fishing: wat

Fighting an army of the undead: If Arturia dresses up in sparkly orangey red, I don't see why not...
Sarky said:
Fighting an army of the undead: If Arturia dresses up in sparkly orangey red, I don't see why not...
While I know the reference was to Thriller, this came to mind first.



p.s.: been going on a lot of dates lately. we've recently decided to spend a lot less money and spend more time just hanging out so I'll get a post done tomorrow.
Got a games convention coming up this weekend myself, I'll be kinda busy finishing off game scenarios and doing odd-jobs for the organisers. Updates might be a bit on the slow side for the next week.



Pretty much Exalted in a nutsack. SHELL, I MEANT SHELL. I WANT A REDO. But I love that picture so so so much. Makes me want to RP it or write a story about it or something, like after the initial YEAHHHH scene where everyone goes Hulk, have them realize they're fucked anyways and have to escape the massive collapsing school, as the eight story Terminator hangs on to the side, rips off huge chunks, rams its fist through windows or just sweeps it through entire hallways as they're trying to get out. Rocket barrages shaking the entire building and pummeling the architecture, shards and blocks of cement falling all around them as the newfound psion struggles to hold it back with flickering shield, lasers and shit slicing through steel girders and other students with equal ease... oh man, I am -so- turned on right now.
I liked the first fifteen minutes of Bleach.

High school boy, half dead, fights off weird otherworldly creatures that pray on ghosts.

Then it became Dragon Ball Z with weapons and I cried alittle.

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