OOC rant/chat/hot neomah action/whatever thread [Inconvenient Truths]

I know! Bleach started out pretty cool, with SO much potential. Then it turned into shit. The high point was probably that giant muslim ghost they killed early on, the skyscraper one.
I've been more tied up since that convention than I'd expected, I'll have some updatey goodness coming your way today or tomorrow.
I can tell that Hound and Arturia are going to get along just swimmingly

Nice going on not posting for a week and then getting pissy about us moving on without you though, always great to run into another jackass character

world just doesn't have enough of those
My intent and the character's thoughts are nice and separate, actually.

I got dumped today. I had plans for Valentine's Day. And she dumped me.

I'm not in a good mood. So instead of going ragh rant >implying tabby mentioning late posts etc etc instead I'll just

mention that I love you, and I appreciate you. Sincerely.
Ah, that sucks. Never liked that day myself.

Anyway, will update everything tomorrow, really tired right now.
you know, this whole "starting game off without sword for arbitrary reasons" idea was kind of lame in retrospect



...whoa. of course now that makes me want to jack the Legendary Ally template from DotFA and just be like SUP I HAVE THE UNCONQUERED SUN AS MY BRO or something equally ridiculous.

ohhai, I'm new. I answer to Gold and I'll be annoying everyone with the only character here who actually BELIEVES in all this Church nonsense and the Luminous God. ...yes, I know, he has a big awakening heading his way. I promise, I'm amazing and I rock, etc, so... Hi.
gtfo anole no one loves you

also I'm being clusterfucked with essays the size of Arturia's metaphorical balls, sssssssso might not be a post for a bit. hopefully by sunday, but I mean, let's be realistic here, it could very easily stretch into monday. We do need to get to the next town sooner or later, though.
10 xp for everyone involved in the Tower.

Been all over the place, briefly worked as a doorman for an irish dancing championship (creepiest experience ever, 12 year olds with miniskirts and fake tan getting leered at by 40 year old judges is not kosher). Back now though. No disappearances planned for quite some time.
Going to try to give the idea that Shariah is, indeed, a Prince, and that outside of his combat high, he can be quite reserved.

But still an asshole, because Tabby gets all kinda in a bunch for the bad-boys. :)
Naw it's good bro, I know how that goes. Finally have some time off from college though, lol spring break. I'm just happy to see the game up and running again; I'm still learning to play Arturia without being lolSaber or lolPaladin/lolWhiteKnight, but the game's still fun, and if or when I finally get the character down, I think it'll get even better.

...Also, I'm kinda curious how this whole... Cyrille/Exaltation thing works out. This almost seems like one of those plot junctures where you have to pick a side or something, and watch your words very very carefully. Or not. It's hard to feel like any approach is the "right" one there, so just approaching it from Arturia's overprotective and overloyal mindset, and damn the consequences. Well, no, not DAMN them, but even if it's not the best move, I think it's what she'd do
I'm still pondering some of the consequences myself. Whether she becomes tattooed or not, either outcome should be interesting, at the least.
Indubitably. This standing-and-talking thing is surprisingly fun. Its like, I'm actually not waiting for it to be over and get to the shit, just looking forwards to what happens next.

Not to sound like a broken record, but you sir are good at this STing thing.
I'm so sorry for the delay, guys. Derrigary will be posted within 48 hours and then we can keep on moving forward...

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