[OOC] Out of Context Problem Thread [Inside the Great Maker]

Don't go there. It gives me memories of the arguements over the Exalted Sausage at the other site.
Everlasting Cog of Efficiency is mostly statted out, but I need to write up a backstory.

I'm helping Hyrune with his Soulsteel Caste too.
Cog is a troubleshooter, with a mental focus but working toward comprehensive backup combat and crafting suites.

The Soulsteel is still a work in progress.
Dont forget that if you discover your Charms don't work for you, a trip to the Vats will give you the chance to change them out. One nice advantage to being an Alchie.
Sherwood said:
Dont forget that if you discover your Charms don't work for you, a trip to the Vats will give you the chance to change them out. One nice advantage to being an Alchie.
Provided you have the replacement Charms in reserve of course.
True. But, it should not take long for you to get some Charms banked up with your xp.
Now that everyone has their characters posted, I'll review the sheets and start our initial storyline in the next few days.
Guys, while snagging stuff for artifacts... I noticed a small problem.

No one seems to be able to handle repairs. How is repair to be handled, mighty ST?

Will we need to have MEGA dots in craft to do maintaince/repairs? or is it assumed to be done by magitech engineers of the department we work for?
Cog can be loaded out for Craft and repair if necessary, though considering where and who we are I doubt maintenance will be an issue.

In other news, the 6th Attribute Augmentation is the greatest thing ever.
I'm still gonna put a dot in repair ally. Because... you know. Having a hovercraft is all kinds of cool... until you need to fixitup.
I'll get onto DVs and suchlike, too.

I really need to get Wonders of the Lost Age- this game would be infinitely improved if I knew the rules and such for Warstrider Justice...
Is anyone else going to be posting in the storyline thread, or should I open up the game to some more players? I need more than just one character for this plot.
Real Life can be a bitch. Just let us know if you will have future delays in posting so I don't leave you out of the game.
I haven't hammered out my background yet as you've probably noticed, but I'll get to posting it soon. If you're comfortable starting without knowing the minutiae of my character's backstory right this very second, then by all means start posting, please :)
So long as you don't throw in some bizzaro quirk in your background, you can go ahead and start posting in the storyline thread - ask some questions and start interacting, et cetera.
Shouldn't be any major delay in posts beyond maybe a day or two at a time.

i'm still working on his backstory, too, but it's nearly done. Nothing particularly odd to report.

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